Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1277:  Grey area

The wind whizzed across the white arch bridge, messing Lucy's hair, but not the firm eyes in her eyes.

Franco had no smile on his face. According to his plan, once Lucy refused to accept his proposal, he would use force to force a relationship with the stubborn empress. Admittedly, this is a crazy idea. But because of madness, no one would think of it, so there may be a lot of chances of success. If the plan goes well, even if Ofascius will pursue it later, in order to take into account the royal face, he will only compromise and marry Lucy to him.

Their family can use Lucy's identity to enter the royal court and contact the royal family, which will bring great benefits and more opportunities to the family. When Alyssa told Franco of Lucy's whereabouts, he quickly worked out this plan and won his father's support.

However, Franco did a lot of calculations, but did not count Lucy had awakened the second stage of Golden Rose, and there was a killing machine like Blade Runner beside him. In the information he got, Lucy probably hadn't broken through the twentieth level. If he knew that Lucy had the strength at the moment, Franco would never dare to act rashly. After all, facing the second stage of Golden Rose and Blade Runner, it is still unknown whether he can win Lucy with his strength. What's more, Jin Qiangwei's original strength opportunity attracted Ofascism's attention, and every second passed, he was disadvantaged.

Suddenly, he knew he had lost.

"Haha..." Franco laughed dryly, shook his head and retreated: "Sorry, sorry, I was just joking with your Highness."

"Joke?" Lucy still pointed at the man with Golden Rose: "Then tell me, Sir Franco, should I believe it?"

"Of course, but my joke is a bit big. So your Highness, you see if you allow me to leave, and I will make compensation later."

Lucy nodded: "Then I'll wait."

She just put down Golden Rose, Franco looked at her, his eyes still hesitating. In the end, he gave up the plan to take a risk, because this is in the city of gold, if it fails. Not only him, but even his father, and even the entire family will be implicated. This bet is too big, so big that he, who has always been crazy, dare not bet easily. He smiled and bowed, and backed away from the white arch bridge. After a while, he completely disappeared from Lucy's sight.

Lucy was really relieved, she put away the golden rose, and focused on the palace in the distance.

Today is just the beginning. Troubles like this will continue to come in the future. In fact, Franco was right, she lacked a strong backing in the palace. Now Ofascius's gaze is following her, even if others have any ideas, they must be carefully considered. But once the King of Justice ignores her, she will become helpless in this palace. At that time, there will only be more and more people like Franco, and the methods will be dirty.

However, she is no longer the old lady of the royal court who could only make trouble. In the days of adventures with Allen, she also learned a lot, including patience, limited compromise, and the use of profit relationships to gain some allies.

This is growth.

In the universe, everything is always relative. Where there is a prosperous star field, there is a deserted space. The Gat star field where Idahua is located is nothing more than prosperous, so this space is deserted. Looking at it, there are no other stars except for a few stars. And among these few planets, either no life was born or they were not suitable for living. The colors of these planets were gray and gray, so even this space seemed lifeless.

But in such a lifeless space, there are flashes of light from time to time. It is not a natural landscape, but a starship that goes between the stars. If you observe carefully, it is not difficult to see that they are all directed at a gray-white planet. This gray star is not habitable, and it may have had a glorious era. But now, it is dying. The internal energy of the planet is almost completely exhausted, without atmospheric protection, the planet's matter keeps breaking away from the body, turning into dust and flying into space.

Strangely, even so, there are still starships coming in and out of it.

This green starship is one of them. It is a small ship and the smallest one. Usually this kind of starship can only accommodate three to five people, or even less. Those who know how to use this kind of starship are either the strong side or the solo traveler. Their identities are also diverse. They may be notorious interstellar pirates or hunters who work with bounty.

The blue starship flew to the gray star, and the stars continued to expand on the screen, and a pair of eyes completely captured the picture. This alien was wearing a dark close-fitting uniform with a yellow-brown leather armor outside. The leather armor has many pockets. I don't know what he uses to hold it. He needs so many pockets. He has light green skin with dark brown patches all over it, like the skin of a frog on earth. This humanoid alien had a blue tentacled on both sides of his head, and the tentacles protruded from his dark yellow hair, shaking gently in the air from time to time.

