Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1227: Awakening

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When he saw this sword-like pillar, Allen's first thought was Yuanjing. When the source power is rich to a certain level, it will condense into a source fluid, and the source fluid will form a source crystal after pure sublimation. Various source crystals are not uncommon in the universe. From Shadow Star Diamonds to Abyss Crystals, they are all crystals formed by natural source power after thousands of years of precipitation and sublimation.

But if this stone pillar is the source crystal, then the volume would be too amazing.

This stone pillar is a hundred meters long and more than ten meters wide. If it were the source crystal, then Allen had never seen such a large crystal. You must know that whether shadow diamonds or other source crystals, they are basically associated with other ore. It needs to be processed and refined. Natural crystals like the one in front of me are so huge that they are almost unheard of.

Since the fire of the abyss was born in the lava well, he should know that there is such a sword-shaped source crystal in the depths of this source liquid lake. In this way, Alan is already a little bit confused about Mitinas' intentions. Is it that the fire of the abyss allowed him to enter the lava well just to increase his strength? Or is it that Mitinas' real intention is to let him discover such a sword-shaped source crystal?

Thinking about it now, the proposal of Abyssal Fire does not seem simple. Even if the war between kings is meaningless, Mitinas can offer other conditions. There is no need to open up the lava well, which has a large amount of source liquid. It is like giving away his wealth. . No matter how magnanimous the emperor is, the amount of such equipment is still too large.

Allen shook his head, and the heart of Abyss Fire was as unfathomable as this Yuanli Lake. He didn't want to make such a wild guess. I'm afraid he can only ask Mitinas in person if he wants to know the answer. He looked at the sword-shaped source crystal again. Since the fire of the abyss allowed him to harvest power in the lava well, the source liquid was a type of power, and the source crystal was naturally no exception. It's just that the source liquid will pour into the body by itself, but the source crystal will not. Allen doesn't know how to extract the power of the source crystal.

You can't break the source crystal out and eat it, let alone look at this source crystal in one piece, even if you want to break a corner, it may be difficult to do.

Allen thought about it for a while, and then thoughtfully approached Chaoyuan Jingzhu. He stretched out his hands and placed it on the source crystal, and his mind moved, the sky fire source force in his body poured into the source crystal. Allen's original intention was to use the source force to sense the internal structure of the crystal, so as to find a way to extract the source crystal force. Unexpectedly, as soon as the heavenly fire source power was injected into the crystal, the source crystal that originally exuded a hazy white light suddenly lit up, and the white light became more intense, illuminating the world under the lake to a white, not to mention, submerged Alan's body. Allen wanted to withdraw his hands, but found that his hands seemed to be glued to the crystal pillar, and he couldn't withdraw it.

At this moment, his head buzzed as if he was hit by an invisible sledgehammer. The picture in front of him became bizarre, and patches of various colors fluttered and fluttered like pieces of irregular fragments. In these flying fragments, he saw some pictures. Regardless of the scene in the picture, there will always be a back figure, and that figure with its back facing him gives people a sense of arrogance and domineering.

The arrogant figure held a white light in his hand. When Allen tried to stare at the light, a scorching, domineering, and unruly spirit rushed into Allen's mind through some invisible connection. With a hum, all the pictures in front of him disappeared, and he only saw a sword. A long sword with a white body and simple style, but with white flames constantly escaping from both sides of the blade.

At the same time that a vision appeared in Allen's mind, straight white light was continuously ejected from the source spar pillar. The white light flickered for a kilometer, and suddenly stopped, the white light that stopped forming a sword-like shape, and then shooting back. They penetrate Alan's body and return to the crystal pillar. If a long sword is unsheathed and returned to its sheath, a hundred thousand swords will unsheathed and a hundred thousand swords will be sheathed instantly.

The crystal pillar is a scabbard, and so is Allen.

In his mind, the long sword emitting white flames suddenly burst into pieces, turning into billions of light, and shooting out like a supernova explosion. Allen yelled "Ah," and finally released his hands from the crystal pillars. He held a few heads that were about to split, but knew that something was left in his body.

Fragments of that sword!

