Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1503: Arena

The people of Barr are bloodthirsty and combative, this is something everyone knows. When Spinak swept across Agareth and established the Shadow Empire. Magic Ring City, this imperial capital has a place that almost everyone knows, that is the arena.

At that time, some people who did not live or die challenged Spinak. Spinnak faced all the challengers in that arena, and when there were huge corpses in the arena, no one questioned Spinnak's authority anymore. In order to facilitate the disposal of those corpses, the administrators of the arena directly buried the corpses underground. And this has gradually become the tradition of the arena. Although no one has challenged Spinak anymore, the arena is still the most lively place in the magic circle. Duels are staged here every day. The militant nature of the Baers The interpretation is vivid and vivid in this place. The body of the war dead was not transported elsewhere, but buried directly under the arena, so this is also a huge cemetery. If you dig the ground of the arena now, you will find that there are many bones below, covering every corner.

The arena was not used until the rise of Duobia, and the attention of the Demon Shadow Kingdom gradually focused on the empire of Duobia, and subsequent years of battle with Duobia greatly consumed the blood and belligerence of the Demon Kingdom. Sex, naturally no one will fight in the arena like this anymore.

But today, this ancient arena has once again entered people's sight, because the duel of two Catu will be held here.

For the nobles of Devil Ring City, such a duel hasn't happened for a long time, even though the two sides of the duel are barbarians on the wild stone star. But on one side is the great chieftain of the Barbarian Star, who is with the Black Emperor; on the other side is the Catu who dares to challenge Frius under the men of the dark king of the southern upstart. These factors made this duel cast some special colors. Some people speculated that it was the Dark King challenging the Black Emperor in another form. Of course, it was more of an exaggeration of good deeds.

In the morning, when Hubble appeared in Allen's sight, the Catu man had no anger as he was on the spaceship port yesterday, nor the sadness he felt when he said the past night. Hubble appeared extremely calm, so calm that even Twilight looked at him with admiration.

Ramo arrived when Allen was walking towards the land carriage with him. The general who got out of the car glanced at Hubble and respectfully said to Allen: "Your Highness, are you going to watch the battle?"

"Why, is there a problem?" Allen asked back.

Ramo laughed and said, "There is no problem, but I want to remind you. Ming

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Sun is the day when your majesty meets you and another emperor. The so-called no matter what happens today, I hope you can exercise restraint and never do anything bad. "

Allen smiled and said: "Master Lamer can rest assured, I still have this sense of measure."

"That's good, I just want to go to the arena, so I will take the adults with you?"


After a while, several road vehicles drove to the arena of the magic ring city. The arena, which has become a historic site, is usually rare, but today it is full of people. There is no such thing as a spectator stand in the arena for a long time, and the people who watch the battle are all driving over by themselves. Vehicles parked around the arena is a temporary auditorium. In addition to the land vehicle, there is also a spaceship hovering in the air, and those are VIP seats. When Allen arrived, the Shadow Army needed to clear a passage before he could enter the arena.

The carriage opened, and Hubble jumped to the ground with the Dark Star, about to walk into the arena. Allen stopped him and said, "I bought and sold ten barrels of fine wine. If you die here today, they will be mine."

Hubble grinned and said with a smile: "Don't even think about it, I want to drink them tonight."

Allen gave a thumbs up.

Hubble turned around and strode away. He didn't say anything, just raised the warhammer high.

When he stepped on the newly paved stone bricks of the arena yesterday, the sky suddenly went dark. Hubble raised his head. It turned out that a spaceship was hovering in the air. The door of the spaceship was opened. Vasago jumped out of the door with a wildhammer, and hit the ground with a shock. The Catu chieftain lightly pressed the ground with one hand and stood up.

Hubble was already tall and burly, but he was still a bit shorter than Vasago. Vasago grinned, put the Wildhammer on his shoulders and started walking into the field. Hubble was not afraid to meet him, and the two stopped at a distance of ten meters.

Squinting slightly, Vasak contemptuously said: "I don't know who you are or what hatred you have. But these are not important. The important thing is that you are wasting my time. So if you smash yourself For the head, I don’t need to take your teeth."

"Really?" Hubble stared at Vasak's two long teeth that turned out his upper lip. "But I want to make one of them into a necklace and wear it on my body, so unfortunately, I can't accept your proposal."

Vasak laughed: "In this case, let me smash it myself

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page) Your head is broken. "

Suddenly, the two Catoers rushed towards each other~www.wuxiaspot.com~ without the slightest hesitation, they ran into each other in a flash. This strong collision shook up a ring of atmospheric ripples, and then the shock wave spread to the surroundings, shaking the car bodies of the road vehicles watching the battle. The shock wave hadn't fallen yet, Vasago's wildhammer was already on Hubble's chest, the dark star knocked over the warchief's shoulder, and both of them moved back.

Hubble sprayed a blood drop from his mouth, and Vassak grinned, but there was a lingering black breath around his shoulders.

Then the two collided again.

The Dark Star and the Wildhammer kept beating on each other's body, neither Hubble nor Vasak took any defensive means. They all think about smashing their opponents at the first time. At this time, defense is not a consideration at all, and offense is the only option.

In a blink of an eye, the two did not know how many heavy blows they had suffered.

The last time the warhammers crossed, the wildhammer hit Hubble's chin, and the Dark Star slammed Vasago's head, and the two separated.

This time, they did not immediately meet.

Hubble held the Dark Star in one hand and pressed the other hand to the ground, propping up his body hard. In the violent attack just now, he had forgotten how many times he had hit Vasak, only knowing that he was all injured.

The smile on Vasak's face also disappeared, and Hubble could survive without death, and it seemed a bit evenly matched. This makes Vasak very uncomfortable. If he can't overwhelm his opponent and win the battle with overwhelming power, then other forms of victory appear meaningless.

When the warchief stood up again, his heart beat hard. For a moment, the audience heard a strong heartbeat, and then a bit of aura radiated from Vasak. At that moment, people seemed to see a giant beast quietly opening its eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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