Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1534: Empire State

Since the Iron Prison incident ended, Adele, who returned to the Star of Heaven with Allen, did not know the news of Horn. At this moment, he heard that he was overjoyed and said: "Mr Horn is still alive?"

"Well, not only is the old man alive, he has created another legend. It's a pity that he is not here, otherwise you can meet him."

Talking all the way, the off-road vehicle drove into a small town. The town seems to have just been built, and civil-timbered houses can be seen everywhere, especially shops of various kinds. Looking at a long street, the various shops are dazzling. Leon said: "This town was built by our family. As you can see, there are all kinds of shops here. It is very convenient to do business. The message you gave me before did not say that there are some paradise star supplies to be shipped. Come back to sell, I think you can eat your batch here."

Adele said: "A lot of materials were brought back this time, mostly mineral materials. Since this town belongs to your William's house, of course there is no problem."

"You won't suffer a loss." Leon stopped in front of a tavern, opened the door, and Adele jumped down. Leon said, "Let’s have something to eat in advance.

Adele raised her head, the tavern hired a goat pattern, and she asked, "This is also owned by your family?"

"Of course not." Leon said with a smile: "We are not so stingy. This tavern was opened to sisters and brothers. Parents were killed in the war, and some savings, they opened a tavern in the town. The wine they brewed still Yes, my brother cooks a good dish. As for my sister, hey, I can only say that it is beautiful and delicious.

Adele seemed to see someone showing a wolf tail.

Leon said, "Why look at me this way? Is it wrong to like good women? Besides, if I weren't a frequent visitor in this pub, do you think a pair of powerful and powerful brothers and sisters can live here? Alright, Adele, we all get what we need."

"I thought you would find a woman to get married." Adele said as he walked into the tavern with Leon. Since it is the afternoon, the pub has not officially opened yet. The shop was dimly lit, two men at the bar were drinking, and a drunk man was lying on the table by the window, and there were no other guests.

Seeing them coming in, the two men at the bar looked over and saw that Leon nodded. Leon said to Adele: "What's so good about getting married? There is no excitement about picking up girls. Besides, what I pursue is not physical pleasure, but the moving process of meeting girls. Don't confuse me with other men. "

Speaking of making a gesture to the two men, they left the bar and found a corner to sit down. Adele knew that it was Leon's person, and probably arranged to protect the brother and sister in the tavern. She didn't break it either, and sat with Leon on the high chair in front of the bar. A graceful woman behind the bar was wiping the wine glass, and the speaker not far away was playing soft music. Seeing Leon, the woman smiled and said, "What do you want?"

"Old rules, and let Peter give us a roast chicken. Don't forget that I want tomato juice."

Leon spoke to Adele Nunu: "As for this young lady, she prefers black pepper sauce."

"Okay, wait a minute." The woman walked to the back kitchen.

Adele looked at Leon a little unexpectedly, the woman could only pass the look, but compared to Leon's former girlfriends, she was not a bit worse. Leon said, "Why, it's good to change the taste occasionally."

Soon, the woman came back and skillfully adjusted two cocktails for the two. Leon pushed one of them to Adele's eyes and said, "Try it, and you will like it."

Adele took a sip, the taste was okay. But for someone like her, a woman's bartending skills are not superb, but it's not bad. But Leon was drunk and he didn't know if he was really intoxicated, or he was making women happy. Adele thought that the latter possibility was mostly.

After chatting with Leon for a few words, the woman could see that they had something to say, but without interruption, she went aside to pack up. Leon put down his wine glass, exhaled his breath and looked at Adele, "It looks like you are doing pretty well in Heaven?"

"How should I say, we are betting right." Adele tapped the edge of the cup lightly with a slender finger: "After Allen left the heaven star, the swordsman Mason stood up to testify and prove Hausen The imperial prime minister appointed was the murderer who killed Tangiero. Coupled with Howson's previous arbitrary actions, it was a big disappointment. After repelling the shadow principality, we supported the second prince Julian to go north. Just the last one. In May, we invaded the royal capital Olisga. Howson died in the melee, and Julian has succeeded. So you see, our situation is very good."

"Sounds pretty good."

