Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1253: army

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"No matter who our enemy is, our army structure must follow the basic types of melee, long-range, and auxiliary arms for planning. [ㄨ] When conditions permit, we can develop assaults, guerrillas, and fortifications. Special arms. According to the needs of the battlefield, it can be divided into land and air combat units. If facing the ocean area, you need to develop a deep sea unit." Mitinas said in his unchanging tone: "But just as it is now. , We only need to produce land combat units first. Both melee and long-range firepower are available. But even so, there are many low-level combat units that meet the requirements..."

As Mitinas spoke, some information naturally appeared in Allen's mind. He knew that it was the information that Mitinas had fed back into his mind. Since Abyss Fire could have a spiritual dialogue with him, he could naturally also send information back to him in a way of spiritual transmission.

In the information provided by Mitinas, there are indeed a lot of low-level arms. Among them, Allen has seen Fire Horn Demon, Fire Boy and other arms he is familiar with. Of course, they are called other names in the battle sequence of Mitinas, and that is the real name of these combat units.

"Flaming Horn..." Mitinas shared Allen's mind. Unless Allen deliberately covers it, Mitinas will be able to read Allen's current thoughts. He said: "His Royal Highness gave them the appropriate name. The Fire Horned Demon class is also very powerful in low-level units. I personally think that mass production of Fire Horned Demon would be a good idea at this stage. ."

Allen was not in a hurry to decide. When he focused on this unit, the information about the Firehorn Demon was clearly presented in Allen's mind like a rock emerging from the water.

This kind of ground combat unit has good physical stamina and physical strength, and they can meet the needs of most conventional combat. The strong and powerful forelimbs of the flaming devil make their attacks have unparalleled impact. Although they have no special attack skills, if they are mass-produced, a large number of flaming devil will cause great trouble to the enemy.

"In addition to the Firehorn Demon, I personally think that with this kind of combat unit, it should be capable of the next battle." Mitinas said, and at the same time sent the detailed information of the combat unit he mentioned by teleportation. Enter Allen's mind.

So the image and information of another combat unit appeared in Allen's mind.

For the turret, Mitinas abandoned the original long and convoluted name of this combat unit and named it with a more concise and vivid text. This kind of combat unit looks like a turret, but a turret with two legs. They can move slowly, and they can be fixed on the designated artillery position for a long time, and transform their internal energy into fireballs for long-range bombing. Excellent firepower support is their advantage, but the disadvantages are also obvious. The turret moves slowly, and there is no melee combat method. Once the enemy has attacked the artillery position, these combat units can be harvested in patches.

In general, the advantages of the turret still outweigh the disadvantages.

"That's them." Allen said at last: "First, produce the Flamingo and the turret. How much can you produce in one day?"

Mitinas said unhurriedly: "We currently have five melting wells, each of which can produce four flaming horns and two turrets a day. I plan to use a ratio of four to one, which is Say that today you will get sixteen flaming horns and two turrets. But..."

"I will let the builders continue to build melting shafts. At the current rate, you can build five melting shafts a day, so your army will increase day by day." Mitinas' crystal eyes swept toward the depths of the mine: "I probably already After exploring this vein, in order to ensure that the output of combat units and the energy supply are balanced, the optimal number of smelting shafts is 150. Once this number is reached, your Highness will get six hundred fire horned monsters and three hundred in one day. The fort will fight for you."

"Of course, the large number of low-level arms can play a very limited role in the high-level battlefield. So we need to continue to develop energy sources, build a molten river that can produce middle-level arms, and even a doom volcano that produces high-level arms. In addition, I have to prepare to build the gate of flames, so that when I need to call a new king to fight for you." Mitinas said: "There are so many things to do, but we It can be done step by step. Starting from the low-level legion, in time, this burning army will dominate the planet and bring flames to every corner of the universe."

"By then, the entire universe will be under your dazzling firelight!"

Mitinas's tone became higher and higher, and his body burst out from under the rock suit dazzling fire, illuminating the entire mine as bright as day. After a few seconds, the flames dimmed, and Mitinas leaned forward and said, "Sorry, I'm so excited."

"It doesn't matter, I'm just as excited as you, and look forward to that day like you." What Allen didn't say is that he and Mitinas had slightly different expectations. He also wanted the power to reign over the entire universe, not for dominance, but for the power to settle old accounts with some people, and the right to breathe freely under any blue sky.

At that time, I can see you again. Wait for me, Lucy.

