Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1218: Deep into the cemetery

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[Thanks to book friend 23080628, the rudder master, who will go home for a few days tomorrow for the Dragon Boat Festival, so you have to owe the chapter plus. I will pay you back after the festival, and I wish you all a happy holiday and eat more zongzi, hey. ]

He looked at the exquisite model in front of him. The model was made of clay, and built a scene from the first to ten floors of the blood king's graveyard. Each scene is scaled to a certain scale, and everything in it is exhaustive. In addition to the layout of the maze, the ninth and tenth floors also made some miniatures of the maze beasts with clay, and the number of beasts was represented by colors.

For example, yellow is ten, red is hundreds, black is thousands and so on.

In this way, the number of fierce beasts in the maze is naturally clear at a glance. The models of each layer can be disassembled independently to facilitate his observation and thinking. On this table, there is another model, but this model is not even a semi-finished product. It has only one corner, and you can barely see the stone pillars supporting the dome, and then there is nothing left.

But this model has a small sign with a number written on it, eleven. This represents the maze on the eleventh floor. All the models on the table are from his hands. From observation and recording to production and molding, he completes every process himself. Including the eleventh layer of the labyrinth just started to make, only one corner was made. That's because even he just circled around the exit on the eleventh floor. If you want to make a complete model, you need to expel all the relic creatures in that layer.

It's not easy.

He is Ellie, the commander of the Burning Lion, known as the general of the Lion. Since Eligo took over the defense of the Blood King’s cemetery, the cemetery has rioted several times and was suppressed. People only see Eligo’s bravery and decisiveness, but they don’t know that besides holding a sword, there are also Good craftsmanship for making models.

Now that the tenth floor of the cemetery is temporarily under the control of the Fire Lion, Ellie is not satisfied, and he plans to launch an attack on the eleventh floor recently. His plan is to suppress the relic creatures on the twelfth floor, so that the fire lion can be at ease for a period of time. Even transfer the defense to the original Bramblehorn Deer Army, and the Fire Lion can be transferred from the cemetery so that it can be used in the war with the Shadow Duchy.

The national war is the stage that Ellie is yearning for.

There was a knock on the door.

In order to deal with emergencies, Ellie directly moved his office and residence to the eighth floor of the cemetery. And now is his rest time. Soldiers who are familiar with him know that Elige doesn't like to be disturbed in his private time, so if he comes to disturb him now, something must happen. He raised his head and said, "Come in."

The door opened, and a messenger walked in and said: "Report to the general, someone asks for a meeting."

Ellie narrowed his eyes and said, "How long have you been in the fire lion."

"Five years have passed since this month, General!"

"Very well, then please tell me the soldiers. In the past five years, have you seen me meet guests during breaks?"

The soldier said loudly: "I'm sorry, General. But General Andy thinks you must be notified, at least, you must give you these two things, and then you can decide whether to see or not."

"Oh?" Ellie felt a little surprised, and Andy was his lieutenant. It has been a long time with him. If even Andy feels it is necessary to do this, then this guest is definitely not easy. He made a gesture, and the soldier sent a letter and an identity document. Ellie first read the identity document. The golden double lion seal on the document was so eye-catching that people couldn't ignore it. With this seal alone, it's no wonder Andy had to be cautious.

Then he opened the letter again, and after reading it, Elige whispered, "It's him? The celebrity next to the second prince is not staying in Tieqiangling at this time. Why are you here in the graveyard of the Blood King..."

"Let Andy bring someone in."

The messenger was relieved, but also a little curious. Not only did Elige not blame, on the contrary he was willing to meet guests, which was beyond his expectation. The soldier had already prepared for a scolding, but now he feels much more relaxed, so he salutes and leaves. It didn't take long for Allen to walk into this office, and the boy next to him was naturally white.

Ellie looked at him, then looked at Bai, and then said: "Since the emperor took the throne, Allen-sama is still the first earl to be awarded by the emperor himself. Unfortunately, I had a military order and could not go to the imperial capital. Watching the ceremony. There is always some regret in my heart. I did not expect that Lord Ellen would come to the graveyard of the Blood King today. This is really surprising. I think the adults will be happy to tell me that I will not go to Iron Spear Ridge but come here instead. What is it for."

Allen looked at the lion general, thinking that Ellie had the name of lion, he must be a rough figure. I don't want this general to be handsome and stalwart, but he is far from that name. He smiled slightly and said, "I thought General Silin had made it clear in the letter."

Ellie shook the letter and said calmly: "General Silin just confirmed that your identity is not forgery. As for your intentions, he said it would be more convenient for you to say it yourself."

Allen didn't care too much, it was impossible for Slin to deliberately put him on this one. The reason for writing this is probably related to Ellie's temper. He didn't conceal it, and directly said: "I want to continue to improve myself, so I want to see in the cemetery. This should be a good place for experience."

"It's almost the same as I guessed." Ellie said, "But Master Allen, you should also know that we must guard the cemetery when we die of the fire lion. In case the beast runs away because of your experience, I think this responsibility Neither you nor I can bear it."

