Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1326:  Meeting a strong enemy again

The battle was born in a main passage. {For the latest chapter, please go to: ww.We}&;

In the passage, federal soldiers used obstacles to construct temporary shelters. After hiding in the shelters, a group of soldiers used magic rifles to keep on firing, and occasionally soldiers carried out portable particle cannons. However, with their source power, a single shell almost drew out their power. Under such a intensive firepower offensive, in the flames that exploded frequently on the other side of the passage, there was a burly figure slowly advancing. Just watching the figure advancing under the gunfire at a constant degree is enough to despair.

After the temporary shelter, a second lieutenant rushed out with the magic six-barrel cannon in his hand, roaring and pressing all the source force into the cannon. After the machine gun sequence is transformed, the torrential rain-like bullet line draws toward the enemy at the other end of the passage like a thunder whip. Amid the roar of the cannon, the powerful bullets kept bombarding, and the armored wall on the side of the passage collapsed in an instant, suppressing the figure.

The second lieutenant stopped breathing heavily, the cannon was charged with a load, and the gun body was emitting astonishing heat.

But there was a sudden gust of wind on the other side of the passage, the pound and thin air force opened up many metal fragments like a river, and then the figure walked out without injury.

"You all retreat!" someone shouted in a deep voice.

A middle-aged man walked out from behind the soldier, with the star on his shoulder reflecting the fire of the passage. This is a lieutenant general. The federal lieutenant general has his uniform open, and he can see the antidote bandage wrapped around his chest, and blood still leaks out of the bandage. His face was pale, but his expression was firm, and he dragged a magic sword in his hand and walked toward the figure boldly.

"General Vines, your wounds" The second lieutenant who threw away the cannon wanted to stop him, but he swept across to stop him.

The lieutenant named Vines raised the knife across his shoulders, and said with a proud smile at the corner of his mouth: "What kind of injury is this injury. As long as I still have a breath, I can't call this **** into the main control room. You all step back, unless I am dead, otherwise you will not be allowed to make another move."


The general's face was solemn, and he couldn't refuse, he wanted to step forward.

With a hand on his shoulder, the general said angrily: "Donny, let go!"

The ensign behind him said helplessly: "General, it's not me."

The general turned his head and saw a square face and the same burly and heroic figure. The lieutenant general was taken aback for a moment and lost his voice: "Mr. Roddy, why are you here?"

It was Roddy who stopped him, and Roddy shrugged: "I rushed when I received the urgent news from General Gefen. I didn't intend to offend, but he is not an opponent you can handle. If you don't mind, let me come."

Vines wasn't a rigid person. He insisted on playing, only because he was the only general who was in charge of guarding the power zone, and the others had already been killed. Neither the responsibility represented by the general on his shoulder nor the dignity of the soldier allowed him to shrink back. Knowing that he was defeated, he was going to fight, but now that Roddy was there, he nodded humorously and ordered the soldiers to step back slightly.

Roddy twisted his neck, habitually touched his chest pocket, and then reached out to clap his head: "I forgot that the last cigar was given to father"

At this time, the alien on the side of the passage also stopped, the fire shining on his face, allowing Roddy to clearly see the playful smile on his face: "Is it you? It's really good. The scars forget the pain. , Rush to die, right?"

"Shut up, I didn't intend to die by someone like you." Roddy squinted his eyes. "But I'm very surprised. You should have been sent to kill me by the counterfeit before, right? Who is it now? You infiltrated the power zone? As for the counterfeit, I haven't seen him reappear in such a big event, so I won't be killed."

It was Andos who appeared in the power zone. After receiving the order from Cagaso, the nicknamed Nirmman general raided the power zone and killed him to the vicinity of the central control room. Listening to Roddy's words at this moment, Andos' expression froze: "Which counterfeit?"

Roddy looked at him, suddenly laughed, and shook his head: "So you don't know, the man who betrayed the Confederation, he is not a Mobit. He is a fake president, what is he not a fake?"

Andos squinted his eyes: "So, I said that the intelligence said that your federal president is at least an admiral. How can I kill it so easily? It turned out to be a fake for a long time. But it doesn't matter, although he is not the real one. The President of the Federation has given us a lot of information. Otherwise, our Majesty will not be able to lead the army to your door smoothly. Your Federation, it will be over!"

"That's not necessarily." Roddy tore off his torn jacket, revealing steel-like muscle lines: "Don't forget that you were defeated once four hundred years ago, and today is no exception."

Andos contemptuously said: "Our emperor didn't drop any heavy soldiers on this small planet on the edge of the galaxy. Otherwise, how can you survive until the Idahua star fleet arrives. If it were on today's scale, at that time You humans are already dead in less than three days!"

