Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1216: king

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The dusk is getting thicker, and the setting sun wins blood.

A few skinny wolves were hovering on the soil **** in the distance, and they looked at the bonfire that had risen under a certain stone **** below, and two figures. One of them is busy making dinner, while the other sits still, as if sleeping. The lean wolves are very hungry. God knows how much they want to hunt downhill, but their keen perception constantly reminds these beasts that the atmosphere over there is too dangerous.

The cold, terrifying atmosphere was like a giant python holding a snake underneath, quietly waiting for the food to be delivered to the door.

Therefore, under the setting sun, they only screamed occasionally, but did not dare to go downhill.

"Coward." Bai muttered, this is a word he just learned. He looked at the wolves on the hillside in the distance, drooling, but had to roast the dry smoked meat, and then sprinkled salt on it for a brief seasoning as Lucy taught, then threw it in Chewing in his mouth. For human taste, such dried meat tastes pretty good. After all, in this wilderness, you can't expect to have a pub or restaurant for your meals. But as far as white people are concerned, fresh wolf meat is obviously more delicious. But Lucy said more than once that since he has transformed into a human form, he has to learn how to be a person.

And everything started from changing the habit of raw food, so Bai took out the spirit of facing a strong enemy, and ate all the bacon without hesitation. He licked the oil from his hand and looked at Ellen next to him. After Alan found this place as a resting place for the night, he began to temper his own source of energy, and he had been familiar with it during the journey. The young man didn't know that after returning to the Heavenly Star this time, Allen exercised his source power more frequently than before, and even Bai felt that Allen was thirsting for power. It's just that the teenager doesn't understand where Allen's desire comes from. It's no wonder that the teenager didn't understand that Allen said nothing about the earth's experience.

Bai only knows that at this time, his duty is to protect Allen. He was happy to do this, just as Allen protected him from growing up when he was a young snake.

But what Bai didn't know was that Alan didn't deliberately temper his source power tonight. He has entered the depths of his consciousness at this moment and has re-appeared in that strange world.


As if waking up from a long dream, Allen slowly opened his eyes in the world of consciousness. He first heard the sound of rain, then looked up. Sure enough, the sky was floating with thick clouds that obscured the sky and the sun. The dark thick clouds were like the thick smoke rising from the burning of a fire. Raindrops continued to fall from the thick clouds and spread all over the earth.

He has been to this world several times, but it was the first time he saw rain. Alan stretched out his hand, but couldn't catch any raindrops. Only then did he see the red skin on his hand. From time to time, a vermilion fire flashed by, illuminating the nerves and blood vessels under the skin. Near the palm of the hand, there is still a cloud of deep fire fog. This dark fog looks ordinary, but it has a high temperature. The raindrops fall into the fog and evaporate instantly, and even the water has no time to rise. So Alan's hands were very dry, and he retracted again, his eyes fell near him, only to realize that he was sitting on a throne.

This throne is located on the hill, carved directly from the boulder, and the base is connected to the top of the hill. The throne is large and wide, and for Allen's slender figure, it can even be used as a bed. So he understood that this throne was not prepared for him, and its former owner should be Rogsea known as the Shadow of Flame.

Beneath the hill is a burning forest. At this time, the crown of the fire tree was faintly blue, and the flames retreated to almost extinguishing, like small flames. The raindrops fell on the fire crown, and the color of the fire crown looked extremely dim, and it seemed to be extinguished in the next moment.

This depressed feeling made Allen very uncomfortable and reminded him of those unpleasant experiences on earth. So he stood up, took a deep breath, and suddenly burst into the sky with a long roar. Allen's body burst into flames, sparks spurted out from the gaps in the lava armor, and a circle of flames rose under his feet, looking from a distance on the hill as if a flame crown fell. The dark mist around the body suddenly soared, behind Alan, it stretched towards the left and right, like a pair of shadow wings.

This pair of wings almost enveloped the entire hilltop.

The burning forest seemed to have awakened from a deep sleep. The originally dimly lighted canopy, the fire gradually changed from blue to orange, and finally turned into a vermilion sky. The flames went up, the circle of fire between the forests lit up, and all the fire trees were gushing out from the sky. From a distance, it seemed that a flame corridor appeared on the ground.

Seeing the dazzling flame, Allen's chest was empty. Perception became more sensitive, and he suddenly raised his head and looked towards the sky. He raised his head twice, but the scenery in his eyes was different. At this time, Allen's eyes were burning, and the dark clouds covering the sky began to stir, gradually forming a huge face. On that face, Allen felt the line of sight fall.

Some other beings were peeping at him in some mysterious way. The white blue flame on Allen's head suddenly lit up, like a silver blue head raging, he categorically shouted, "Get out!"

A tiny gap appeared in the cloud layer at a point in the center, and then the gap quickly expanded. The cloud layer was like a whirlpool on the sea, rotating with that gap as the origin. The cloud vortex in the sky turned more and more intense, and finally the thick cloud was cleared away, the blazing sun shone again, and the earth reappeared in light.

