Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1207: Conflict

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In the screen projected on the curtain wall, Windsor Bello faces Alan in a proud sitting posture. She even raised her chin, a bit condescending, her attitude is arrogant and domineering, it seems that even the president does not take it seriously. The Marshal Greed Wolf in the picture was manicuring his nails with a handful of nails. He tilted his head slightly when he heard the words, and said in a knowingly asked tone: "Oh, what do you want me to explain, the President?"

"Explain why your adjutant General Mirren participated in a robbery incident in the Iron Prison! Marshal Windsor Bello, I want you to pay attention to this incident. If it spreads out, the image of the federal army will be greatly affected. Especially. It's you Sirius, your reputation will plummet!" Alan patted the table and said indignantly.

Windsor Bello smiled blankly and said, "Your Excellency, is there a misunderstanding in this. During the Iron Prison incident, my adjutant stayed by his side. How could he participate in the robbery? This is a joke. It's not funny either."

"Do you think I am joking with you? Marshal, please face this upright. If General Mirren did not leave Sirius, who can testify?"

"Me." Windsor Bello said very casually: "Otherwise, a hundred thousand soldiers and soldiers on Sirius can testify."

Alan had anticipated that Windsor Bello would not admit it, but did not expect her to be rascal to this point. However, he knew that Greed Wolf had a very high prestige in Sirius. As long as she said a word, all Sirius officers and soldiers might accompany her to open their eyes and talk nonsense. He snorted and nodded: "Okay, just assume that General Mirren has never left Sirius. So now, I have a few things to verify with General Mirren, please call him out."

"Oh, you're looking for Mirren, then you have to say it earlier." Windsor Bello said with a look of surprise, but her performance was so bad that even children could see that she was pretending. She continued as if she didn't know her, "Unfortunately, I just sent Mirren on a classified mission, and he is not by my side now."

"What secret mission?"

"Here will be unclear for a while. If necessary, Mr. President, I will ask someone to send you a detailed report."

Alan used his **** to think and knew that there was no secret mission at all, and the so-called report was just made up by Windsor Bello, but he still wanted to send the report, maybe one or two clues could be found in the counterattack. Now that Mirren Moguo is being pursued, Alan's conversation turned and mentioned another thing: "Marshal Windsor Bello, I have reason to believe that the Iron Prison incident is related to your student Alan Bethkod. As his teacher , I hope you can find Allen and let him take the initiative to stand up and accept the federal investigation. This matter should be easy for you, right?"

Windsor Bello put down the frustration in her hand, leaned forward slightly, showing a charming smile and said: "I'm sorry, Mr. President, I really want to help. But you also know that the interstellar defense has been fighting for several years. At this time, how can I leave the front line without authorization. Of course, if Congress approves this matter, I will be happy to help."

Of course Congress would not approve a Federal Marshal to leave the interstellar defense line suddenly. Moreover, there is no guarantee that Windsor Bello will be able to find Allen in a short time, so Alan knew it was impossible from the beginning. But he still has to do this, because he has to present Windsor Bello’s attitude and position in front of the old party so that he can lean towards the old party.

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Strive for political capital to pave the way.

In this conversation, Windsor Bello, as he expected, refused with a strong attitude, but it was exactly in Alan's arms. Of course, he had to make a very angry look on the surface, and finally ended the conversation with the proud woman over there. When the conversation ended, the anger on Alan's face disappeared completely, and a smile appeared afterwards. He has backed up the content of the conversation just now. Next, he will meet with a few people from the old party to make the next plan.

It's just that there are still some things in the throat.

The first is that Alan still has no news. Before the Iron Prison explosion that night, there was information showing that Alan and the invaders left early, so Alan was very sure that Alan was not involved in the explosion. But there is still no news of him, and monitoring Bethkode can't get more information. But Alan believes that Alan is still on Earth, because he has ordered the Rainbow Bridge Space Station to temporarily close all applications to the Heavenly Star. Once there is an application to open the speedy passage to the Heavenly Star, contact him as soon as possible.

Secondly, besides Alan, the stranger who killed Old Horn also made Alan very mindful. It can be said that the night of the Iron Prison's accident was constantly changing, Horn's accident was strong, Alan regained his freedom on his own, and the mysterious powerhouse made Alan feel that things were beyond his control for the first time. He not only wanted to search Alan's whereabouts, but also to track down the identity of the strong man. Even if he had been killed in the big explosion, Alan also needed to find out if the other party was in the same party to avoid such an accident next time.

