Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1341:  Love Hate Intersection (1)

[Lian Guangman Rudder Master! Thanks for the support! ]

The next morning, the old butler arranged for Ellen and Lola to have a meal at the same table. This meal did not see Alice, Gris said to the side: "The adults rarely eat. Last night's dinner is rare. I am afraid that the adults will not eat another meal for the next ten days."

Only then did Allen know that it was a special case to allow Alice to accompany him to dinner seriously.

After breakfast, Gris took them to the castle's armory. There are a lot of things collected here. When people are dazzled, Alice's voice sounded from the depths of the storeroom: "Come in, all the real good things are here, those that are nothing but facades."

Walking to the depths, it was another scene.

This weapon arsenal is not a regular room, but a pattern with wide front and narrow back. The entrance is wide and the depth is narrow, giving people a sense of shrinking vision. The display of weapons varies from many to few. From the doorway, I can't wait to hang the lavender utensils on the ceiling, and then to the narrow road deep in the warehouse, there are only a few weapons on both sides. The so-called scarcity is precious, and those weapons that are qualified to be placed on this narrow path are naturally extraordinary.

In fact, when Allen stepped in here, he could feel the strong fluctuations that naturally dissipated on several pieces of equipment.

For example, the scarlet longsword placed horizontally on the sword rest on the left hand side emits bursts of red light like a halo of blood, and the overflowing murderous aura is so strong that it is almost visible to the naked eye. As for the warhammer hanging on the bracket on the right, there was a deep black light flowing, and a small burst of strong black light was sprayed from the end of the hammer from time to time, and then it fell into stars and disappeared.

Ellen looked at Alice questioningly, and the latter smiled faintly: "It's rare for me to come to you guests. As the host, it is too unreasonable to not have a meeting ceremony. You can forget it, but you followers have to have one Two pieces of weapons and equipment that are on the table. Otherwise, if you pull at the gates of the two empires, it will appear that you are too shabby."

Allen said with joy, "Then I will thank you for them."

"You don't know how to be polite." Alice rolled her eyes, but laughed for no reason. Hearing her smile, Grice lowered his head, not daring to let the hostess see the shock on his face. In his memory, the hostess rarely smiled. After seeing Allen, he laughed more times than in the previous five hundred years.

"I don't need it, the blood is enough." Lola lightly tapped the long sword on her back.

This epee taken from the underground city of Tallinn Aisha has been following Lola for some time, and she used it easily, so she didn't want to change it. Alice walked up to her, smiled and raised her hand, and flicked her finger on the blood brake. The epee immediately made a sound like a scream, and Lola's expression changed. Alice shook her head and said: "The sword is good, no matter the material or the craftsmanship is first-rate. However, it seems that it can't bear your strength recently. It hasn't shown it yet, but in fact it has begun to collapse. If the long sword suddenly breaks by itself when facing the enemy, I advise you to change it to another one."

"I know weapons, the more you take advantage of it, the better. But it's almost dead. It's better to change to a new sword as soon as possible, it's good for you and him." Alice glanced at Alan.

Laura sighed, knowing that it should be because of her strength growth, that she couldn't bear the current strength in a moment of blood. In particular, the killing skills of the Brave Blood Massacre are even more challenging to the endurance of weapons. Obviously, Chaxue could no longer be used.

Alice walked straight to the scarlet sword on the left, reached out and picked it up, and threw it to Laura. The latter hurriedly caught it, which looked just like a one-handed sword, but the long sword was unexpectedly heavy when it started, and Lola even took a step back before finally adapting to its weight. Look at this sword again, the main color is scarlet, and the guard and hilt are black. There are strands of gold on the double-wing-shaped guard, and there is also a golden channel running through the sword on the sword with a wide front point and a wide back. Even though the sword was not damaged by external forces, it still shed a blood-red halo on its own, reflecting a scarlet red on Lola.

"The Queen of Hearts, I usually call it the Red Queen. It is a sword I have used before, and it has been forged into the core fragments of a dying planet. This makes it strong and sufficient at the same time. Can withstand my strength. The sword energy it stimulates will produce strong corrosion and radioactivity, which will weaken the opponent's combat power. As for the strength of the effect, it depends on the user. Anyway, let me If you use it, the character swept by the sword qi below level 30 will be eroded into a bone within a few seconds." Alice said lightly, and then walked towards the warhammer on the right.

