Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1243:  Road mark



[Thanks to Feng Qi Anqi, Lao Yan the most handsome, zjc943434, quickben, chubby, Arthur's rose, and foolish brothers for their monthly rewards. And the suggestion of "the soul of the gun", I'm sorry to everyone here. I owe you some monthly pass plus changes. I originally planned to add it these days. But the most cervical spine is not very comfortable, and I dare not sit for too long every day. After waiting for a while, I will make it up when the state is restored, thank you. ]

On the other side of the Great Saron Fault, there is a vast void, with mist floating on it for years. The imperial capital of the Demon Shadow Empire was located above the void, between the mountains and fog.

The magic circle city is just like the meaning of its name. This magnificent capital city looks like concentric circles grouped together, interlocking. The Magic Ring City is very old, and even though the starships above it are like ridges, the buildings in the city still retain the ancient flavor. This city is located above the void in front of the Great Fault, but unlike the floating island of Babylon, there is no anti-gravity device below the city. Supporting the city are thousands of stone pillars that are as rough as mountain peaks. No one knows how these stone pillars came from. They seem to be naturally located below the capital, supporting this city of nearly 100 square kilometers.

There is a very obvious central axis in the capital, which is also the Avenue of Magic Shadows. The Avenue of Magic Shadows runs through the entire city. It starts from the Shadow Fort, traverses the entire city, and leads directly to a tunnel on the Great Saron Fault. In the old age, to go to the outside world, the Magic Ring City had to enter the fault tunnel through the avenue and then to the surface.

Naturally it is not so troublesome now, and the magic shadow spaceship that comes and goes is the most powerful explanation.

The Shadow Castle is located in the deepest part of the city, that is the castle of Spinnak. Even when the weather is at its best, even if it is in the extreme daytime, the castle will be hidden in the shadows for many years because of the towering mountain wall that rises thousands of meters behind. It is difficult to see the full picture of the Shadow Fort from a distance, only the strange lines on the surface of the castle that glow red in the shadows for many years.

These lines are like the blood vessels of creatures, so most of the life on Agareth thinks that Shadow Castle is a dormant living thing.

Of course, this statement has not been accurately verified, after all, the person living in the Shadow Fort is one of the most terrifying characters on the planet. Around the shadow castle stood the conical evil shadow towers. These tall towers without doors and windows, almost like pillars, watched the magic ring city and even the vast area near the Great Saron fault. The end of each Evil Shadow Tower will emit a dark yellow beam of light from time to time. These beams of light are penetrating. There is no known substance on Agareth that can prevent them from penetrating.

Twenty-four Evil Shadow Towers, like Sponak’s eyes, monitor everything in this world. Nothing can escape the devil’s sight, even when he is asleep.

But the entire Demon Empire knew that Spinak had awakened.

Just a day ago, the demon king’s coercion swept across his entire kingdom like a tide rolling from the deep sea, and on the same day, the news of Spinak’s awakening came from the magic circle city. This is really shocking information, since the Void Skyfire expedition to Agareth, the devil has entered a long sleep. When Frius rises, he often wakes up. But the time to wake up is very short, sometimes several days, sometimes several hours. More time was spent by the Demon King in deep sleep, and never had he awakened like this one, directly releasing his breath of the mighty abyss, and proclaiming the fact that he was awake to the creatures on the entire planet.

So many people in the empire speculated that Spinak was going to formally attack the Black Emperor, but after the Demon King regained consciousness, he did not make any major moves. Even not long ago, there was a battle between the Shadow Empire and Dobia’s army on the land bridge of the Blood Sea. The battle ended with the retreat of the Shadow Empire’s army. Even so, Spner was not seen. Kejiao, this made everyone panic up and down the Demon Shadow Empire.

But no matter what the outside world is, in the Shadow Castle, everything must be very careful. Even one breath must be controlled so as not to attract Spinak’s attention. No one wants to attract the attention of the Demon King, even the soldiers serving in the Shadow Fort.

But today, Lamer must go to meet the demon king, which makes General Lamer, known as the latent demon, feel particularly heavy.

Ramer, the Baer, ​​is like a lanky monkey, his hands and feet are long, and his face is like an ape. There was a long and short row of bone spurs from the top of the head to the back. He always bends over while walking, looking like an elderly man. But in fact, the general of Spinak was a master of stealth and assassination, otherwise he would not win the title of "Latent Demon". In addition to commanding an assassination troop to serve the Demon Empire, Lamer is also the Intelligence Director of Spinak, responsible for managing the huge intelligence network that covers the entire empire.

When I walked into the shadow hall of the castle, I heard the laughter of women. The hall retains the style of the ancient architecture of Agares, dark, majestic and elegant. Those tall and long narrow windows let the bright sky light outside leave only long narrow spots on both sides of the hall, like two rows of loyal guards. The stone pillars supporting the dome in the hall are carved with statues of naked women, which look like these women holding the pillars. The dome is filled with spar, the largest one is as big as a table top. At night, the brilliance of these spars is enough to light up this hall.