"It's not bad. Although Alan has been away for almost a year, because we people are still fighting in the heaven star, we have made great efforts in the north and the war of the imperial capital, so Julian rejected all the opinions and awarded Alan. The title of the Marquis of Honor is temporarily managed by Edward. Not to mention Alan, even Edward has been promoted to earl. Now our territory is very wide, and it can be said that most of the South is in our pocket. Plus rice. Father Luo and Vera’s Catholicism is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and there are as many as hundreds of thousands of churches in the south, so now we can imagine our influence in the empire."

At this time, the roast chicken was ready, and a young man came up with two pots of roast chicken, smiled and put them in front of Leon and said: "Please take your time."

Adele cut a piece of chicken and chewed it in her mouth. It tasted good. She said as she ate, "But it's not without hindrance."

"Oh, someone is jealous of your power?" Leon didn't find it strange at all. He grew up in a big family since he was a child. Under the influence of his ears, he is familiar with this kind of power dispute.

"Perhaps, just a few days before I came back, Olis Garry reported that he objected to the Marquis of Ellen. I don’t know where those people got the news, pointing out that Ellen is a stranger, and he took our past The deeds were also dug out. Although Julian immediately responded that he did not believe in such a thing, when I saw this young majesty once, I could feel that his eyes were a little different when he saw us."

"Then what are your plans?"

"Edward said that compared to Alan's identity, Julian is more afraid of our army and the strong. In this war to the north, the combat power we have shown is close to the dragon army of the empire, especially Our ordnance has already made the emperor alert. So after returning to the south, Edward has already carried out an army. In addition to the peace of his majesty, he also strives for excellence in the army and saves military expenses. Edward said this is three birds with one stone."

Leon smiled and said: "I did the same for me, but this kind of determination is not easy. It seems that Allen has found the treasure, and there is such a talent to stay in the heaven star, no wonder he left with his hand."

Adele rolled her eyes and said, "He also had no choice but to leave."

"Yes, I owe you." Leon raised his hand in surrender.

Adele said: "But even if Julian has any ideas, he dare not show it immediately. Now he has just succeeded, with a shallow background, and he doesn't have three to five years to develop his own strength, so he dare not take advantage of us. What's more, our territory is the gateway to the south of the empire. Once something happens, it will directly affect the foundation of the empire. After Julian succeeded, he had mentioned the exchange of a fertile territory in the middle of the empire, but Edward declined it. After all, the South is where our foundation lies. Only when we have a firm foothold can the empire be jealous."

"Moreover, there are natural allies like Ruola in the south and Tieqiangling as a barrier. Regardless of geographical environment or personal connections, we have the advantage. Julian wants to use a piece of the central territory to wipe out our advantage calmly. But I underestimated Edward."

Leon laughed and patted Adele on the shoulder and said, "I won't talk about it. I will come back for a few days and have fun. As for your business, I will ask people to watch, and you will be indispensable. If you rest assured, in the future Apart from handing over the supplies of your Paradise Star to Bethkode, you can cooperate with us."

Adele picked up the wine glass and gently touched it on Leon's glass: "This is also the purpose of my looking for you~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But first, we are still very poor, but we don't have any commission for you."

Leon said, "Am I like the kind of person who would spend money with my brother?"

Adele looked at him seriously, and when she saw Leon almost crossed a face, she laughed: "Okay, I know you are not."

Leon was relieved.

It was evening when the two left the tavern, the sky was getting dark, and the town was brightly lit, illuminating their way back.

Far away on the far side of the star road, the Bairegon Empire of the Heavenly Star was also shrouded in night. The most prosperous city in the south today is not Dawn Castle, nor Bauhinia Ridge, but the Ark Harbor, which occupies the north-south transportation hub. The port city once went downhill after the death of Earl Aubin, but after Jola and Orlando got married, the city gradually improved. Ushering in a major turning point, after receiving the second prince Julian, when Julian successfully sat on the throne of Dawn Castle Palace, the city began to attract attention.

Now Ark Harbor has become a city that never sleeps, even in the cold winter night, the city’s lights have never been extinguished.

In this city, the cathedral is definitely a sight. Catholicism has been deeply rooted in the empire, and its doctrine is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. There are hundreds of thousands of believers in the south. As the origin of this church, there will naturally be a cathedral in Ark Harbor. Especially in the past few days, when Father Miró and Vera returned here, the threshold of the cathedral was almost flattened by the believers. But it was late at night, and there was no one in the church except for a few nuns praying. So when they saw Father Miró walk in, they were all surprised. After all, this priest woke up later than anyone else and slept earlier than anyone else.

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