Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1138: Wine bag rice bag

Birgan woke up from a deep sleep with a pain in his head, but more of the sequelae of alcohol and extreme joy.

It was a crazy night yesterday, he thought.

In fact, as long as the residents of Tiger Shark Harbor know that a grand banquet was held in the castle last night to celebrate Birgan’s 25th birthday. This banquet will be held for three consecutive days. In order to prepare for this banquet, nearly one-third of the food, fruit and spirits in Tiger Shark Port have been transported. In addition, there are dozens of chefs serving the banquet. They make delicious dishes and delicious desserts, which are delivered to the venue by hundreds of waiters. There are also several bands taking turns to play music in the venue. The banquet lasts from 7 pm to 3 am, and guests can enjoy food and talk freely. And all this was impossible during Eric's reign.

The Twilight Castle will only give people a gloomy and terrifying feeling, and it will not be associated with the words banquet and joy.

All thanks to the great Earl Birgan. The young man who had just passed his twenty-fifth birthday thought so, and then a woman with heavy makeup came out from under the covers. That was Birgan’s bed partner last night. Last night, there were seven or eight bed partners like this. Many, Birgan played with them until dawn before falling asleep exhaustedly. Most women seem to have left now, only this woman stayed. Birgan's head seemed to have been soaked in alcohol, his memory became intermittent, and finally he remembered that this woman was called Polyphon, she was a woman sent by the big businessman Taylor.

Polyphon has a nice body, and she has great skills in bed, which Bilgan has fully tried last night. Now the igniting seed in his body was lit again by the woman, and even though Polyphon did not seem to wake up yet, he commanded: "Please please me!"

When Birgan came out of the bedroom, Polyphon fell asleep again, and she probably couldn't get out of the bed before the second party tonight.

Birgan took a bath, put on comfortable clothes, and walked to the terrace of the castle. It used to be cold and merciless here, but now it is covered with a lawn, which is what Birgan meant. Except for the gargoyle statue on the terrace which made him feel unsatisfied, everything else was fine. However, he is planning to refurbish the old castle to make this dusk castle a comfortable and gorgeous castle, so as to bring out his noble status as an earl.

Looking at the city under the sun, Birgan couldn't help laughing. In the past, he could not imagine that he would stand in this castle one day. Before those people found him from the fish market, Birgan couldn't believe that he would become an earl.

He was Eric's illegitimate son, and as the son of the **** earl, Birgan received no favor from it. His mother was an ordinary civilian. Eric saw her because she was pretty, and she was taken into the castle. Eric became her man, but she didn't get any name, so Bill was only an illegitimate child. Later Eric got tired of her and drove her out of the castle, including Bill, who was only three years old.

She once asked Eric why he was so cruel. The count's answer was: "Now you are still alive, it is already my mercy." This sentence remained on her lips until the woman died. When Birgan was a teenager, he couldn't run around for food and clothing. He has done a lot of work, such as a bartender in a bar, an apprentice to a blacksmith, a fishmonger and so on. Birgan had many ideas about the future, and his biggest ambition was to own his own fishing boat. As for the earl, it was definitely not in his imagination.

So when those people told him that he was now the rightful heir to Eric's estate, Birgan even wondered if the devilish father had changed his way to torture him. At that time, Birgan ran away, but was quickly caught, and then led him to Dusk Fort. Only when Birgan sat in the seat of former Eric and wrote his name in a twisted piece of imperial writing did he know that all this was true.

Then he heard the incredible.

His half-brother died a long time ago, and then his father Eric also died not long ago. Moreover, Earl Earl seemed to have died disgracefully, and the relevant people did not want to mention this matter too much. Anyway, Bill only needs to know that now he is the lord of Tiger Shark Harbor.

After a few days of taste of the lord's fresh taste, Birgan began to know that the lord was not good. The cumbersome affairs made him scream, and Tiger Shark’s finances plummeted because of Eric’s death. Just when Birgan planned to be the first earl to flee his territory in the history of the empire, a man came to let him All his problems were easily solved.

Taylor, who claimed to have had some unpleasant experiences with Eric, was forced to leave Tiger Shark Harbor helplessly. But after hearing of the death of Earl Eric, he came again out of affection for the city. The new opportunity he brought to Birgan, the big businessman alone took over all the expenses of Dusk Fort. Not to mention it, just say that Bill’s birthday party last night was Taylor’s own pocket.

