Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1336:  Colosseum

It took a full ten seconds for Allen to digest the shocking news, and couldn't help asking: "Since you are Spinak's mother, why kill him?". [Full text reading] He really couldn't understand Alice's thoughts. Being both mother and son, Lanni left him the hope of life, and she went to death generously. So Alan couldn't understand why Alice was taking Spinak's life as a mother.

Alice smiled faintly, raised her hand and patted her palm gently and said: "This question, I will answer you during dinner. You can go down and rest first. You can walk around inside and outside this castle. I have already agreed with Gris. Yes. Where do you want to go, just tell him."

While she was speaking, the side doors on both sides of the hall opened, and women of the Bar ethnic group who should be the maids filed out. These women are very young, all of them are first-rate, each holding different things in their hands. Walk to the edge of the pool and separate two waves, and one wave comes behind Allen. Allen could only press his curiosity and left the pool. At the moment, two maids each held a long towel to wipe him, and two of them took clean clothes to help him change. The long clothes and narrow trousers have black background with red stripes, which is full of Agarez style.

"See you at dinner," Alice said, adding: "Or do you want to see my body?"

She stood up with a splash of water.

Allen quickly turned around, took the red king and the devil to praise, and then strode away.

On the other side of the pool, Alice's devilish body was exposed to the air. She smiled and said: "Really a real child." Raising her hand, her maid surrounded her and wiped her clothes.

After walking out of the door, Gris, the old butler, was still standing by the door, and it seemed that he hadn't moved. Seeing Allen coming out, Gris smiled and said: "Please come with me. A room has been prepared for Mr. Allen. I hope you can be satisfied."

Allen asked, "Where are my people?"

"Their room is near you, as for their people. I'm sorry, I've stayed here and don't know where they are. If you want to summon them, I will ask them to call."

"That's not necessary, please lead the way."

Passing a corridor, looking at the quiet scenery outside the fort, Allen asked casually: "The butler has been here for a long time, right?"

"It's not a long time, it's less than a thousand years. Compared to the previous one, my qualifications are not mentioned." Although Grith was blind, the speed of walking with his hands was not much slower than Alan.

Allen was surprised: "Then, Lord Alice, doesn't he live for a long time?"

"As far as I know, yes." The old housekeeper said solemnly: "Master Alice's life form is completely different from you and me. Apart from some defects, she is almost an eternal creature."

"It's impossible." Allen said flatly: "There is never something eternal in the universe, and so is life."

"Perhaps, but her life can really only be described in two words: long, probably you and I can't see the end of her life." Gris had no intention of arguing with Allen on this point, and lightly touched it. .

When turning into a spiral staircase, there was a vague roar of a beast from below. The old butler paused and laughed: "I think I know where your followers are."


"If you guessed correctly, you should have gone to the Colosseum. It was originally a place to entertain the generals, but this is obviously not a good time to have fun. Unless..."

Allen said for him: "Unless they want to trouble my people."

"Don't worry, the people around you are absolutely safe in the castle. The generals probably want to discuss with your nobles. If you are interested, I can show you."

Allen nodded: "It's time to work."

Coming to the lobby on the first floor of the castle, Grice led Allen through the gates and into a mountain tunnel. The walls on both sides of the passage are covered with black bricks, and there are crystal lamps at intervals. The orange flame burned in the lampshade, which seemed to be a natural halo emitted by some kind of crystal, which reflected the entire passage bright but not dazzling. Walking on the scarlet carpet, the two came to the end of the passage silently. When Gris pushed open the door carved with sword-bearing warriors and beasts confronting each other, a scorching wave of air came.

Behind the door is a huge space, and the entrance is on a circular corridor. Allen raised his eyes to see that a huge furnace was suspended from the ceiling of this hall. The stove is decorated with a sculpture of a gargoyle. The iron chain with thick arms protrudes from the mouth of the gargoyle and is connected to the dome to fix the stove. Flames spouted from the furnace mouth from time to time, and the fire light transmitted from the furnace mouth illuminates the entire hall, and also makes the temperature of the ground hall very hot.

Allen came to the side of the corridor and looked down. Under the corridor was a half-moon-shaped stand. The stand is divided into five floors, with stone steps connecting each floor. Conveniently in front of the stands is the Colosseum, which is spacious and can even accommodate a rockery. Weapon racks are set up on the edge of the field, from guns to shields, swords and swords, almost everything. At the end of the Colosseum is an animal pen in the mountain. Now the animal pen is open, and three black bears crawl out of it.

A cluster of jagged bone blades emerged from the backs of these wild bears, and their heads and limbs were equipped with exoskeleton-like bone armor. They did not look like Agareth's beasts.

