Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1300:  Fake death

?It's night, the stars are dim. Thick clouds floating from nowhere obscured the brilliance of the stars and the moon, casting a huge shadow on the floating island of Babylon. Due to the federal implementation of semi-military control, at night, there are many important places or streets. Places such as Liming Square and Golden Wing Street are blocked by the military and are strictly forbidden to pass. Therefore, from the sky, this floating city does not have the dazzling lights of the past. It seemed so depressed and depressed.

In the dark night, an ordinary speed car stopped in front of this house. This is the outskirts of Babylon, with three-story buildings. In Babylon, housing prices are expensive, especially the more centrally located, the higher the price. Someone calculated an account. Starting from Jinyi Avenue, every time you advance ten meters to the city center, the house price will rise by about 50%.

Therefore, the single-family buildings in the suburbs with small gardens are cheap and popular among commoners.

Just like this house, its owner is an accountant who has just applied to come to Babylon not long ago. Judging from the property review he submitted, such a house is already the limit of his ability. However, this is only the superficial information in the Federal Land Department archives, but in fact, it is a secret industry belonging to a certain family.

Roddy got out of the seemingly ordinary speeding car. He is wearing a long black dress and a hat. If it weren't for a closer look, it would be difficult to connect such a person with Bethkod's Patriarch. Because whether it's a speeding car or the clothes on his body, they look ordinary and simple, and they are far from Roddy's identity.

Roddy walked to the door and knocked on the door.

When the door opened, he breathed a sigh of relief. He was so afraid that everything he saw today was just his illusion, but when Anna opened the door, he knew everything was true. Anna took the long coat for him, and Roddy walked into the living room. A beautiful piano music was playing in the living room, Horn was standing by the window, his back turned to him and looking out the window.

As if knowing that Roddy was coming, Horne sighed softly, "I thought I had always seen clearly, but it wasn't until I made Horne disappear from the sight of those people under the guise of death. the truth."

"Father." Roddy asked, "Where have you been since your disappearance?"

"I've been to many places." Horn turned his head, still smiling on his face: "How about it, is it going well today?"

"It's not going well..." Roddy smiled bitterly. "After the news of my attack spread, the meeting with several heads of the family was cancelled. But I still met with Mr. Wallauth of the William family. And talked about it in depth."

"Oh, what's his opinion?"

Roddy nodded: "Mr. Wallauth said that we have to prepare for the worst. Looking at the whole of Babylon, there are not many people who can hide the Nirm from the Federation. It is almost counted by five fingers. . And there is no greater suspicion than our president, who is now posing as Mobit."

"You knew he was a counterfeit?"

Roddy said: "The interstellar frontline was attacked a few days ago, and Windsor Bello suspected that the president was suspected of making peace with aliens, so he ventured into the president's residence and searched. Unexpectedly, no evidence of collusion with the Nirm was found, but It was found that he was as good as the news circulated by the Guangyin Club before. This president is a fake. That's why we learned the truth. Today, the various patriarchs met to discuss how to make good use of the evidence in our hands."

"I have considered making it public before. It is worth noting that in the current situation of the Federation, publicizing the evidence may not be good for the Federation or us. But today, it is obvious that the counterfeit has jumped the wall in a hurry. And it was Nepal who shot it. The Ulm, even more directly, pointed to the fact that he and aliens had news exchanges. Recalling the previous frontline accidents, Mr. Wallauth and I agreed. This matter cannot be delayed, and it cannot be expected to end peacefully. We have decided to publish this evidence tomorrow, otherwise we will drag on, and we are afraid that the **** will sell the entire planet!"

Horn nodded and said, "You did the right thing."

Roddy said apologetically, "I'm sorry, father, I should have heard from you..."

"No, Roddy. Now you are the Patriarch of Bethkod, you should have this determination. As for me, I am already the former Patriarch." Horn laughed and said solemnly: "Before the Iron Prison incident , I have considerable doubts about the president. At that time, it was Alstai who informed me that Alan was captured, otherwise I would still be kept in the dark. Based on my knowledge of Mobit, Alan was secretly imprisoned This incident is obviously not his style. But at that time I only suspected, but there was no substantive evidence. When I decided to rescue Allen, I planned to take this opportunity to completely fade out of the public's sight."

"Only when Horne is dead can I act easily."