At the moment when the thick cloud disappeared, Alan vaguely heard a roar. The roar was full of anger, but also three-pointed surprise.

He snorted coldly, not paying attention.

At this time, the sound of horseshoes rang, Allen looked down from the top of the hill, rode out of the forest, and came along the hill path to the top of the hill. It was the famous knight riding the blazing horse. He was carrying a huge half-moon scythe, and the flame cloak behind him pulled a long flame tail in the air. The blazing knight came to the top of the hill in a blink of an eye. He jumped off the horse, knelt down on one knee to Allen, and said to Allen in Eboyins' language: "Welcome back, Your Highness the Dark King."

This is the knight who once served the shadow of the flame, possessing elementary intelligence, able to command the army instead of the shadow of the flame. Of course, you don't need to expect him to carry out a wonderful strategy, he can only simply order the army to charge or retreat. In this fiery world, battles are often simple and rough, so for this high-ranking knight, simple command is enough.

Allen turned around and pointed at the throne that blocked his gaze. A red spot of light appeared on the back of the throne, and then the spot spread, and the throne quickly collapsed and melted. In the eyes of the high-ranking knight, the throne that the shadow of flame once stood on top of has collapsed, exposing the world behind the hill. Alan glanced deeply at the vast world behind the hill, and then whispered, "Assemble all the troops."

There seemed to be flames in the knight's eyes, and he stood up awe-inspiring. Reaching out, flames spurted from the gap in his armor, forming a horn of flames in him. The knight blew his horn, and the sound spread far in the burning forest.

The horn sounded three times.

Then there was silence, and after a while, the sound of flapping wings began to sound at the other end of the forest. A fire-like cloud floated across the forest. Its head and tail were several kilometers long and extremely deep. It was an army composed of tens of thousands of fire boys. They flew through the forest, and hovered in the sky, making creaking noises. But no matter how the fire cloud swirled, no fire boy dared to cross the hill and over Alan's head.

For them, there is an invisible boundary.

Then came the fire gnomes, these creatures that inhabit the fire trees or under the forest floor rush to appear. They held crude weapons, or slid down the fire tree, or burrowed out of the dirt, and then screamed and ran out of the forest. These creatures are big and small, and look ridiculous. But there are so many of them, as if the fire boy obscured the sky, then the fire dwarf flooded the earth. They overflowed the forest like a flood, gathering under the hills.

Not long after the fire gnome appeared, the roar of wild beasts sounded in the forest, and the fire horned demon ran out of the forest dragging the chains. Their number was relatively small, but there were thousands of them. If the fire gnome is a flood, then the fire horned demon is a dark turbid current, they domineeringly squeeze out a passage in the flood and occupy the front row. The fire gnomes screamed in dissatisfaction, but none of them dared to challenge the authority of the fire horns.

But when the sound of extremely heavy, but extremely unified footsteps sounded, even the Firehorn Demon felt uneasy. Under the instruction of a few particularly strong fire horn demon, this dark turbid current split into two, clearing a passage. The Flame Guardian, who was tall and headed like a ball of flames, took a rock formation and took heavy steps under the leadership of several flame leaders and stepped onto this passage. They are Ellen's guards and have a higher authority than the Firehorn Demon. These guards went straight to the hill, then walked up the mountain road, densely lined from the foot of the hill to the top of the hill. Several flame leaders came behind Alan and knelt on one knee together.

Next came the knights who had served the shadow of flames. Those flame knights rode on horses and galloped out of the forest in groups. They were fewer in number than the flame horned monsters, but far more than the flame guards. . Seeing his knight appearing, the high-ranking knight paid tribute to Alan, then rode on his horse and galloped down the hill to join his army.

When there is only a skeleton, but the flame behemoth with blazing flames and the headless giant holding a fire whip or a flame-lifting axe come out of the forest, Allen's army is finally assembled. He looked back at his army, then pointed a finger forward: "Go!"

The fire boy screamed, the fire dwarf waved the weapon in his hand, the fire horn demon roared, and all kinds of creatures responded to Alan's orders in their own ways. Then the army set off, and the red cloud formed by the fire boy floated over Allen's head first, followed by the fire dwarf who filled the mountains and plains, and the turbid current formed by the fire horned demon split into two and bypassed the hill. The last fire beast came nearby, Allen picked it as a mount, and stood on its head. The behemoth lit up, and then took a big step, carrying Alan to the front of the army.

This time, Allen's army rushed for thousands of miles, and the name of the Dark King gradually spread on the earth.

A river meanders through this low slope, and the **** extends to the west, the terrain is narrow and wide. There are fragments of rock and yellow weeds growing here, and they and clumps of dull shrubs cover the potholes on the slopes that do not know how deep they are. Among the red land and dead grass, fireflies are constantly rising, like sparks flying in the sky, the heat here is amazing. The high temperature not only comes from the ground, but also from the river. That is different from a river in a broad sense, because what flows in the riverbed is not cool river water, but a bowl of lava that is constantly popping up. This magma river flows slowly, bypassing the slopes and heading north, disappearing into the canyon like the bones of giant beasts.

