Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1181: Dark King

After the death of Rogsia, the shadow of flames, there was a circle of fire-like and fog-like substances around Allen’s body. They were deep in color, like a not-so-dimmed shadow falling on Allen’s body, making other creatures Can observe Alan through this dark fire. Alan's body is no longer able to look directly at it as clearly as before, and the dark fire blocks the line of sight, as well as many insights.

When that layer of dark fire was generated, all the fire trees in the entire fire-burning forest were lit up, and the color of their flame crowns changed, from the original orange flames to vermilion sky fires. These fire trees are like messengers, spreading Alan's coercion far away. The army that originally belonged to Rogsea chose to surrender, and they were willing to treat Allen as their new master.

Among them, the flame knight with elementary intelligence called Allen the Dark King, and when this name was pronounced in Eboins' language, the whole world trembled.

Unfortunately, before Alan had time to lead his new army to continue exploring the world outside the burning forest, his consciousness began to break away and eventually return. He opened his eyes in the single-person cabin of the starship, and after a moment of trance, he heard the voice of a female soldier coming from the intercom by the door.

The earth is coming soon.

And Allen found that this journey in the world of consciousness had promoted him to a level. At the moment when he is about to set foot in his homeland, he is already a level 28 powerhouse!

Alan was smoking a cigar in a room that was not so dim, but definitely not the light. A smoke ring was spit out from his mouth and lightly tapped on the projection curtain wall. The smoke ring dissipated, revealing the connection hint on the curtain wall.

After a while, the connection progress bar changed from red to green, indicating that the communication equipment on the other side was connected. Alan stepped back a little, stood upright in the military posture used by Mobit, and looked directly at the curtain wall.

The curtain wall was dim at first, and it seemed that no picture had been generated yet, but before long, some blue light appeared inside. As the blue light turned on, the surrounding light gradually increased its brightness, so the tall figure of Tao was reflected on the curtain wall. It was an alien, and the skin exposed in the air was grayish white, and the surface was rough, looking like unpolished ceramics. A bare head looks ridiculous, especially if there are no ears on this head, it is even more funny. But no matter who it is, if you make contact with the other person's eyes, even if something funny happens in front of you, I'm afraid you won't be able to laugh.

Those eyes were as gray as the skin, and the eyes with amber streaks around them showed a cold, evil light. It's like a four-legged snake hiding in the dark and staring at its prey. Just making contact with his eyes is enough to make people shudder.

As for the first rays of light, they were actually blue silk threads sewn between the alien's eyelids and lips. This makes him look like some kind of failed doll works, but in fact those are not threads, but something similar to nerves. With this kind of special exposed nerve life, as long as a Federal member is called casually, it can be called the other's race.

Because this name is too deep for humans, it is the hatred carved in the bones. After all, no one will forget the identity of those alien invaders before the battle of dawn.


"I hope you have some interesting news, otherwise, don't you think it's too risky to make a call like this?" The Nirm in the projection on the curtain wall said in human language: "Or, your plan is ahead of schedule. But I have to tell you that if you do that, the preparations are not enough, my respected ally of humanity."

"The great Cagaso, the ruthless demon, even with all the gorgeous words of mankind, he can't praise your great achievements. If you want to hear my praise, I can say this for three days and three nights, but this time directly It is more important to communicate with you. So if you can concentrate and listen to what I say, I will be grateful." Alan smiled on his face, but there was a bit of sarcasm in his smile.

Cagaso, this is a name that easily caused an uproar. Because this name represents the highest power on Mosor, the name of the Nirm ruler known as the Demon Lord. On Mossor, no one can joke about this name casually. What I heard, the life that mentioned this name should tremble in the shadows instead of sarcasm like Alan.

"Pay attention to your words, Mr. President!" Cagaso leaned forward slightly, so that the tall figure now occupies almost the entire curtain wall: "Don't you humans understand, those who ask others, you have to know what humility is. ?"

"Oh? But I also know that, if I want to, I can find another collaborator. For example, the one from Omisga, please, Cagaso. I'm looking for you, just because your conditions are fairly moderate , But that does not mean that you are the only choice." Alan waved his hand and said: "Now let us talk about business. Not long ago, Idahuaxing people revealed to me a piece of information and asked for help. But I am about this information. I don't quite understand it. In Ofascist's words, our race is too young. This is the truth, so I can't access some ancient information in the universe."