To be precise, it was just the projection of the long sword fragments, there were hundreds of millions of them, distributed in every corner of Allen's body.

Alan is both the scabbard and the sword. It's just a broken sword.

When Allen realized this, a name also quietly appeared in his mind.

The name of that sword is Baidi.

At the same time, his body shook violently, and the source of energy in his body was like a dumped furnace, and his energy boiled out from the furnace. Allen heard a small sound inside, something shattered in the soft sound like the cracking of colored glass. Yuanli is boiling with joy, and they grow rapidly in Alan's body, like a tree with branches and buds, quickly pushing up and opening its branches and leaves.

Then he understood that this was the feeling of breaking through the 30th level!

From coming to the world of consciousness again, to overflowing with the source of power, it was natural to break through the 30th level. This whole process may have passed several hours for Allen, but for Orfascius and Grifo, it was only a short time without even a breath. In the previous moment, they felt that Allen's energy was almost gone, and in the next second, a magnificent energy rose into the sky from Wall Mountain.

At this moment, the sky became extremely dim, and the floating clouds floating above the sky suddenly surged, and the clouds revolved around a little bit, and gradually formed a cloud vortex. In the huge cloud vortex that occupied almost the entire sky, the flames continued to flicker. Ofascist pupil

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Kong shrank and lost his voice: "It's the Void Skyfire! Could Alan resonate with Void Genesis again, if this is the case..."

Grifo, who was controlling Qiangshan, smiled bitterly: "He was promoted, and he was promoted at this time, and even jumped two levels in a row. What a great kid."

Wall Mountain buzzed, as if it was pressing on a volcanic crater. To make matters worse, the volcano is about to erupt. At this moment, the cloud vortex on that day roared loudly, like thousands of thunders at the same time, so that there was no other sound between the heaven and the earth. Under this absolutely strong sound, the space has a strong contrast, but it becomes extremely quiet. Orfasis opened his mouth and yelled at something, but even Lucy, who was close at hand, couldn't hear a sound. In this extremely silent world, a waterfall of fire finally hung down in the high-altitude cloud vortex.

The sky is like a waterfall!

Compared with the Tianhuoguang Waterfall that appeared when Allen advanced to the ranks, the scale of the Fire Waterfall is much larger this time. It is like a huge fire waterfall that falls straight down into the wall mountain. After a while, there was light shining from between Qiangshan, but the light that penetrated Qiangshan was not the vermillion fire of sky fire, but the blazing white brilliance of snow. It's just that the white light not only doesn't give people a sense of coolness and comfort, but it has a more overbearing enthusiasm than the sky fire!

Orfasis looked at Grifo, and the two quickly exchanged glances, and both saw the shock in each other's hearts.

That blazing brilliance was not a Void Skyfire, it was more like a product of Alan's promotion. In other words, after Alan was promoted to rank, he has mastered a more domineering power than Skyfire? At this moment, thousands of white lights pierced out like a sword, piercing the wall mountain, and thousands of light beams converged towards the mountain peak as if they were drawn by some invisible force. Ten thousand rays of light merge into one, a waterfall of fire hung down, and white light soared into the sky. The brilliance of the two colors interact with each other, making it hard to see.

In the strong light, there was a continuous burst of sound. The Wall Mountain is disintegrating, and countless iron walls are reduced to the source of fluorescent light as they break away from the mountain, but the earth-yellow brilliance is so small that it can be ignored before the blazing white light column or the sky fire falling waterfall.

At this time, the white light shrank and condensed into a sword shape, just like stabbing a snow-white giant sword from a wall mountain. At this time, the giant sword tilted and cut it all the way in an irresistible posture. The connection of the source power wall that constitutes the Qiangshan is constantly being smashed, and the huge white lightsaber just slashed all the way down, and the blade pointed directly at Grifo on the ground!

Before the great sword fell, Grievous seemed to have a awkward meal on the ground, but the person bounced backwards like a cannonball. This flight is several hundred meters. When he hits the ground, the white lightsaber that is as thick as a mountain peak slashes to the ground. Behind it, the wall mountain is completely separated, and countless iron walls are exploded into powder, accompanied by frantic air currents. To the sky everywhere.