"Dark Star, this was left by an opponent who rebelled against me. I have studied it. Its material is also derived from alien meteorite iron. This material contains a very powerful source of darkness. In addition to the superior quality of the warhammer itself , It is not easy to wear and other characteristics. The dark breath it breathes also has the effect of swallowing the source force. It is worth mentioning that each attack will add the effect of gravity enhancement. Even if it is me, I have been touched many times by it. After that, the gravity attached to my body was more than ten times or so." Alice smiled and said, "Just ten times the gravity has no effect on me."

Then she lifted the warhammer from the bracket and threw it towards Hubble: "Big guys should like this thing."

Hubble took the warhammer in one hand, which was rough and simple in shape. That kind of meteorite iron didn't know what kind of material it was, it kept spitting out dark aura so that the warhammer itself could not be seen clearly. From the outside, the Dark Star is just like a black gas in the shape of a warhammer, except that the long handle uses silver-white metal to draw a spiral pattern on it, thereby increasing the friction of the grip and preventing the slippery hand. In other places, only the black arrogance can be seen.

The Catu man waved twice and grinned: "I like this thing."

Alice smiled, and then circled white. The boy said indifferently: "I don't need a weapon, my body is the best weapon."

"I know, but it is undeniable that there is a weapon at hand that is even more powerful. It seems that you prefer to use your own hands against the enemy, then this thing must be suitable for you..." Alice walked to a stone platform and placed it on it. Put on a pair of gloves. The material of this pair of gloves turned out to be the bones of some kind of creature, and the surface was polished to be extremely smooth, but from the knuckles, there was continuous cold air.

Alice put it in Bai's hands: "Ice Hunter, this is made from the skull of a polar ice beast when I traveled to the extreme in my early years. It emits amazing freezing air all the time, and the cold air is pervasive. Powers above level 30 can easily invade their bodies. Of course, the cold itself will not cause fatal damage to those powers. Even for ordinary people, being invaded by it is frozen from the inside to the outside. End."

"But these cold air will hinder your opponent's use of source power, and the impact will increase as the cold air accumulates. When the opponent finds something wrong, I think by then you have found the opportunity to kill with one blow. Other than that. In addition, the coldness of this pair of gloves can also condense into ice blades, crampons, and even ice thorns thrown away at your will. As to whether they can perform other functions, it is up to you to explore."

Bai looked at the pair of gloves in his hands, then looked at Allen. The latter nodded before he put on the gloves and thanked Alice. Alice rubbed his head and whispered "I really look like", but didn't say who he looked like.

In this narrow passage of the arsenal, Allen saw a dagger, and couldn't help but "Huh". Not because of what is special about this dagger, on the contrary, this dagger can only be considered well-made at best, but it does not have the same advantages as the weapons that Alice gave to Laura. This dagger is too ordinary, because it is so ordinary, it is weird that it is placed in this arsenal for Alice, and it is placed with those magic weapons.

The corners of her eyes fluttered, and Alice walked up to him and looked at the dagger. Her eyes were ever-changing, first showing nostalgia, then indulging in love, and finally a bit of hatred rose in her eyes, she said softly: "This is a gift I gave to Nabo when he was five years old."

Grice seemed to know what Alice was going to say next, and gave a dry cough, gestured to the three of Laura, asking them to leave the arsenal. After the few people left the arsenal, including the old butler, Alice lightly held up the dagger, her eyes blurred, as if she had fallen into a memory from a long time ago: "At that time, Nabo was a child. .Maybe because he grew up in the castle since he was a child, he didn’t need to face the harsh environment of the outside world~www.wuxiaspot.com~ so he didn’t have the bloodthirsty and cruel temperament of the ordinary Baer. Oh, there was nothing at the time. In the Shadow Empire, the Baal people on Agareth are still in the stage of tribal civilization, even at that time, under my guidance, they already have the technology of interstellar navigation."

"But after all, there are still a small number of people who can get out of the planet, and more people need to face the harsh climate and environment. This is more or less the root of the warlike nature of the Baer race. However, the growth of Nabo was not affected by the environment. Influence, so at that time, he was more like your human child. At least in my opinion, what he liked most at that time was to hide and let me find it. Originally, in this castle, there are many places where random In and out. For example, the time hall, or my bedroom. Maybe I doted to him too much, so I rarely forbid him to run around at will, except for my room. It is absolutely forbidden for other people to enter or leave, even me Favorite child."

"But that day, Narber hid in my room. When I searched all the places in the castle and no results, I knew where he was. I still remember when I opened the door that day. Uncle was staring at a picture on the wall in a daze, and then asked me, who is it?"

Alice shook her head: "Now think about it, if I be strict with him at the beginning, would there be no more things..."


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