Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1160: Strange boy

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More beasts joined the ranks of the attack, and the strikers of the alien army had collapsed across the board. This sudden impact caught them off guard. Especially the powerful beasts among them made the alien race suffer. The beast army began to attack the main force of the alien race. The giant tortoise was so imposing that it rolled over like a super tank. Ignoring the foreign soldiers who attacked it, they started spraying poisonous water when the tentacles on their backs danced. As a result, its killing radius was even greater.

At this time, the boy who had been sitting on the head of the giant beast stood up. His slender body was almost negligible on the head of the giant beast, but when he stood up, it became the focus of the entire battlefield awe-inspiring. An aura rose to the sky, and the dark clouds on the sky slowly supported, and gradually pulled down a cloud column. The young man raised his hand, and the speed of the cloud column falling sharply increased. In the blink of an eye, one end of the cloud column was already tied to the young man's hand. From a distance, it looked like a tornado was held in the hands of a young man.

The golden light overflowed in the young man's eyes, and his palm held a cloud pillar and slammed down. Immediately the cloud column fell and slowly pressed down. Looking up, it was as straight as the sky was falling, and the end of the cloud column fell to the ground. The frenzied wind pressure and power had already suffocated people. At this moment, the boy swept his arms again, and the cloud pillar he tore down from the sky was like a giant stick, sweeping out of the alien army. Everywhere the cloud pillar was, foreign soldiers were stranded one after another, and then thrown into the air. When they fell to the ground, they would not die and were seriously injured.

After the cloud column swept away, it exploded steadily, and the burst of rushing air current blew the alien soldiers up and down, clearing a clearing in front of the giant beast. The young man tapped his toes, his figure flickered to the ground, and looked forward coldly. Amidst the desperate roar of the enemy commander, the foreign army gathered again, like two huge waves merging around, trying to drown the young man. Facing the influx of enemy soldiers, those ugly faces made the young man calm. In the depths of the pupils, there was a little golden light quietly lit up, like the morning light falling through the clouds, instantly overflowing the pupils of the eyes.

Far behind, standing on the big head of the beast was a strongman of the Catu clan, who was given the responsibility of a temporary commander. This Catu man has long braids on the back of his head and is not wearing any armor. The sturdy chest is painted with colorful patterns, like a totem. He was holding a war gun and squinted in the direction of the boy. Seeing that the soldiers rushing towards the teenager slowed down for some reason, they finally stopped.

After a while, a strange picture appeared in the commander's eyes.

First, the blade demon ejected the bone blade, but finally attacked the young man, but stabbed at the companion next to him. After the swords and demons stabbed each other, the Ganas rushed to the Catu Berserkers crazy, using their tail stabs to penetrate deeply into the gaps in the Catu armor. The latter had red eyes and tore apart the shells of the Ganas, and even cut these worm-like aliens into two with huge heavy weapons.

The alien army was immediately plunged into chaos. With such a vision, Keller, who was on the other side of the battlefield, was shocked. When he was tracking the lord of the highlands in the wild highlands, he had entered a deep valley. In that valley, his soldiers also started fighting each other like crazy. Now that a familiar scene was repeated before his eyes, Keller could not help but give birth to a bold guess.

That boy, could it be the Lord of Highland?

The strong Catu on the beast roared and asked the soldiers to stop. But his order was never implemented, and the alien soldiers did not stop fighting each other, but intensified. Coupled with the impact of a large number of beasts, the front of the alien army has a tendency to rout. The Cato strong couldn't stand it anymore, and jumped off the beast. The hill-high body smashed a circle of shock waves on the ground, causing the soldiers next to them to be unstable and fall to the ground.

The commander roared forward, trotting at first, and after a few breaths he sprinted with all his strength. He savagely smashed the soldiers who were still attacking each other, and the commander believed that the vision that triggered all this was caused by the human teenager. As long as you kill the young man who has gone deep into the square, everything will be solved. In fact, other powerful aliens had already killed the young man.

A strong sword demon emerged from the crowd, leaped high, and stretched out a pitch-black bone spur from both hands and fists, piercing awe-inspiringly towards the boy's chest. At the same time, an earth dragon snaked under the boy's feet, and apparently another Ghana attacked under the ground. Behind the strong sword demon, a Catu ran into several soldiers and rushed out. As soon as he squeezed out of the crowd, he raised his hand and threw a giant crescent axe full of the size of a tabletop, slashing it towards the boy's waist.

For a time, the young man suffered from enemies on three sides.

There was no expression on the boy's face, and he stepped on the direction where the earth dragon was swimming. The toes hit the ground, the earth shook violently, and the earth dragon suddenly exploded. The Jiana who was about to attack from the ground shook out and flew into the air. The young man raised his left hand and pressed it on the giant axe that was cut from the waist. The giant axe came fiercely, but it fell into the hands of the young man but suddenly stood still. The dynamic and static change made the Mid-Air Sword Demon feel shocked.