Allen nodded and asked, "On which floor is the Fire Lion guarding?"


Allen looked at the table again, swept his gaze between Eligo’s models, and stayed on the eleven-story model where a corner was made for the longest time before saying: "Let’s do it, I promise that the relics will not Will enter the tenth floor. If one appears on the tenth floor, I am happy to accept the general’s military disposal. At the same time, I provide the general with the layout of the maze of the graveyard below, as well as biological information, including their characteristics, number, etc., to In exchange for the conditions for me to enter the maze. Of course, I also need supplies from the general. I wonder if the general is willing to accept this condition?"

Ellie laughed: "Sir Ellen has said this. If I don't agree, then I would be too ignorant. But I want to add one more point. The life and death of the lion will not be lost. Be responsible for."


Ellie said happily: "Then Lord Ellen, come with me."

The two left the general's office and wandered through the eighth floor of the cemetery. The original layout of the labyrinth here was almost flattened and changed to a layout of several streets. As he walked, Ellie introduced, which street specializes in food supplies, which blacksmith has the best handwork, which mercenary group can hire guards, and so on. It's just that Allen came to the cemetery to improve his strength, and of course he didn't plan to hire guards. The Red King and the Devil's Praise both possess almost indestructible qualities, so the blacksmith's usefulness to him is very limited. In the end, only the stores that provide food and even medicine supplies are most useful. Ellie also specially introduced him to several old stores that have been operating in the cemetery for many years. Allen paid attention one by one, they bumped into three or five mercenaries and adventurers on the way, Allen asked: "There are still adventurers entering and leaving the graveyard?"

"Yes, but very few." Eligo said: "Most adventurers have already left. First, several fierce beast riots scared many people. Second, foreign invasions. These young people hope to contribute to the empire. Because of their strength, they all rushed to the front. I just want me to say that they have a good heart, but the national war cannot be ignored. If they refuse to join the army, they will probably stop the frontline garrison and send them away."

"Soldiers who don't follow orders are useless to come."

Allen deeply agrees. If he wanted to use war to support the war, Allen could go to the front line without worrying about not fighting. But like Ellie said, he couldn't carry out this experience according to his own intentions on the battlefield. After weighing the two phases, he chose the Tomb of the Blood King. After all, this stage is more free.

Allen stayed on the eighth floor of the cemetery for one night that day, after supplementing food and water. On the second day, Ellie personally sent him to the entrance of the eleventh floor. The entrance of each floor of the maze will be divided by a bronze gate, and between the gates there is a staircase spiraling downwards. The steps leading to the eleventh floor are guarded by soldiers, and Ellie has arranged one at the entrance of the eleventh floor. Vigilance team. The soldiers opened the door for Allen. After the door opened a gap large enough for people to pass through, Allen looked up and the door was dim. There was wind blowing from the door, but it was unexpectedly dry, without the feeling of damp underground.

Ellie handed Alan a necklace with a drop-shaped spar strung on the chain. The general said, "This is a star shining stone. If you stimulate it with the source force, it will emit light. In a place like the maze, the star The brilliance of the flare stone is enough to illuminate your surroundings. But remember, the light will also attract the attention of the relics. When you need to conceal, remember to remove the necklace. If you lose the source power supply, the star flare stone will no longer Shine any light."

"This is a personal gift."

Alan was also welcome, and put the necklace around his neck. Sure enough, after injecting a trace of source power, the drop-shaped spar began to shine, and the white dots in the spar flickered like stars in the night, no wonder it would be named Xingyao. He looked at Bai and said, "Go away."

White nodded.

The two walked into the maze, and when their figures disappeared from the light, Ellie made a gesture. The soldier slowly closed the door, and the general said softly to the dark world behind the door: "Take care."

When he turned to leave, the door closed completely.

It was completely dark at first, and a faint light gradually appeared in the darkness after a while. The faint light gradually spread out like a breeze, forming a hazy light group, and Allen and Bai were in the faint light. Just like Ellie said, Xingyao Shi's light is not too strong, but in the dark maze of graveyards, it is enough to illuminate things around Alan. Regardless of whether it is Alan or Bai, as long as there is a little light, they can already see far enough and clearly.

Allen looked around first. They came in from the entrance of the maze, passed a corridor less than 100 meters away, and entered a hall. The environment of the hall is like the model made by Eligo, with the dome supported by stone pillars surrounded by several people. There are no ornaments on the stone pillars, and the area of ​​the hall is limited, at least the end can be seen with Allen's eyes.

From the corridor, a dark walkway runs through the hall, pointing straight to an arch at the end. Apart from a few broken stone pillars, gravel and broken pillars rolling on the ground, there is nothing worth noting in the hall. There are no relics and no decorations. This hall is unexpectedly crude. Allen walked down the aisle, Bai followed him. In the depths of the earth, it was such a dark place that even Alan could not relax safely. But Bai's appearance is obviously much more natural. For a teenager, this kind of environment is familiar to him.

