Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1529: protector

The top of dawn, the radiance of the rainbow, the golden rose, and the sky fire in the void, these four emperors in the history of Idahua star. No matter which one is the illustrious generation who pioneered the era, the equipment they used during their lifetime were all magic weapons, even though countless centuries have passed, these treasures are still preserved to this day, telling people the glories that have passed away.

Spinak looked around at random, and he saw "Dawn", a battle gun used by the first emperor at the top of dawn. This platinum battle gun was still gorgeous and majestic, and the gun body exuded a misty brilliance. There are golden fluorescent lights scattered; and like the treasure of the emperor's "cloud hanging", the platinum armor is entwined with light clouds, like clouds hanging down, half-hidden; when you see When a fiery red warhammer was radiating heat, the two red fireflies that Sparnak drifted in the shadows dazzled brightly. It was the warhammer "King of Flames" used by Void Skyfire. This warhammer once made Ah Gareth’s sky burned. But now, it only emits red flames from time to time, but although the owner is no longer there, the domineering spirit of the void and sky still remains on the warhammer. When Spinnak's sight fell, the warhammer seemed to feel a bit, and it spewed a stream of fire, but it never sprayed on Spinak, but was stopped by the shield that protected these weapons and equipment.

The formidable enemy that once made Spernak had to fight hard, but now only a warhammer remains. The demon king's two glowing lights seemed to dim a little, and then moved forward. The place where the Golden Rose was originally placed was empty. The pistol Golden Rose had Lucy as his successor in this generation, and naturally moved out of this place. This place is simply a super treasure house. Every weapon or equipment here is a source weapon, but they have not ushered in a new successor, so they can only spend the day quietly underground. However, the goal of Sponak's trip was not at these source artifacts. Even if any of them were taken to the outside world, it would cause a huge sensation. In the depths of the Demon King's journey to the treasure house, there was an independent high platform here, and the sky above the platform was empty.

Spinak didn't seem to be in a hurry. His eyes fell on the high platform first. The pillars of the platform faced him with a pattern of flames, and the devil's voice came from the shadows: "The real golden fire should be stored in it. Orfascius, maybe even you don’t know that the so-called tinder guarded by the age of your golden city is just a substitute."

Perhaps even most of the Idahua stars don't know what the gold fire is. They only have a vague concept, that is, the golden flame that burns day and night in the Victory Palace. Only the members of the royal family and those scholars in the School of Truth will know the origin of the golden fire. The golden tinder originated from the age of the golden rose. Among several important changes in the history of Idahuaxing, the golden rose will undoubtedly be a crucial era. In that era when the Emperor Rose ruled the Ghat star field, there was a magical revolution that had a profound impact on Idahua's later generations and even the entire universe.

Mana is a new type of energy extracted from space source power. It is used in many fields. Today, the use of mana by the Idahua stars has reached an unprecedented level. But in the era of Golden Rose, its appearance was controversial. Since magic energy extracts energy from space sources, many scholars were worried that excessive use of magic energy would cause the space to collapse and even cause total destruction. It was the female Dili Qiangwei who rejected all the opinions and allowed the developers to study with all their hearts, and then has the current Rubik's Cube system. Since the emergence of magic energy brought Idahuaxing’s energy utilization into a golden age, in order to commemorate the use of this energy technology, the first generation of magic energy was named the golden fire.

There are rumors that gold fire is of great importance, and its existence will affect the energy utilization of Idahuaxing. In fact, the gold tinder is just a symbolic meaning. Of course, neither the royal family nor scholars have the intention to explain, on the contrary, they will exaggerate, the purpose of which is naturally to divert the attention of the outside world.

Spinak stretched out his hand and tapped lightly on the high platform, and every touch would input a ray of chaos. Yuanli wandered in the high platform, and by virtue of the induction with Yuanli, the structure of the high platform clearly appeared in Spinnak's mind.

"The so-called fire is the origin. But how many people know that the Rubik's Cube system was not developed by the Idahua star people at all, but was inspired by the information released from another thing. New energy comes out. That thing is the real gold fire." Spinak muttered to himself, and finally hit the middle of the high platform with his fingers, the high platform suddenly vibrated, and then the pieces peeled off. This high platform looks like a whole body, but from the inside, it is cleverly joined by countless components, including several self-detonation mechanisms. If it is violently dismantled, it will touch the organs and detonate them, but under Spinak's ingenious technique, even those organs will be perfectly disassembled for him. After the high platform was completely disassembled, there was a crystal cube inside, and inside the cube was a heart.

