Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1560: Ask for help

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"Can't say that, Byrow." Gronn said lightly: "Looking at the entire empire, there is indeed only one Lamer who can help us come back. It is not how high his combat power is, but that he controls the Shadow Army. You only need to Think about it, if we don’t cooperate with him, then even if other generals help, we will soon be exposed to the Shadow Army’s intelligence network. On the contrary, the Shadow Army is now covering us. It’s hard for a person to know our existence."

"I am worried that Lamer will betray us."

"That's not good for Lamer. If you cooperate with us, he will have a chance to get all the land in the south. Continue to be his general? Apart from continuing to be a loyal dog in front of the new lord, what benefit do you think that human kid can give him? "Gronn smiled and said, "Of course, Lamer is too greedy. People who are greedy will hurt themselves sooner or later."

On the same night, Allen returned to the bedroom alone. After the invasion of the Swarm, Lola led the army to a city to suppress it. Now that the Swarm is retreating, she is also ready to return. But that was also tomorrow. Without Laura, the palace became empty. Allen smiled bitterly when he recalled the message Lola had left him. Naturally, Laura suppressed the swarms to sharpen herself, in fact, Allen wanted to tell her that there was no need to do so. Now he has the power to protect his own woman. But he also knew that Laura would not accept it. Now think about it, whether it is Lucy or Catherine, which of these women is not a strong woman who stands alone. So being a strong woman man is not so easy sometimes. Just like now, Allen is truly alone.

Fortunately, Lamo arranged two twin maids in the palace.

"Your Majesty, the bathroom is ready." Maid Palin said outside the door.

Allen agreed, went out, and followed Palin to the bathroom. The bathroom was filled with mist, and Peggy, who was wearing only a thin shirt, was ready to take a shower for Allen. Allen let Palin take off her clothes, revealing the masculine lines of a man, and seeing the two sisters breathe heavy. a lot of. Allen walked into the bath, letting the water in the bath flood him. He closed his eyes, thinking about the next move. Suddenly heard the sound of someone entering the water, opened his eyes, it turned out to be the second daughter of Peggy. The twins took off their clothes, and the beautiful body was looming in the mist, which was a temptation. In fact, the beautiful appearance of the two women of Palin, coupled with the fact that they are twins, makes them even more attractive to men. Alan is lying to himself if he says he doesn't move, but he still frowns and said, "What are you doing?"

"Of course it is for your majesty." Sister Peggy whispered.

Palin said frankly: "Now that Miss Laura is not here, we have an obligation to make your Majesty happy."

Allen shook his head and said, "No, I still have some things to think about. Go out."

Palin glanced at her sister, and Peggy bit her lip and said: "Your Majesty doesn't like us?"

Allen had a headache.

Palin even said with a weeping voice: "In fact, Lord Lamer has already blamed us, and we haven't been loved by His Majesty until now. Lord Lamer means that since His Majesty does not like us, then he will find new ones. The maid replaced us. Please, Your Majesty. If we can't stay here, Lord Lamer might sell us as slaves!"

"Shut up, Palin!" Sister Paige called: "Your Majesty doesn't need to know this."

"But sister..."

"Enough!" Peggy pulled up her sister and said to Allen: "Your Majesty, we will wait outside the door."

Then the two sisters were about to leave the bath, Allen coughed dryly, and beckoned: "Come here."

Palin blinked at her sister, pulled her hand away to Alan's left side and sat down, reaching out to embrace Alan's body. Paige had to be a little bit slower before she came to his right. Allen put his hands on the ground by the pool and let the two daughters snuggle next to him. No matter where you go, there will always be disadvantaged people, just like these twins. They don't have the fighting power of Devlin, so they can only rely on the men around them in the Demon Shadow Nation. If they can stay, at least they can live without worry, but if they are sold as slaves, they don't know what kind of life they will lead in the future. It's no wonder that Palin was so bold. Perhaps for her, she might die if she collided with Ellen, the emperor, but if she was sold as a slave, she would die. Comparing the two, it would be easier to die under Allen.

Allen never thought that he could help everyone, just as he didn't even intend to change the status quo of Demon Kingdom after sitting on the seat of God. But as far as he can, he doesn't mind giving some shelter to a pair of sisters. For him, it's just a handy effort, but for Peggy's two daughters, it is the difference between heaven and hell.

The two girls cuddled up next to him, and Peggy was okay, she finally stayed honestly. Palin became uneasy, her breathing slowly increased, and she stretched out her hand to caress Alan. Obviously they have received professional training and can always touch sensitive parts of Alan's body. Allen shook his head, stretched out his hand to gently press on the side of Palin's neck, and the girl immediately dropped her head.

"Your Majesty?" Peggy on the other side was startled.