Grievous settled down, and realized that this blazing white sword was not intact, on the contrary it was broken. There were cracks all over the body of its sword, as if it would burst into pieces at any time. But even with a broken sword, the domineering and arrogant arrogance it exudes still suppressed the duke's breath. Griffith couldn't believe what kind of posture would this sword look like when it was complete?

Suddenly, the huge sword that fell to the ground really burst into pieces, and the thick air force burst into thousands of jets, and the white jets fluttered in the air like fish. The sky was full of white light, like a school of fish returning to the sea, whizzing towards the bottom of the wall mountain wreckage. When they merged into the bottom of the mountain roots, white lights began to interweave, and thousands of white lights condensed into a blazing white sword.

The long sword is in the form of a one-handed sword, and it looks very ordinary, but the long sword not only spreads the flames, but also contains the power as powerful as the erupting volcano! And there are nine long swords like this, they are arranged in a fan-shaped distribution, suspended in the air, like sword wheels.

At this time, the down-filled fire waterfall under the sky finally disappeared, but there was another even greater aura churn and brewing on the ground. As if the surface is calm, the undercurrent turbulent inside seems to set off huge waves at any time.

Lucy tried her best to see what kind of things suddenly bred under the mighty power. But Ofascius and Grifo could see clearly. They first saw a hand stretched out from the wreckage of the Wall Mountain. When that hand was pressed on the wall that was too late to completely dissipate, the skin on the hand turned white. Red, there is more fire under the skin, as if the sky is overflowing under the skin!

The hand supported it, and he raised his head behind the stump.

As soon as this head was lifted, the angry sea roared, and the vast expanse of energy set off a violent wave, the wave surging rapidly and continuously. Thousands of gray-white air waves spewed out of the mountains like evil dragons and self-damaging mountains like a flood-like air machine, and they swam to the vast world in all directions. Suddenly flying sand and rocks on the wilderness, it is difficult. See things.

Just listen to a roar resounding through the sky and the earth amidst the howling wind.

The wind rushes away and the clouds are chaotic.

The situation changes!

Someone is looking up to the sky and roaring, and that person is Alan. The place where he stood up was exactly where the circle of sword wheels was, and when viewed from a distance, it was like the circle of sword wheels supporting him. Alan's complexion turned from white to red, and two thin skyfires spurted out of his eyes. The silver hair on his head popped a ray of flames from between each strand, and suddenly a pale flame spurted up, throwing it behind Alan's head like a long hair.

Allen gradually lowered his head.

The clothes on his body have been burned out, and even the inverse scale armor melted into iron in an instant, and in an instant the heat was instigated. A deep black rock layer emerged from the surface of Allen's body, and the black rocks covered Allen's body in patches like clothes like armor. They form beetle leaves, with straight lines and full of power. There are red lines emerging from the rock armor

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, These domineering curves are like flames wrapped in rock armor.

Then there was a real flame rising from under Alan's feet, but it was a dark flame in the form of mist. The dark flames rolled like black dragons, and they rose into the sky, enveloping Allen and obscuring his figure. The left and right converge and stretch again, like a pair of huge black wings. At this moment, Alan's forehead lit up with two red lights, and then something came out under each red light.

Those are a pair of dark red corners, with spiral red lines on the corners. But if you look carefully, you will find that it is not a pattern, but a subtle arrangement of red symbols. These symbols are the words of Eboins!

Alan’s right hand is the Scarlet King, and his left hand is Death Song; carrying a sword wheel and a dark wing open, another roar like a wild beast from his mouth, and then a black rock layer climbs up from his chin, quickly moving the part below his eyes Cover it completely, forming a black mask. At this moment, his eyes were sprayed with vermilion sky fire, and the blue flames on his head were burning wildly, and he also had curved horns on his forehead, his posture was no different from that of a demon.

More importantly, the energy in his body at this moment is no longer comparable to before.

Orfasis sighed: "The thing that worries me the most is that it happened. This is not an engraved weapon at all, but the form of the Twilight Son. After all, his posture now is basically the same as described in the literature... Awakened completely."