A golden heart!

The shadow is like a fog, and there is a sudden surge. Spinak’s laughter rang out in the shadows: “Sure enough, the mother’s heart and the golden fire are actually the creations of the creator. The information obtained from the mother’s heart is indeed correct, that is, Say, other hearts also exist? If this is the case, then the creator has already played a big game of chess."

During those hours of getting Alice's heart, Spinnak studied the creator's creation in detail. The gun that Allen got was endlessly shattered, and the key technology in it came from Alice's heart. Even the heart that Allen took back was not complete, and Spinak cut a small part of it as the main system of endless destruction. And now, through the information he has mastered, he finally got another heart that has been stored on the Idahua star, which has straddled three eras.

But even Spinak didn't notice that the moment he took out the golden heart, far away in the courtyard of truth in the golden city, the well-stored origin stone slab reacted at the same time. The texture of the stone slabs lit up, releasing massive amounts of information every second, and all of this was faithfully preserved by the intellectual brain responsible for recording.

At this moment, Spinak in the underground treasure house raised his hand, and the crystal box with the golden heart flew towards the demon king, slowly falling into the shadow. Suddenly, Spinak suddenly turned around. Behind him, on the wall where the rose flower is embedded with crystals, the petals of the rose flower are opening all around. After opening it was a colorful space, from which a boneless arm stretched out, and at the same time, a stern air flowed out of the space.

There was a sudden dance in the shadow surrounding Spernak. The two red fireflies in the shadow suddenly brightened, so a few mist-like black jets suddenly appeared around the rose flower wall, which was obviously The glossy surface of a certain spatial channel. At this time, golden roses bloomed around the channel, resisting and absorbing these jets one by one.

"Golden Rose, how is this possible?" Spinak whispered from the shadows, and anyone who is familiar with the Demon King would be surprised, because the Demon King's voice sounded a little abnormal for the first time. This is no wonder Spernak's heart is agitated, because the golden roses are the symbol of the former Empress Rose.

You must know that Empress Qiangwei is already a character from a long time ago, she is even older than the Void Skyfire that used to expedition to Agareth, how could she appear in this age. But regardless of whether Spinak believed it or not, a figure in the space tunnel emerged like this. It was a well-dressed woman with long and luxurious golden hair, and her dignified and noble facial features were as beautiful and sacred as a goddess. The only flaw was that her eyes were not half agile, just like crystals covered with dust.

Seeing these eyes, Spinak said with relief: "It turned out to be just a puppet, but this body is supposed to be Empress Rose, or it was replicated using her cells? No wonder, she has her aura and can be used. Her ability."

As soon as the voice fell, the roses began to bloom beside the demon king. Although it is only a puppet, this is obviously the guardian of the treasure house, but it can be regarded as the clone of Empress Rose~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Even Spinak dare not despise it. The shadows all over his body surged, and the jets of the same amount as the roses poured into the flowers. After a while, the rose blossoms became gray, and they lost their previous brilliance. Spinak took the opportunity to float and rushed to the vertical passage.

The guardian also flashed over, dancing with his hands, and golden light beams popped out from his fingertips, dancing around like vines. Spinak stretched out two arms from the shadow, or hammered or swept, and bounced the light vines away. Then kicked out a kick from the shadow incomparably quickly and touched the guardian's forehead, forcing it back again and again. Spinak took the opportunity to jump up, and the guardian stood still, opening his lips but making no sound, but the passage was deformed like a pair of invisible hands. It's just that Spinak's speed is always a bit faster. Almost the moment he jumped out of the passage, a strong airflow spurted from the exit of the passage, and the entire passage was completely deformed and could no longer be entered or exited.

Spinak didn't stop, quickly retreated from the original road, and out of the temple, the ground shook. The shadow around Spinak suddenly dispersed, forming a thick fog covering the temple, and his people turned into a black electric blast to the other end of the grassland, and after a few breaths, they crashed into the primeval forest.

At this time, a golden light pierced the thick fog, and the golden light rolled away like boiling water, dispelling the thick fog. After the fog dissipated, the guardian walked out of the temple, but Spinak was still there.

On this day, the Demon King suddenly invaded Ida Huaxing, and then inexplicably evacuated, leaving the people on the Golden City unknown. Until the news of the attack on the royal cemetery came, Marus and others knew about Spinnak's real goal, but no one knew what Spinak had taken, only that the guards of the cemetery were dead.

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