The two came to the arch, which was covered with dust and some patterns on it, but now they can't see clearly. Allen stretched out his hand and pressed it down, the door swayed and it was not locked. So he pushed the door hard, and even the faint sound in the silent underground world would be infinitely amplified, so the bronze door was pushed open in a series of groans. The sound is so loud that even the deaf can hear it. Allen believes that even if the relic creatures are sleeping, they will wake up all the time.

A choking dust line fell on the door, and Allen made a gesture, and He Bai quickly passed the door. Alan stopped immediately after leaving the arch. In the brilliance of Xing Yaoshi, he saw the two of himself were on a platform. The platform is connected to the arch, but the front and the left and right are void. Only the stone steps on the left extend into the darkness below. Allen was stunned, which is somewhat different from the mazes above.

The upper mazes, no matter how complicated the obstacles are, they are always on the same plane. And this eleventh layer is obviously not as simple as a flat maze. But relying on the brilliance of Xingyao Shi alone, the two of Alan had limited vision after all, and could not see through the thick darkness below. Allen shrugged, "Perhaps we should have a fire."

Bai silently nodded.

A moment later, a stream of fire pierced the darkness, rising from the platform at the entrance, and straddling the void of hundreds of meters. Finally hit a wall, exploded into a wave of fire and disappeared. But this is enough for Allen. When the stream of fire flies by, the flame illuminates the place it passes, allowing Allen to see many ups and downs of stairs, platforms with different radii, and connecting domes. Huge stone pillars, semi-enclosed corridors, countless doors and independent rooms built out of four walls.

These things formed a three-dimensional maze, and what Allen saw was only one corner of this maze. As for more places, it was still in darkness. In addition to seeing the layout of the maze, he also saw some fluorescent lights that were different from the flow of fire. These fluorescent lights move flexibly and should be the eyes of certain relic creatures.

"It's really unexpectedly big here." Allen said.

Then the two began to walk down the stairs, and the platform behind them was gradually submerged in darkness, and finally disappeared completely.

The labyrinth on this level is so vast, and the darkness is so deep, that the brilliance that Alan and the two are in, there is only one light spot in the dark black like a screen. Just like those fluorescent lights flying in the wild in the summer night, faint, it seems to go out at any time. In the dark, that little silver light kept moving. It stops occasionally, but it takes longer to move.

After walking down the stairs, Allen realized how complicated the maze was. Those undulating stairs, tunnels or cave dwellings that appear at any time, and ubiquitous arches and secret rooms make this a complex three-dimensional transportation network. It seems that all roads are unobstructed, but I don't know where the road under my feet will eventually lead. The two can only fumble forward, and at this moment, they are walking on a broken road. There is a building resembling a house on the left side of the passage, and a void on the right side. However, if you look down through the light, you can see the square and other buildings looming below in the dark.

This is a huge vertical and horizontal space. Allen can't imagine how brilliant this labyrinth is when exposed to the lights. It is like an underground city, even more magnificent than Tallinn Aisha.

They came to the end of the road in a blink of an eye, and a dried fountain appeared in their sight, and there was a sculpture in the middle of the fountain. Only the lower part of the sculpture is only, the upper part of it falls in the dusty pond. Bypassing the fountain, there is a staircase leading to the upper platform, but when it is in the middle section, another stone staircase extends to the left and right. One goes down and the other goes up, both leading to the unknown in the dark.

"Death." Allen shook his head: "Let's rest, make a fire, eat, and think about how to go next."

When he entered the cemetery, he never thought that the eleventh floor would be like this. A three-dimensional maze like a city seems to be impossible to pass quickly. Bai picked up some broken wood nearby and set up a simple fire. Allen's fingers popped out a ray of skyfire, and the fire immediately ignited. The flame dissipated the darkness, and when the fire light was on, Allen seemed to hear a series of faint noises in the darkness, like the exclamation of something attracted by the fire light.

Allen took a finger-thick scorched wood from the fire and used it as a pen to draw a map of the road they had just taken. Even with Allen's unforgettable memory, I have to think a little bit about every short section, because the line here is too complicated. On the side, Bai took out the bread and water and passed them to Allen. He took out a kettle and took a few sips, then wiped off the water stains and looked around vigilantly.

Allen put down the charred wood, tore the bread in half, and handed half to Bai. The boy shook his head: "I won't eat this."

"At this time, don't be picky about eating. There is no strength to not eat." He forced the bread into the boy's hand.

Bai almost gritted his teeth and swallowed this piece of bread~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and said: "I have a meal, and I can eat again in a few days."

"What does it matter? When I was your age, I had to eat several meals a day." Allen said casually.

Bai opened his eyes wide, and looked at Alan with almost reverent gaze: "My father, you are so good at eating."

Obviously, the boy had misunderstood something. Allen felt a little embarrassed and laughed without explaining. Suddenly there was an abnormal noise in front of him, like the sound of falling rocks, and Allen's eyes suddenly became sharp. Bai twitched his nose, then grinned with two canine teeth. The young golden eyes looked into the darkness, and both felt a creature approaching.

At this moment, there was a soft "shoo" in the darkness, and Allen's head was tilted, and a short black arrow was nailed to the pool behind him, and the tail was still swaying! Read this chapter on mobile phone:

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