At the end of the hall is a high platform. There is a stone step on the high platform extending to the ground. There are 27 steps of stone steps. The steps are from bottom to top, from wide to narrow. On the high platform, there is a black iron throne. The throne is shaped like many straight and pointed blades. At the bottom of the throne are two iron statues of strange beasts. The strange beasts are embedded with blood-red spar, which looks like a living thing from a distance. As if these two alien beasts carried the throne all year round, there was a figure on the throne, which almost merged with the shadow on the high platform, making it impossible to see its outline. On each side of the throne sits an enchanting woman. There is a big difference between women and men of the Bar ethnic group. Men of this race have almost no common characteristics, but women are almost the same as humans. It's just that their skin is dull, their pupils are bright red, and their bodies have natural lines, but they are all **** and beautiful.

Lamo looked at the throne on the high platform and recognized that the two women were the sisters who had been sent into the Shadow Castle by an adult the day before yesterday. The people they were pleasing were naturally the highest in the Shadow Empire. Lamo stopped at a distance of 100 meters from the high platform, and then he squatted down on the ground and said, "Please forgive me, Your Majesty."

A voice sounded from the high platform: "What's wrong, Lamer, you seem to have screwed up something."

The tone of the sound was flat, with almost no fluctuations, and it reverberated continuously in the hall. The volume is not loud, but it seems to be whispering in the ear. Ramer did not dare to get up and said: "Just now, I received the news. The Kidd transport fleet lost contact. They seemed to have been attacked before they entered the planet. After passing through the atmosphere, an accident happened. The fleet has been completely destroyed, and we are currently confirming where the wreckage of the fleet fell."

"What!" The voice on the high platform suddenly increased a few degrees, and the voice became high-pitched and angry. The pressure poured down from the high platform like a tide, and instantly swept across the entire hall. The pair of sisters on the throne showed painful expressions. There was a soft sound of bone crushing in their bodies, and their **** and beautiful bodies turned into two pools of flesh in an instant, but they couldn't bear the supreme power and let them go violently on the spot.

Ramer also chuckles all over, and Spinak is so breathless that he can't breathe. After a while, the horrible tide of power slowly receded, and the light in the hall seemed to be brighter.

"This time the Kidd sent the Heart of the Stars for me, using the water purification fleet as a cover. It should have been foolproof. Who actually attacked them in outer space? Also, immediately check for me to find out that the fleet entered. What happened after the atmosphere. But most importantly, you must find the heart of the stars, it is more important than anything!"

"Your Majesty," Lamer said with a trembling voice, "Once the fleet wreckage is confirmed to have fallen to the ground, I will immediately send a team to recover it. I believe the Heart of the Stars should be nearby. But..."

"But what?"

"This is your Majesty, according to our deduction. The wreckage should fall near the wasteland."

"The Great Wasteland?" The figure on the throne twisted slightly: "That's a bit troublesome. The Great Wasteland and the Forgotten Realm are adjacent to each other. If our people appear in that place, I'm afraid I will shock her. And, once When we go to the wasteland, we are bound to attract the attention of that **** by Frius. He will definitely try to figure out our purpose. I can't imagine what the consequences would happen if the heart of the stars were given to Frius. ."

"Your Majesty, it's just a heart of stars, presumably the Black Emperor won't be interested?"

"If it's the core of the dying planet, Frios would certainly not be interested. But the heart of the star was directly taken from a young planet by the Kidd people with their latest technology. Its energy It is immeasurable. The important thing is that it is not only complete, but also young. With it, I can make the Idahua star suffer as much as possible, and it can make Frios this **** taste the pain of betraying me!"

Lamo quickly said, "Then I know what to do, Your Majesty."

"You better know."

Ramo left the Hall of Shadows almost crawling, and after the two towering black iron gates were closed, he reluctantly stood up on the wall. But he found that his legs were still trembling, and Spinak was as unpredictable as his figure. As long as he said a word incorrectly, Lamer believed that there would not be much difference between himself and the sisters. Fortunately, he left the hall alive, and he vowed that he would not step into this hall if there was no need.

Of course, the premise is to find the wreckage of the fleet and the heart of the stars!

Five hours have passed since it landed on the ground.

Alan stood on a rock and looked into the distance. The snowy field seems to have no boundaries, even with the light from the space light strips above his head, Alan can't see the end of the snowy field. The terrain here is fairly flat, but the weird force fields all over the space not only affect perception, but also affect vision. With Allen's eyesight, he could only see a place six to seven hundred meters away in this environment. As for the farther scene, it becomes blurred.

If he is like this, other people are naturally more affected.

The sky still showed no signs of becoming brighter, and it seemed that Agareth's night was exceptionally long. Had it not been for the time when Agareth hadn't entered the day or night, Allen would have thought the sky would always be so dim. The snow field is quiet, but quiet does not mean that there is no life. A corpse lying not far away is a creature on the snow field. It looks a bit like a giant lizard, except that it has no eyes on its head, and it has five legs on its body. A thick tail splits into two sides from the middle section.

