Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1297:  The King of Battlefield

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Roddy folded his hands on his knees, looked at the fake product on the screen that was almost identical to Mobit, and exclaimed: "It sounds like I can't find any reason for rejection."

"In fact, this condition is very beneficial to Bethkode, you and I know it, don't you, Mr. Roddy."

"It is true, but the President, although my head is not good for Roddy, I can see it. If I agree to it, then Beskod will betray other families. By then, we are afraid of It won’t be too easy, and because of the pressure, we have to be tied to you. That’s what you think?"

Alan didn't change his face and said: "In that case, it will only promote a deeper cooperation between our two sides."

Roddy slapped haha, shook his head and said, "Everyone can play abacus. I can only say that you play very loudly. But unfortunately, I am not interested in your proposal. Let's look at you instead of Mobit as the president. Of everything you do, which one is really for the Federation and Babylon? No, in the final analysis, everything you do is for yourself. Mobit’s layout is also detrimental to our families, but what he considers is The entire federation. Although I am a member of Bethkod, I have to admire his measure and vision. As for you?"

"No matter how similar you learn, you will never be a Mobit."

Alan almost burst into flames in his eyes. He sneered and said, "Well, Mr. Roddy. Since you said that, I won't force you. Please take care."

The communication ends.

The screen rose, and Roddy frowned. To be sure, the counterfeit must have known the news that the heads of their various families met today. The news may have been leaked by Heydrick, or the other party may have obtained it from other channels. Roddy believes that he has more than one eyeliner among the nobles, but no matter where he gets the news, today's meeting is estimated not to go so smoothly.

If he is the counterfeit, he will try his best to disrupt the meeting so as not to reveal his identity or be forced to fall behind at the negotiating table. And the method of the fake president is by no means just a bribe like just now.

Maybe he will use force?

Thinking of this, Roddy shook his head again. It would be hard to tell if this was on the surface, but on Babylon, even if he was the president, he could not easily use the army or private force to deal with the various patriarchs. Unless, he wants the Federation and the nobles to start a war immediately, but that will definitely attract the interference of the old and new party officials.

Roddy believes that the fake president must have one or two undisclosed cards.

At this moment, a vague sense of oppression fell from the sky. Roddy just came back to his senses, the windshield in front of the speeding car has been illuminated by strong light! A brilliant stream of light hung upside down like a waterfall of stars, falling straight down the road from mid-air, just hitting the speeding car where Roddy was. A ball of light suddenly rose up on the highway, and the ball of light continued to expand and burst, turning into flames to skyrocket. The highway vibrated violently, and the frequency of the vibrations changed rapidly, and matter cracked and shattered under such vibrations.

Those three speeding cars even went up in the air in the explosion, and the body of one speeding car had even begun to melt, splashing flames and iron juice onto the ground.

The fire light reflected the tactical armor on Andos's body, and two electric fires gushing in the back, supporting him in the air. The muzzle of the Andros hand cannon was wafting from the muzzle of a few hot smoke, he in the liquid helmet laughed. At this time, another beam of light blasted from several directions on the highway, and then violently exploded in the wreckage of several speeding vehicles. The nearly 100-meter section of the highway was blown up, and the afterburning flames were everywhere, and smoke was everywhere.

In the flames and thick smoke, a rugged air force suddenly rose, and under the impact of the source force, it blew out the flames on the ground, blowing away the entangled smoke, revealing Roddy's burly figure. The carefully tailored suit of Roddy's body was blown out of shape, he simply tore off his coat, then looked up in the air, his pupils suddenly shrank: "Tactical armor? Nirm? Why do these guys appear on Babylon !"

Of course Andos would not answer his question. It was just that seeing Roddy's appearance made him very uncomfortable. After directly issuing the attack command, the other Nirm fighters began to move around. Roddy snorted when he saw it. He didn't hesitate anymore, and fully urged the source of energy in his body. Finally, there was a sudden roar, and the radiance of Yuanli came out, the bright light pressed the surrounding space and the light dimmed, and a group of flickering light appeared on the highway. When the light gradually receded, Roddy had a pair of rugged armor on his body.

This is Roddy's engraved weapon "King of the Battlefield". Since he broke through the 30th level, this is the first time he has activated this weapon in a real battle.

A line of data floated in the window of the liquid helmet, and Andos glanced at it and sneered: "But it's only level 30. Is the human nobleman so unbearable now? A man who can reach level 30 can also serve as a clan. It grows up."

