Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1310:  Blackware (1)

[Thanks to Brother Xiang, Su in the Flames of War, Mie Zhu Lian Guang Man 44, Qing Dong, Game World 9, Qizi0001, Mo Ji Sheng, Fat Du Du, aidsu, hehe32423 and other brothers for their monthly reward tickets! Thank you for your support! Yesterday’s birthday, thank you to all the brothers who left messages and wishes. There are too many people to reply one by one, please forgive me! ]

The body is sinking.

This was the first feeling Allen's will had after entering the source device. He didn't even know how he got in. It seemed that after a trance, the will appeared in this world.

There was bright red liquid everywhere, like water and blood. It is like water because it is not as thick as blood. It's like blood because it is red like blood. In fact, it is more like a sea, an endless sea. At least Allen couldn't see the end when he looked around. He sank to the bottom of the sea, slowly but firmly. But the bottom of the sea is not dim, even getting brighter.

In the end, Allen seemed to have drilled out of the sea, and his whole body was light. He opened his mouth wide in surprise. Who would have thought that when he sank to the bottom of the sea and emerged from the bottom of the sea, he was in midair. Looking up again, it turns out that the top of the sky is an endless red sea.

Floating in the high seas!

The body is still falling, but not falling. Allen's body seemed to be a fallen leaf, slowly falling without effort. This gave him enough time to observe the world underneath. In all fairness, Alan's current knowledge, even if it is not profound, is definitely not shallow. He has been to many planets and seen many different worlds. Even he had been to the will world where Mitinas lived, and was dragged into her spiritual realm by the mysterious woman.

But now that he entered the world of the will of the source device, he was still surprised.

Looking down from the sky, the ground below is pitch black. The black earth does not know where it extends. The ridges, forests, rocks, and rocks are all the same color, but they are different in shades. They form a black three-dimensional world. But under Alan, there are some white buildings, the colors that are completely opposite to the earth are very eye-catching. It looked like a town, and not far from the town, there was a white river meandering through it.

The black land, white towns and rivers, and the sky floating in the Red Sea form this strange world of will.

Finally, Alan fell to the ground. Sure enough, as he expected, he fell into that town. From the ground, this town is also full of weird feelings. There is no plan for the buildings here. High-rise buildings and tin houses are next to each other. Domes or spires are built next to each other. The highway is distorted and even a sky bridge passes directly through the building. The sky bridge is even more ups and downs, just like those roller coaster tracks in a playground.

Almost none of these buildings are the same, the only thing in common is their color. Whether it's buildings, bungalows, highways or flyovers, they are all gray and white, which forms a strong contrast with this black-based world.

At this moment, Allen caught a strange gas. It is huge and complex, just like those strong people who use green crystals to prop up their ranks. But there are differences, such as the giants of the iron hands and the like, but they give people a sense of vain. But at the moment this vast aura is like a twisted steel cable, no one can not feel a little vain. This contradictory feeling immediately caught Alan's attention, and he determined the position of the aura and flew by forcefully.

The scene quickly retreated behind him. At first he walked along the highway, but soon discovered that the highway here could not be called a transportation network at all. Often when you turn a pass by, you will see that the street is born and ends in front of a building. So Alan stopped rushing along the road, he drew a straight line between himself and the direction where the air force was, and then he crossed the building and the bridge. Where there is nowhere to go, a gap was directly blasted, and in this way, he came to the edge of the city.

This is a huge garbage dump.

Looking around, there are mountains of garbage piled up here. Furniture, vehicle wreckage, machines of unknown purpose, distorted metal, scrapped turrets, etc. Allen even saw the body of the starship. He walked through these garbage mountains and stopped in the middle of the garbage dump. A hundred meters in front of him, a completely scrapped battleship was inserted upside down on the ground, and countless metal parts were piled up around the hull, which were the foundation that supported the battleship.

On a turret in the middle of the battleship, Allen saw a figure. It's just that the opponent is in the shadow of the ship's hull, unable to see clearly, let alone who it is. When Allen looked at the opponent, a voice floated from the battleship: "You are here."

"You are finally here. I'm still thinking about when you will find out. Finally, you are not as slow as I thought."

Alan's pupils contracted, this is his voice!

A dark shadow flashed on the battleship, and the man fell to the ground. He stood up slowly, allowing Allen to see every detail of him. For a moment, Alan felt like he was looking in a mirror, because he looked exactly like Alan on the other side. It's just that his long clothes are dark, but his skin is scaryly pale. As for his hair and eyes, they are the same color as his coat, and they are desperately black.