He stared at the screen in front of the console intently.

On the screen, the gray star is constantly expanding in his eyes. Since there is no atmosphere, entering the interior of the planet becomes an easy task. Soon he saw the surface of the planet. On the surface of the gray star, there were many complex ridges, and huge gaps in the earth. They crisscrossed and crisscrossed, like wounds on the planet. From those wounds, gray dust pillars rose. They were fragments separated from the planet's body. They rose under the action of space gravity, like tornadoes. Starships must be careful to avoid these gray dragons, even if they are only insignificant fragments for the planet itself, but for starships, especially such small ships. A piece of debris weighing several tons may cause fatal damage. He manipulated the starship to bypass several dust pillars. The joystick was suddenly pressed down, so the hull sank and plunged into the ground.

The starship drilled directly through a huge gap that was as wide as nearly as long as possible, and its length was unknown. A row of beams of light lit up at the front of the hull, illuminating the darkness in the crevice with nowhere to hide. You can see from the screen that this is a deep and wide space, it seems that the inside of the planet has been hollowed out. This is not the case, but this is a dull world, so it appears broad. In fact, after a few kilometers deep into the breach, a complex cave area will appear, which is like a honeycomb magnified countless times. The starship drilled into the cave. Under his control, the starship flexibly drilled through these complicated passages inside the planet. After a while, a bright light appeared in front of the hull!

In a twinkling of an eye, this blue starship has flown out of the cave, and below is the center of the planet, where the environment is more complicated. There are smooth cliffs rising into the sky, there are countless ridges crisscrossing, and occasionally a bottomless ground stings with fire. However, in this vast earth-centered world, there is something that will never appear on this dying planet.


A city is located deep in the center of the earth, with a layer of source force shield covering the sky above the city. The gravitational device located deep in the city provides gravity to the interior of the city. As for the spire-like buildings, they are actually oxygen generators. They provide the entire city with oxygen for life.

It can be seen that there are starships haunting the city from time to time. In stark contrast to the dead silence of the Grey Star, the city was unexpectedly full of vitality.

About this city, it has many names.

Ugas Fair, Grey Gate, Lost City, etc. Regardless of the name, it points out its neutral nature. It is one of the few neutral zones in the universe. Neither the Order of Cong led by Idahuastar nor the chaotic races of the Yorton star field can affect the operation of this city. Therefore, it has become a gathering place for interstellar pirates, bounty hunters, merchants, slave traders, criminals and so on.

This is heaven.

It can also be hell.

He took a deep breath and calmly steered the starship closer to the city. After a series of procedures, he was able to enter the city. After parking the starship in a temporary port with an hourly rate, he left the starship with a bulging backpack and walked into the city alone.

Cities are prosperous and complex. There is no so-called main road here, only the long and complicated long streets and alleys. When you first come to this city, even people with good memory will get lost~www.wuxiaspot.com~ because the city itself is a huge maze. Of course, there is no such trouble for him now, he walked into a remote alley with ease. There are only a few sporadic shops in the alley, which not only buy goods from all over the universe, but also sell many weird things. In addition to shops, the most are aliens squatting in the shadows of the alleys with malicious eyes. They watched each passer-by and weighed the weight of the target. If they think you are easy to handle, then after a while, there will be an extra corpse in a corner of the alley.

There is no legal protection here, only strength can protect oneself, no matter what kind of strength it is.

He doesn't care about the glances from his body and backpack, he believes in his own strength, it has always been so. In the shadows, an alien covered in pus took the first two steps, and his gaze kept falling on the rucksack of the green-skinned monster when he was about to start. Someone stirred him, and he fell to the ground, and the pus on his body splashed on the ground, actually burning the ground with a few wisps of smoke.

He looked at a figure in the darkness angrily, and the other party said unhurriedly: "I am saving you, if you know who he is?"

"Who is he?"

"Plant Master, Lu Sen."

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