"Then leave it to you here, Mitinas. I will let the workers in the town resume their operations at the mine. You don't have to worry about energy supply for the time being."

After a brief confession, Allen left the mine and returned to town. On this day, the residents of the town were told to resume operations at the mine, and most residents in Luguang Town worked in the mine to make a living. Only a small part of the combat power is fairly good, and they will wander the snowy fields around the town to capture all kinds of alien beasts in the abandoned realm. In addition to selling these alien beasts to some merchants in the town, they can also be brought back to the wasteland for sale. It's just that the former is easier to get cash, and the latter has a longer period of money, but the profit will be greater. How to choose depends on individual needs.

Back at Lim's hotel, Laura had woken up, eating in vain. It has been more than 24 hours since Alan came to this town before he found out that the realm of the forgotten was almost eternal night. The so-called daytime by the residents of the town is only slightly brighter, but in fact it is not much different. The only difference between day and night are the hourglasses in black and white in the town. When the white end of the hourglass is on top, it is daytime. On the contrary, it is night.

Hourglasses like this can be seen almost everywhere. When Alan came back, he saw the white end of the hourglass facing upwards. Since it is daytime, the meal now can be regarded as breakfast. It's just that the breakfast in Lim's shop is far from the past, at least in the past, there will never be roasted treehoppers in Allen's breakfast. Although Lim repeatedly emphasized how nutritious this breakfast was, Alan still had a hard-to-swallow feeling looking at the coke-like bugs.

Finally, he changed the purple paste under Lim's idiotic eyes, at least it tasted and tasted good.

After eating, Nick walked in. The Barr obviously changed his outfit and looked a lot more energetic than yesterday. When he saw Alan, he bowed exaggeratedly: "Good morning, sir."

Alan was a little surprised, and Nick said, "This is human etiquette. I have heard of it before, but I didn't expect it to come in handy today."

Alan pulled a chair and patted him to sit down. Nick looked flattered, and after moving his hips to the chair, he shouted to the kitchen with full anger: "Lim, I'll get you some food, Uncle Nick!"

After a while, there was a terrible sound of footsteps from across the kitchen. Lim walked over with a sullen expression on his plate, but sneered: "Uncle Nick? Hey, it's scary. I don't know how long you can be an uncle?"

Then she threw the plate on the table with a snap, and she said, "It's cheaper for you, roast treehoppers."

Nick blew his whistle and ate it tastefully. Seeing the worm juice splashing in his mouth, Laura showed a disgusting expression and said: "I'm going outside.", then pulled Bai and ran. Allen waited for half of the grilled bugs on Nick's plate to disappear before asking, "How long does it take to get from the Great Wasteland to Luguang Town?"

"That depends on where you started, my lord." Nick said as he sent the new bug into his mouth, "If it's the blood eye, the blood eye town is on the blue ice field. Master Azerth assembled the army and set off, everything went well. If it is, it takes only ten days to reach Luguang Town. If the bad luck hits the heavy snow, it will take a few more days. Walking in the desert is not an easy task, unless it is Powerful people of the blood-eye level, otherwise the next time will be a lot of trouble. This is a terrible place. Those who go hunting outside the town will sometimes get lost if they are not lucky and get too far away from the road signs. In the end, I don’t know which corner I died in, or turned into the belly of the alien beast."

Allen has seen the force fields on the snowfield that interfere with perception, and knows that Nick is true. It's just that his knowledge of the Great Wasteland is almost zero, so he can only ask Nick some questions to deduce a general ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The next few days, Luguang Town will be calm. Above the mine, Allen's army also increased. On the night of the fifth day, Alan and Hubble were drinking in the lobby of the hotel, when suddenly the door slammed open and the cold wind came in. The few guests sitting by the door looked towards the door dissatisfiedly. The people of Barr are not friendly, they are of the type of fighting if they don't agree.

If it hadn't been for Allen to kill the iron hand, destroy the guards of the mine, and completely shook the Bal people in this town. Otherwise, he would never want to sit quietly in a corner drinking. And now, it was clear that the figure coming in outside the door was a stranger to the people in the town, and to strangers, no one from Baer knew the word polite.

It was a figure wrapped in a warm fur. The other party threw it away, and a few hound-like alien beasts were thrown on the floor. Then a hoarse voice sounded from the fur hat that almost covered the entire face. : "I heard that these things are collected here?"

Is a woman.

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