Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1162: Legend of the Southland (Happy Weekend)

This is a heavy-duty team. The main members of the team are Blade Demon and a dozen or so Catu people. Among them, a Twenty-third level Cato strong is the leader of this team. The Cato skin is light blue. It is not known whether it was painted with paint or was born like this. He has thick black and hard hair, and his thick and hard hair is braided into a big braid with a red ribbon, and he throws it behind his head casually.

He was walking on foot, his thick and heavy armor was painted with scary patterns in white paint. Catu people like heavy weapons, and this person is no exception. The double-sided crescent axe in his hand weighs almost a ton. It can be carried by him, but it is extremely relaxed. The team used some weird creatures to pull the cart. These creatures that pulled the cart looked like cows but had no eyes. They have humps on their backs and six sturdy legs. There is no sound when they walk. Only the occasional breathing sound makes people know that they are alive. These creatures are called pack beasts by alien races, and they are often used by the shadow duchy to drag their luggage. On the pallets they tow are all kinds of materials that will be consumed by the front lines. Including food, ordnance, equipment, shells, etc.

It can be imagined what kind of assistance this batch of materials will be brought to the front line to the alien army.

Unfortunately, their itinerary can only end here today.

After most of the team passed, Fares, who was hiding in the bushes, suddenly became vigorous. Hei Bing jumped into his palm, and the tip of the gun was instantly filled with a faint frost mist. The bush where Fares was hiding exploded, and the mercenary captain jumped up, his spear like electricity. He picked up a truck in an instant, the black ice bounced, and brought the truck and the pack beasts that pulled the truck to the side of the tree. The cargo on the truck was spilled on the ground.

Such a change caused the alien soldiers in the team to be stunned for two seconds before reacting.

The Sword Demon soldiers screamed and used their bone blades to cut towards Faris. The latter shrugged his shoulders in spare time, and then the black ice turned into hundreds of black electricity in his hands, covering all the dozen or so Sword Demon who had attacked. In the gunshot. The Black Ice Battle Spear was on the chest of all the Sword Demon soldiers almost at the same time at a speed that could not cover the ear. The spot of the sword demon soldier immediately climbed into the hoarfrost. The hoarfrost spread at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the chill penetrated into the soldiers' internal organs and even their bone marrow. At the most, the sword demon could only take another step, and then completely stop the action, covering their entire body with frost, as if they were dead.

Fares rushed forward and smashed the ice sculptures. Black ice inserted into the belly of another cart, the mercenary captain picked up with both hand guns, and the gun pressed out an arc, and then the cart fell apart, and the goods inside spilled all over the floor.

In front of the team, the Najiatu powerhouse saw the commotion behind him and shouted with anger. He was about to kill with the battle axe, suddenly a light came out from the corner of his eyes, and then a dazzling galaxy suddenly lay across the forest. Xinghe didn't know where he came from, but he went straight to the strong Najiatu people. This strong man can only dispel his original idea, raising his battle axe and knocking on the galaxy honestly.

Galaxy kept trembling, and finally scattered into tens of thousands of radiance. In the light like crystal shards, Regis flashed, two-handed swords intertwined with a dense offensive, and fully suppressed the Cato strong. With the appearance of Regis, the human warriors ambushing in this mountain forest rushed over. Suddenly, killings in the mountains and forests were heard everywhere, and half an hour later, the battle was over.

All foreign soldiers, including the strong Catu were killed. Fares and Regis, who led the ambush team, picked a shade of trees to rest, while the soldiers were responsible for cleaning the battlefield. After a while, a soldier gave a brief report to the two men, but they both frowned. It is true that this is indeed a supporting team. But no matter the number of the team or the number of materials, there is a discrepancy with the intelligence they got from Hubble.

The number is low.

Regis scratched his head and said, "Did we miss the vice car?"

"No, I don't think so." Fares shook his head and said: "There is nothing wrong with the intelligence, and the shadow Principality's transportation line has not been changed. But they have reduced the amount of materials carried. This should be the opposing commander. Taking into account the adjustments made after the information leaked. In this way, there is no need to modify the plan temporarily, but also to reduce the loss. If I were their commander, in addition to reducing the load, adding a heavy team, then it can completely make up for it. Loss caused by leaking route information."

"Don't forget, our forces can't intercept all the transportation and replenishment lines. It is conceivable that the Orlando couple who are in charge of another transportation and replenishment line are probably in the same way as you and me."

Regis scolded bitterly: "Those damned aliens are so cunning."

Fares laughed: "This war never ended so easily. Don't forget that Lord Allen only said to us to do his best when he left."

"Speaking of which Ellen has been away for many days, I don't know what's going on in the mountain city."

"It shouldn't be too optimistic." Fares stood up, picked up Hei Bing and said: "Let's go, we have to go, there will be a series of fierce battles to be fought next."

