Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1189: assault

Josh was stroking his forehead with a headache, with a cigarette in his other hand. He hasn't smoked for a long time, and smoking is not allowed in the laboratory. But when he looked at this weird set of genetic maps on the screen, he had to use the nicotine in the cigarette to calm the irritability a little. Otherwise, Josh was afraid that he could not help picking up the things and throwing them into a mess.

He has been in charge of the Iron Prison Experimental Base for more than 20 years. In addition to the largest surface prison in the Federation, he also supports Josh's research team in the research and development of various biochemical technologies. . There are no one thousand or eight hundred genetic samples from Josh. Josh has seen too many genes from humans, dangerous species to aliens.

Even among many biological genes, he vaguely found some common ground, in order to reveal the mystery of billions of creatures in the universe.

But now this genetic map, Josh has never seen it. Forget it, what makes him distressed is that when he prepares to use the brain as an aid to analyze a certain joint in these genomes, the reference time given by the brain is all in units of a hundred years. Of course, he can apply to the Federation for a more powerful brain matrix to analyze, but Josh knows that the time will not be shortened too much.

And this is just one of the node data in this set of graphs!

If you want to fully analyze the mystery in the gene, I am afraid that it will take thousands of years, or even tens of thousands of years? Josh no longer existed by then, and he couldn't wait so long. The project manager pressed the cigarette out angrily, hit the screen with a bitter fist, and roared, "Where is the cell slice I want?"

A blond female assistant should not walk into Josh’s private office at this time, with a solemn expression: "Sir, there is a situation you have to see in person. The reading of the refrigerator suddenly rises, far exceeding the threshold. Value, we took emergency measures, but the temperature is still rising."

"What? Is there something wrong with the machine?" Josh picked up the long coat next to him, and don't leave with his assistant. The refrigerator is an instrument used to preserve blood samples, which is divided into several areas, and the temperature required by the preservation unit can be adjusted independently according to needs. At present, the most important experimental subject in the base, Allen's blood specimen is stored in it.

Josh soon came to the refrigerator. The temperature reading on the machine's screen kept rising. Some staff had already used manual refrigeration, but they still couldn't stop the reading from rising. After Josh entered a few sets of commands to the screen and nothing happened, he slammed the screen and shouted, "What are you doing in the cold? Open this thing and see what's going on inside."

His assistant hurriedly turned on the machine and took out the refrigerating unit where Allen's blood samples were stored. After a while, a rectangular metal box popped out of the refrigerator under the push of the robotic arm, and Josh opened it for the first time. When the metal box was opened, a large group of hot water vapor spewed out immediately, and Josh hurriedly backed away before it was hot. Then the staff used dry ice spray to cool the inside of the metal box. After the water vapor dissipated, Josh saw that the test tubes inside were actually empty.

Those blood specimens were missing!

"What's the matter? Was it evaporated by the heat?" Josh's eyes widened. He had never seen such a weird thing in his life.

The human eye can see extremely limited things. For example, cells or bacteria cannot be observed by the human eye. People must use equipment to see these microscopic things. In the microcosm, spores are undoubtedly one of them. When Josh opened the metal box, he didn't know that countless spore particles erupted along with the water vapor and spread around in a very short time.

When people talk and breathe. Under the action of the airflow, these spore particles accompany the air into the bodies of Josh and others. This process has not been discovered. When the spore particles enter the human body, they begin to divide and form a new kind of thin breast. If you observe these cells with a microscope, you will find that they are like fiery red sea urchins. These vermilion-colored cells have many spikes growing on the surface. They violently attack the native cells in the human body and transform them into the same substance as themselves.

When these foreign cells continue to increase, the human genetic sequence begins to change from the root. From a biological point of view, such a transformation should have taken tens of thousands of years, or even millions of years, to complete. But at this time, the change is quiet and rapid. But including Josh, they still don't know that their bodies are changing.

While Josh and the others were discussing the whereabouts of the blood, more spore particles had spread out through the exhaust system of the base, and they were looking for a suitable host as if they had their own consciousness!

The night wind is vigorous.

The temperature difference between day and night in the desert area is huge, and at night, the night wind is strong and cold. But this is nothing to Fendi. He personally came to the high defensive wall, stood next to a powerful spotlight, and reached for a telescope in the hand of a nearby soldier. In night vision mode, Fendi can see clearly the area outside the high wall. After no abnormality was found, he threw the telescope to the soldier and said, "Watch me closely, don't let go of any clues. Let me know if there is any situation."