This creature inherited the chaotic characteristics of life on Agareth, and its seemingly head is actually used to confuse opponents. When Laura chopped off its entire neck with the blood-braking giant sword, thinking it was safe, the strange beast still attacked. The Hubble next to him added another axe and almost cut it off, finally ending its life. Afterwards, Allen turned its corpse upside down, only to find that its abdomen had eyes and a mouth, and the location of its abdomen was where its vital organs were.

God knows how many creatures like this there are on this snowy field.

But now, they are more anxious to find traces of the planet’s indigenous activities in order to understand where they are currently, so that they can make the next plan.

A cloud of black mist suddenly appeared nearby, and Belmode walked out of the black mist. After many attempts, he seemed to grasp the method of opening the space channel on the snowy field, and would never drive directly in the air like the first time. However, Belmode is still very cautious, and there is no need, preferring to use his own legs instead of using space to penetrate the edge. He walked to the snowy field and pointed to a corner of the vast snowfield: "Master, maybe we should go there and see. I think I should see the light, yes, the light."

Alan's eyes lit up, and he finally got a clue. He nodded and said, "Lead the way, Belmode."

They didn't walk fast, and encountered a few chaotic creatures on the way. These things have nothing in common. Among the chaotic creatures, there are soft creatures that look like sea mothers, without eyes, ears, nose, and nose; there are also monsters that have six or seven opposite legs like spiders, but their bodies are like wolves. . Only one thing is that these things are very good at disguising themselves. The parts that often seem to be deadly can actually be abandoned, and even used to lure the enemy to attack.

After more than an hour, Allen saw the so-called light in Belmode.

This kind of light made him feel uncomfortable.

No one would feel comfortable seeing a cloud of green lights, including Hubble. The Catu man waved his great axe and said in a buzzing voice: "I bet that it will definitely not be a good place."

"It's normal, because this is Agareth." Belmode said.

"Let's go over and take a look." Allen said.

The group of lights seemed to be open for hundreds of meters, not far away. But when Alan and the others walked towards the light, they found it was not that simple. After walking for a full kilometer, they discovered the location of the lights, that is to say, the invisible force field on the snowy field also affected their judgment of distance.

Standing in front of Allen's eyes was a stone pillar, which was rough and uneven on its surface. There was a stone cage on the ten-meter-high column, inside which was burning with aquamarine flames. This was the light they saw. Although it is not a real light, whether it is a stone pillar or a flame, it does not look natural. In other words, here are traces of indigenous activities on the planet. And not far away, there was another group of green fire, and further away there were two or three points of green light.

Allen exchanged glances with everyone, and said, "It seems to be something like a road sign. The perception here is vague, and the sense of distance and direction are greatly reduced. There is no obvious reference on the snowy field. If there is no road sign, I am afraid that the local natives will also get lost."

"In other words, we will find a settlement." Laura said with joy.

"Don't be too happy, I don't think the natives of the planet will welcome us." Allen said, lifting the king.

The five people walked along the green flames towards the front of the snowy field. When they saw the second lamp post, the snowy field was blowing. Moreover, the wind and snow came very quickly, and after a few breaths of effort, his vision had become extremely blurred. The blurry vision of the light blue snowflakes dancing wildly, fortunately, those green flames do not know what fuel they use, but the wind can't go out. Allen made a gesture to make everyone speed up. They are not afraid of ice and cold, they are afraid that the wind and snow will blow out the flames, and then they will have to spend a lot of time.

So the team braved the wind and snow to advance, and when they passed the eighth lamppost, they finally saw the outline of the building. In the blizzard ahead, under a dazzling green light, are buildings. Only due to the backlit light system, only large black silhouettes can be seen.

Allen had just taken the first two steps when a green light suddenly lit up in the wind and snow. He stopped abruptly, and turned sideways, a tragic green light beam glided past him, falling diagonally on the snow a hundred meters away, silently raising a green flame. In that green fire, a large area of ​​ice and snow disappeared instantly, and a pit with hot smoke rising appeared.

Someone in front made a "Huh" ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and then a bad voice rang: "Who are you guys!"

"We are just ordinary travelers, but this **** blizzard made us lost, now we need a place to rest, can we pass?" Allen said in pure Agareth language.

There was a burst of laughter before someone said, "Then tell me, where are you from and where are you going?"

"We can't tell you where we are from, but what we can tell you is that we are going to the Great Wasteland." Allen said the wording he wanted to say earlier. The Great Wasteland is a gray area and there are everyone there. If the other party wants to guess the identity of the crowd from their destination, it will only be a joke.

Unexpectedly, there was a louder laughter in the wind and snow, and then the voice turned coldly: "You are lying, I have never heard that the guy who is going to the wasteland will wander to the edge of the forgotten realm!"

Allen's expression changed immediately. He had long realized that this snowy field was weird, but he didn't expect it to be the edge of the Forgotten Realm. Thinking of Idahuaxing's warning about this area, he couldn't help feeling heavy.

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