"Then I guess Ofascius would not disclose the specific content, otherwise you would not have to contact me, right? But I am curious, what kind of information is worth your risk to communicate with me, don't you be afraid of the content of the communication being stolen ?"

"That's what happened later, but this information is far more important than anything else. Tell me, Cagaso, have you heard of the Twilight Son?"

On the other side of the curtain wall, Demon Lord Cagaso's whole body was obviously stiff, and then his whole head was almost sticking to the screen: "What did you say? Son of Twilight! Damn it, tell me what Idahua star told you! "

"Your response is really wonderful." Alan turned around in front of the curtain wall and said: "I can't tell you the specific content here, I can only say that. It won't be long before the Son of Twilight will be in my hands. Ofasis wants me to hand it over, what's your opinion?"

"What are you doing? Hell, kill him! Terminate him before dusk, if you still want to have a future!" Cagaso was very excited in the projection on the curtain wall: "The Idahua star is a mother-in-law, Ofascius It’s right to be just. But hell, it’s the twilight when all things end, **** justice. You listen to me, Mr. President. If the Twilight Son is in your hands, no matter what you do, kill it as fast as you can. Kill him."

"You mean, let us fall out with Ida Huaxing, it's a good idea."

"Shut up, I didn't mean that. Compared with the separation of your federal relationship, the life and death of the Twilight Son is ten million times more important than you. I don't have this kind of leisure time." Cagaso suddenly fell silent: "Wait, you Seek my opinion, which means you are not planning to hand over the Twilight Son? Hey, hey, do you have any dangerous plans? Don’t do unnecessary things, understand? Your thoughts are comparable to Ofascism’s mother-in-law More dangerous."

"Will it? I don't think so. Let me tell you a little bit more? Ofassis means that he thinks the Son of Twilight is still unawakened. In other words, the power to end everything is still sleeping."

"Your ambition is really big." Cagaso's gray eyes narrowed and said: "Then what are you going to do?"

"I'm thinking, if I can separate that power, I'll be happy to share it with you. But first, you have to provide me with the necessary information and enough to transfer the Twilight Son from the Idahua star when needed. Power." Alan said: "Yes, Cagaso. Are you willing to be dominated by Omiscar forever? If you get the power to end everything, even one in 10,000 will be enough to change your current situation, right? So do you think it’s worth taking a risk?"

Cagaso asked in a deep voice, "Are you sure Ofascius thinks he is still unawakened?"

"If there is no other ambiguity in the words of the King of Justice, I don't think I heard it wrong."

"Idahuaxing is one of the very ancient races in the universe. Their research on the cosmic twilight is far better than other civilizations. Since Orfascius said so, it should be correct." Cagaso nodded, "Well, this is indeed a A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If successful, we may learn the oldest secrets of the universe and crack the wheel of the beginning and the end. Then I take a gamble, I will send relevant personnel there as soon as possible, but you need to provide cover for my people. "

"Of course." Alan smiled: "So here, I wish we have a happy cooperation?"

Cagaso snorted and ended the communication directly. Alan shrugged to the darkened curtain wall. At this time, the cigar had burned to the point of only a small portion. He took the last bite, then threw the cigarette **** on the ground, then lifted his leg to stamp it out.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Supervisor Ge Fen walked in and whispered beside Alan: "According to you, we intercepted all the communication signals sent by Heavenly Star to Beskod, and we intercepted just now An encrypted message. The content of the message is roughly to tell Horn that Alan was forced to call the earth. "

"Sure enough, the young master of Beskard's family is not a fuel-efficient lamp, but this is expected. What about Sirius?"

Ge Fen said with difficulty: "We also set up an interception network for Sirius communications, but Red Wolf has a communication system that we researched on its own. If Allen’s people use specific channels to transmit messages, it will be difficult for us to learn and intercept them in the first place. ."

"In this case, you have to closely monitor the Babylonian port, Bethkod, Morson, and even William. If you have any news, you must notify me immediately."

"Yes, sir." Ge Fen said again: "Ten minutes ago we received a message from General Silfa that they will arrive on Earth in 45 minutes."

"Very good, then tell General Fendi to take my authorization and go to Silfa for the transfer of personnel."

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