"Yes, General!" the soldier replied.

After Fendi left, several bright beams of light on the high wall were staggered continuously so that the soldiers could monitor the ground. After one of the beams of light swept over, what was originally a sand dune, the sand gradually bulged, and a head was raised from it. This head was concealed in a khaki tactical helmet with a circle of camouflage on it. When he was still, it would only make people mistakenly think it was a grass ball from a distance.

While the lamppost was far away, the man lying in the sand moved quickly. He bounced, under the tactical helmet is a tactical uniform of the same color, holding a magic rifle, and carrying a suitcase behind him. In the darkness, there are many people like this. They dispersed, wandering in the shadows between the beams of light, well-trained close to the defensive walls of the Iron Prison.

When there was a hundred meters away from the gate, the leader made a gesture. Even in the dark, everyone can see clearly with the night vision function of the tactical helmet. They stopped almost at the same time, and then several of them took out some weapon components from their backpacks. After quickly combining them, they each had a bazooka in their hands. This is an old-fashioned weapon, which has basically been eliminated in the face of today's evolving magic weapon, but these old antiques are also good. That is, they will not radiate any energy, and will not be discovered in advance by the powerhouses or instruments of the Iron Prison Garrison.

Several rocket launchers, two aimed at the gate on the high wall of the Iron Prison, and the others aimed at various firepower points on the wall. Under the command of the leader, the rocket launchers were launched simultaneously. When the shells inside burst out with flames, the fire and howling caught the attention of the iron prison garrison. The reaction of the Iron Fist Legion was also amazing. When two shells were detonated by the counter-attack beam on the high wall halfway, the gate and several other firepower points were still affected by the explosion. The fireball formed after the bomb exploded will drive the night away. In the relatively open environment of the desert area, you can see the light from the iron prison a few kilometers away.

Then the roar of gunshots continued, the assault team and the prison guards began to exchange fire, the sound of fighting completely shattered the tranquility of the desert.

"it has started."

Mirren whispered, he was on the other side of the iron prison wall, completely opposite to the direction of the battle. Behind him were Lola, Regis and others, as well as several other good players among Sirius. According to the plan, after the assault team has attracted the attention of the ground defenders, they will sneak in from the other side of the defensive wall and occupy the elevator leading to the ground monitoring as soon as possible. And when you enter the ground prison, the real battle will begin.

The ground garrison is just one of the defensive forces of the iron prison, and the main garrison is located inside the prison. In order to prevent prisoners from breaking out, the iron prison is divided into several independent areas, each area is guarded by heavy soldiers and strong men. The advantage of this is that no matter from which area the enemy invades, it will be attacked by the defenders. But the disadvantages are also very obvious. The defenders can't find an absolute advantage in numbers, which gives Mirren and the others a purely strong team a chance to strike with an elite.

But it's just an opportunity, considering that there is still a federal general in prison, in fact, it is still unknown whether Alan can be rescued smoothly.

But even so ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ people who have already come here will not shrink at all. Mirren made a simple gesture, representing the beginning of the action. At this moment, there was a faint sense of oppression in the night sky. When Adele looked up, she just saw a row of high-energy light beams piercing the night, blasting into the west of the iron prison wall one after another, and smashing there. A firepower point was knocked out instantly.

Those thick blue beams are the masterpieces of high-energy cannons. With the light on the ground, Adele saw a fast airship diving down from mid-air. The cannon turrets at both ends of the airship kept firing, and the bottom began to drop physical missiles, plus other remote-controlled rapid-fire machine guns. , The spaceship was fully fired, causing tremendous suppression to the ground guards of the prison.

Soon the anti-air turrets on the defensive high wall began to counterattack, and a group of richly colored Yuanli shells bombarded the upper air, creating bright fireballs around the spaceship. The spaceship rushed down with an awe-inspiring aura, the deflector shield moved at full force, and rushed to the high wall with anti-aircraft fire. A few beams of light from the cannon turret lifted several anti-air turrets.

At this time, the cabin door opened, and someone jumped out of the cabin door, jumping towards the square inside the prison wall from a height of tens of meters. Under the firelight, Regis clearly saw Horn's indifferent face, and suddenly exclaimed: "It's Grandpa!"

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