At this time, the rapid knock on the door broke his contemplation. He didn't even have time to agree to the people outside to come in, and the door was opened, and then Ge Fen, the director of the Military Intelligence Department, ran in angrily. Seeing him like this, Alan immediately forgot to blame, and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Mr. President, something has happened. Something has happened. I don’t know how it happened. Some internal information in the Iron Prison has been leaked, and it is now spreading wildly on the Internet in Babylon and on the surface." Ge Fen said anxiously, squeezing the president away regardless of rude , Quickly tapping on the light key on his desk. A window appeared in the projection curtain wall, and inside it was a video.

"You have no right to do this! I have done so much for the Federation. On the planet of Pluto, I discovered the origin of the civilization of the Sword Demon! In the interstellar battlefield, it was I who prevented the aliens’ attempts to frame the Federation! After I paid so much, Could this be the return given to me by the Federation!"

In the video, Alan can clearly see Alan roaring and Fendi's figure next to him. Fendi even turned his head and sneered in the direction of the camera, and then made a gesture, and a staff member came forward to collect Allen's blood samples.

The video has obviously been edited and edited together with many clips. In just ten minutes, Fendi's many inhumane experiments on Allen were exposed. Even worse, the president was mentioned many times in it, and Fendi confirmed that these experiments were authorized by Mobit.

Alan's face was so bad that it couldn't be worse, he knew exactly what this video meant. He caught Ge Fen by the collar and said, "No matter what method you use, immediately delete these information from the Internet. There is also a press conference. I need to clarify this matter immediately. By the way, find the source of the information. Go ahead!"

His voice fell silent, and an assistant outside the office walked in timidly and hesitated: "Mr. President, Mr. Dornier of the Grant family, and Mr. Wig of the Smith family have all called through their representatives, asking to talk to you.

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See you now..."

Alan shook her body and sat back on the chair. He stroked his forehead, frowned and closed his eyes. This was what worried him most. The video seems to have been seen by the rich and nobles, and everything that happened in the video has already stepped on the lowest line that the nobles can tolerate. Alan was silent for half a minute before raising his head and saying to Ge Fen: "Contact Marshal Kaplan for me. I'm afraid we have to be prepared for conflict with the nobles."

Ge Fen's face immediately became very difficult to look like. The Federation and the nobles have been interdependent for four hundred years. Is it finally time to usher in the split? Ge Fen couldn't imagine what it would be like. You can probably describe it as a landslide, right?

That video of a series of experiments conducted by Allen went viral on the Internet. In just a few hours, the number of reposts reached an astonishing number, and this number is still rising. In a van, Diego was also watching this video. Although he doesn't like Alan, he can see what Fendi has done on him. Those are not so much experiments as they are torture. He frowned, shook his head and said, "Unlucky boy."

Then a voice rang: "You humans really love to do things that demolish your own stations. This video will make you completely collapse, right?"

"Then it will collapse. Anyway, the guys in the Federation are not good things." Diego shrugged and looked deep into the carriage. There was a person sitting in the deep shadow, his body was filled with infusion tubes, and four or five instruments were monitoring his vital signs. Diego looked at him and asked, "Master Stark, how are you?"

"Very bad, the injury this time was even more serious than Tangliou's." Stark looked at his empty left sleeve, recalling the scene in the iron prison that day. When Fendi, who was almost mad at the time, restrained Horn, he took the opportunity to give the old man a fatal blow. But Horn's first-line counterattack, and finally knowing that life is hopeless, he resolutely burned his whole body source power to trigger the devastating explosion, which caused terrible trauma to Stark.

When Stark knew that he could not escape the core of the explosion, he wrapped himself with a spatial light band to absorb the heat and damage of the explosion. In the end he succeeded in surviving the explosion, but lost an arm and was even more devastated. For the past week, Stark has been struggling with life and death almost every day, and until today, the situation has not stabilized. But to recover, in terms of his physique, it will also take a long time.

This will be the weakest time in his life~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Stark exclaimed: "You humans are really a wonderful race. You have only been in contact with the source power system for hundreds of years, but you already have that. The powerhouse appears. You have to know that for other cosmic civilizations, hundreds of years are only a short time in the blink of an eye. It’s no wonder that a young race like you can gain a foothold in advanced warfare."

Diage spread his hand and said, "Then what are your plans next?"

pS: They are all set to live or die, I want to discuss with you. Next, change to update one chapter every day, but integrate the content of the two chapters. How much content was originally, how much content is still, but the number of updates becomes one. Because the more chapters are updated, the lower the average is, and our book already has more than three million VIPs. Without new blood replenishment, it is too difficult for Lao Chen to reach the standard tt

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