Allen stood on a huge rock on the slope, looking at the canyon to the north. He could vaguely feel that there was an extremely tyrannical presence in the canyon, which was an opponent he had never encountered before in this turbulent journey. But he was not afraid, on the contrary there was a glimmer of expectation.

His army is hibernating on this **** to rest, the fire boy burrows into the deep pits, the gnomes occupy the banks of the magma river, the horned demon chooses places to rest at will, and the flame knights tirelessly circle the camp. Patrol. Coming this way, although there was no enemy, but after a few forces were removed, Allen's army was reduced a bit compared to before departure.

Of course, Alan doesn't feel heartache how much cannon fodder like Fire Boy and Fire Gnomish loses. These lowest creatures are almost everywhere. Although it consumes the most in battle, but under the collection all the way, the number of these two creatures is now more than before departure. Even the Flamingo didn't mind Alan, but the mid-level units such as the flame knights and the headless giants were difficult to supplement.

Especially headless giants, traveling a thousand miles, Alan will never see their kind again, even if there is only one.

The world is vast, and Allen believes that there are more tyrannical existences, and the upper life is waiting for him to discover. He also didn't think about how far his army could go, but as long as he walked toward the giant shadow at the end of the world, even if the distance he pushed forward was limited. But as long as he doesn't stop, Allen believes that one day he will reach the place where the giant shadow is. At that time, he might be able to understand the meaning of existence in this world.

Skyfire spurted out of Allen's eyes, and the dark mist on his body surged like a shadow, like wings spreading out on two sides. He pointed in the direction of the gorge and wanted to order the army to set off. In the dim sky at this moment, the ignition light is so conspicuous. This igniting light soared into the sky, turning in midair, and galloping straight in the direction of Allen.

It was advancing so fast that it was still a nail-sized light spot in the first second, and in the next second, Allen had seen a fiery ball the size of a desktop. The fire ball flew straight, and when it passed, a flame burned on the ground. The flame is like a path, starting from the canyon, and ending directly at Camp Allen. The blue flames above Allen's head burned wildly, and the Qi machine was released without reservation, the entire **** was buzzing and shaking, and small columns of fire continued to emerge from the magma river.

Allen was ready to fight, but the fire ball in midair suddenly converged and slowed down. When it came to the top of Allen's head, it descended slowly and turned into a pool of magma after falling to the ground. Allen's Flame Guardian rushed in immediately, and a flame leader held up a giant axe and walked towards the lava. Allen raised his hand to signal it to stop. At this time, the pool of magma began to squirm, and from the center a bright and convex head rose up, followed by the body, hands, and finally the magma condensed into a humanoid creature, just standing in front of Allen.

It opened its eyes, and the eyes were two spar like black jade, shining with the light of wisdom that other lives did not have. It didn't even look at the many soldiers around Ellen, but spread out its hands, bowed to Ellen and said, "Brave Dark King, the flames on your body are as dazzling as the glory of the sky. I am Armondo, only representing the abyss. Fire Mitinas greets you, young king."

Allen nodded: "I really didn't feel hostile to you. I was surprised. It turns out that this land still has intelligent life like you."

"My little wisdom can't be compared with you." Almondo responded humbly.

"Then please let me know where you came."

"Yes, His Royal Highness the Dark King." Amundo asked: "The Fire of the Abyss has seen your flames. He wants to know where you and your army will go?"

Allen said nothing, pointing to the canyon.

Almondo sighed: "This is the problem. The flames of His Highness of the Abyss Fire enveloped the entire canyon. I'm afraid he cannot pass for you."

"I don't beg you to let me pass, but no matter what is blocking my way forward, I will crush it. No matter it is the fire of the abyss or something else."

Amondo said in a slightly unexpected tone: "Young king, you will start a war between kings. But don't you know that the war between kings is meaningless? It seems that your Highness is right. Your birth time is too short, too short to know many rules."


"For example, there must be no war between kings."

"Really? That's a pity. Not long ago, I seemed to have killed a guy who claimed to be the Shadow of Flame."

"The shadow of the flame?" Armondo shook his head: "All the names of the kings are in my mind, but there is no shadow of the flame among them. As for your name, it has only recently reverberated in my mind, that song The voice of your name is so loud that people cannot ignore it."

Allen asked: "You have been talking about the king, tell me, what is a king?"

Amondo doesn’t have any impatience~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He said in a respectful tone: "The king is the king recognized by him, and he has the privilege of immortality on this land. The king will fall, but will not Death. After the fall, the king will be reborn in the flames. This is a right that other lives do not have."

"He? Who is him?"

Armondo raised his head and looked at the giant shadow on the far horizon: "He is our creator and our destroyer. He is the beginning and the end. He is sleeping now, and we are in his dream. . When he wakes up, we will no longer exist. But we will not die here, but will appear in his world in another way. We are his most loyal soldiers, whether it is other beings or even the king. "

"As long as he wakes up, we are his strongest army!"

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