Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1191: Must act

When the applause rang, Allen raised his head. His spirit is very tired, Fendi's torture, the various experiments on him by the project team members, all these make him physically and mentally exhausted. But he still didn't want to fall, his will was still strong, even if he wanted to close his eyes and unconscious. But Allen kept telling herself to cheer up and look for all the opportunities available. Even if this opportunity has not yet appeared, he is unwilling to give up.

In this state, concentration is hard work. His will is like a vase with cracks, and the vase is barely glued together. As if applying a little external force, the whole vase could be broken. At this moment, when Allen concentrated, it was like re-gluing the scattered fragments of will, which took him about two seconds. After that brief gap, he saw Fendi.

Fendi was applauding, with a playful smile on his face. He had already changed into that black-and-white suit, and put on the battle uniform and armor in a serious manner, looking like an enemy. Even if Fendi was arrogant and arrogant, he didn't dare to stand in front of Horn casually, so he put on this outfit again. After they were promoted from Fendi to general, they were put on the shelf. If it wasn't for Horn to face tonight, Fendi would almost forget them.

Behind Fendi, there are two major generals of the Federation, followed by a row of soldiers from the Iron Fist Legion. Looking at this lineup, Allen seemed to understand something, and he laughed.

Fendi walked over, pulled his hair, and pulled Allen's head back. The general who is known as a butcher sneered: "You look happy, you should be happy indeed. I didn't expect that there are so many people who came to save you. Besides your own people, guess who else I saw? ?"

Allen said: "You look like you are ready to tell me, why should I waste my energy to guess."

"Yes, I should tell you. Because I saw Mirren, the adjutant of your beautiful teacher. There is another, Horn, the patriarch of Bethkod. Oh, no, the former patriarch. Because to save You, your grandfather would rather hand over the position of patriarch and remove himself from the family. In this way, even if the Federation wants to pursue it afterwards, he can only be held accountable for him, not the whole Bethkod!"

Allen was startled, he didn't expect Horn to do this to save himself. Fendi let go of him and sneered: "But if that's the case, Horn and Mirren think they can save you, that would be too scornful of me."

He patted Alan’s cheek with his hand and said: "Dear Mr. Allen, you can just wait here. Wait to see me bring the bodies of Horn and Mirren to your eyes, and wait for me to make peace. Everything about you is destroyed, and then you will spend the rest of your life in endless regrets. At that time, you will find that, in fact, when you cooperated with me from the beginning, things will not become as bad as they are now."

"But now, it's too late. This prison will become the grave of all of you!" Fendi pushed Alan, and then said to his men: "Let's go, let us greet the respected Horn Mr."

He glanced at Allen again before leaving.

After Fendi left, Allen slowly raised his head. Flames began to jump in his eyes, and the Heavenly Fire Source Force in his body gradually moved. But as soon as Yuanli moved, the helmet on his head also started to work. Those electrode needles continuously released electric current to impact Allen's brain, causing him to feel severe pain while also interfering with Yuanli's movement. But this time, Allen didn't intend to stop, he roared to relieve the pain caused by the brain. But the flame in his eyes was already burning, and there was no sign of half-extinguishing.

Grandpa is here, everyone is here. They are fighting, how can I rest here. I have to do something, I have to do something, I want to kill that guy! I want to kill Fendi! !

A voice roared like this in Alan's heart.

Above the surface, the battle is blazing.

The Federation Major General and Lola were entangled in a battle. The storm caused by the collision of the two strong men was enough to twist the steel, and ordinary soldiers could not get involved in such a battle. Yuanli bullets can't hit Yuanli storms in the battle circle, and as long as people get close, they will throw off the violent and chaotic energy turbulence, and even cause serious injuries by accident. In the battle circle, the Federation Major General's eyes flashed an impatient look. He is a power-oriented powerhouse, and in previous battles he was able to win and control the enemy with fierce power. A strong man at his level carries huge energy like the earth's cracks and landslides in every gesture.

However, no matter how great energy can hit the target, Lola is surprisingly flexible. Her orc-like body possesses amazing resilience, capable of making tactical moves that the major general has never heard of. She has a superhuman reaction nerve, which makes Lola often able to evade the major general's fierce moves by the smallest amount of difference. After this entanglement, the major general had a sense of bombarding mosquitoes. What's more terrible is that Horn's previous heavy injuries are beginning to show up bit by bit.

