Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1472: Chase

"You are so annoying."

The central area of ​​the Federal Defense Zone was originally a block. Now this block is almost razed to the ground. Many buildings are squashed against each other, magnetic tracks or flyovers are fragmented, and a regular circular gap appears in the waist of one building.

Yinhe was standing under that building, with a slender foot stepping on the chest of the highest-ranking federal lieutenant general. A rock pile swayed on the right, an arm stretched out from it to knock down a metal wall weighing nearly a ton, and a federal general covered in blood staggered over.

"Tell me, where is that woman?"

The **** Union general smiled and said, "Come here and I will tell you."

Yinhe retracted the foot that had stepped on the Lieutenant General's chest and walked towards the Major General. The major general suddenly put away his smile, and hit Yinhe's face with a punch.

The Milky Way stood still.

The Lieutenant General struggled to prop up his upper body and saw Yinhe raise his sniper rifle, the muzzle of the muzzle reached the center of the major general's brow. Major General Shangyou Yu turned his head and blinked at the Lieutenant General: "Damn, I finally didn't humiliate us by spreading death."

Before the lieutenant had time to say anything, Yinhe's sniper rifle exploded with a splendid flame, which turned her and the federal general into two silhouettes. The major general's shadow dissipated in the strong light like sand blown away by the wind. When the light faded, the world returned to its original color, and the body above the chest completely disappeared and fell to the ground with a loud blow.

Yinhe came back with his gun blankly.

The lieutenant clenched his teeth and tried to get up. He glanced at the corpse, then rushed towards the Milky Way with a roar. Yinhe raised his gun and was about to kill the federal general. A suspicious black spot was suddenly caught in the corner of her eye. She looked quickly and saw a black spot in the distance quickly lifted into the sky. With a flash of electric fire, it started to go away.

That is a battleship!

"It turned out to be like this." Yinhe laughed: "No wonder you bugs are so desperately trying to make the woman escape?"

The lieutenant also stopped, seeing that the spaceship had left the base, he simply sat down.

"Why, don't you work hard?" Yinhe glanced at him.

"No, General Catherine is gone. You can't catch up with her. What am I doing? Honestly, I'm exhausted. Come on, shoot here." The lieutenant general pointed to his chest. In fact, he can't even move a finger anymore. If it wasn't for holding it all at once, I couldn't even stand up just now.

"I'm not interested in killing a bug that can't resist. That woman is much more interesting than you." Yinhe sneered: "Know the Nirm's battlefield armor, the kind of individual battlefield armor. The technology was bought from our Kidd people. You should also know that the individual suits have a flying system, right?"

"Do you have battlefield armor on your body?" The lieutenant admiral said disapprovingly. In addition to the high-collar uniform, Yinhe wears a set of inner armor at best, unlike the appearance of being equipped with a single soldier outfit.

"Let me popularize it for you. Our royal family's body transformation degree has reached 80. What do you think is the purpose of this transformation?" A wave of air suddenly spurted from the feet of Yinhe, and people slowly floated up from her feet. Two electric fires spewed out.

The Lieutenant General's eyes rounded: "Could it be you?"

"That's it, our body itself is a pair of battlefield armor!" The Milky Way soared into the sky, dragging a brilliant tail flame on the sky. At this moment, her back trembled, and suddenly two black shadows pierced through the uniform and stretched out to the left and right, turning out to be a pair of small metal wings. Yinhe adjusted her direction, and the soles of her feet sparkled with electric fire, pushing her to chase the distant spaceship like a small warplane.

On the ground, the Lieutenant General couldn't keep his mouth shut for a long time, and shouted after a moment: "Is there still anyone in the command? Immediately mobilize a fleet of flying ships to intercept, hurry!"

Having said that, he knew in his heart that it was too late.

"It's up to you, David."

Major General David is driving the airship. He pushed the joystick to raise the speed of the airship to the highest. At this time, the radar on the console suddenly issued an alarm. He looked over and the radar showed that an object was approaching at high speed behind him.

David immediately called up the picture behind the ship, and he saw the picture of the Milky Way flying at high speed with wings on its back and electric fire on its feet. David cursed secretly, the spaceship could no longer speed up, but obviously the speed of the Milky Way was faster.

He looked down, and there was a canyon in the distance. David gritted his teeth and lowered the control lever. The airship immediately lowered its flying height and headed towards the canyon. At the back, Yinhe saw this and roughly guessed David's thoughts. With a cold brush, he kept getting closer after chasing the spaceship.

In a blink of an eye the canyon has arrived, and the airship plunged into a canyon, constantly making some thrilling flight movements under David's control. In contrast, the Milky Way must be more flexible. David originally planned to use the terrain to get rid of the Milky Way, but unexpectedly brought her closer and closer. Seeing that the exit of the canyon was in sight, the Milky Way brought the Perisher sniper rifle and shot it out.

