Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1171: Inspiring

"it has started."

On a high **** that no one noticed, the wind raised Stark's long black hair, and this demon-like man stood beside a twisted weird tree. He is like a shadow, if you don't focus on this direction, it is absolutely difficult to spot this person. His face was indifferent, with an aura that was as cold as a winter rock, and those twinkling eyes looked into the distance, falling on the gray mountain and forest land in the far west, and on top of the pitch-black wave pouring down.

In the distance, the horns sounded long and the drums of war burst. The sound rang from the west and spread in other directions. The animals ran away with fright and the birds screamed away. The loud noise that heralded the ominous sound was faintly audible even as far as Ark Harbor. In each city, there are dozens of small towns and villages between Dawn Castle, Sunset City, Fenrir City, Ark Harbor, and even these territories. The sound of fear is like the whisper of a devil, it is far in the sky, but it is ringing in everyone's ears. The baby was crying, the dog barking, the cattle and sheep neighing in the pen nervously, everyone was anxious.

But the most stressful are the soldiers on the battlefield.

After Salon's pre-war mobilization, they had suppressed their inner fears, but they could not help but breathe shortly when they saw the black waves rushing over the mountains and plains. The hands holding the hilt of the spear are all white because of too much force. The chests protected by the armor are up and down because of tension. The atmosphere on the battlefield is so suppressed that the soldiers want to shout, but at this time there is no one. Call it out.

On the opposite side of the battlefield, the Kuroshio had reached the foot of the mountain and began to spread in their direction. Salong issued the order, and the messenger issued the order through the trumpets and flags. The officers at all levels in the legion used the maximum volume they could reach to give specific instructions to their own troops, and the battle was imminent.

At this moment, Ellen glanced at Saron, who nodded.

So he gripped the horse's belly lightly. The horse was only a trot at first, and then accelerated after a few breaths. Then all the human soldiers on the battlefield saw Alan charging towards the black wave in the distance to the west. Compared with the dark tide, Alan was almost negligible by himself.

In his eyes, those black and fuzzy figures,

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) The speed gradually became clear. With Allen's eyesight, he could even see the eyes of the enemy forward's blade demon with icy eyes, and the undisguised desire to kill in their eyes. Even in a place like Heaven Star, Blade Devil and their distant relatives on Pluto Star are no different.

Allen stretched out his hand to lightly support the hilt of the Scarlet King.

The power of the heavenly fire within the body whizzed and circulated, and after the flame patterns on the surface of the body lit up, the space around Allen began to be stained with a faint fire light. As the sparks quietly fell, the red king unsheathed, and a crisp knife sounded. Alan lightly pressed the horse's back with one hand, and the man flew away and fell to the ground over a distance of ten meters. King Chi held upside down, and the blade plunged into the ground with a flare of fire.

In the position of the human army in the rear, a soldier rubbed his eyes. The moment Alan plunged into the ground with a knife just now, in the soldier's line of sight, there seemed to be a continuous flame on the battlefield on the other side. But waiting for him to look at it, the battlefield is still that battlefield, where is the fire. He thought it was his own delusion, but he didn't know that he was not the only one who saw this vision.

The flame patterns on Alan's body gradually dimmed, and his breath dropped a few points in a flash. He looked up, and the battlefield seemed to be the same, but in Allen’s perception, the sleeping fire origin power under this land was being awakened, and under the blessing of the King of Fire, it was almost boiling. The area designated to Allen. He smiled slightly, put away the red king, and rode his horse behind. Allen turned on the horse, turned the horse's head, and ran in the direction of the square position.

The alien soldiers continued to charge, and the black wave did not slow down because of Alan's actions.

Human soldiers only feel puzzled.

At this moment, someone felt that the ground was shaking, although the amplitude of the shaking was very slight.

A crack quietly appeared under the feet of the sword demon soldiers, and extended to their back. Then more and more cracks began to appear, and as more cracks appeared, the tremor on the ground continued to rise. Several Sword Demon soldiers were screaming and sprinting, and suddenly they fell to the ground with an unstable footing, and then rolled forward. When they stopped, they discovered that the ground was swelling behind them, and the sudden formation of a **** was the culprit that made them fall.


(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) The surface continuously bulged and formed a huge soil bag. The soil bag turned into a hill, and gravel and sand were continuously rolling down from the hill. The earth rumbling, as if an ancient giant beast snarled dullly under the ground. Then one after another cracks began to light up, each of which pointed to the hill that suddenly appeared on the battlefield. When all the flames gathered at the foot of the hill, a scorching stream of fire spurted up at the top of the hill, bringing up dust.

At this time, the alien soldiers obviously felt an inexplicable gravitational field in the space. The invisible force field made the air thick as mud, making it difficult for them to move. After a while, the gravitational force of the force field continued to intensify, and the soldiers began to find that not only could they continue to charge, they were also pulling back. The strongest gravitational force is near the hills, and the radiation of the gravitational field is as wide as hundreds of meters square, so hundreds of thousands of swordsmen are pulled back. They screamed and plunged their swords into the ground, trying to immobilize themselves, but it was futile. At best, they could only leave countless minor nicks on the ground, but they were still sucked to the raised hill.

But at this time, the hill has turned into an angry volcano~www.wuxiaspot.com~ as more and more fires spout from the top. The stream of fire converged into a dark red fire column with strong color, just like a volcanic eruption, the fire column rose into the sky. Sword Demon continued to pull gravity into the pillar of fire, and even the screaming effort was not enough, and the high-temperature flame in it was directly burned out.

Even more gravel was brought high in the sky, and wrapped in flames and thrown around the battlefield. They are like volcanic bombs. These things that drag the tail flames fall from the air, and the places they hit are like being bombarded by heavy artillery, constantly blowing up **** of fire. In this way, under the raging flames of the volcano, the strikers of the alien race became a mess!

Only then did the soldiers of the Bucks know how to scream. They excitedly waved their weapons and shouted for Allen. Salong looked in her eyes and smiled on her face. A flaming volcano may not change the situation, but it can be inspiring. This is what Salon wanted, and when he shouted "Ready to fight" again, the soldiers yelled in full air.

In their eyes, alien soldiers are no longer as scary as before.

(End of this chapter)


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