Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1510: 1st general

[Thanks to Brother Xiang, Zhanqi anchor KaMi, King Kong Amand, Shenji Fan No. 1, wooukaide123, and Kianyun for the monthly pass! Thank you for your support! ]

"I know what you mean, Grand Duke, but it is not a simple matter to trap Davelin. We also have to guard against other imperial generals to help. In this case..." Shang Yun is also an excellent general. Naturally, it can be deduced. Once such a situation occurs, it will affect the entire battlefield and even evolve into a war between the two armies. And as a result of the battle, almost nine out of ten will be defeated because of Devlin's escape.

Shang Yun could have imagined it, but Grievous would have never expected it. The Duke said indifferently: "Yes, if it is normal means, this will evolve into a battle between the two armies, which is too far from my original intention. So we have to make some arrangements to draw Devlin out alone, and let me Do not move the iron wall to trap and consume her power. Take this opportunity to launch a general attack on the Baers. There is no need to annihilate the enemy. Our goal is still their weather weapons and destroy their starships as much as possible. If we can achieve this, our current situation will change."

After listening to the grand duke, these earls of marquis began to show relief. Only Shang Yun said, "The plan is good, but Duke, how do you draw Devlin out alone?"

"This requires another action to assist, but this is an action with no return!" Grievous said solemnly.

The wind howled, like the choking of the dead.

The wind passed and the clouds moved. It's just that no matter how the thick purple cloud covering the sky above the planet rolls, you can't see the scene behind the cloud. A blood-red band of light came from the other sky, across the thick cloud, and fell to the other side of the horizon. The light was bright red like a bleeding wound. On the ground where it fell, it was the base of the Baer.

The earth of the planet is desolate and lonely. The vegetation is not rich, some tenacious moss clumps grow in the cracks of the earth or behind a huge rock. Trees are rarely seen, but when you stare in the wilderness, you can still see a few long and thin shadows. That is a plant on this planet, a tall tree. There are no branches and leaves, and it is bare, just like a tree with its branches and leaves cut off.

This kind of tree looks very lonely.

On the other side of the trees and the wilderness, there is a temporary ground base laid out by the Barren around the imperial general's ship. The base does not have an outer wall. The battleships are the outer walls, and they can lift off to meet the enemy when needed.

There is an Evil Shadow Tower on each side of the base. This kind of device that would only appear in the Devil Ring City is now moved here. The orange scanning waves on the Evil Shadow Tower enveloped the entire base, and the radiation range even spread to the wilderness within three to five kilometers away from the base. Just as the eyes of the demon king are staring at this land at all times, this makes all invasion or infiltration a joke.

There was a temporarily cleared open space in the base, and a woman was standing in the open space. Her flamboyant bright red hair was dancing wildly in the wind. She had the dark skin characteristic of the Baer people, but her delicate and beautiful features had golden pupils that contrasted with her dull complexion. As if in her eyes, what she sees is always a brilliant world.

She looks so slender, with a pair of beautiful curvy legs, but she has put this slender body that seems to be broken with a little force, in a stubborn armor. Whether it's the straight and sharp thorns, the beast carvings on the chest and knees, or the sharp and tough iron gloves at the turning points. These things make this woman look like a red rose blooming in steel.

She held a black heavy iron saber in her hand, and the blade was dripping with blood. Behind her, there is a waist, and there are four or five knives of different lengths, each of which looks attractive. She is like a moving knife holder, those knives are like rose thorns, so that everyone who approaches her will be stabbed with bruises.

Just like the three men in front of her, there was no good meat in their bodies. The breath is weak, almost dying.

The woman who had been looking at the distance finally retracted her gaze, fell on the three men, and said "trash" lightly. Withdraw the knife, wave, and someone sent them to the medical team for treatment. So there was only the woman left in the clearing. She obviously has a beautiful and delicate face like a flower, but she also has the sharpness of a blade. As if staying next to her, it would even cut the flowing air.

She is Devlin, the first general of the Shadow Empire, recognized as the most powerful sword demon below Spinak. She uses knives, she has several knives, and the handles are all famous. But the sharpest knife is herself.

When Davelin wiped the war knife "Black Demon" with a clean handkerchief, an imperial general came to a place five meters in front of her, knelt down on one knee and said: "My lord, we just received the news. A support army is coming over and will arrive at the latest tomorrow morning."

"Reinforcement?" Devlin didn't even look, and wiped the knife intently: "I don't need that kind of thing."

The general glanced at her and bowed his head and said: "That was sent by your majesty. Moreover, it is not our army."

"Oh? That is?"

When the general wanted to answer, another general arrived: "My lord, the reinforcement commander is requesting communication."

Devlin squinted her eyes and said, "You can answer whatever you want, don't bother me."