Roddy couldn't hear him, otherwise he would have to be angry. At this moment, after seeing the armored warriors of the Nirm in mid-air, flashes of light appeared in the air, and then beams of light suddenly blasted down. He stretched out his hand to catch it, and in each of his hands there was a battle axe shaped by Yuan Li. Two elemental power axes swung or swept, blasting beams of light. As he emerged from an explosion of flames, Roddy raised his hand and threw his battle axe.

A black rainbow rose on the ground, and the Nirm warrior didn't even respond, so he embedded the tomahawk into the armor. He immediately fell to the ground, and then exploded a fireball.

Roddy turned around and shot again, adding another fireball in the air. Without looking, he locked onto another target and ran, and when he was still some distance away, he yelled and jumped. The stalwart body hit Nilm in the air like a cannonball, and the two fell towards the ground together. In mid-air, Roddy hit the opponent's chest with one punch after another. His attack was rough and direct, and his armor couldn't withstand his punches. The entire outer armor on his chest sank, and the fire inside jumped.

When he fell to the ground, Roddy simply inserted one hand into his armor, and when he pulled it out, he picked up many pieces of parts. The Nirm fighter was also ferocious. He immediately activated the self-detonation procedure. Seeing that the energy pile device exposed to the air suddenly lighted up, Roddy immediately kicked him away. The latter exploded after flying 100 meters, the entire highway was bright, and the flame of the explosion rushed into the sky hundreds of meters like a volcanic eruption.

At this time, another armored warrior swooped toward him in mid-air. His hands continued to blast his body, and various weapon terminals on his shoulders and chest also opened fire with full force. The fierce firepower blasted the highway steadily. Roddy turned around and let out a loud roar in midair. The air expanded rapidly, and it exploded after covering the soldier like a bubble, and the sudden violent air turbulence made him unable to maintain stability. Taking this opportunity, Roddy shook his hands imaginarily, and a rugged Great Axe appeared in his hand. He dragged the giant axe with both hands and charged and jumped high, the giant axe raised and lowered, cutting the alien warrior into two in midair.

When Roddy landed, there were two more exploding fireballs in the air behind him.

Suddenly the wind broke through the air.

He raised his head and saw Andos hit him. The speed and the right timing made Roddy hit the spot before he could react. Roddy only felt that he was hit by a mountain, and he flew upside down uncontrollably. People are still in the air, and Andos has caught up with him. The strong Nirm man with the name of "Rage" holds Roddy's head in one hand, and the hand cannon in the other hand is in front of Roddy. The muzzle keeps flashing, bombarding Roddy with waves of violent energy. Body.

The two went all the way, exploding one after another.

After a few shots, Roddy swept the axe and forced Andos away.

The electric fire behind Andos squirted wildly, pushing him away like the wind, but he opened all the weapon terminals and vented all the firepower of this armor on Roddy. Roddy snarled, the giant axe spinning like a shield in his hand, keeping the artillery out of him~www.wuxiaspot.com~ As soon as the highway exploded and exploded, the flames seemed to lick the clouds in the sky. Finally, the energy of the armor was overloaded, and Andos' attack finally stopped. He fell to the ground and snorted. Reaching out and pressing a release button, the tactical armor disintegrated one by one and scattered into the ground under his big feet.

At this time, an axe light flashed in the flame, splitting the flame into two, and Roddy rushed out of the flame while dragging the giant axe, roaring straight towards Andos.

Andos grinned, and then stopped drinking, greeted Roddy.

The two met in the middle of the damaged road.

The giant axe slashed away.

Andros hits with a fist.

The iron fist blasted on the axe of the source force giant axe, and a strong light burst at the intersection of the two, and then a group of energy storm blew up on the highway.

Roddy's tiger's mouth shook wildly, and the giant axe of Genesis exploded in his hands. His two thick legs were firmly nailed to the ground, but they were still pushed away by the impact of the explosion. Andos was also not feeling well, he staggered back a few steps. The two stood still, staring at each other.

The air seemed to be condensed, and it wasn't until the two of them rushed forward at the same time, that the dull sound of breaking through the air came out.

Almost in the same movement, the two raised their hands at the same time and slammed their fists together, so the ground sank silently, forming a shallow pit. The shallow pit suddenly expanded around, and the ground was scraped off by the source force of the collision between the two sides. They bumped into each other again, and added many twisted cracks on the edge of the pit. The shortest one was three meters long, and the longest one spread more than ten meters away.

After touching the fist, they parted slightly and turned their fists into palms. The two suddenly clasped their four hands. Both sides screamed and screamed at the same time. One inch of space!

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