Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1543: Successor Ceremony One

Agareth, Magic Ring City.

After dinner, Lamer sent someone a set of armor. Defensive power and performance aside, this set of pitch-black main color, inlaid with blood-colored jade-colored stone and dark gold pattern armor is extremely majestic. Several guards put on the armor for Allen and lowered a high-collar scarlet cloak. Allen looked like a demon king. Sitting on the big seat like that, even Lamer sighed that it smelled like Spinnaker.

This armor was actually made for Spinnak. From the helmet to the iron gloves, the very hard metal black magic iron on Agareth was used. As for those blood-colored jade stones, in addition to decoration, they also have the effect of increasing the source of power. Only at the level of Spinnak, this kind of jade is really just decoration, and even Ellen and the jade have little effect.

Of course, the armor that Lamer sent has more symbolic meaning.

After Lamer retired, Lola helped Alan take off the armor piece by piece and placed it neatly. She said, "Who do you think will come out tomorrow to oppose?"

"That should be more." Allen smiled: "The Baal people are not a kind race, their blood is full of desire and chaos. Don't look at Lamer and Devlin not objecting on the spot, in fact, they are even more It should be Spinnak who is missing."

Putting an extremely heavy iron glove with spikes on the case, Laura frowned and said: "Actually, I don't even think about why Spinak did this, or whether it was another round he set."

"I can understand that." Allen's eyes gradually became far-reaching, as if his gaze returned to the battle between the two supreme ones on the Yongye Star that day: "I was on the Yongye Star that day and witnessed Frio with my own eyes. The shocking battle between Orfascius and Ofascius. Although I only watched a warm-up exercise, I will never forget the shock. Looking back now, I have reached the level of Frius and the others, the world I saw and We are completely different. The rights and wealth we are passionate about are dispensable to them. After all, they are supreme and everything in the world is completely at their fingertips. In this way, Siber It's normal for Nacker not to take an empire to heart."

"Like a child, he has a house full of toys. For children, these toys are of course a valuable asset. But for adults, it's not the same thing."

"You mean, Spinak treats the entire Demon Kingdom as just a toy?"

Allen shrugged and said: "Of course it's not that worthless, but when Spinnak finds something worthy of his contribution, it is not surprising that he will leave the Demon Kingdom behind. In fact, if I hadn't appeared in Aga Reis, maybe Spinak will throw the empire directly to the Black Emperor."

He touched his chin again, and there were some scumbags growing there, which made Alan look like a mature man: "But this empire of Spinak is not so easy to eat. It is necessary to suppress the rich and powerful in this city. It’s not difficult, but it’s not easy to make the entire empire really useful for me. In short, I can’t eat fat in one breath, take my time.”

The next day, the gates of Shadowcastle opened wide. Today is Allen's succession ceremony. All the people invited to attend the ceremony were the big figures in the empire. A fleet of vehicles kept entering the castle and stopped on the square behind the gate. The uppermost level of the Shadow Castle, the dark and gloomy Shadow Hall in the past, is now much brighter than usual because Spinak is not in it. Without the palpitating shadows, the lampstands hanging from the dome illuminate the hall in detail. The first group to enter the hall was a few empire generals. Ramo walked ahead, and the madman Ganli was also among them, but somehow the first general Davelin was missing.

Then came the heavy ministers and senior officials of the Demon Empire, and the ones who walked in the end were the special identities and several patriarchs from the four major families. For a moment, the Hall of Shadows was crowded. It is estimated that in the past 100 years, there has not been so many people in this hall. After everyone arrived, in front of the throne at the end of the hall, two braziers suddenly burst into flames. Amid the flames, a shadow cast on the wall of the hall, and Allen, dressed in majestic armor, walked from the back door of the hall. By his side, there was only one Lola with him, and the others, like White and Twilight, and Davelin disappeared. Allen walked up to the high platform and sat down on the throne of the former demon king. Laura stood on the left, and Ramo stepped onto the high platform, standing on the right.

At this point, the hall was silent.

After a while, Lamer coughed dryly: "Everyone who is eligible to enter the hall today is not a big figure in the empire, sirs, presumably you already know what will be announced today before you arrive. But knowing that you know, you should do it. We can’t leave one thing behind. Before that, there is a video for everyone to look at."

As long as you are not a fool, you know what Ramer is going to show everyone next. Sure enough, Ramer patted his palms and a crystal ball was dropped from the dome of the hall. This crystal ball is not small enough to be seen by everyone in the hall. To clear the image appearing in the sphere. Sparnak soon appeared in the crystal ball~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The next one was the communication that the Demon King left for Allen and others. After playing, the crystal ball rose again, and Lamer stepped forward: "Okay, everyone has seen it. This is the last order left by His Majesty Spinak before leaving. Now, we will obey The will of His Majesty Bernank witnessed the glorious moment of His Majesty Allen's succession to the throne. I believe that this is an important turning point in the history of the empire. Under His Majesty Allen's rule, the empire will definitely be more prosperous!"

Having said that, Lamer took the lead in turning to Alan to kneel on the ground. With him taking the lead, the other empire generals also knelt down one after another, and seven generals including Gan Li knelt facing Allen. Then there are those important officials and ministers who hold a neutral attitude. They hesitate at first, but see that Lamer and other empire generals have chosen to surrender, and the army representing the empire is in the hands of Allen. After thinking about it, one of the officials finally knelt down, and then a large group of people knelt down in the hall. In this way, the ten people who are still standing are particularly eye-catching. Among them, Bavari, the Patriarch of the Thunder Wolf family, must be the most unassuming one. He cowered and stood behind the crowd with a struggling expression on his face.

Lamer had long expected such a thing to happen, but he didn't panic, and glanced at Allen. The latter nodded, and then he stood up, turned around and narrowed his eyes and said, "What do you mean by several people?"

As soon as the voice fell, an old man in the crowd, dressed in black fur, walked out with iron armor of the same color inside. He was quite burly in shape, this movement was as powerful as a mountain, and the suffocating aura billowed, making some officials in front of him subconsciously hide on both sides. Then he said loudly: "With a video of your Majesty, we are required to serve a brat, and he is still a human!"

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