Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1283:   comeback

"Stand up, soldier!"

He shivered and got up quickly. He barely saw a figure in the sun that was so brilliant that it could not be added. The opponent kicked him, cleverly, and only made him fall without any substantial damage. After he fell, he stood up immediately, otherwise he wouldn't get another kick.

Only then did he see his instructor, a captain who was over fifty years old. The potential is limited, but the experience is rich, has been to the chaotic battlefield and survived. For a character like this, promotion is hopeless, but recruiting recruits is more than enough.

Including him, there are another thirty soldiers here. They are all new recruits who have completed three months of regular training. Today, I went to the surface for actual combat exercises, and the leader of the team was naturally their instructor, the old captain Mitch.

"Listen, the rest time is over. Now I am all moved. You must arrive at the designated place before sunset. The whole process is rushed, and there is no need to come back for the soft guys who have fallen behind. Go home and take the children by yourself. It's for you." The captain's mouth splashed, reflecting the bright and hot sunlight on the surface.

After briefly checking his equipment, he and his colleagues set off. They walked on this day and arrived in a small town before sunset. This town is their actual combat site. The residents of the town have already left. Now the town is occupied by an armed mob. Intelligence shows that there are about 30 people in this armed group, with weapons such as rifles and infantry missiles. Regardless of quantity or equipment, it is almost the same as this recruit team.

The difference is that on one side is the rabble on the surface, and on the other side is the well-trained federal army.

As night fell, the captain issued an order to attack, and the town was quickly illuminated by the fire of guns and bombs.

The battle went smoothly. After more than an hour, the army he belonged to annihilated the mob group, but he had also paid five lives. He and a dozen other people were injured, but when the medical soldiers accompanying the army took out a warhead from his arm, instead of curling his eyebrows, he laughed happily.

Dinner was going on in the town. Even though he was injured, he was still in good spirits, and even sang the song of dawn around the campfire with other soldiers. At this time the instructor came over and looked at them and said: "You did a good job, but don't be proud. This level of battle is still injured, indicating that you are not training enough. Start to increase the amount of training tomorrow!"

The recruits were all weeping.

But the captain said again: "But tonight, you can have a good time. I just brought a few bottles of wine, it's cheaper for you guys."

After three months in the army, he saw the instructor laugh for the first time. He originally thought the captain was a staid old man, but tonight he changed his mind. Mech drank and talked with them, and left the military base in Babylon. It seemed that even the captain was relieved a lot.

"Sir, I heard that you have been to the chaotic battlefield, that must be very exciting, right?" A soldier asked yearningly.

Meqi cursed and said, "Exciting fart, do you think I want to go? When I was young, the surface environment was worse than it is now. At that time, there was almost nothing to eat. I heard that I was a soldier in charge of food. So I signed up and entered the army. I thought about going to the surface garrison to eat and eat. I didn't expect to hit the federal expedition, and then I was transferred to the chaotic battlefield."

"I don't want to go to that kind of place a second time."

The old captain took a sip and asked, "What about you, why do you want to be a soldier?"

So the soldiers said a bunch of different reasons, and finally Mech asked him that he was the most taciturn among the recruits. But when asked about it, he was happy to share his original intention with the instructor.

"I want to change the world." He said: "Why are the resources of the Federation in the hands of a limited number of people? Why do people on the surface have to go hungry, but the children of the nobles have bread and milk to eat. Even they have a lot of food. I can’t finish it and throw it away as garbage. All this is too unfair. I want to change it and change the world!"

The captain looked at him in surprise, his expression clearly did not expect this dull guy to have such a big ideal in his heart. After a while, the captain patted his shoulder and said, "Your idea is good, but I want to tell you, kid. Soldiers can't change these. We are just a chess piece. No matter how big or small the rank is, we can't change this fact. The only difference is the location."

"But no matter where it is, a chess piece is a chess piece. A chess piece cannot change the chessboard. Only the player who plays the chess can do it." Mitch looked at him and said, "If you want to change the world, then try to be That player who plays chess, go to be the President of the Federation, kid."

"Oh yes, what's your name?"

He replied: "Mobit, sir!"

"Mobit, it sounds like it will be the name of a big man in the future." Mitch laughed.

The instructor's words were still in his ears, and he opened his eyes. It turned out to be a dream, perhaps a memory. He remembered the years when he first joined the army and the ambition he had never forgotten. But now, he can do nothing. Because he is immersed in the life-saving base fluid of a biochemical tank, because there are twenty-four catheters in his body. Twenty of them are regularly delivered to him with nutrient solutions, and the other four are for delivery of tranquilizers and new-type drugs of depressive power.

He is now like a stranded fish with a pool of water for his livelihood. Let him not die, but he cannot return to the sea.

"Let me out!" He slapped the cover of the biochemical tank hard, but he knew it was all in vain.

He just wanted to vent, nothing more.

When the cover was hummed, he suddenly saw the light outside came on, and then a fat figure appeared. He knew this person naturally, speaking of which this fat man had many identities. He is the Minister of Finance of the Federation, his best friend, and a senior member of the Guangyin Society.

He will become a stranded fish, thanks to the fat man.

And he is still alive, it is also the fat man's credit.

So he doesn't know what to look at this fat man, this man named Alstai.

Alstai wiped his forehead with a handkerchief, as if walking a few steps like this would make him sweat, but he in the biochemical tank knew that it was just a disguise. In fact, this fat man is a master, an out-and-out master. At this time, the communicator in the trough turned to a green light, and he yelled at the communicator: "Let me out."

This sentence, in the past days and nights, he did not know how many times he called, but the answer he could get was always "not yet time". He didn't expect Alster to change his mind, but this time, the fat man nodded and said, "I'm here for this, Mobit, the time has come."

"When you return!"

He began to think that he had misheard, and when he saw Alstai busy operating on the brain on one side, the catheters inserted in his body were put away one by one, including the four catheters for conveying tranquilizers and suppressants. Then the life-sustaining base liquid in the biochemical tank began to drain from the water outlet below, and the upper circle of spray nozzles sprayed clean water to wash his body. After the cover of the biochemical tank was lowered, he confirmed that all this was true.

Then he considered whether to punch the fat man first, but in the end he held it back.

Alstai looked at him and said, "I thought you would run out and beat me up first."

He nodded: "I do want to ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but considering your skill and my condition, I want to save this meal for later. So now, tell me why I changed my mind. There is still time What do you mean?"

"It means literally, old friend, your chance to come back is here." Alstai said, "But before that, I suggest you change your clothes before eating dinner. I have ordered the kitchen to prepare. We can chat while drinking in a while."

He was silent: "Coming back, what kind of identity is coming back. Now I am a ghost to the outsider."

"No, only Alan and Vincent will treat you as a ghost. But for more people, President Mobit has never left." Alstai said seriously: "So after your comeback, of course you will still be Mobit. ."

"It sounds like something interesting happened in the Federation recently." He touched his chin and said, "You have to prepare a razor for me. I don't want electronic products."

"Of course I know."

: I owed "three years and three years" a chapter of the rudder master's change before, and still go!


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