The general was embarrassed and said: "My lord, I'm afraid you have to listen."

"Yes, sir." The former general added: "This time it is not the army of our country who is here to support us, but the Dark King. It was His Majesty who appointed him to come and support us, so you see... ."

"Does your majesty think I can't hold Grievous?" Devlin pursed her lips. Anyone who knows her knows that when she shows this expression, murderous intent is already in her heart. Two generals, look at me, and I look at you, no one dares to say anything more. When they were about to face the scolding of that highness, Devlin stood up: "Well, listen to what this highness wants to say."

They returned to the command hall of the ship.

Devlin sat upright on her big seat, a light screen opened in front. The figure of another man appeared on the screen. The silver-haired and red-eyed man was wearing the traditional aristocratic costume of the Demon Shadow Kingdom. The high-necked black red-patterned long dress showed nobleness on him, and Davelin was breathing slightly. She had to admit that this young majesty was indeed somewhat attractive.

"His Royal Highness Alan?" Devlin said first: "I wonder if your Highness has any advice?"

Even Ramer had to be respectful when he saw Alan. I am afraid that in the entire Demon Shadow Nation, Devlin would dare to treat the man on the other side of the screen with such a big thorn, which made the next imperial generals sweat. Although Devlin said that he was extremely powerful, but that one was a man who was qualified to meet the two supreme after all, even if he had not yet aspired to the supreme, no one doubted that Alan had the potential to become the supreme. Now Devlin's attitude can be said to be extremely arrogant, and several generals are afraid that this will cause the man on the screen to displease.

Alan was expressionless and calm. As if he could not hear the disrespect in Devlin’s tone, he just said indifferently: “General Devlin, I’m here to inform you. His Majesty Spinnak has appointed me to take charge of all actions against Grievous and his army. So I hope that before I arrive, you just have to keep an eye on them and you don’t have to launch any aggressive behavior.

"Oh? Then I'm surprised. Wouldn't it be a good thing if I kill Grievous before you arrive?" A cold smile appeared on the corner of Davelin's mouth: "Or your Royal Highness is thinking about old feelings and doesn't want to touch Ada. People from Huaxing?"

Regarding Allen, the Empire has naturally conducted investigations. As the No. 1 general, it is not surprising that Devlin knew about Alan's past.

It's just that her question is too sharp. If the previous generals just squeezed sweat, then their hearts have already been raised in their throats.

Alan still didn't look half angry, and calmly said: "I don't need to tell you what I want to do. You only need to know that you must obey my orders. If you have any questions, you can directly ask your Majesty for instructions."

Then the communication was interrupted, not giving Devlin any opportunity to refuse.

Devlin sat still, but suddenly folded her hands, deforming the armrest of the big seat.

In a blink of an eye it was dusk.

When Devlin closed her eyes and fell asleep, a general came to her and knelt next to her and said: "My lord, Ledo is back. He has captured several Idahua stars, including Earl Shang Yun, I think you will see they."

"Shang Yun?" Devlin opened her eyes: "That's not Griev's right-hand man? What's the matter?"

"According to Ledo, Shang Yun took a few people sneaking past his defense zone~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and launched an attack after he discovered it. It took a lot of effort to catch them, and at the same time, Ai Dahuaxing's army is showing signs of mobilization. Ledo believes that Shang Yun and the others must be related to Idahuaxing's army mobilization, so they caught you."

Devlin nodded and said, "Where is the man?"

"please follow me."

Devlin saw Shang Yun in a room. The earl, who was more like a scholar than a soldier, was tied to a pole with electric needles all over his body. It was a torture instrument that could interfere with Yuan Li's movement. It seemed that Shang Yun had not been tortured less, and his whole spirit was disordered and blood stained. Several other people behind him were lying directly on the ground, and an imperial general was beating them with an energy light whip. Seeing Devlin coming in, the general said with a dry smile: "My lord, they have a secret operation. But they are so tight-lipped that they don't want to speak out.


Devlin walked to Shang Yun and raised his chin with a finger and smiled: "They don't say it because they think we dare not kill. This is really ridiculous. I don't care what you do. Anyway, sooner or later. Will die on this planet, it's just a matter of time.


She put down Shang Yun, walked to an Idahuaxing soldier, and turned him over with her feet. The foot in the iron boots stepped on the soldier's face, Dai Fulin gradually applied force, and the iron boots gradually pressed into the soldier's face. The people in the room could clearly hear the sound of broken bones and the screams of soldiers. When Devlin's foot smashed the soldier's head, it took ten seconds. In these ten seconds, the soldier had spent the most painful period of his life.

Then Devlin said, "Tell me your plan, and you can live. Otherwise, go to die."

First set a small goal for yourself: For example, collect Pen Quge: Mobile version URL:

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