Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1435: Jeka Temple (10)

Mountain roads are difficult.

In addition to the gravity exerted on the body, the howling wind is a huge obstacle. Going up, Lucy's two daughters have to fight against gravity and wind at the same time, even if they both open the shield of anti-expansion and set up the original force barrier, they still find it difficult.

What's more difficult is that every time you walk three circles of mountains, your body's gravity will increase. And the more you go up, the stronger the wind becomes. After the two of them walked through the Nine Circles of Mountain Road, every step they took would consume a lot of physical energy and energy. Arrived here, as if being an enemy with the entire planet. Gravity wants to squash them, and the howling wind finds an opportunity to blow them into the void on the other side of the mountain road.

At this time, there was no gravel in the wind, but there was unusually hard hail. The smaller hail is the size of a fist, and the larger hail is tens of centimeters long and wide. Some are irregular blocks, while others are sharp as thorns. Walking on the mountain road, the two women still have to pay attention to these hailstones. Although a piece of hail cannot be killed, it will affect the action. From time to time, the two would use their fists or golden roses to smash the oncoming hail.

On the tenth lap of the mountain road, the two men found a place leeward, and temporarily shrank into a depression in the mountain that was less than one meter away to hide from the wind. Not only is the wind here, the temperature is also low, I'm afraid the temperature has dropped below zero. The energy consumption of protective clothing is very fast, and the shield is not as thick as before. The two took the opportunity to eat some high-energy food, and Angeloni rubbed her hands and said: "This **** place is worse than any place I've been before, and I won't be here anymore after being killed."

Lucy smiled reluctantly: "I'm afraid there is no chance for you to come a second time. Don't forget that this planet is about to be destroyed."

"His Royal Highness, it won't be finished in these two days, right?" Angeloni was a little guilty, after all, the environment at the moment was as bad as the natural disaster caused by the destruction of the planet.

"That's not true. According to the information, it will take at least a year for Eternal Night Star to be destroyed. Even if this process may be shortened, it cannot be born in these two days." Lucy frowned: "As far as this place is not The reasonable gravitational phenomenon looks like a deliberate arrangement. Coupled with the will I felt before, this holy mountain is probably blocked by him intentionally, right?"

"Could it be that the master Geva didn't have such a layout when he found the temple?" Angeloni said in surprise: "That said, the master probably shocked the will in the temple, so this is what happened now. situation."

"It should be so right. In short, we can't stop here." Lucy stood up: "How are you, can you move?"

Angeloni smiled and said: "Of course, I can't lose to Your Highness, otherwise, where will my guard's face go in the future."

They were ready to set off and took a few steps. Angeloni grabbed Lucy. They clung to the side of the mountain. Because the wind was too loud, they couldn't talk. Angeloni could only write in Lucy's palm: "Someone behind."

Lucy looked behind her, the sacred mountain was squeezed in a storm, and the visibility was so low that Lucy couldn't see anything at all. But after a while, there was a vague dark shadow, and it seemed that someone was catching up.

"Marquis of Main?" Lucy wrote in Angeloni's palm with a sign pen.

"It's hard to say, it might be an interstellar mercenary. Your lord, you go first. I will stay. If it's an interstellar mercenary, I can hold him back. If it's Lord Main, then we will meet at the top of the mountain."

Lucy didn't sluggish, nodded in agreement, only wrote two words "careful", and then continued up the mountain.

Angeloni stayed, and she adjusted her breathing until she finally saw the figure clearly when her body was at its best. No matter how you look at it, the other party's golden blue skin doesn't look like Ma Yin at all, Angeloni spit. The strands of lavender flames escaped, and countless foul lines danced around her like little purple snakes.

In the next moment, Angeloni's momentum soared, and even the storm on the holy mountain could not conceal her momentum.

Feeling Lucy glanced back, knowing that the person was not Ma Yin after all, so she gritted her teeth and moved on. The next journey is long and long. This is simply a test of will and physical ability. On the twelfth circle of the mountain road, the energy of the protective suit was exhausted and the shield could no longer be supported. Lucy can only rely on the source force barrier to keep out the wind, and the hail from the bounced wind.

When she reached the fifteen laps of the mountain road, her forehead was covered with sweat, and her head was also wet with sweat, and she pressed tightly to her forehead. The source force barrier has appeared thin, as if it would disappear at any time. The gravity exerted on her has been nearly twenty times. Even with Lucy's current 27th-level source strength, she could not withstand the consumption of all aspects. For a moment she thought about giving up, but when she thought of Alan, she gritted her teeth and walked up again.

Two more circles of the mountain road, she could no longer walk upright, so she could only bend down and support the mountain wall to move forward slowly. Lucy was almost numb when she got here, just repeating the same action mechanically. She didn't know how long she had to walk, she suddenly felt lighter, and the wind and hail suddenly disappeared.

Without external pressure, Lucy's spirit relaxed, and she passed out immediately.

But it didn't take long before she woke up. After barely sitting up, she didn't rush on the way, but let herself eat some high-energy food. After he recovered some strength, he stood up on the mountain wall. She was still on the mountain path now and looked back. The mountain road tens of meters away from her was still blocked by the storm, but the side she was on was calm and calm, like an invisible wall separating the storm.

Lucy took a deep breath and took a step. The rest of the mountain trail will be finished soon, and at the end of the mountain trail is a platform. Here, the sacred mountain fruit is as stated in Gwana's book, the mountain peak is flattened, the breeze above the platform is breezy, and it is as quiet as another world.

Lucy looked up, the light above her head was dim, and from time to time icicles about a metre long came. But it burst into pieces in the sky, this phenomenon made her more certain that there is some kind of invisible barrier on the top of the holy mountain to isolate the harsh celestial phenomena from the outside.

Looking forward, Lucy's sight was immediately filled with the huge sculpture. On a flat ground a hundred meters away, there are two sculptures that resemble the imperial city guarding Sharif seen outside Surakar, but these two sculptures are much larger than any Sharif statues, and they are twice as tall Ten meters high. They all held the giant sword in one hand, with the other hand stretched forward, their palms spread out, as if they were refusing outsiders to board the platform.

After these two statues, there is another larger stone sculpture. It was a stone sculpture of a man sitting on a throne. Under the throne, a scene of rising flames was depicted with a flamboyant curve. As for the man on the throne, his features were extremely majestic. Even if it is a dead thing, it gives people a sense of worship.

What surprised Lucy even more was ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The appearance of this man was no different from what she had seen in the phantom.

After finally retracting her gaze from the man on the throne, Lucy saw that there was an entrance under the throne, and there were other reliefs on both sides of the entrance. The relief sculptures are some people who bow down towards the entrance. It seems that this huge sculpture is installed on the temple of Dzeka.

Lucy walked into the entrance, and the dark passage suddenly lit up, but the oval spars on the walls on both sides of the passage lit up. At the same time, there are many beautifully curved lines that are connected to each spar and lead to the depths of the temple.

After a hundred steps, Lucy walked into a hall. The hall is round in shape, surrounded by thick stone pillars, which support the arched dome. It is a hundred meters from the ground to the dome, which makes the entire space appear extremely deep and wide.

There is a cylindrical stone platform in the center of the hall, and something is slowly rotating on the stone platform. Lucy walked quickly, and when she got close, she could see that it was a slate!

That was exactly what she was looking for on this trip. Seeing the stone slab in front of her eyes, Lucy couldn't help speeding up. Seeing that it was only a dozen meters away from the stone platform, a pillar of fire suddenly shot up from the ground and blocked her.


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