Allen smiled and said, "Don't worry, I just let her fall asleep, this restless guy."

Peggy was relieved now.

Alan stood up holding Palin and said, "Okay, let's go to bed."

"Your Majesty..." Peggy could hardly believe her ears.

"I'm sure that Lamer has eyes and ears here. If you don't climb into my bed, Lamer will still deal with you when he comes back. Come with me." Alan picked up Palin and Peggy After silently following him, the three came to the bedroom. Alan put Palin on the bed and looked at her sister again.

Peggy climbed onto the bed quickly and took off her bath towel. Under the lights, she showed Alan her young body. Allen got into bed and came to Peggy, and the girl's breathing accelerated. She knew what would happen next and how to please a man. When Alan put her gently on the bed, she was ready for everything. However, Ellen covered her with a quilt. She was a bit at a loss. Ellen kissed her gently on her forehead and said, "Don't say anything, sleep well, I still have things to deal with."

Then I got out of bed, and looked up some documents on the desk in the bedroom.

Peggy felt a little sense of loss, but she did not dare to entangle herself like her sister. And doing that would probably make him faint, but I had to tighten the quilt, holding Palin and gradually fall asleep.

Wake up Palin the next day. Peggy opened her eyes. After a moment of loss, she asked, "Where's your Majesty?"

"Someone is looking for the military department. Your Majesty has left early." Palin looked at herself, then looked at her sister: "Last night, did nothing happen?"

"What do you mean?"

"Sister, too?"

"I went to sleep."

Palin hugged her head and shouted: "Why are you so stupid? You already have this kind of opportunity. Now we should not..."

"Stop talking, get up quickly, we still have work to do."

The two sisters put on their clothes and opened the bedroom door with some guilty conscience. Suddenly seeing a figure standing outside the door, but the guard of the Shadow Fort, the two girls were startled. The guard nodded and said, "Your Majesty sees that you are not awake, so let me watch. Your Majesty said you are very good, so today, you can take a day off."

"Really?" Palin blinked.

The guard did not answer the question, and turned around and left. The two girls looked at each other speechlessly, and only after a moment did they cheer together. In this way, they can finally stay in the palace.

Early in the morning, Allen came to the military headquarters of the Magic Shadow City. He didn't bring any entourage, dressed in casual clothes, and hardly recognized him when he entered the building. A general who had received the news early was waiting beside him. When he saw Alan, he had to kneel down, but an invisible force field enveloped him, making him unable to move. Allen shook his head and said: "Don't have to be so troublesome, tell me, what news has the wild stone star sent?"

"Yes, Your Majesty." The general said with trepidation: "Originally, this kind of thing is waiting for me to sort it out and give it to your Majesty. Your Majesty doesn't have to come here."

Allen said indifferently: "It's okay, it's too hard for me to stay in the Shadow Fort all day, just to come to the military department. Speaking of, I haven't been here yet."

"Then I will show your majesty around?"

"No, say business matters."

The general did not dare to insist and led Allen to his room. After a few clicks on a row of light keys on the table, the light in the room dimmed, and a screen was lowered on the front wall. The general said: "The news was received last night, because I was afraid to disturb your majesty's rest, so I didn't dare to notify the side of the Shadow Fort."

At this time, pictures began to appear on the screen, and the scene should look like a canyon somewhere on the wild stone star. The lens shook slightly, and there was a roaring gunfire inside. At this time, a row of firelights fell from afar, and dozens of fire streams blasted in a place not far from the lens. Suddenly, the entire screen was filled with red fireballs. At this time, a personal figure appeared on the screen. He was an imperial general. He looked embarrassed: "Because of Kidd's interference methods, we can't communicate with the empire. We can only send this information one-way. "

"The situation on the Star Savage Star is very bad. The brother of former Chief Vasak had no way to go under our attack, but when we and Chief Hubble were trying to solve Montparn The Germans suddenly increased their troops. And this time they did not support Montparn from behind, but went directly to the stage to participate in the war. For this reason, we warned the Kidd, but they did not respond and attacked us. Base."

The general in the picture yelled: "The Kidders who participated in the Barbarian Star Wars this time are their elite troops, the sharp saw, and are commanded by a platinum royal family. At present, we have been induced to fall into the siege of Moon by Month Canyon. The royal family directly participated in the war. Although Chief Hubble blocked him, the situation is still not good for us."

"We need reinforcements!"

A few fires fell nearby, the picture shook, and the fire flickered. The general yelled a few more words, and the picture was frozen.

Allen's face was sinking.

The general next to him said: "After receiving this news, just last night, in the name of the empire, he issued a warning to Omisga, the mechanical star where the Kidd people are. But so far, it has not been received from the opponent. