Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1279:   inexplicable attack

Lusen walked into the tunnel calmly at the same speed as if he hadn't found the tracker. After his figure disappeared in the shadow of the tunnel, someone walked out from the corner of the street 100 meters behind. The man wrapped himself in a dark cloak, and even his head was hidden in the hat, making his appearance unclear. He also walked towards the tunnel, but his movements were indescribably stiff and unnatural. The strangest thing was that his legs were moving, but his shoulders didn't move at all, as if his body had nothing to do with it.

The weird man also walked into the tunnel a moment later.

There are natural luminous minerals on both sides of the tunnel as lighting. The natural light emitted by these minerals is soft and bright. The weird person walked forward step by step and suddenly stopped when passing a curve. Because Lu Sen was standing ten meters away in front of him, this distance was not safe at all. For a strong man like Lu Sen, it was probably a stepping effort.

Lu Sen looked at the weird person in front of him, and all he felt from the opponent was a gloomy, dead breath. He asked in a low voice: "Who are you? Why follow me?"

The other party didn't answer, only a hoarse and unpleasant laugh from the shadow of the hat. Suddenly the cloak lifted up and flew into the air. When Lu Sen's gaze was attracted by the raised cloak, the weird pounced on him. This is a personal alien. He is covered with dense cloth strips with unclear symbols written on it. Black iron chains are wrapped around his chest to his arms. The two ends of the chain are attached to a long knife and sickle. The blades are connected.

The man was still halfway, but he threw a sickle.

Lu Sen snorted, an aquamarine seed appeared in his palm for some time. The energy from his body poured into the seeds, and the seeds swelled, sprouted, and branched immediately. It was supposed to be a slow growth process, but it was completed in the blink of an eye. A cluster of dark green tree vines emerged from the seeds, and they quickly wrapped the palm of Lu Sen's hand and entangled each other to form a spiral vine sword.

The green forest cane sword swept across and opened the sickle blade. At this moment, the strange man rushed, and the long knife in his other hand turned into a wave of light and shadow, and he used a set of delicate and long knife techniques to cover the green forest. Lu Sen is not a vegetarian either, and the rattan sword is opening up and closing, but he is taking the path of strength and skill.

His rattan sword is surprisingly hard, it is obviously a plant, but the knife is not lacking, and even sparks sparks when rubbing against the opponent's long knife. Lu Sen cut out a blue sword light with the vine sword, broke through the opponent's knife curtain, and took the opportunity to kick him with a kick. The strange man suddenly pulled the iron rope tied with the sickle blade, so the sickle blade slashed towards Lu Sen's head silently from behind, reflecting the lights of the tunnel.

The back of Lu Sen's head seemed to have eyes, and he leaned back sharply, and the sickle flew over his head. He twisted his waist and turned sideways. At the same time, he stretched out his left arm and flicked out a seed that had been held between his fingers.

The seed just flew into the strange man's mouth, and the strange man swallowed it subconsciously. Lu Sen laughed: "Stop it for me!"

Two tentacles on his forehead suddenly lit up.

The strange man suddenly shook his whole body, and in the next moment a dozen black lines shot from his limbs, chest and back. These black lines bounced all over the tunnel and penetrated into the wall, fixing the strange man in place. Under the lights, it can be seen that these black lines are actually some dark red branches, and these branches are also covered with barbs. They are spawned from the seed in the weird body, and break through the muscles and bones of the other side. Those branches The barbs on the upper hook tightly hooked the muscles of the weirdo, making him feel painful even if he moved.

If he has pain nerves.

The weird man moved his hands and feet stiffly, but he couldn't move. But he was still smiling, and he didn't seem to feel the slightest pain, he started to move forward. As a result, the branches in his body cut through his muscles like a sharp knife, and the sound of muscle tearing continued to be heard in the tunnel, and the blood line spurting from the strange man's body had already converged into a blood puddle under his feet.

Seeing this, Lu Sen's face was a little unnatural. No one has ever been able to move under the blockade of his iron vine, let alone the other party trying to break free of the blockade. Lu Sen knew exactly what it was like. Even if the opponent could break free from the blockade in the end, the muscles and bones in his body would be severely damaged irreversibly, and it was unclear whether he could still move afterwards. And even if he could move, with such a broken body, Lu Sen didn't know what else he could do.

But he soon knew.

The weird man on the opposite side seemed to not care about himself at all. He laughed wildly and stepped forward, pulling his body out of the barbed branches little by little. When he escaped from the blockade of the branches, his back was as if being dug up with a sharp blade, and he was still fixed on the branches in the air, not only stained with blood, but also meat and even bone debris.

"Mad..." Lu Sen whispered.

The man suddenly waved his hands together and threw out a long knife and sickle, but instead of attacking Lu Sen, he plunged into the walls on the left and right behind Lu Sen. Then he dragged hard, and his body, which was already unable to move freely, rushed towards Lu Sen. The person is in the air, and the strange person's body glows with ray of light. Lu Sen's face changed, and it was obvious that Yuanli ran away and blew himself up. He cursed secretly, and stretched out his right hand to the strange man, the vine sword in his hand spread out, and several bites flicked towards the strange man like a snake and entangled him. Biteng grew rapidly, and in a blink of an eye, the strange man was wrapped from head to toe, forming a vine cocoon.

At this time, the vine cocoon swelled, and bursts of violent aura spewed from the gap of the green vine. Lu Sen didn't hesitate anymore and turned around and flew by. When he skimmed out of the tunnel exit, there was an earth-shattering explosion from behind. The orange-yellow Yuanli flame spurted out from the exit, dangerously rolling behind him.

The fire light illuminated Lu Sen's face, and his face became ugly. Quickly searched the list of his enemies in his mind, but found that none of them matched the appearance of the weird person just now. He was a little baffled, suddenly felt that he could not stay on this planet for a long time, and his plan to rest and vacation could only be cancelled. Lu Sen touched his rucksack. Fortunately, it was okay. Otherwise, the suitcase full of moon diamonds would fall out, and he would have been working in vain these years.

Since he decided to leave, he didn't stay anymore. Lu Sen raised his head suddenly when he raised his foot.

Out of the tunnel is a small square with street lights and tangled energy pipes on both sides. Now, on the street lights around the square, on the staggered pipes, there are constantly appearing in different shapes. The postures of these figures are not the same, it can be seen that they are aliens from different planets. The only thing in common was that they both wrapped themselves in thick and dark cloaks, and the lifeless smell on their bodies was exactly the same as the weird people just now.

"Damn it, what's your source!" Lu Sen couldn't help but yelled. If things are not unusual now, then he has been living for so many years.

More importantly, he was surrounded, there were as many as thirty people here. If everyone had the skill and source of the weird man in the tunnel, it would be enough to make Green Forest a good fight. Although he was not afraid, he fought such a battle for no reason, but it was depressing. Moreover, when these people started, it was definitely the kind of desperate style of play, and Lu Sen didn't know when he provoked such a group of people.

Sure enough, no one answered Lu Sen's question. These strangers just gradually shrank the encirclement, and the pressure they put on Lu Sen was also increasing. Of course Lusen would not sit still, he reached out and tore off a pocket on his leather armor. When I opened my hand again, there was a pile of off-white plant seeds in my palm. These seeds are covered with fluff on the surface, a bit like dandelions on the earth.

At this time, weirdos jumped off the street lights and pipes. For a time, enemies were everywhere on Lu Sen's head.

Lu Sen took a deep breath, turned his body around, and blew the gray seeds out of his palm. These seeds quickly swelled as soon as they left Lu Sen's palm. When they grow to the size of a fist, the crust on the surface splits, revealing fruit pieces the size of a thumb next to each other. Suddenly these fruit particles ejected, and suddenly, the splashing fruit particles spread all over the space around the green forest.

Then came a series of explosions.

In the surging fire waves, unrecognizable corpses continued to fly out. The entire square was flooded by flames and heavy smoke. In the heavy smoke, the green forest flew out and ran along a street leading to it. Behind him, there were seven or eight weirdos that were not affected by the explosion. They drilled out of smoke and followed Lu Sen.

Lu Sen glanced, and snorted. He reached into the outer pocket of his left leg, and fetched a dark red seed the size of a fist. Lusen poured Yuanli into the seed, and after a while, he threw it back. The seeds are still in the air, but they grow rapidly. The sprouts that grow from the seeds alone are as thick as an adult's arm. It fell to the ground, but the thick sprouts burrowed towards the ground, and even dragged the seeds into the ground.

When the chasing soldiers rushed to ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, the ground suddenly arched and cracked, and thick vines grew violently below. They rushed violently at the weird chasers like a whip, and even grew a vine as thick as a giant tree from inside. The thickest vine kept flying and growing branches, with brightly colored flower buds on the branches. It's just that these buds are so big, each of them is the size of a cannonball. When the flower buds bloom, the flowers on the thick vine are half the size of a tabletop. They shook off the reddish pollen from the stamens, and there seemed to be a reddish cloud in the air. The chaser who inhaled the pollen began to fester, and it was not the poisonous pollen that was fatal, but the giant flowers.

At this moment, the stamen of the giant flower splits, forming a big mouth. The branches supporting them grew so fast that these piranhas rushed towards the chasers below like sharks that smelled the fish. After a while, splashes of blood and limbs spread all over the street.

Lu Sen stopped, panting. Even though it was him, after giving birth to the carnivorous plant "Frenzy Cannibal Vine" that grew on the blood cloud star, Lu Sen was a little bit too much. Plants need to consume source energy to promote the growth of plants, especially giant plants such as cannibal vines. However, after all those weird people were finally eliminated, it was not a waste.

But at this moment, he heard a chuckle. The laughter was very soft, coming from the top of his head. The important thing is that, unlike the meaningless low laughs of those weird people, Lu Sen heard the smell of pride in this laughter.

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