Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1546: Bee colony at night

"Truce agreement?"

Laura's face was full of surprise, her expression was like those of the ministers who heard the word truce from the mouth of the fire demon in the shadow hall today. She swung the Red Queen's epee, but gave Alan a long sword Heyue to easily unload it aside.

"Well, Dobia took the initiative to propose a truce, which is a good thing for me." Before Allen flashed, Black Moon drew out one crescent moon to attack Laura.

Laura's Red Queen organized a defensive sword of light, slicing Allen's black crescents to pieces, and said in her mouth: "Duobia and Demon Shadow Nation have not been fighting for many years, so stop if you say it."

"Who knows." Alan shook his wrist, and Heyue bounced the red queen away. He took the opportunity to get close to Lola and hugged her waist with one hand. Laura bent her knees to Alan's lower abdomen, who lifted her legs apart with a smile. Laura squinted, and suddenly opened her mouth to bite Allen on the shoulder. With her strength, even metal would have to leave two rows of teeth marks on this bite, but biting on Allen's shoulder, there was no trace.

Laura hummed: "It's really hard."

Allen grinned intentionally and screamed pain, and of course Laura didn't take him. He smiled and raised his elbow to push him away, then pulled a sword flower and beckoned: "Come again."

"Can't we compare the fight in another way?" Allen frowned.

Laura didn't care about him, and cut with the sword.

The two fought again for a while, and the black and red swords intertwined a thin sword light on this training fighting arena. After a few minutes, the training came to an end after the black moon flew to the red.

Allen wiped the black moon, and said: "But Dobia took the initiative to cease the war, I can see something. Do you want to know."

"I said I don't want you or I can say it." Laura took a sip of a drink to refill her water, and said, "So I'll be a good person. Come and listen."

Allen narrowed his eyes and said: "It seems that it has been too long to teach you. You have forgotten how good you are."

Laura slapped, haha, with a defiant face. Allen snorted, and then said: "I think Frios should have been hurt enough in the battle between the two supreme ones on the Evernight Star. I heard that the planet has been destroyed. Rius fought against each other. As soon as the supreme shot, I was afraid that Agareth would be overwhelmed."

"You said that the Black Emperor was injured and needed to rest, so he proposed a truce?"

"This should be the most reasonable explanation. Of course, there is also the suspicion of selling personal affection to me. After all, I am not the supreme. Even if Frios is injured, we may not take advantage of the fact that we are going to fight. Besides, Spinak has disappeared. I guess the Black Emperor must feel dull, so he simply ceased the war with us." Allen wiped the black moon and threw it directly into the space wrist wheel. She stood up and patted Laura's buttocks and said, "Go, take a shower, I'm sweaty."

The bath room in the palace is very big, even bigger than the crystal hall of Alice. In a huge bath, warm water flows continuously from the mouths of the giant beast statues on both sides, filling the bath. Ellen and Laura each took one side, and the two sisters Peggy served them separately. There were only four of them in the entire bath room, which was quiet.

"Tomorrow, I'm going to the Forge City for a walk, will you come with me?" Allen took a drink from Peggy, and took a sip. But after entering the throat, the fragrance was incredibly sweet, and the fragrance gradually diffused in the throat, and the body was also warm, and the source of silence was also so happy. This drink has strict requirements from the raw material to the preparation. It is a special drink in the shadow castle, and it is not available outside.

Laura drank the same drink and leaned against the pool and said lazily: "I won't go. See if both Bai and Hubble have made such a big breakthrough. Belmode will help you build an intelligence network. I have nothing to do the most. This time I will stay here and think about how to improve the combat power. If it doesn't help, don't hold you back in future battles."

Laura was originally a brave warrior. When the heavenly stars met that day, although her combat power was slightly lower than that of Allen, her distance was always limited. However, today, the distance between Laura and Allen is as great as the sky. It takes a lot of effort to get closer. Laura knew this in her heart, and Allen knew better. Alan knew that she had her own dignity, no matter how much she loved herself, the dignity of being a warrior did not allow her to ignore the gap between the two.

He nodded: "Then I won't force you, or ask Lamer to find a general to train with you?"

Laura shook her head: "Actually, I have asked someone."

Allen asked casually: "Who?"

"General Devlin."

The drink in Ellen's hand almost spilled: "Davelin? I don't think she would be a good teacher. If you ask her to give pointers, you will be killing her."

Laura said sternly: "At our heights, if you want to make a breakthrough, you don't have to work hard. Otherwise, Hubble will not go to the gray area to look for opportunities. If there is no bloodfang sacrifice to Vasak's life and death, Hubble is even more unable to touch the Void Genesis. You think everyone is white, and you will be promoted as soon as you sleep. So I want to look for Davelin, because other people dare not really kill me. Only she, If I’m not careful, I’m going to die."