The dazzling light lit up in the canyon, and a white rainbow rose out of thin air to fill every inch of space in the canyon. David roared, and could only drive the spaceship down. The top of the hull still brushed the white rainbow, and suddenly several pieces of armor were lifted, and black smoke and electric fire came out.

The spaceship wiped the ground, bounced violently, hit a few stalagmites and fell back to the ground. David firmly grasped the joystick and barely let the spaceship land in a horizontal position. The entire spaceship made a few spins on the ground, and finally stopped after sliding several hundred meters.

David held his forehead, opened the cockpit door and jumped off the ship. He patted his head and his eyes gradually cleared. When I looked up again, I saw the Milky Way descend to the ground, retracting its wings and walking towards him.

"So, is that woman in there?" Yinhe said with a look of contempt: "It's so bad that he let his subordinates die, but he didn't dare to come out."

"Shut up!" David cried, "You are not allowed to insult General Catherine."

"Oh, not only I want to insult her, I want to kill her, what can your bug do?" Yinhe sneered, raising the gun and pulling the trigger in the direction of the spaceship.

But suddenly a figure appeared between the gun and the spaceship.

David squirted wildly all over, and slammed his fist on the Yuanli bullet that was shot from the gun.

Yinhe sneered, "I can't help myself."

The punch hit the bullet, and instead of being blown off, the bullet got into David's fist, followed through his entire arm, and emerged from his shoulder. David's face was blue, and his arm was gone.

But the Yuanli bullet also dissipated in midair, after all, most of its power was used on David's arm.

But Galaxy fired another shot.

David raised his other arm without hesitation.

The blood pattered down, the Major General dropped his arms to his side, but he was still glaring at the Milky Way. The Milky Way was seen in the dark, and walked with a sniper rifle.

"Stop." David roared, "I told you to stop."

When the Milky Way was about to hit him, David first tilted his head back slightly, and then bumped his head towards the Milky Way.

But hit the empty space.

When the disappearing Milky Way reappeared, with his back facing David, the sniper rifle was raised upright, and the muzzle reached the major general's chin. Yin Yin said indifferently: "A worm is a worm, and even howling is so powerless."

The moment she pulled the trigger, the door of the spaceship's cabin opened, and someone shouted inside: "Stop!"

A splendid beam of light rose from the canyon.

Catherine stumbled off the spaceship and watched the still smoking headless corpse fall next to the Milky Way. The latter stepped on the corpse and turned her head and showed her a charming smile: "Oh, the coward dare to come out." Is it? You incompetent subordinates, it's boring to kill."

Catherine took a breath and bluffed with five fingers. Strips of dark energy bands appeared out of thin air, converging under her from all directions into a war gun: "You, damn!"

The next moment it appeared on the top of the Milky Way, the battle gun pressed out an astonishing arc and swept towards the Milky Way's head!

In the space beyond Mosuo, a fleet accompanied the planet’s atmosphere, heading towards the mechanical star. This one is naturally the Kidd fleet withdrawn from Mosuoxing. In the mothership, the golden aristocrat Vadro, who was in charge of the entire fleet in place of Yinhe, sat in the place where Yinhe should have been sitting~www.wuxiaspot.com~ with a smile on his lips.

At this time, a crew member reported: "My lord, a fleet is found ahead."

"Fleet?" Vidro put away his smile and said loudly: "Take the picture out."

A light screen appeared in front of him, with space as the background on the light screen, and indeed a fleet was oncoming. The starships of this fleet are elegant and mysterious, with red stripes in pitch black. Widro said in a daze: "This is the starship of the Barren."

The specifications of one of the starships are comparable to those of the Galaxy, which means that at least one empire general will preside over this fleet. Vidro frowned and said, "How come the people of Baal come to Mosuo, is it because of your majesty's order?"

"Listen to me everyone, don't act rashly." Vidro didn't want to cause any misunderstanding.

The two fleets just passed by in space.

When the Barr's fleet began to enter the atmosphere of Mosso, Vidro breathed a sigh of relief, and finally nothing went wrong. He thought of another thing, and frowned: "Have you not contacted His Royal Highness Galaxy?"

"I'm sorry, sir. His Royal Highness Galaxy seems to have closed the communication channel."

"Don't let anything happen." Vidro said: "Then leave a message to your Highness to inform her that the Barr's fleet has entered Mosuo, and the motive is unknown.


While Vidro was busy leaving a message to the Milky Way, the Barr's fleet had entered the Mosor Star and appeared high in the sky. The federal ground base immediately discovered this situation, and when the seriously injured Lieutenant General reluctantly walked into the headquarters, a staff officer immediately reported the situation to him. The lieutenant's face sank immediately, and he clenched his fist and said bitterly: "Damn it, the Kidd are gone, but the Baer is here, what are they going to do?"

The command was quiet, and no one could answer his question.

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