Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1304:  Excellent entry point

? The time goes back to ten minutes ago.

"What's the matter?" Mobit opened the curtains, and sirens kept coming out of the window. As the President of the Federation, he certainly knows what this warning means. It is the sound of an attack on the space defense line. Under the night curtain outside the window, tiny flashes of fluorescent light flashed across the sky, disappearing into the thick clouds, and the Federation's starship team was taking off. In terms of quantity, the fleet launched into the sky is not less than one division.

In Mobit’s impression, this has never happened before.

At this time, the door was kicked open rudely, and Alstai ran in with a ruined face and said, "No, I just received the news. The Ring of Dawn was attacked. It is the fleet of the Nirm, they somehow bypassed. After the interstellar defense line, the space channel opened directly near the Ring of Dawn. Now the White House is holding an emergency council, but the counterfeit seems to be missing and no one can be found everywhere. If there is no president’s permission, even if the council initiates an emergency agreement, But Babylon’s weapon system cannot be activated either..."

"Who said there is no president." Mobit opened the closet and took out a straight military uniform: "Am I not?"

"What do you mean?" Alstai took a deep breath: "Do you plan to come back in this situation?"

"Why, do you have better suggestions?" Mobit said while changing his clothes: "You planned to visit secretly at today's meeting of nobles, but their meeting was cancelled, isn't it? Now it's a better opportunity. The counterfeit is not there. If I show up and activate the weapon system, what can prove that I am the real Mobit? The real Federal President!"


"There is no time to hesitate, old friend." Mobit buttoned the last button: "Listen to the alarm outside, if we hesitate any more. Then the loss may be thousands of soldiers, or even the entire planet!"

"Even if it is a risk, we have to bet on it."

Alstai looked at him and finally nodded.

Ten minutes later, they were already standing in the White House. Things went smoothly unexpectedly. Alan hasn't appeared until now, and the timing of Mobit's cut could not have been better. If all goes well, he will return to the presidency without knowing it. It's just the mess Alan left after

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page), Mobit has to clean up.

Under Mobit's instruction, the federal emergency agreement for this situation was immediately activated. All strategic materials are prioritized for this war, and all armies from Babylon to the surface enter a state of emergency combat. At this time, no matter which corps team, it must give priority to the dispatch of the Federal Army. At this time of life and death, all combat forces are tightly pulled into the hands of the Federation.

One minute later, the floating island residents who had been awakened by the alarm received a new notification. They must leave their homes within 1 minute, and follow the instructions of the army on the spot to go to the refuge, especially the residents and businesses near Golden Wing Avenue and Liming Square, and must leave unconditionally. If they do not leave within the time limit, all consequences will be borne by them.

After the notice was given, the whole city of Babylon was full of people with panic expressions. These people who pretend to be noble people are also at a loss like helpless lambs, letting the nearby army take them away. Soon, Jinyi Avenue and the square were the first to be cleared. After the army had also withdrawn, the streets began to shake. Liming Square gradually lifted upwards, and you can see that the bottom of the square turned out to be a huge metal round platform. The metal abutment began to turn, so the entire square, including the monumental sculptures, followed the abutment and turned into the ground. The square turned underground, but a huge fort rose to the ground. In front of the fort, the ground of Jinyi Avenue first sank, and then separated on both sides. The sound of hydraulic machines reverberated from the street, and brackets rose from under the opened street. Each bracket supports a section of the cannon body. When the bracket reaches the designated height, it slides back in the direction of the square, so several barrels are quickly combined with the fort.

This is the strongest weapon in Babylon, the magic railgun named "Gonnier". It was designed by the weapons experts who participated in the design of Babylon, although due to the limitations of the times and technology, it is not as technically as the light-concealed doomsday cannon. But apparently this Gunner cannon is far larger than the Doomsday Cannon, and the barrel that is about half the length of Golden Wing Street is daunting.

In addition to this magnetic rail cannon, Babylon’s buildings are constantly turning over, replacing these buildings with weapons platforms. From energy cannons to blasting missiles with physical warheads, Babylon is like a noble girl in costume, turning around and becoming a whole

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Armed knight!

After activating the weapon system of the floating island, Mobitt also had a video conference with the heads of several big families, including the three giants and Beskard. The content of the meeting is naturally to use the power of the nobility to participate in the battle, but the process is not smooth.

"Mr. President, it's already this time. I don't think we both need to hide anything. We all know that you are not the real Mobit, and we also believe that Mr. Roddy was attacked by the Nirm during the day. At this moment, the Nirm's fleet has already reached the door~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If you didn't make some deals with those aliens, we wouldn't believe it if you killed them."

The head of the William family, Hua Laoen, squinted his eyes and said: "However, at this time, you want to contribute to our nobles. I don’t know how to trust you so that you can hand over those young family children. ."

This is exactly what other Patriarchs worry about.

Originally at such a time, even if the two parties had been in a quarrel before, they should now ignore the predecessors and cooperate closely. But because of the identity issue, these Patriarchs will naturally not give up their power easily.

Moby said, "I know exactly what the counterfeit did before, but I have to tell you that he is not here now. It is me who is talking to you at this moment, Mobit, the real Federal President!"

"Isn't the activated weapon system enough to prove this?"

Hua Lawen said on behalf of other family owners: "Mr. President, I think you also know. The weapon system is activated with fingerprints, and now, we have a way to copy the fingerprints, if we want to."

"Gentlemen, you are really cautious." Mobit sighed and stood up and said: "At this time I am not afraid to admit that I had pushed Beskod to the forefront in order to deal with everyone. To cause civil unrest among your nobles. And to make this plan more perfect, I even personally attacked Mr. Horn on the surface. It was the night when Mr. Horn went to the surface to have a showdown with Old Baker."

"You might say that counterfeiters will also know this information. Yes, it must be said at the time that he was still my stand-in, and naturally knew all my actions." Mobit unbuttoned his shirt: "But he will never leave it on him. The wound cut by Qiuyan!"

(End of this chapter)

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