Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1202: Alternative armed

c_t;If you close your eyes, Allen will mistakenly think that he is standing in front of a tornado. (The violent cyclone of cotton candy is like connecting the sky and the earth, and the source force around the space also drives, rotates, and is continuously sucked into it to strengthen the body.

Of course there are no tornadoes in the Iron Prison, but the strength of the source power released from Fendi at this moment is as violent as the might of nature. The source power of the different attributes of the space was crazily absorbed by him, and then transformed into his own source power, so that the Qi machine continued to grow. This is the difference between the dominant level and the lower level after breaking through the 30th level.

Being able to adjust the spatial source power to make it used is exactly what the word dominance really means. Speaking of drawing source power, Alan can also do it. His sky fire source power comes from the void, and the void source power is much stronger than ordinary space source power, but the sky fire source power is very destructive. A famous kind of power. In terms of quality, Fendi can't keep up with Allen in terms of space and power, but in terms of equivalence, it surpasses Allen by too much.

Now Fendi is almost drinking cows from whales, not only has the source force of the entire underground space been tuned, even above the surface, the source force has also continuously penetrated the ground and converged. With such a large-scale power transfer, the entire prison's power system was immediately affected. All the lights on the event field suddenly lit up, the current buzzed, and then the light tubes exploded, and the light in the field quickly dimmed.

In the dim light, Fendi's blood-red source power appeared more and more intense. The armor-like arms on his body began to squirm, and blood buds scrambled to swell from the surface of the armor, but in the blink of an eye, Fendi was already submerged in the crazily growing blood buds. Read the full text of the latest chapter. They formed a huge spore, and then pierced out the root bones.

A skeleton is being formed, and while the bone cub is growing, the flying nerve lines are also expanding. Then the basic biological layer forms the most basic tissue, then the muscles, and finally a shell composed of the stratum corneum appears to cover the flesh...

Allen and the others just watched the formation of such a monster from the very first blood bud. Its abdomen is like a scorpion, with a segmented body and three pairs of sturdy feet. The tall tail is dark and poisonous. thorn. The upper body is humanoid, with almost perfect body proportions and well-defined muscles, but like the lower body, the body and even the muscles are covered by a blood-red shell. This monster has six arms, except that the end of each arm is equal. It is a sharp blade. As for the head, it is like a sandworm without eyeballs. When it opens its mouth, you can see that it is full of nest teeth.

This monster is six meters in height, not much smaller than the Balrog, and its oppressive feeling is far above the Balrog. Allen could feel that the form of this monster is similar to Sargeras. It is not a real creature, but a biological form simulated by the most powerful source. When Fendi's face appeared on the monster's chest, Allen was even more sure that this terrifying mimic monster can in fact be regarded as another form of Fendi's engraving weapon!

Fendi looked at Ellen and the others condescendingly, and Jie Jie smiled strangely: "How about it, am I beautiful?"

"If the power is beautiful, you are indeed very beautiful reads; but in my opinion, it is still extremely ugly. There is power in the sky, but the soul that can control it has been distorted. Isn't this your portrayal?" Ai Lun raised the knife and pointed.

"Speechful kid, I hope you will still be able to speak." Fendi's monster-like body leaned forward slightly, and an astonishing sense of oppression rushed to the Allen trio. Just putting the momentum outside will make the ground of the venue arched!

Belmode spread his hands, and countless black streams of fire flew across him, intertwining complicated trajectories in the air, and shooting towards Fendi one after another. In each flow of fire, a black weapon of various shapes bursts out of the fire, and hundreds of chaotic blades are rushing towards Fendi, and the blades are like rain, splattering.

Lola sprinted away while the Blade of Chaos interfered with Fendi's sight. With a violent jet of blood all over his body, he slashed at Fendi's insect-like lower body.

Fendi sneered, the sandworm-like head opened his mouth and let out a low whistling sound. Six arms raised at the same time, waving the huge blade at the end, pulling out the **** flashes. That flash of light contained terrifying source power, and countless **** flashes instantly formed a cloud of source power. The blade of chaos hit this storm, and the blades disintegrated one after another, and the negative energy released could not even penetrate the storm, so it bounced off and annihilated.

Lola saw that she was about to slash on Fendi's body, and suddenly a blade ran across, blocking the blood. Fendi swung one of his arms vigorously, and Lola's face changed, and she bounced off the huge force from the blade.

Fendi gave a weird laugh, and the worm body in the lower half of the body flashed flexibly at a speed completely disproportionate to the body. Bend the three pairs of feet at the same time, pressing **** the ground. The metal ground sank, Fendi jumped into the air, pressing towards Belmode like a red cloud. He laughed wildly and waved his arm down, Bell Moderin then retreated, and a cloud of black mist quietly formed behind him. He crashed into the fog, another black fog appeared ten meters away, and Belmode got out of it.

"Where do you want to go, bug!" Fendi's scorpion tail suddenly pierced out, chasing the still-lost black mist and plunged into it, got out of another mist, and stabbed Belmod's back. .

Belmode finally changed.

Suddenly, a wave of anger hit him, and a hand pushed him away~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Allen took the place of Belmode, and the red king blocked Fendi's stinger. The sharp stinger rubbed a string of sparks on the red king sword. Alan squinted his eyes, took the black rainbow in his other hand, and the death hymn swept across the scorpion's tail and chopped it away along with the stinger. Fendi gave a cry of pain and retracted the scorpion tail. When the broken tail was retracted, a layer of gray was spreading from the broken joint. The supernatural power of the death hymn also acts on Fendi's unusual engraving weapon, and the source power used to mimic it is constantly dissipating, and it can be rushed out with the flame at the dock, which dissipates the power of death.

The tail that fell in front of Allen was scattered into countless scarlet fluorescent lights, and the fluorescent lights flew away and gathered at Fendi's docked tail again, replenishing the scorpion tail. Allen turned to Fendi, and Lola and Belmode on the other side handed over him again, but Fendi seemed comfortable in the face of the onslaught of the two. After his engraved weapons are transformed into their current form, Fendi has far exceeded the previous data in terms of strength, physical strength, response, speed and other data, and the destructive effect on the weapons is extremely limited reads;. Since he was not a real life body, even if his limbs were severed, his current body could quickly regenerate by drawing source power.

"Sure enough, none of the Federation generals is easy to deal with..." Allen said so, but there was a smile on his face.

ps: After the outbreak today, I wish you all a happy June 1st, ha.


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