"Who are you?" Allen asked.

The man laughed haha: "Don't you know that? I am you, but you are not me. To be precise, I am the source of your devil praise, but I prefer to call myself black. So, You can call me a black weapon."

"Black weapon..." Allen asked in a deep voice, "Why do you say you are me?"

"It's very simple, because I was born of you." The will body that claims to be a black weapon spread its hands: "If you didn't use me to obliterate life, how would you nurture me, so I can be regarded as a part of you. But you But it's definitely not me, because I am a will outside of you. Isn't this obvious?"

"That makes some sense." Allen paused and asked directly: "Then tell me what happened to you. Why do you want to block yourself, refuse the perfusion of my energy, and not respond to my will? ."

"You can see the thing above, right?" The black weapon replied unexpectedly. He raised his head and pointed to the sky.

Allen raised his head, and when he looked from the ground, the Red Sea above didn't seem vast. At least he could see the edge, but considering the distance, the floating red sea is still amazingly big.

"You know? Normally, it should be more magnificent than it is now. Do you know what it is? That is the life that was obliterated by you and me, the purest blood in their bodies..." The black weapon lowered his head and looked at Allen with a grin : "That is the sea of ​​blood and energy."

"Blood sea?" Allen frowned: "What does that have to do with your abnormality?"

"It's a big deal." Heiqi turned around and faced Alan. From him, an unspeakable sense of oppression spontaneously emerged: "Because I am hungry."

"What? Are you hungry?" Allen couldn't grasp the meaning of his words for a moment.

The black weapon patted his stomach, and suddenly shouted: "Isn't this obvious? Why do you look confused, it should be me who can't understand! Normally, the scale of the thing in the sky should be the current scale. Ten times, more than a hundred times! But you have seen it, it is only so small, how can it be enough to fill my stomach! In the final analysis, you kill too little. So I am very strange, this generation of Twilight Sons What's wrong. Judging from the scale of the sea of ​​blood above, you haven't even destroyed a planet!"

Allen was shocked.

Although there are still some things that I don't understand in the words of the black weapon, it can be summarized in a simple way. It turns out that the devil's praise is the weapon of the sons of dusk!

On the other side, the black weapon said as if complaining: "This time it is really weird, the blood is gone, and when I fall asleep, I think it will take a long time to sleep before waking up again. But it has been a hundred years, and the people who use me That rude fellow has become you, a weak and inexperienced boy. Well, weak and inexperienced, no wonder I get hungry."

Allen smiled bitterly, his current body outline still maintained the previous appearance, it was indeed not strong. But even the supreme can fight him, how could he be weak, Alan opened his mouth to say something. The black weapon suddenly flashed and appeared beside him. This body of will that looks the same as Allen circled him twice, and said in amazement: "Strange, you haven't fully obtained the blood inheritance, why do you feel a bit of awakening. It is no wonder, I said how you Even a planet has not been destroyed, it turns out that it has not been fully awakened."

With an unkind smile on his face, Heiqi said with a dry smile: "It's really funny, it's the first time such a thing has happened since the beginning of time. What have you experienced to become a semi-finished product like this one? , I have awakened, and the essence of life that I have learned so far can barely evolve to the next stage. But in the hands of a half-hearted guy, when can I evolve to the final stage?"

"I can't stand a slow guy like you!"

Allen felt like acupuncture all over his body~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It was a danger sign, and he coldly said, "What do you want to do?"

"I suddenly thought of a good idea." The black weapon stuck out his tongue, and his tongue turned out to be black. He licked his lips, as if tasting something supremely delicious, and said with an intoxicated expression: "This has never happened before. When I woke up, the guy who mastered me was not fully awakened. So I Thinking, if I dominate your will, maybe something interesting will happen, right?"

"For example, I will be the son of twilight of this generation. In that case, I can taste the taste of life infinitely and directly!"

Suddenly a black rainbow soared into the sky.

The black weapon pounced from mid-air with a wild laugh. His right hand was stretched out, and he did not know when he was holding a pitch-black sword. The edge of the black long knife was arrogant, and the long red band was wrapped around the handle, which was swaying in the wind. Allen felt very familiar with his eyes, and suddenly realized that even though the appearance is slightly different, isn't that a death hymn?


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