Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1168: I am God

Not many people were invited. Apart from Allen and Ont, only the Orlando couple, Remington, Edward, Keller, and several senior officers in the Bucks were the only ones. Saraon stood in front of a long table with a sand table on it, which had simulated the battlefield environment and the approximate military strength of the two armies.

Seeing Ellen and the two coming in, Salon looked up and smiled: "I heard that Lord Ellen was watching the enemy line on the terrace for a long time. I don't know what they saw?"

Allen shook his head and smiled bitterly: "All you see are bad things, not to mention it."

"Oh, then Lord Allen thinks this battle is still necessary?"

"Of course!" Allen said without hesitation: "Although we are at a disadvantage in the situation, it is still far from hopeless."

"I'm relieved to see Lord Allen so fighting spirit, otherwise, if even a character like you loses confidence, then I don't want to fight this battle." Salon chuckled.

Allen smiled and said, "Doesn't General Salon think that I'm too exalted?"

"How come, I'm telling the truth." Salon said sternly: "If I might have some doubts about Lord Ellen before the Battle of Shancheng, then after the Battle of Shancheng, I absolutely believe that Lord Ellen has the power to change the overall situation. To be honest, I had heard the rumors of the adults before this, but I always felt a little exaggerated. But this time Keller personally told me that the adults defeated the Chinese army and killed the enemy in that battle. I know that the adults really have the strength related to the rumors. In this battle, having characters like adults in our camp has given everyone a little more confidence."

Alan was a little uncomfortable to praise the old general in person, and his face blushed now.

"But in the next war, both sides will invest tens of thousands of soldiers, so the tricks like the adults in the mountain city will not be effective. Otherwise, the adults only need to drill into the enemy's line again, and everything will be solved." Long joked with a slightly exaggerated tone, and then solemnly said: "Therefore, we can only fight steadily in this war. Take advantage of our home court and drive out the alien race!"

"It seems that General Salon has already made a plan." Orlando smiled, and glanced at Ruola next to him: "So we can rest assured."

"Mr. Orlando, dear son of the iron gun. I have a plan, but I can't talk about a perfect solution. Whether you can hold this line of defense depends on whether everyone can get together." Salon made a gesture and called everyone. When he came to the sand table at the long table, he pointed to the square position and said: "In this war, I will divide our line of defense into five areas. They are the center, the left and right wings, and the fire positions on the southeast sides. At that time, it will be mine. The army is responsible for the defense of the central position, and the left and right wings are in charge of General Keller and General William."

William Peter is another general in the Bucks army, this time with Saran. He was a few years younger than Keller, with long blond hair draped over his shoulders, and lips pressed tightly on his resolute face. Wearing a silver-gray lock armor, a dark green cloak, the iconic Bucks Army, a long bow and a sword hanging on his waist, he is a majestic and handsome general. He clenched his fist when he heard the words and beat his chest lightly. Without any words, he used gestures instead of his answer.

"As for the fire positions on the east and south sides, I have to leave it to Lord Allen and Mr. Orlando." Saron apologized: "Our Imperial Army should be solely responsible for the major events of the national war. But the current situation Turbulence, we also have many internal problems to be resolved. Marshal Rodke intends to take full responsibility for the southern border warfare, but he really can't mobilize more manpower and strong people, so I can only entrust them to two."

Allen smiled and nodded, while Orlando said, "As the lord, we have the responsibility to protect our territory. General Saron is welcome. If you have anything we need to do, just give us orders."

"Since Mr. Orlando said so, I still have something to ask Lord Allen for help. Anyway, I have done this, and I am not afraid to ask Lord Allen to do another thing."

Allenchi said: "Is there anything I can help?"

"I need the ability of an adult." Salong said with a smile: "In a war of this scale, it is difficult for individual combat power to control the overall situation, unless it is a master of the rank of the ten sages, and this kind of power is available. And none of us is above level 30. But I found an interesting thing from General Keller’s description, Lord Allen has a very powerful ability that can be used to mass-destruct enemy troops. I don’t know that ability. Are there any restrictions, or some kind of harsh starting conditions?"

Allen realized that he was concerned about "flaming volcanoes", and now simply said: "It is an ability that can locally change the terrain, and after my other ability is superimposed, the source of the fire in the designated area can be maximized. You probably already know its advantages. As for its disadvantages, it takes about ten seconds for the ability to be fully activated, and this ability does not distinguish between the enemy and the enemy, so it is not suitable for melee."