While speaking, Andos's vitality surged. This time he didn't intend to tease Roddy, and directly activated the engraving weapon. The weapon named "Fist of Fury" quickly formed and loaded, and Andos' body was covered with armor. The armor itself is not worthy of praise. The real power of the Fist of Fury is its hideous right arm armor. This armband was as long as the knee, almost hanging down, and Andos was full of vigor, and this armband would take up fifty-six out of ten.

Although the engraved weapons are heavily defensive and not offensive, there are also different kinds of weapons that use them to attack. Fendi is far away, and at this moment it is Andos, the superstar.

Roddy is also not welcome, the armed forces of the "King of War" appear on him, and his power is surging. But even the lieutenant could feel that, in terms of oppression, Andos was still above Roddy. This result made the general frown, and he had to prepare for the worst.

I had competed with Andos earlier, knowing that his violent fist was amazing, and I didn't dare to hold it big. The internal circuit lights up, and an ability is formed instantly. A bright red halo unfolded under Roddy's feet, and his strength and physical strength had increased to a certain extent, and even a faint force field appeared around his body. The air density in the force field increased sharply, making Roddy seem to be on his body again. Put on an air armor.

"It looks like you left one hand last time." Andos moved the fingers of the giant fist, then squatted slightly. This simple action gave birth to a terrible sense of oppression, as if the mountains were about to fall.

Roddy smiled and said, "More than one hand, you will know how good I am after a while."

"I hope you don't only have the skill to play tricks." Andos slammed, and a fan-shaped grid stood on the ground behind him. The aliens charged straight, and the source of energy generated by the charge alone caused the federal soldiers in the rear to have difficulty breathing.

Roddy greeted him proudly.

Andros raised his giant fist, his fist dissipated from the dark source of fire, and he screamed.

However, Roddy didn't plan to fight him, the former was short and Andos was smashed. However, when the fist smashed into the sky, a majestic fist wind was still emerging from the front of the fist. The fist wind passed, the walls on both sides of the passage and the ground were arched and cracked, followed by a sharp howling sound, and the whole passage seemed to be The invisible giant twisted his hands like a metal twist.

Vinnis yelled and swept the sword in his hand, barely smashing the fist wind that was already at the end of a strong bow, but it was so shaken that it flew out, vomiting blood after landing.

On the other side, Roddy hugged Andos in a short stature, yelled and lifted his legs off the ground, and then sprinted to take Andos away from the passage. A hundred meters away in a flash, Andos snorted and banged his fist behind Roddy. The fist was smashed, and the air armor consumed 30% of the strength, and then 30% was reduced by the armed armor. In the end, Roddy suffered less than three to four. But after three punches, Roddy's charge finally became difficult. Andos took the opportunity to inhale and sank, and when he reached his feet, the giant fist grabbed Roddy's head and threw him out.

Roddy smashed into the passage wall, and he was embedded in it. He gritted his teeth and squeezed his hands, and rushed towards Andos, but the next second he rammed it back and went deeper into the wall. Andos rushed sullenly, raised his fist and hit again. During his busy schedule, Roddy broke away from the wall and turned around to avoid. The alien slammed into the wall with a punch, half of his arm was embedded in it with too much force, and he couldn't pull it out for a while.

Roddy stretched out his hand to catch it, the source of power condensed into a battle axe, he turned around and threw the battle axe. The tomahawk flew like a wheel ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to cut off Andos' head. The latter roared, and the huge arm armor swept directly out of the wall, carrying tons of rubble, and several flying cables were even spraying sparks. The giant fist swept the battle axe smoothly, and directly smashed the battle axe, exploding the splendid source power flame. At this moment, Roddy came over, twisting Andos' fist of rage with both hands.

With a sudden roar, Roddy used himself as a fulcrum to throw Andos away, and the latter fell near a fork in the main road. Just shook his head and stood up. Suddenly, his vision dimmed, and it turned out that Roddy leaped at him. When the person was in the air, Roddy circled Andos' head with both hands, and slammed it to the ground. Andos' head fell to the ground in an unnatural position, and a crackling sound came from his neck.

As if the neck bone was severely displaced, he didn't wait for him to adjust. Roddy clasped his head with one hand and sprinted forward against the wall, pushing Andos' head all the way across the wall, not knowing how many times it collided with the wall. When Roddy threw him out, Andros landed on a transfer platform. At this time, he was already a long way from the central control room.

Roddy panted, but still stared at Andos cautiously. He knew that these attacks were not fatal to the alien, and sure enough, Andos stood up with his neck supported. He is only weakened a little, but he is far from weakness. After pressing his neck with both hands and helping the displaced bones recover, Andos shook his head and laughed: "I guess, you plan to keep me as far away from the control room as possible?"

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