"Those are Bladebone Bears purchased from Demon Shadow Nation. They are species from other planets. These big guys are bloodthirsty and easy to kill. The great nobles of Demon Shadow Empire like to raise them and use them to punish slaves who don't hear about it." Ge Lis introduced that at this moment a general entered the arena. The old butler said "Oh", "It's Baker Talon. It seems that he is going to challenge these bladebone bears."

Allen glanced toward the edge of the Colosseum, and saw not only Alice's dozen generals, but also Lola and others.

It was one of Alice's generals who entered the arena, and the general who was referred to by the old butler as Sharpclaw Baker looked like an orc. He was covered with gray-white hair and wore a suit of silver armor embedded with crystals. He wears a large metal glove on each of his hands, and sharp claws glowing with fluorescent light pop out of the gloves. But when he entered the field, he took off those two gloves and threw them to the edge.

Gris explained: "This is the rule of the Colosseum. You can't use your original weapons after leaving the arena. You can only use the conventional weapons provided on the Colosseum. And you can't use the source power. Once you use it, you will be defeated. "

When the old butler was speaking, among the many generals, Tong Wu turned to Alan, who nodded. At this time, there were several roars in the field, and it turned out that the three bladebone bears initiated the charge. As soon as these big guys chasing the chariot ran, the whole vault roared. Even if it is a beast, the three bladebone bears are quite well-organized. One head leaped straight towards Claw Baker, the other two fell back a little, gearing up, obviously waiting for an opportunity.

The general in the field didn't intend to carry Bladebone Bear hard, so he dodged with a flexible body. The two bladebone bears behind immediately rushed forward, but he laughed, and rolled between the two bears in a hurry. Then he bounced up, came to a weapon rack, took a pair of long knives at random, and then rushed towards the Bladebone Bear. Next, Baker circled the three bladebone bears, bleeding the three giant bears with double knives in his hand.

Three minutes later, a puddle of blood had accumulated on the Colosseum. Bladebone bears no longer had the ferocity and energy they had when they first played. When Baker slit the throat of the last bear, the battle was over. The three bladebone bears gave him life and death, but Baker himself did nothing. No injuries. He thrust the two swords into the ground, then looked at Hubble provocatively.

Hubble snorted, threw his battle axe to the ground, even took off his decorative armor, and strode into the arena.

The slaves serving the castle dragged away the corpse of Bladebone Bear on the court, and the sharp claw Baker cut his throat to Hubble before leaving the court.

Gris said: "The beasts that come out of the animal pen are all random. I don't know what kind of beasts the nobles will display."

Allen smiled and said, "For him, it makes no difference what kind of beast. That guy himself is a ferocious beast."

The old butler laughed and said nothing.

The animal stalls in the Colosseum rose up, and in the shadow of the stalls there was the sound of some beasts making their noses, and suddenly purple flames spurted out from it. In the fire wave, a giant dragon-like but wingless monster emerged from the enclosure. A large purple crystal was raised on the chest of this big guy. The crystal was surrounded by nerves. It seemed that it was not artificially installed.

Grieth said in surprise: "It turned out to be a Nightmare Dragon. It is a hundred times more dangerous than the Bladebone Bear. It seems that your men are not very lucky."

Allen shrugged his shoulders and looked indifferent.

At this time, the nightmare dragon began to charge. When it ran, its feet had purple flames, and it stepped on a path of fire on the arena beasts~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If you talk about the momentum, the bladebone bears just slapped their horses. Can't keep up. The Nightmare Dragon rushed towards Hubble in a straight straight line. The latter didn't mean to evade. The giant beast rushed towards him, and his two short but powerful forelimbs slapped Hubble's shoulder fiercely.

There was a thunderous explosion on the court, and Hubble shot him short. Then the Nightmare Dragon opened his mouth and bit at the head of the Catu!

Hubble finally let out a loud roar, and he raised his hand to hold the two long teeth in the nightmare dragon's mouth. Then he pulled it hard and dragged the Nightmare Dragon to the ground. After stepping on the lower jaw of the Nightmare Dragon with one foot, holding the two fangs of the upper jaw with both hands, then shouted and pushed it up. In an instant, the nightmare dragon's mouth was opened to its limit, and the muscles at the corners of the mouth even tore and bleed. With a loud roar from Hubble, the upper jaw of this unlucky nightmare dragon was crushed by Hubble, and the nightmare dragon uttered a series of sorrows.

Only then did the Catto let go of the Nightmare Dragon and walked to the sideline, and responded with a **** to Lick. The nightmare dragon got up again, with blood flowing on its mouth, and its two snake-eyed eyes turned straight, not knowing what it was thinking. But Hubble looked back and glared, the ferocious nightmare dragon turned around and ran into the animal pen with a low whimper, obviously afraid of Hubble.

Allen said to the old butler: "I'm right, that guy is more ferocious than a beast."


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