Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1453: Yom Kippur

In the darkness, a stream of gray-white fire was rising. At first, there was only a ray of fire, but gradually, the fire gathered together to form an intricate network, which was Allen's blood vessels. After three days of digestion and transformation, the swelling void sky fire in his body has completely transformed into a secret flame after the promotion. The Void Secret Flame filled the blood vessels in his body, even penetrated into the organs and bones, and the Void Secret Flame was strengthening his body. Even if the extent of the enhancement is far from being transformed, even the slightest improvement is an improvement, Allen will not refuse this change.

Now, the Void Secret Flame in his body has filled every blood vessel and organ, and the energy storage node is in a half-full state, so the body no longer has the swelling feeling that it had when advancing.

Rushing to the thirty-fifth level in one breath, in addition to bringing greater source power capacity, the trial circuit also awakened another ability. After the Judgment Day, the second ability "Atonement Day" finally came into being. Judging from the information released in the trial circuit, this circuit has the last ability "Sabbath" that has not yet been awakened. It is a pity that the information released by the trial circuit is too vague. Allen only knows the name of the last ability, but does not know what its function is.

As for Yom Kippur, it is a good ability. The previous Judgment Day will lower the target's source power level, even if the level is similar to Allen, it can also reduce the opponent's total source power. The Day of Atonement is after the start, the target of the ability will become the "sinner". Once an offensive behavior is committed, it is deemed to have committed a crime, the ability of Yom Kippur will be fully activated, and the target will bear the backlash of its own power. The degree of backlash depends on the size of the attack, which means that the heavier the shot, the greater the backlash.

The working time of Yom Kippur is 24 hours, and the number of atonements is three. Its use cycle is seven days, which means that after Allen has used it once, it can be used a week later.

There are many restrictions and it can be powerful. The most powerful thing about Yom Kippur is that it ignores the ranks, even the supreme, will also be affected by this ability. Unlike Judgment Day, when it acts on a stronger person than Allen, its ability is greatly reduced, or even not effective.

With the ability of Yom Kippur, even if Frios was really murderous, Alan would have a chance to fight. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but go to the Black Emperor to practice his hands.

Of course, in the end the joy was suppressed. Source force

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) The level is stable, the sky fire has also transformed into a secret flame, but Allen still needs time to familiarize himself with the current power. Before that, he didn't want to hit Frios. Faced with the man with the supreme name, no matter how prepared he is, he cannot be overstated.

He was hiding in a cave at the moment. The cave was not so deep and wide. It was Allen who dug an oblique passage in the cave and came to another cave. After entering this hole-in-the-hole, he concentrated on digesting the Void Skyfire without much observation of the surrounding environment. It wasn't until now that Yuanli had digested it and the perception expanded again, that there was movement behind the hole.

It's sound.

Alan pressed against the wall of the cave, and a regular muffled sound came from his ears, as if someone was beating a drum. Such regular sounds rarely occur in nature. If it is not natural, it is man-made. Allen took out only half of the Scarlet King and urged him to transport his source power, and traces of grey fire came out from the residual blade of the Scarlet King.

The Red King's Remnant Blade filled with the Secret Flame's temperature was terrifyingly high, but there was no hot smoke. Only by approaching the surface of the blade would you feel the amazing heat. This is also the characteristic of the secret flame, which does not show the mountains or the water, but its power is terrifying. At this time, Chi Wang Ji was comparable to a high-energy beam knife. Allen took it to the cave wall. The hard rock wall was as soft as cheese under Chi Wang's blade, and Allen easily inserted it to the end. After holding the knife, he walked straight and cut, but in a moment, Allen dug a passage for crawling.

He had dug it all the way before, and the earth, rock, mud and sand were directly catalyzed into black powder under the high heat of the secret flame, and there was basically no need to clean up. Allen digging the channel was quick and convenient. But in the blink of an eye, he has penetrated more than ten meters into the rock formation.

As it went deeper into the rock formation, the sound became louder and clearer. As Allen had imagined, it was someone beating the drum, not the natural sound of the mountain, and the yelling accompanied by the sound of the drum from time to time was the proof.

After digging five or six meters, Chi Wang plunged in with a knife, suddenly the pressure dropped, and Allen knew that he had dug to the end. He carefully cut out a small hole with the Chi King, and a flame of fire came in immediately outside. He leaned over to the small hole to see that it was a natural cave outside. The space of the cave is very large. Bell stones can be seen everywhere, and there is a lake not far away. A fire was lit all around, and the fire light reflected the colorful colors of the bell stones.

There was a group of people on the shore near Earth Lake, all of them uncivilized Baers. These natives wear animal skirts

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page), holding torches and spears, dancing to the sound of drums. Among them, there are seven or eight women. The women of the Bar ethnic group are all troublesome to the country and the people, even the barbaric tribes are no exception. Especially the appearance of their bodies wrapped in animal skins is more wild and seductive.

Allen simply dug another small hole so that both eyes can see. It seems that this place should be a settlement of barbarians, these Baal people live in a natural cave deep in the mountain. There are lakes here, and there is water if there is a lake, and you can survive if you have water.

There is a lack of fresh water resources on Agareth. Both empires rely on Kidd or other allies to regularly deliver fresh water to live. I don’t want this barbarian tribe in the deep mountains to monopolize a lake~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is simply It is a huge wealth.

If it wasn't for Mokdan to be too far away, otherwise Alan could make a fortune just by transporting water.

At this time the men by the lake had finished dancing. They put down their wooden spear torches, then took off their animal skirts, and walked towards the women in a few lines. They actually took turns to mate with the women. Alan looked pretty Speechless.

The dance just now has a somewhat ritual flavor. It seems that in this tribe, mating and reproduction are not only important events, but also sacred. However, this is not difficult to understand. Every tribe cannot grow without population. Where does the population come from? This is not a clear-cut thing, otherwise why the ancient tribes on earth would worship the reproductive organs as sacred objects. At this point, there are surprising similarities between two completely different planets. I don't know if those scholars know whether they will be surprised from ear to ear.

Allen is not a scholar, and has no intention of studying indigenous behavior. He just wanted to turn around and leave, where to go back and forth. Unexpectedly, screams and roars suddenly sounded outside. When he looked outside, he saw that the other side of the cave was very handsome, and it seemed that another tribe of barbarians had killed him.

(End of this chapter)


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