Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1320:  Fear

Thank you 88, 123, Brother Xiang, Baidu of the Orange Red Generation, Shenji Fan No. 1, 32423, Qingdong, Doomsday Knight, Su in the War, pnr, Mie Zhu Lian Guang Man, and other brothers for their monthly rewards! Thank you all for your support

Lucy was not surprised, and asked, "Aren't you?"

"I'm not." Allen smiled: "To me, the wasteland is a springboard. As for you, Azeroth, it's just a few big rocks on this springboard. So I said You don’t understand, I didn’t think you would be my opponent from the beginning. It’s not you, but the Bone King is not worthy. So I took down the city of Baixi, but didn’t kill it. You thought I really didn’t know how to escape from the city Among those people, are some of your subordinates?"

"I didn't kill them, just to let you know how I killed the pickup. So that you can judge the situation by yourself, make the most accurate judgments, and save my strength and time." Allen shrugged, "But look now. Here, you seem to have made a wrong judgment, and it is still the one that was ridiculously wrong."

Lucy finally couldn't help but said coldly: "Is there enough big talk? If you have enough talk, just do it?"

Allen dragged the knife and started walking towards him: "I think that's the only way to do it. Finally, I'll ask you a question. I only spent one dollar on the pickup. Do you think I can get a few dollars to kill you?"

Lucy was startled and couldn't help comparing herself with Allen.

Logan of Graytown is slightly weaker than Pickup. At that time, Lucy killed him twice, and that was the result of the Blue Devils' intervention. Otherwise, Lucy would have to spend a lot of money. Allen only took a single shot to kill the pickup. By comparison, it is obvious who is stronger. Thinking of this, Lucy's original confidence was immediately discounted.

At the same time, that arrogant and domineering Qi machine undergoes subtle changes.

Allen's spirit locked Lucy tightly, and the changes in his aura and even his will could not escape Alan's induction. While Lucy felt a little frustrated, a circle of dark flames rose under Allen's feet, and his people disappeared in place. When he reappeared, he had come behind Lucy, and revealed the ancestral form of the Dark King.

Lucy caught a dark flame flying by at the corner of his eyes. He was shocked, and the gray sword in his hand was about to be swung towards Alan. But Ellen was faster, his shoulders with the sword hand were slightly lifted, and the hymn of destruction in Ellen's hand turned into a black light and struck straight down, like a waterfall of black light gliding over Lucy’s left hand and an arm of the white devil. Cut directly to Allen.

"One shot," Allen said coldly.

"Asshole!" Lucy roared, his toes whirled on the ground, and the man turned to Allen, his gray sword splashing like a rain of sword air. The strands of gray light shed densely toward Allen like a spring rain. Allen retreated and then backed, and Jian Yu chased him endlessly. Those gray and white light shook the ground into a crisscross pattern grid, and then the ground began to crack and undulate, sweeping Lucy's sword rain to pieces.

Allen withdrew from the 100 meters and suddenly supported the ground with his right foot. The man took up a clamor to the sky, drew an arc, and fell quickly over Lucy's head.

In midair, Allen leaned his left hand into the grip in the middle of the back of the giant knife. When he fell behind Lucy, he slashed down with a giant knife in both hands.

There was wind on the ground, and the snow covered the sky.

The speed that Lucina had always been proud of was completely useless at this time. Although Alan slashed down with a single knife, the magnificent momentum on the knife pressed like a mountain, leaving him nowhere to hide.

He can only cut away with the sword.

Hope to cut a ray of life on that mountain of energy.

The white lightsaber cut out a thin gray-white line, like a line of river tide welcoming Alan's invisible, but vast and huge aura.

A series of thunders suddenly sounded in the air.

A flash of joy flashed in Lucy's eyes, and in his perception, the vast Qi above his head cracked a line of gaps. Then his face changed, the blade of the giant knife in Allen's hand continued to expand in his field of vision, until it occupied all of his sight!

The lightsaber greeted.

Swords meet each other.

Lucy's pupils dilated, and the scene of the lightsaber named Lifa Fractured being cut off by the anthem of shattering was faithfully reflected in his eyes. The giant knife came to an end, and slid through Lucy's gaseous arms all the way. In the end, Allen slid into the ground in a half-kneeling position, holding the giant knife in both hands. A wave of air spread, and hundreds of cracks scrambled to radiate out.

"Two knives"

The white devil screamed suddenly and slipped away on his toes. His gas weapon cut out a straight and long gap, exposing the body under the armor and the blood spattered from the wound on his body. Lucy was also a decisive man, with his lightsaber broken and his arms broken. He couldn't see the chance of winning anymore, and turned around and ran, raising his speed to the limit in a few breaths, leaving Alan with a looming back.

Allen took a deep breath.

The skin turns from white to red, then from red to purple.

Second paragraph of blood!

Allen lowered his weight slightly and stepped forward into a lunge. Anthem of Shattered Holding still held both hands apart, the giant knife was retracted to the left waist eye, suddenly his eyes lit up, two skyfires burst, Alan's figure disappeared in place.

