Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1558:  See the sky again

Luguang Town.

The hotel and restaurant run by Lim that day has now been handed over to Nick from Barr, who had recommended himself to Allen as a guide. Nick is so weak that he has no level of scavengers, but because of Allen’s relationship, he is here. It's really mixed up in the town. Among other things, the hotel and restaurant Lim gave him when he left was enough to meet Nick’s daily needs. As long as he is not greedy, there will even be some surplus in a few years and he can buy a set of himself in the wasteland House of.

Life is so simple and plain.

But after the environment in the legacy began to get worse, Nick's business was worsening day by day. Since the town of Luguang is almost on the edge of the relic, it has been the least affected, but recently some residents have started to leave the town. Nick did not leave, apart from his reluctance to give up his hard-won foundation in the town, but also because he really had nowhere to go. There was no place for him in the wasteland, even if he had been Allen's guide for a while.

Nick got up early today, and early in the morning he was busy cleaning up the restaurant and preparing to open. The more bleak the business, the more positive it is. This is how Nick manages. Although this business method did not make the restaurant and hotel business much better, at least, Nick would not feel that he was doing nothing.

When the hourglass pointed to the daytime zone and just a thin layer of sand accumulated, someone opened the door of the restaurant and walked in. Nick was wiping the table when he heard a voice yelling without looking back: "Welcome."

"Hey, Nick, didn't you plan to leave, old guy?" A chubby Baer raised his hand. He had no eyeballs on his head, and his eyes were on his palm. This weird guy is also very rare among the Baer. So almost everyone in the town remembered him.

"Jesse, Jesse, Jesse." Nick held a rag in his hand and opened his arms to give him a hug: "What are you going to have, for the sake of your first visit. The first drink is free."

"That's great. Let me have a big meal today."

"Oh? Have you made a fortune lately, Jessie. I have a big meal early in the morning, not like you." Nick said and walked to the kitchen.

Jessie sat down in the chair and whispered: "Actually, I'm here to say goodbye to you. Nick, although you are not a good thing, your dishes are much better than Lim before."

Nick stopped, froze for a few seconds, then turned around and smiled reluctantly, "So is this the last time you visit?"

"I said Nick, let's sell this place, how about going to Tornado to open a new one?"

"No, Jesse." Nick shook his head. "I have been in the Ruins for twenty years, you know? The outside world is no longer suitable for me."

"But you can see, people are leaving now. It won't be long before there is only one empty shell left in Green Light Town."

"I don't think so." Nick insisted: "Master Allen won't let this happen."

"Please, old Nick. Your Majesty Allen has time to pay attention to this place. He is in Magic Ring City. Do you think he will appear in Greenlight Town?"

Nick raised his head and looked out the window. I don’t know if it’s an illusion. He felt that the street outside the window seemed to be brighter. Nick nodded and said: "Yes, he is His Majesty Allen now. But he used to live here, I always think he will do something about it. ."

Jessie spread her hands: "Well, stubborn old thing, then bring my dishes quickly, and I can hurry after eating."

"almost there."

When Nick turned around, he suddenly found that the shadow under his feet was tilting and stretching. Jesse's whisper sounded behind him. Nick suddenly realized something and quickly turned around. He saw that the window was getting brighter and brighter, and finally a piece of golden sunlight came in from the window.

Yes, it's sunshine!

Nick froze on the spot, as he said, he has been in Greenlight Town for more than 20 years. He has even become accustomed to the extreme night climate of the relic. The sunlight is like remembering someone familiar in the depths of Nick, but he has forgotten the feeling of sunlight on his body. Forget what the world under the sun looks like. But now, there is sunlight coming in from the window, not light, but sunlight!

"Hey, it's a lie?" Jesse stood up and rushed to the window. He stretched out his open-eyed palm, and people on the street outside the window ran out of the house one after another. The sunlight dissipated the severe cold for days, and it illuminates people's eyes and even their hearts. Before long, cheers were already ringing on the streets. Jesse turned around: "How could this happen, the sun is out in the remains."

Nick laughed: "Look, Jesse. I'm sure this was done by Lord Allen, no, Your Majesty Allen. Long live Your Majesty!"

He ran out of the street, shouting loudly, his emotions were easily contagious, so the rest of the residents in the town shouted Allen's name.

At this moment, Alan, who was on the terrace of the castle, squinted his eyes. It was also an incredible experience for him to see the sunlight in the ruins. It was like a blind man seeing the sun again, and his mood was much easier. He saw that on the edge of the terrace, Alice was leaning against the stone fence, watching the valley in the distance under the sun. The gloom of the valley was fading, and everything showed bright colors in the sun. Alice gathered the hair that was blown away by the wind, closed her eyes and enjoyed it.

"Is that okay?" Allen walked to her side and put his hands on the stone fence: "If I'm not mistaken, the special weather of the remains is to protect the Black Gate of Canon, right?"

"It is true, even now, the other side is still under protection." Alice pointed in the direction of Kuromon.

Sure enough, after the valley, the second half of the remains was still shrouded in darkness. Alice said, "I just removed part of the protection. Besides, I haven't been in the sun for a long time, and I feel pretty good."

"You will think that I am also very happy, so what are your plans next?"

"First walk around and see what the world is now, then come back here, live for a few decades, and go to sleep." Alice said lightly: "I will continue to wait, waiting for creation The person mentioned by the author came. After giving him the Kannon Black Gate, I completed my mission. I think at that time, I can sleep well, right?"

"Sounds like a good plan."

"How about you?" Alice asked rhetorically.

Alan looked at the sky, and from here you could vaguely see the outline of a certain planet: "I will come to Agareth to establish my own power, a power that can guarantee my freedom from interference. Now it is done, So I should be like you, go back to my homeland, see some familiar faces, and then make plans."

"Then you have to worry." Alice said, but didn't say what to worry about.

Allen said "um", and the two silently enjoyed the sun and blue sky.

After staying in the remains for two days, Allen returned to the magic circle city. The black door insect swarm released by Alice has been completely evacuated. As compensation, Alice has set aside a piece of land with abundant resources and handed it to Alan on the basis of the original Death Valley. Of course, this land Alan was handed over to Mitinas for use as resources for expanding the Burning Legion. Now Allen doesn't want to expose the strength of the Burning Legion, so it is a good choice to stay in the legacy. It's just that this matter can't last long, so Allen started the idea of ​​those unowned wastelands. Now is a good time. The wasteland and relics south of Mokdan have settled down, and there will be no worries. Coupled with the signing of an armistice agreement between Dobia and Moying Nation, he can take this opportunity to develop those gray areas. After all, don't look at Allen's big business now, but the Shadow Nation is a gift from Spinak after all. Allen's background in this empire is limited, and now the combat power is at the end of the day, it is difficult to suppress all voices.

Therefore, to develop into the gray zone, in addition to providing more resources, is also leaving a way for yourself.

After returning to the magic ring city, Alan and several generals met and asked Lamer to cooperate with Mokdan to increase the development of the dark mountain gorge, and use the black gorge as a springboard to continue to penetrate the wild areas. Lamer proposed to publicly issue rewards to adventurers and explorers in the Empire, as long as they bring back valuable information, they can be evaluated and then rewarded accordingly. Allen fully agrees with this proposal.

On the other hand, let Devlin sit in the melting pot of the Eastern Route. Although Duobia is now declaring an armistice, there has never been a word for integrity in the Baal dictionary. Only strong enough strength is the root of everything. Allen does not want to underestimate the enemy because of the armistice agreement, thus leaving Duobia some potential opportunities.

In addition, there are some things in the Empire that Alan needs to handle personally. These matters have been screened by Lamer, even so, a day's time has passed after Allen has dealt with it. Finally, Lamer reported another incident to Allen.

"Resist the organization?" Allen squinted his eyes: "Such an organization appeared so soon. It seems that I don't have enough prestige for many empires."

Lamer said: "In time~www.wuxiaspot.com~ these idiots will find that fighting against your Majesty is a dead end."

Allen did not comment on this flattery, he went straight to the subject: "Do you know who they are?"

"It's just the guys who have the heart of luck." Lamer said: "I have checked. The leader and high-level of the organization are basically composed of the remnants of the three major families that have been erased by your Majesty. And not long ago. The fall of Xian Duocheng suddenly emerged, and the spearhead was directed at your Majesty. Now they are forcibly occupying the fallen Wells Ridge and the Earth Dragon Fort, and they want to use this as a stronghold to develop their forces against your Majesty.

"Wells Ridge? The Dragon Fort?" Allen sat on the throne and said, "I seem to remember that the Empire has troops in these two places."

"Yes, Your Majesty. But after the swarms evacuated, our army was either driven out or instigated. There were many wars in these two places before you returned." Lamer said, "My suggestion is direct force. Suppression, just take this opportunity to wipe out the remaining parties of the three major families."

"It should be so, then leave it to you, General Lamer."

Ramo knelt down and said, "Please give me a few days. Your Majesty will receive good news soon."

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