"It turns out that even with such shortcomings, it is already very powerful." Salong sighed: "Sure enough, as the emperor said, Lord Alan has extraordinary potential. It has not yet crossed the 30th level, but he has already formed such an ability In the past, there was even more power to break through the city in Milaham. If the adult breaks through the 30th level, I think the adult can squeeze into the ten sages immediately and rank high.

"At that time, I'm afraid there will be nothing wrong with Midian." Saron laughed.

After laughing, he said, "Then I would like to ask the adults to throw such a volcano into the enemy line before the two armies confront each other, and blow them up crying."

Allen nodded: "It turned out to be such a thing, so easy."

"Then it depends on the adults." Salong cleared his throat and said: "Okay, everyone. Next, let us talk about the details of this battle. Although we focus on defense, there is a good saying. Offense is the best defense. So when conditions permit, we will organize an offense, but you should pay attention to my commands and signals when the time comes. Offense is to stimulate the battlefield situation. We can’t expect one or two attacks to attack. Retreat from the enemy, so when I ask for a strategic retreat, it’s best not to get red eyes, and remember the principle of retreating."

They talked for a long time and exchanged different opinions, gradually improving the details of the entire strategic deployment. By the time the meeting was over, night had fallen, and the gray moonlight illuminated the castle. Don't let the people go away after dinner. Due to the habit of foreigners who like to fight at night, the arrival of night does not mean that they can relax, but to be more vigilant.

After Alan left the restaurant, he walked to a terrace of the castle with King Akagi. He sat down on the bench and looked at the fire at the foot of the mountain to the west. The flames of the alien camp are bright, and those guys who hate flames and the sun will set up so many large furnaces in the camp, and it is an exception to burn wood and make fire day and night. Perhaps compared to their likes and dislikes, what the alien race now wants more is the victory of this war.

In other words, he would think so too, after all, to win this war, wait if the door to the south of the empire is knocked on. Compared with this, what is the usual likes and dislikes?

The moonlight was dim, the gray moonlight shed hardly from the heavy clouds, and half of the castle was painted with gray fluorescent light, which made it look so peaceful and peaceful at the moment. It's a pity that everything is like the moon in the mirror, as long as a horn of attack can completely break the peaceful atmosphere.

When the footsteps sounded, Allen glanced. He was wiping the Scarlet King with a cloth, and the long sword was flowing with a flame-like luster under the moonlight, and the flame reflected from the blade happened to fall on Father Milo's face. The priest couldn't help but squinted his eyes, and was attracted by the light refracted by the red king. Then he saw Alan, so the priest happily walked into the terrace: "Master Alan, so you are here."

"Father, this doesn't seem to be where you should be." Allen said, of course, he was referring to the unicorn collar that had become the front line at this moment.

Milo shrugged: "Indeed, such a dangerous place is not suitable for me. But I think maybe those soldiers who feel confused or even fear now need to listen to the guidance of the gods, so I came."

"Oh, it seems that you are very used to this role now." Of course, Allen will not forget that when he first met the priest, Milo was a money fan.

"After all, I have dedicated myself to the gods, and of course I have to do a little bit what a priest should do."

Allen put away the long knife, the Akatsuki doesn't actually need to wipe it, but these actions help Allen calm down. After watching Akou's blade fully fit into the scabbard, Allen asked casually, "Speaking of which, there is actually a question I have always wanted to ask you."

"Oh, what is it?" Milo asked curiously.

"Father Milo, do you believe in gods?"

Milo stunned and said: "What you said reminds me of what time it was, but I did ask Archimedes the same thing."

"Oh, what did he say?" Now I am interested in Ellen.

"That's a very bad answer" Milo shook his head and said, "That's what your father said at the time~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He said Milo, your question is stupid enough. Of course I believe there are gods. Because I am God."

Allen was stunned, this was indeed an unexpected answer.

"Listen, how arrogant, ignorant, and even ignorant this is." The priest said at the end, but shrugged: "But this is indeed Archimedes's style. Everyone has faith, and his faith is his own. ."

"In other words, he believes that he is omnipotent. He often puts a word on his lips. Only the cowardly people will pin their hopes on the gods, and the truly courageous people have hope in every beat of his heart. In between. As long as life goes on, you will never be desperate." Milo sighed: "I have to admit, that drunkard and the guy who likes to pay, sometimes there is still some **** in what they say, even if it sounds More like what an arrogant would say."

Allen squinted his eyes and gently touched his chest with his hand, feeling the strong beating from his heart. He laughed suddenly, the pressure before the war came, so disappeared.

So wonderful.

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