Standing on the terrace, Birgan was very grateful to the businessman who gave himself money and women, and he let Birgan truly enjoy the treatment that an earl should have.

"This is life," Birgan said loudly.

There was a soft cough behind him, and Bilgan was his steward. He shrugged: "What's the matter?"

"That's the case, Lord Earl. Our money is almost spent. If we continue to hold a banquet of the same standard tonight, I am afraid it will be insufficient." said the steward.

Bill Gan frowned: "Don't bother me with such a small matter, just go to Mr. Taylor. He said that he would hold a birthday party that would be a sensation in the city."

"In fact, I have met Mr. Taylor before this. Mr. Taylor said there is no problem, but before that, he needs to meet with you."

Birgan nodded: "Yes, let him come to see me."

"Mr. Taylor is in the living room."

After changing his clothes, Birgan walked into the living room. The big businessman Taylor was sitting down, and Birgan laughed and stretched out his hand to give him a strong hug. Tyler patted the young earl on the back. "Were you happy last night? My lord."

"I don't have to say, thank you for this, Mr. Taylor." After releasing Taylor, Birgan stepped back a little: "Speaking of which, I want to trouble Mr. Taylor."

"It's about the money to organize the banquet? No problem. In fact, I have already prepared sufficient funds. I only need Lord Earl to sign on this and then give me something."

Birgan's smile froze slightly: "Sign? What to sign? And what do you want?"

"That's it. I am a businessman. The businessman has never done business at a loss. Up to now, I have paid nearly 100,000 gold coins for the Dusk Fort. Although this little money is not a big deal in the earl’s eyes, it’s good to me. It's all hard-earned money. Considering that Lord Earl is still young and has just accepted the territory, I will lent you this money. Since it is borrowing money, of course the Earl needs to sign the bill. This word. Please don’t get me wrong. I don’t believe the earl, but there is a better basis for everything. This has been a habit for many years."

Bill Gan wasn't stupid. If it was Taylor's money, he would spend it comfortably, but if it was borrowed, it would be different. There are borrowings and repayments, but the question is what does he take to repay. Looking at Birgan’s somewhat dazed expression, Taylor smiled slightly: "Don’t worry, Lord Earl, you don’t need to return the money immediately. You only need to set aside a fixed portion of the income from the future territory as repayment from each period. ."

"That's the problem, Mr. Taylor, I don't know how to manage the territory at all." Birgan said with a hand, he has not received relevant training in the past 25 years.

"That's not a problem. I have some people who are good at management. If the earl can trust me, I can ask them to help you manage your territory."

"Of course I believe you, Mr. Taylor. When I am in trouble, you are the only one willing to come out and help me. No problem, you call your people."

"That's good, then first, my lord, please sign in this regard." Taylor took out a document and pointed to the place where Billgan needed his signature.

Birgan was born in poverty, but he was not well-educated. Even his name could not be written well, so naturally he couldn't understand what was written on it. But as long as Tylerken continues to support him, it doesn't matter if Tiger Shark Harbor is sold. He generously signed his name and stamped it in accordance with Taylor's request. After reading it, Taylor nodded in satisfaction, and took out a cash deposit voucher from his arms.

When Birgan saw the long string of numbers on it, he swallowed his saliva and reached out to get it. Taylor flinched and smiled, "I still need something like an adult. That's it. In order to better share the worries for the adults, I need to know the detailed income and expenditure of Tiger Shark Harbor. Therefore, if it is convenient, I hope The adults can give me the financial account of the territory so that I can better serve the adults."

"No problem~www.wuxiaspot.com~No problem." Birgan was eager to get the savings voucher, and quickly called the butler, regardless of the butler's hesitant expression, and asked him to fetch the territory account. After passing the ledger to Taylor, the latter put the cash savings voucher in Birgan's pocket.

Tyler took the account book and got up to greet him: "Then I won't bother adults, I wish you a nice evening."

"You too, Mr. Taylor, remember to attend the evening banquet."

"for sure."

Walking out of Twilight Castle, Taylor shook his head: "Eric is too unlucky. The legal heir is actually a wine barrel." He got in the carriage, put down the account book first, and took out the documents that Bilgan had just signed. That is not a basis for borrowing, but an authorization to transfer several important industries of Tiger Shark Port to his name. Tyler laughed after reading it. With one hundred thousand gold coins, he bought tens of millions of property authorizations. Is there a more cost-effective business in the world?

Then he looked at the thick book: "Let's see if Earl Eric has any dealings with the general of Mosesol."

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