Regis nodded in agreement.

On the evening of the fourth day, after the border post on the Lyon Mountain Road, the trek from the mountain city finally entered Unicorn Ridge. After passing the gentle west **** of the Emerald Mountains and turning into a relatively flat grassland, Remington saw a densely packed tent. In the afterglow of the red sun at dusk, the various war flags flying on these tents refracted the light of various colors, which made people dazzled.

On the way here, Remington heard Alan say that Unicorn Ridge had assembled troops that could be recruited from several nearby territories. But when he saw this vast camp with his own eyes, he was still shocked by the sight before him. In addition to the army from the Allen Territory, this barracks also includes the deep sea Lin Ji in Ark Harbor, the private army of the Unicorn leader, and the temporary militia team.

The total number of troops has exceeded 10,000, which is an exciting number.

It's just that Remington never thought that if the main battlefield was placed on the side of the unicorn collar, how could there be fewer than 10,000 foreigners in the army. I am afraid that the number of the opposing army will be ten times that of human beings, or even more. Allen didn't say this, so as not to destroy the beautiful imagination in Remington's heart. If the cruel reality will finally come, at least until then, there is no need to make people despair in advance. Allen thought so.

Before the shadow of the west enveloped the southern land, the unicorn collar remained as beautiful and peaceful as before. There was smoke in the barracks, and the orderly soldiers were cooking on fire, and in those spacious camps, there was the sound of steel clinking. It was soldiers waving swords and learning from each other, preparing for the upcoming war. Soon someone saw the team and spotted Allen riding on a horse. Then the soldiers gathered towards the edge of the camp, chanted Allen's name, and raised their swords to salute him.

Allen smiled and nodded, drew out the red king, and the war horse walked past the crowd. King Chi tapped the swords along the way, and every crackling sound was the greatest encouragement to the soldiers. When Alan's figure disappeared on the avenue leading to the Unicorn Castle, there were still many soldiers calling Alan's name, but they drove their officers to the barracks. Now Alan has become a legend in the South, whether it is the capital of the North, or participating in the war of the Flame Fort, or protecting the prince from the south. Any experience can make people talk about it for a long time, and even a poet has planned to write his journey into a travel note.

Young people, especially young men, regard him as an idol. Allen's army can recruit so many soldiers. The charm of idols is a reason that cannot be ignored.

And now, Allen came to the Unicorn Castle. There was already someone waiting for him at the gate of the castle, and when Alan got off the horse, a figure crashed into his arms. Lucy hugged him firmly, then smelled the smell of herbs on his body, exclaimed: "Are you injured?"

"It's just a minor injury."

He just said, Laura behind unceremoniously dismantled the stage and said: "If a wound that almost sees a bone is also called a minor injury, then please tell me, what degree of injury can be called a serious injury?"

Allen smiled bitterly, Lucy shook her head, let go of him, and opened her hands to face Laura: "Welcome."

Laura embraced her generously before saying: "You don't know how hard it is to look at him. I would rather go to war than this."

"I can imagine." Lucy covered her mouth and smiled: "Fortunately, I can help together next, so that I can watch him not do something too dangerous." Then she found the boy behind Lola and looked at With his face that resembled Ellen, Lucy said in surprise: "He is?"

Laura blinked and said, "His child."

Lucy's small mouth opened into an O shape immediately, and Lola added: "But it's not her own. Strictly speaking, it should be an adopted one."

After Lola had enough of Lucy's appetite, Allen prompted, "Remember Bai?"

Lucy nodded: "The king snake you raised, wait, don't you want to say that he is white?"

The boy got out at this moment, hugged Lucy, smiled and shouted: "Mother."

Lucy's face flushed on the spot, her face embarrassed.

Laura said angrily: "What about me, kid!"

Seeing Bai Zhao cast a look at himself for help, Allen decided to ignore this talkative guy~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He left a few people and walked towards the crowd ahead. They hadn't seen him for months, the unicorn leader. The owner Ante has grown a bit taller. He put on a fitted suit of armor, held a helmet in his hand, and nodded in greeting to Allen. Allen looked at him and asked casually: "Are you ready to go to the battlefield?"

"This is my territory. The war is starting here. As a lord, it is my duty." The young man replied in a deep voice, and he was a little more mature than before.

Allen nodded: "It is a good thing to have the consciousness of a lord, but Aunt, a good lord does not necessarily have to be able to fight. I think you will be better at other areas, so don’t force yourself. You and I belong to the alliance. If you have no objection, I would like to ask you to give me the leadership of this war."

Unte looked straight into Allen's eyes, and laughed after a moment: "Since you said that, then I will unceremoniously let go of this important task."

Alan stretched out his hand and Ante held it. Allen said, "Thank you for your trust, Viscount Ante."

Ante said solemnly: "Please, Earl Alan, get those guys out!"

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