Time is like pressing the timer button at this moment.

In the vast snowfield, I saw a black rainbow across. The black rainbow rose from the place where Allen disappeared and fell a hundred steps in front of Lucy. The white devil hung between the beginning and the end of this black rainbow light. Then Alan's figure gradually appeared at the point where the black rainbow fell. He looked a little unmoving, except that the movement of the knife retracting his left waist changed to the posture of the giant knife tilting at this moment.

The world is silent, only snowflakes fall.

"Three knives." Allen said softly.

At this moment, behind Alan, there was a thunder in the distant black rainbow. Then a series of thunder came to the end. The sound of thunder eventually converged into a loud bang. In the loud noise, the gaseous arms on Lucy's body exploded into white flames, like hundreds of white butterflies dancing. On his waist, a wave of blood splashed, his mouth opened wide, but he could not scream any sound. In the end, he fell to the ground, and in the line of sight, he saw his lower body still standing on the snow.

Ending the battle with a "thunder light" used at the end of the day, Allen returned to normal, dragging the giant knife to destroy the hymn to Lucy's side. Lucy gasped sharply and said dumbly: "Don't kill me."

"This joke is not funny at all." Allen raised his hand and put the giant knife on Lucy's neck: "From this moment on, nothing will happen to you in the wasteland."

With a slash, his head rolled off. The white devil's eyes were wide open, as if he didn't believe that he had fallen.

Allen looked elsewhere on the battlefield again.

Cardan has been subdued by Bai and Trisili. While Bai locked her opponent's joints, the scimitar in Trisili's hand fluttered in Cardan's throat. The captain of the guard opened his eyes wide, but couldn't stop it. The blood squirting out of the throat and the source force that ran wildly. As a result, the only enemy powerhouse still fighting on the battlefield is Yami, the Spider Queen.

Yami fought and walked away, letting Lola's majestic sword slash him sideways, and then used a double sickle to press down Belmode's black sword that pierced the black silently from behind. She took advantage of a graceful back and fell to the ground, with a charming but dangerous smile on her face: "That's it."

Laura held swords in both hands and said coldly: "What, do you plan to surrender?"

"You seem to be the one who should surrender." Ami said with a mocking smile: "Why, can the insects that fall into the spider web resist?"

Belmode squinted her eyes, but Laura didn't intend to listen to her nonsense, she wanted to attack again with her sword. Unexpectedly, when he was about to step back, he found that his body couldn't move. Even Yuanli's urge to transport was extremely difficult. Belmode took a breath and whispered: "We have something on our body!"

Laura was dumbfounded, with her full eyesight, only to vaguely see some translucent silk threads wrapped around Shixue and her body. These threads are thinner than hair, and it is really hard to tell if it is not carefully examined. They are densely wrapped around Laura and Belmode, and spread into the snow. Occasionally, through the refraction and reflection of the sky, you can see the flickering light.

This spider web is extremely large, covering an area of ​​more than 100 meters square, and the location of Yami is exactly in the middle of the spider web. She herself was not affected by the spider web, turning her scythes at will and walking towards Lola with a smile on her face.

But before she approached Laura, a voice suddenly sounded in her mind: "Go!"

Yami was dumbfounded and could hear the Blue Devils' voice.

A few hundred meters away, the Blue Devils were connected to Yami’s spirit and said intermittently: "Get out of here, Yami. Haven’t you found out yet? We have already lost, you and I underestimate that human being. Take a good look, your spider swarm is losing ground, and I have been seriously injured and can't go. As for that Lucy, he is dead!"

"What?" Perhaps the news was too shocking~www.wuxiaspot.com~Yami was shocked. Only then did she look at the battlefield under the city, and as the Blue Devils said, her spider swarms resisted. Under Hiron's command, the horned demon was closing the encirclement, and he might not be able to leave unless he left. Then she felt the aura of the strong again. Sure enough, the Blue Devil's aura was weak, but Lucy could not sense it at all.

For the first time, Jami felt scared.

She thought she was fearless, but at this moment, she did feel fear. Just behind the Blue Devils, a qi machine was moving towards her. The three were connected in a straight line. At this moment, Yami knew that if she had attacked Laura just now, the aura would immediately attack her. Even though the two sides are more than one kilometer apart, Yami knows that the other party can come first. That is the will that the other party conveyed to her through the qi machine sympathy!

"Go!" The Blue Devils continued to urge in his mind, Yami finally let out a long scream, no longer paying attention to the two Lola who fell into the spider web, turning around and swiftly.

Hearing her howling, the elder spider issued orders again and again, and the spider group stopped trying to fight back. After being broken by the cannon fodder, the rest of the spiders escaped while the circle was not fully closed. They come quickly, but they don't go too slowly. After a while, it became a dark shadow on the snowy field that kept going away. Hiron originally intended to hunt down, but received the opposite order from Allen. Hiron could only give up, and after cleaning up the remaining spiders, he took back the army and cleared the battlefield as Allen said.

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