Allen sighed and said, "Well, I respect your decision. But Laura, combat strength is important, but I cherish you more. So promise me, don't force it."

Laura swam over at all and leaned on Alan's chest and said "Um".

The next day, Allen took Lamer and Bai and left the magic ring city. After a fleet of big and small, not too small, lifted into the sky, it advanced towards the melting pot on the east side of the empire. After the signing of the armistice agreement between the two countries yesterday, the Duobian army on the Eastern Front has retreated. This time they withdrew very thoroughly, and went straight back to the end of the land bridge. Now the Forge City is regaining the loss and rebuilding the defense line.

After Ellen left, Laura was led by the two imperial generals to the barracks in Oculus City. On the field of the military camp, Davelin, who took off the heavy armor, only wore an undershirt and loose trousers. Barefoot, with long hair tied up, sitting in the schoolyard holding the Dark Devil's sword seemed to be asleep. Hearing the footsteps, Devlin opened her eyes, her eyes fell on Laura and said hoarsely: "I didn't expect you to come. Then you should be careful, my knife doesn't have eyes."

"It's just what I want." Laura slapped the scabbard of the red queen, and smiled proudly.

Although there is a sea in the name of Cape Town, in fact, this city is not on the seashore. It is only famous for the abundant minerals called Cape Stone in a virgin forest next to the city. Cape stone is a special kind of ore iron. The keel made of it can make ships sail on the sea of ​​blood. Not only that, but the weapons built by Cape Stone are naturally able to gather the source of the water system, so this kind of iron will not worry about selling in the Demon Shadow Kingdom. At the beginning, Cape Town was just a small town, with two mines and a dozen small processing workshops. After a hundred years of development, it has gradually developed from a small town to a big city with a population of 100,000.

In the middle of the night, there are still lights in Cape Town, especially the huge corner made of Cape Stone on the square in the city, which is shining with natural fluorescent light in the dark. This kind of fluorescent light has attracted nearby strange animals for many years, so the defense of Cape City has been on alert for many years. Even in the middle of the night, several teams of soldiers took turns to make sure that no strange beast would be brought in.

In the command center of the city defense squad, several officers on duty gathered together, with the coat of arms of the Shadow Army pinned on their chests. As the largest army in the empire, the Shadow Army is responsible for the defense of multiple cities, and Cape Town is no exception. The Shadow Army stationed in Cape City has 6,000 people, not many, but not many. For this southern city rarely affected by war, 6,000 garrisons are enough to deal with the city’s defense affairs, even if every three years due to the influence of the two suns, strange beasts run away and cause a beast tide. Shadow Army can also deal with it calmly.

In the command center, a Baer officer with four arms is using his three arms to quickly operate the instrument, scanning the situation around the city wall. The remaining arm took a cup of hot drink and brought it to his mouth to take a sip, and said: "After the succession ceremony, we Lord Roma will be out of luck."

"No one would have thought of this kind of thing. Who would have thought that the dragon family, which has stood for thousands of years in the empire, would have said that it would be downright~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Although Lord Roma was a foreigner, he was also implicated. What kind of changes will happen to the empire?" A Baer with a crocodile head said.

Another Barren who wiped the black giant axe nearby laughed: "Even the emperor can be succeeded by a human. I won't be surprised that anything will happen again."

"It's really weird to say, what on earth did His Majesty Spernak think, let a human be our emperor."

"If you have anything to think about, it doesn't matter who is the emperor anyway. You should be less verbose and work hard."

At this time, someone said "Huh", and the four-armed officer stared at a picture in front of him and said: "Look at this, the bio-radar found a group of flying creatures approaching from high altitude."

"What's all the fuss about, will there be fewer things flying above us every day?" The officer wiping the giant axe was a little disapproving.


While they were chatting, a thick cloud floated in the sky of Cape Town. But if you look closer, you will find that it is not a cloud layer, but a giant flying insect that is nearly a meter long. These fly beetles are dull in color, with yellow lines on their bodies, and they look like bees, but bees can't have such a big head. There are a huge number of such giant bees, buzzing when flying in groups. It's just far away from the ground, so no loud noise can be heard in Cape Town.

As it approached Cape City, the giant bee began to descend. The tail of the giant bee flying in the front stretched downward, and a bee sting was shot from the tail, which plunged deeply into the city wall. The lines on the bee sting were all lit up, and in the next second, the bee sting exploded like a bomb, exploding a fireball on the wall!

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