Roddy said happily: "I know a Fendi, plus a guy who emerged from nowhere can I keep you father."

Horn shook his head and said, "Fendi is fine, but the alien is not easy. If I want to be born and die, I can only be sure of five points. But I have to resort to death, that's another matter. At that time, I deliberately destroyed the magic furnace of the Iron Hell to create a big explosion. But it took a lot of hands and feet to get out. Fortunately, Mirren had already done the work in advance, and it went smoothly. "

"Mirren?" Roddy was startled: "He knows you are alive?"

Then he slapped a slap on his thigh and said, "That bastard, he told us that you were dead, and also showed us that video..."

Horn smiled and said, "That was what I asked him to do. In fact, Mirren met me when he came to Earth. Together we decided on the before and after details of the whole plan. I'm sorry to lie to you. But if not If I lied you to the past, how could I lied to other interested people."

"In short, I did a lot of investigations and gradually found some clues about the fake president. Including his true identity, the facts that drove the Nirms to attack the members of the Enlightenment, and a small town where the Nirms hid, etc. "Horn snapped his fingers, and Anna walked over and handed him a memory. He handed it to Roddy and said: "All the evidence has been stored in it, and you can announce it together tomorrow. In this way, the counterfeit can't be denied."

Roddy took the container and squeezed it tightly: "Don't worry, father. After tomorrow, he will become a mouse exposed to the sun!"

It was also this night. Due to military control, even the always lively black streets were all blackened at this moment. An army was stationed at the entrance of the Black Street, blocking the entire Black Street. But the black street has been in business for so many years, how can there be only this entrance on the surface, so there are still people coming and going in the black street, but it is not as ostentatious as it used to be.

Alan also used a secret entrance to enter the black street. He seemed to be very familiar with it. After walking through the streets, he stopped in front of a small shop. The small shop deals in arms. The shop is just a facade. There is a warehouse and shooting range inside. That's where the real big business is going. But today there are almost no customers in the store. Only one or two customers should not leave after buying some bullets.

Alan got into the shop, and the old man who looked at the shop seemed to have missed him, letting him get behind the shop. There is an alley behind the shop, and at the end of the alley is the warehouse. There are a few wooden boxes stacked in front of the warehouse, and three men are sitting above them playing cards. One of them raised his head when he saw Alan, and Alan lightly said "open the door". The man jumped to the door and snapped the button. The door of the warehouse rose like this, and Alan bent down and got in, and saw a figure in the depths of the warehouse.

Andos was sitting on the ground with a barely dressed woman lying on each of his thighs, and he was looking up and drinking. Judging from the pile of empty wine bottles next to him, this guy didn't drink less, at least Alan who was full of alcohol could smell it all the way away. Alan made a gesture, and the two women hurriedly left. After they left, Alan said in a deep voice, "How did you do it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You can't kill Roddy without saying, but you exposed yourself. !"

The anger was obviously suppressed in his voice, even if Andos had slaughtered in another warehouse before, Alan could secretly deal with the traces of him. But this time he didn't kill Roddy, and left the bodies of other Nelm people, even Alan couldn't suppress the growing public opinion outside. It can be said that Andos had put his arms around him this time, which was not in line with Alan's original plan.

Andos put down the wine bottle, burped, and said lazily, "What does it matter? If someone finds out, you will find out. Besides, it's not what I thought. I could almost kill that kid. ."

"But Roddy is still not dead!"

"That's someone intervening."

"Impossible." Alan shook his head and said, "The wealthy patriarchs who were able to stop you at that time were in other places, far away from the attack site, and couldn't make it out of time to help. As for Ugalle Castle, there was only one Bell. But at that time, Bell should have left for the surface."

"Who knows, the other party is definitely a tough character anyway." Andos briefly described the golden light curtain that repeatedly repelled him at the time, and said: "Anyway, your intelligence is wrong. You didn't tell me that the other party still has Such a strong backup. If I knew that there was such a role, I would not agree to you to do this work. You see, I have a few good players, how do you calculate this?"

Alan frowned, and quickly flipped through the data of several strong men in Babylon, and found that none of them had the ability or combat skills to meet Andros' description. He didn't say anything until he thought of someone who was impossible to show up, "Is it him? But it's impossible, he is dead...unless..."

"He's not dead? From the beginning, the intelligence was wrong?"


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