Laura is flexible, but it doesn't mean that her attacks are equally light. On the contrary, Laura's dark red sword slashed every time, sinking vigorously and magnificently. In her, two completely different fighting styles, lightness and fierceness, were strangely blended together to form Laura's unique fighting posture full of tension and wildness. The major general was bitter in his heart, and he didn't know where Alan came from to snare such a powerhouse.

But Lola wasn't the one that caused him the most headache. The one who made the Major General fearful was another sniper hiding in the dark.

The blood was wrapped in a wave of cutting jets, and it swept the major general Xiong's waist very simply. The major general did not dare to use his body to experience the sharpness of the blood, and those cutting jets could more easily open the force barrier. So the major general chose to retreat, and just as soon as he moved, a tingling pain came from his brows. Almost without thinking, he yelled and raised his arm, and blasted his fist into the void on his head.

Almost at the same time, there was a sharp whistling sound on the square of the Iron Prison, and a visible cone wave wrapped in a source force sniper shell roared. Major General Iron Fist smashed the sniper shell with a trace of electric fire. The place where the two sides collided lit up with a dazzling light, followed by an earth-shattering explosion, and the fire wave covered a space of about ten meters in the air. The flame was blocked by the major general's fist wind, forming an inverted semicircle in the air.

This is already the third sniper attack the major general has encountered. Although he successfully intercepted, he was shocked in cold sweat. At this moment, the Major General saw a flower, but Lola took the opportunity to flash to him. She raised her long legs, frozen in the air, and kicked the major general's chest heavily. Lola stepped on a ring of shock waves, and the Federation Major General sent a huge explosive force to fly out.

He flew more than ten meters before falling to the ground, only to feel qi and blood surge, and he could not move for a while.

Laura whistled to Regis at this moment, and then retreated in the direction of the elevator. Adele had already gotten near the elevator one step ahead of her and reached out to pat the buttons. When Regis ran up, the elevator just opened. Adele squinted at the traces of the battle in the elevator. She got into the elevator first, and Regis jumped in afterwards. After Lola broke, she cut a sword at the soldier who was chasing after him.

Suddenly the sword light broke through the air and hit a soldier. The soldier was only supposed to die, but found that there was nothing unusual. It's just that Lola's source power split into more than a dozen dark red rays, turned and ejected to a circle of soldiers around, and then passed on again. After doing this three times, dozens of soldiers lit up at the same time, and then flames rushed out from their mouths and eyes. Dozens of flames eventually converged into a flame storm, which exploded fiercely, exploding a large area of ​​soldiers nearby. It fell to the ground.

After Lola's flame transmission ended, waiting for the soldiers to express themselves, the three of them had already taken the elevator to the underground prison.

"Don't chase." The major general roared dullly, preventing the soldiers from pursuing them. He shook his head: "The following is not a battlefield where we can intervene. We all have our own battle position. We still have enemies to clean up."

"I don't think so."

Suddenly an indifferent voice sounded behind the major general, and that voice was close to his ears, making the major general clever. He roared and turned around, but this action was less than one-tenth completed. The major general saw a colorful band of light emerge from his chest. This indescribably straight band of light floated forward and fluttered across the body of the soldier in front of him. All the soldiers stiffened, and then they slipped and dislocation. When their bodies fell to the ground, blood spurted wildly from the smooth cross-section of the body!

The world in the major general’s eyes suddenly tilted and fell. When he realized that he had fallen to the ground, he realized that his upper body was also cut away by the horrible light band~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He barely raised his head and saw a tall and handsome man. the man. In the firelight, his long black hair hung straight on both sides of his shoulders, no matter how strong the night wind was, he couldn't blow a single strand of his hair. He didn't even look at the major general, and walked past him on foot. When he was far away, the major general discovered that the side of the iron prison gate was quiet like a ghost domain.

In that direction, neither enemy nor we are heard. It's a pity that the major general just opened his eyes and died, otherwise if he could take a look at the gate, he would find that Sirius's commando and the soldiers of the Iron Fist had become a broken body.

Stark walked forward, and the remaining soldiers did not dare to intercept the demon king who killed the major general and most of his colleagues. Stark is also not interested in taking action against these people, just like people will not deliberately trample ants on the ground, especially when these ants are far away from themselves. He came to the elevator, raised his hand, and a light flashed in the elevator, and then the part above the light slipped and fell, revealing the dark elevator shaft inside. He glanced at the deep well, then bounced and floated straight down.

He seemed to have no weight at all, and his body fell very slowly. Stark's eyes gleamed in the ladder well. He looked down intently, and said in a voice that he could only hear: "Wait for me, brother. You must not die before I arrive."

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