Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1548: Queen bee

In the magic ring city, a fleet rushed into the air. Because the shape of a ship is very different from the slender shape commonly seen in the Baer airship, one can see a spiky mast on this ship, just like a flying beast. Anyone with a bit of knowledge knows that it is the ship of the first general Davelin.

After receiving the report of the attack on Cape Town, Devlin immediately mobilized an army. The garrison in the magic ring city is limited, even if she can only mobilize about 10,000 people without any further delay. No matter how much, it will be recruited from other resident locations.

After Devlin’s ship lifted off, several behemoth-like transport ships followed, followed by a hundred frigate warships serving as air escorts. These ships formed a fleet. Breaking away in the night.

In the command hall of the warship, Devlin had put on her heavy and hideous armor, sat on the high seat, placed his hands on the steel thorns on both sides of the handrails, and asked in a loud voice: "What's the situation in Cape Town now ."

As soon as the voice fell, a group of pictures soon appeared on the screen in the command hall. It is not difficult to see from these pictures that the entire Cape City has almost become ruins, with flames and thick smoke everywhere. Those huge giant insects move slowly in the city. Their targets are basically the energy base stations in the city. These insects are absorbing the energy of the city. It seems that they are not simply eating but transforming. After the energy passes through their bodies, they are converted into crystals and excreted from the body, and then transported away by other insects.

The most eye-catching thing in the city is the huge beehive like a mountain. It was placed in the center of the city. The buildings around the beehive have been torn down, and the swarms of insects have cleared an empty space. There was a circle of strange things around, like pools, with liquid pouring and bubbling. Those giant bees will bring a corpse of the Baer, ​​and then throw the corpse into the pool. The corpses sank quickly, and I don't know what these corpses will become in the end, but Devlin is definitely not a good thing. At this time, a batch of insects carrying crystals came to the vicinity of the honeycomb, and the bottom layers of the honeycomb were opened for the insects to enter.

At this moment, several giant bees on the ground flew up and rushed straight towards the camera. After a while, the screen disappeared, and the robot used for reconnaissance was discovered and destroyed by the giant bee.

"General, it doesn't look like a wild Zerg."

The Empire General Ledo frowned.

Devlin snorted, the special life form on Agareth determines that the same species has a big difference in appearance. Every kind of bug like this has almost the same appearance, which is normal on other planets, but it is impossible to exist on Agareth. Moreover, the worms have a clear division of labor, and they cooperate seamlessly, which is not the instinct possessed by the strange animals and worms on Agareth. These insects are more like biological weapons. If they are weapons, then there will be a brain that coordinates the behavior of the insects.

General Sword Demon dropped his gaze on the huge honeycomb.

After more than an hour, Devlin sitting in the command hall could already see the fire and smoke rising from Cape Town in the distance through the tall porthole. In the light of the fire, the honeycomb appeared to be conspicuous. It was already the tallest building in Cape Town, and it was difficult to do it even if it was deliberately ignored.

Devlin stood up and said, "You are responsible for cleaning up those bugs. I want to go there."

Ledo promised loudly.

Perceiving that Davelin's army is coming fiercely, the swarm hovering over the city began to move in the direction of the fleet. From a distance, it looked like a thick cloud rolling over. The battleships escorting the fleet formed a formation to meet, and Devlin's ships also opened all the airport exits, and one battleship swept out of the battleships and joined the previous battle formation to face the swarm.

The ship opened its shield, and all weapon platforms were put into operation. After a while, the fleet and the swarm met in the air, and the sky was filled with fireballs. The general's warship was fully fired, and all the artillery fire was declared above the swarm, especially the warship's main gun, which fired at a constant rate of five seconds. Every time the main artillery fires, a channel measuring in kilometers is opened in the dense swarm.

The fleet did not intend to entangle with the swarm. Under the cover of the firepower of the ship, the fleet had advanced to the sky above Cape City. At this time, the transport ship began to drop in height, opening the launch hatches one by one from the bottom of the hull, and then one by one, the six cabins were continuously thrown down in a cylindrical emergency. When these 6 cabins approached the ground, electric fires were emitted from the bottom to buffer them. Once they fell to the ground, the cabin doors opened, and groups of Shadow Army soldiers rushed out from inside.

In a blink of an eye, the battle on the sky and the ground started in full. The army led by Devlin is powerful, and its equipment is not comparable to the garrison in Cape City. After the soldiers were dropped, an axle combat vehicle was also dropped from the transport ship to the ground. They provided cover for the ground forces and could also be used as temporary cover when needed. The last few imperial generals also joined the battle, and a tyrannical momentum immediately rose in the city.