"However, things didn't need to be what they are now." Lucy shook her head and said, "Father, you awakened him. If it wasn't for your persistence, Alan wouldn't have to go this way!"

Orfascius looked at Lucy, his lips moved, but he couldn't find anything to refute.

Grievous's voice suddenly came: "Your Majesty, be careful!"

The emperor turned his head, it turned out that Allen started charging.

He locked Orfascius and rushed straight from the wreckage of Wall Mountain. At first, Alan's speed was not fast, but he kept accelerating, causing the pair of dark wings behind him to gradually drag into a black tail flame.

The earth kept flying back behind him.

The distance between him and Ofascius kept getting closer.

Suddenly, a figure was inserted in front of Allen's eyes, and Grievous raised his hands and placed the iron wall in front of Allen.

The fire in Alan's eyes was violent, instead of stopping, he charged even more violently and urgently.

He crashed into the iron wall, advancing in a straight line like a dreadful, and with the strength of the charge alone, he smashed Griver's immovable iron wall all the way. In an instant, the last wall of Genesis was torn apart, and Allen leaned forward and rushed out. He raised his head to look at Grifo, and the Scarlet King lit up a touch of scarlet.

Scratch out.

A blood-colored Changhong rose on the ground, pointing straight to the sky, and then slamming a curved arc from a high altitude. Above the arc of the knife, is Grifo. He desperately pressed the overbearing light with both hands, and even though he was cut away with a single knife, he couldn't help but slashed Allen into the sky. After a short while, he didn't know how many kilometers away, and became a pinhole-sized black spot in the sky !

Allen kept walking, the track finally changed, and still went straight to Ofascius with a straight trace.

The emperor, who was a thousand meters away, suddenly appeared before his eyes.

In addition to the emperor's figure suddenly appeared, there was also a vast and unparalleled aura!

Allen seemed ignorant and raised his left hand and closed his arm. Then the black long knife was tapped towards the emperor's neck, Ofascius squinted his eyes, stretched out his right hand, spread his five fingers, and used his palm as a shield against the blade of Death Hymn.

The black long knife immediately pressed out a full arc.

A series of crackling tremolos sounded under the two people's feet, and cracks of different thicknesses were torn on the ground, spreading in all directions around the two people.

"go with!"

Orfasis gave a soft drink and pushed hard with one hand. The long knife shook, and the curve of the blade reversed like a wave, slapped Alan, and flew Alan away.

Allen flew upside down a hundred meters and crashed to the ground, wiping out a huge crowd on the ground. The dust and smoke scattered, and a blazing white electric light flashed out. Its speed was so fast that after it flashed out, two white waves of air rose like wings on the ground!

That was one of the white swords in the sword wheel behind Allen.

Orfasis tilted his head, and the white sword flashed past his face with a blazing flame tail. In an instant, the white sword was hundreds of meters away. At this time, a thin wound appeared on Ofascius' cheek, and blood was secreted from the wound.

The blood of the King of Justice turned out to be pure golden yellow!

At this time, Allen leaned forward ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but did not sprint, leaving eight white swords on the sword wheel behind him with electric shots one after another. This white sword flickered like electricity, bringing up a white tail flame to draw a creamy white trail on the ground. They repeatedly interspersed around Orfascius, like a white shark surrounded by prey, and like an army capable of fighting. Orfascius secretly calculated, but found that the flying distance of each white sword is different, the farthest can be measured in kilometers, and the nearest is within 35 meters to the left. Either in a straight line, or in a roundabout way, there is no pattern to be found.

If it were replaced by someone else, even if it was a powerhouse of the level of the dominator, it would be cut to pieces by these erratic white swords. Orfascius was probably overwhelmed, yelled violently, and his vigorous aura sprayed around like a thunder. The nine white swords that wandered endlessly flew out of this momentum, but the white swords made a turn in the air and flew high in the sky. Lined up again, the tip of the sword turned and aimed at Orfascius.

The next moment, the nine swords fired a volley, dragging the tail flames and blasting towards the sky.

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