The boy raised his head, the sword demon screamed, his fall intensified, and the bone spurs in his hands accelerated towards the boy. But there was a flower in his eyes, and the boy was gone, replaced by the giant axe that re-rotated and swept away.

The Catu powerhouse who threw the giant axe just watched his fierce weapon split the sword demon into two. Although the Catu people didn’t have a good impression of the blade demon, they stood on the same line at this moment. Quite not the taste. Then the Ghana took the opportunity to wrap the young man, and the long worm circle wrapped the young man. Then the tail thorn was raised, and it was about to be pierced. Suddenly a small fist stretched out from behind the Ghana's worm shell. The Ghana's movement suffocated, and the body suddenly exploded, bursting into a cloud of blood.

The young man strode out of the blood mist, then sprinted and crashed into the Catu.

As if provoked, the Cato strong squeezed out a roar from his chest, suffocating Yuanli and slammed into his body.

Two disproportionate figures met on the battlefield, and the moment they collided, the larger one flew out. The Cato strong only felt that he had hit a mountain head-on, and the mountain was still made of steel. After such a collision, the mountain did not move, but the reaction force caused him to fall apart. At this time, he knew why the Ghana was blown up by the boy because of the boy’s physique and strength. Surprisingly high.

That is hardly a body that humans can have, even if it is a Saint-level powerhouse, it is impossible to have such a perverted physique! It's a pity that he couldn't talk about this idea, and he was still on his way back, a flower in front of the Catu people. The young man rushed in the air, pressing his two palms lightly on his head. When he felt the palm of the opponent's hand was cold, suddenly the picture in his eyes changed from one hundred and eighty degrees. The Cato suddenly saw the ground, and then he knew that his neck had been broken.

After gently falling to the ground, the boy clapped his hands. As for the Jiatu strong man whose head turned to the back, he slid out a few meters before he stepped on a big foot to stop. The young man raised his head, but it was the Catu commander who arrived. He watched as the three powerful men on his side died in a few breaths, and the commander's chest rose and fell. Suddenly the engraving on his chest lit up, and the source force was ascending, forming a projection on his head.

It was a violent one-horned rhinoceros. It had four small eyes, but there was a fierce glow in its eyes. The commander ran, and the projection of the wild rhinoceros rushed towards the boy. The young boy's eyes lit up, and a large cloud of hazy gray flames soared up, and a silver-white python rushed out of the gray light. The two sides of the giant python's triangular head were opened like fish fins, and a golden unicorn on the forehead was scattered with golden glow. The giant python swam past, and the golden light stretched into pieces, like an undulating flag!

The boy rushed to the commander at the same time, and the skin under his neck turned up with gray scales. The gray scales instantly covered the boy's body. At this moment, he no longer looked like a human being. At least, no human beings will grow scales on their bodies. The commander was obviously aware of this, but at this time, the projections of the two sides had contacted first. The mad rhinoceros arched his head and wanted to pick up the giant python. Unexpectedly, the giant python flashed through this moment of attack flexibly, and then wrapped the rhinoceros's body, and then tightened, suddenly the projection of the mad rhinoceros flickered.

The projection was wounded, and part of the damage was faithfully fed back to the commander. Suddenly, red marks appeared on Catu's body, as if he was tangling an invisible giant snake. The Catu people ignored the failure of the projection and poured their energy on the gun. The tip of the gun immediately shed red light. The commander pierced the boy's chest with a shot, and the boy ran into him without dodge. When the tip of the gun pierced the boy's chest, the commander wanted to push forward. Unexpectedly, the tip of the gun slipped away on the scales of the boy's body.

With the wrong force, the war spear floated.

The young man leaned forward, almost rushing in with his spear, and then blasted out a punch, roughly thrusting into the Cattu's chest. The commander roared with pain, but this one aroused his ferocity. Throwing away the gun, caught the boy with both hands and bit down. He bit on the boy's left shoulder, but did not bite off the boy's entire shoulder as expected. When the fangs touched those cold scales, instead of piercing them, they collapsed and caused the gums to be sore~www.wuxiaspot.com~ When he opened his mouth, blood was flowing in his mouth, and several fangs fell out.

Following a pain in the heart, the commander lost consciousness. The young man stood there and gently pushed the Catu away, but he held a large heart in his right hand. The commander's important organs were abruptly torn out, and the boy didn't even look at it, and threw it to the giant beast behind. The giant beast let out a cheer and opened his mouth gladly.

The alien army retreated.

When he saw the enemy army start to retreat, Keller was suspicious. In this morning, he was ready to not see the sun tomorrow. But now the alien army was disintegrated because of an army that did not know whether it was an enemy or a friend, and finally chose to retreat. The alien army withdrew far away. Although Ragma was not withdrawn at the end, it seemed impossible to organize a third offensive in the short term.

However, a new problem appeared again, and Keller didn't dare to turn around easily, because in front of him, the army of beasts had still not dispersed. Keller didn't know what plans this army and the strange boy had next.

The general did not dare to take it lightly.

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