When the battle was going on fiercely, several battleships flew out of the air harbor tunnel of the seat ship, and they swept in the direction of the hive. These flying ships immediately attracted the attention of the insect swarms, and a group of bees tried to intercept them, but the flying ships broke through with fierce artillery fire. At this time, the grid-like channel of the hive opened, and several groups of bees flew out of it, launching a more violent offensive towards the spaceship.

Devlin was on the spaceship in the middle, and she personally piloted the warship, shooting artillery fire in the dense swarm of bees ahead. Under the cover of several wingmen around, she rushed out of the swarm. But in front of her eyes, it turned out that it was the kind of giant insect that draws energy from the ground, opening its big mouth and biting at her spaceship. Devlin pushed the control lever to the limit, and the spaceship passed by, but still bit the giant insect to the tail, and the spaceship was bitten in two. The tail exploded in the giant insect's mouth, and thick smoke and flames exploded from the insect's mouth. The front part was spinning out, Davelin ejected from the cab with an emergency escape device, and when the person came to the sky, dozens of giant bees immediately rushed out at her. Davelin sneered, pushed the knife out of its sheath, and the sky was astonishingly murderous. Amidst the flashes of a few full arcs of black blades, the giant bees were still in the middle of the attack, and they dismembered.

Devlin lifted the knife and dropped to the ground.

The shock came behind her, and when she looked at her, the giant worm that had crushed her spaceship hit like a train. Devlin turned her body and raised her sword high. When the giant worm was about to hit, the sword fell with her hand, and a wave of light surged away, splitting the giant worm in two. The giant worm kept paddling its feet on both sides, and although it had divided Davelin's body, it still rushed a certain distance before stopping. So Devlin became standing between the two corpses, and only then did the worm blood organs gush out from the corpse desperately. Devlin tapped her toes lightly, and the person broke through the air. After a while, worm blood poured over where she was standing, and plumes of smoke rose.

People are in the air, Davelin locked a honeycomb passage. Reaching out for a virtual blow, using the source force to hit the atmosphere changed the trajectory, and fell towards that channel. The passage had not been opened, but she ignored it. The Black Demon lifted it up and cut it, and the outer wall of the tunnel comparable to the alloy armor was cut open for her. Devlin rolled into the tunnel, and when she bounced again, several giant bees pounced on her. She lifted the black demon and cut out two knives, then turned these giant bees into a place of flesh and blood. Davelin stood up, and the iron boots stepped on the corpse of the bee and went deep into the passage.

Killing some giant bees along the way, Devlin came to the end of the passage. There was a bright light ahead, and she took a little guard and walked out with the knife. After she went outside, she adapted to the light outside the passage, and Hajime realized that she was inside the hive. The inside of the hive is actually hollow, and here is a vast space. There was a deafening sound of flapping wings from above, and she looked up and saw a swarm of bees gathered on the hive. The number of bee colonies is innumerable, gathering like thick clouds, and the sight of them is frightening. Suddenly a wave swept across the bee colony, and then the bee colony began to drop in height, rushing towards Devlin like a battle cloud.

Davelin raised the helmet mask silently, leaving only a pair of eyes. In this way, her whole body was wrapped in heavy armor. She made a squatting motion, and the two long legs pushed hard, and the person shot obliquely like a cannonball and swept into the hive void. Only Void was quickly replaced by the bee colony, it turned out that she had already got into the bee colony. Looking up, several giant bees pounced at ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Davelin cut them away with a sword, and at the same time stepped on the backs of other giant bees to move away. In this way, she took the giant bee as her foothold and climbed in the bee colony. The thick clouds in the hive rolled, constantly falling from the "clouds" with the bodies of giant bees. Among the bee colony, Davelin's armor was completely stained with bee blood. She always looked at the height of the hive, and there must be a brain that rules the insects behind the hive. Devlin could feel its emotions, from the pride at the beginning, to the hesitation just now, to the fear now. The insect's brain was terrified, and the other party never thought that Davelin would be so pricked. It is constantly issuing instructions. This can be seen from the continuous shrinking of the bee colony. It hopes to use the number of advantages to kill Daferin. Unfortunately, at her level of combat power, it is no longer an opponent that can be killed by numbers.

The Black Demon's war knife shook suddenly, and a sharp knife whistle resounded in the hive, as if the black demon was roaring, a black blade of light flowed upstream from the bee colony, cutting the cloud formed by the bee colony into two sides. Countless giant bees exploded in the light of the knife. After the flying insect fragments, Devlin saw it.

A huge, but bloated bug. It is just above the hive, and something like tree roots forms a complex structure in the void of the hive. The fat insect is among these root-like things, with three pairs of transparent wings behind it. But the wings are so small that they look ridiculous. Its head is very big, almost as big as its body. There are a row of eyeballs on the chubby head, and each eyeball is emitting a frightening light at this moment.

"This thing, is the queen bee?" Devlin whispered, and then her sight was blocked by the closed bee colony, but she had locked the position of the queen bee.

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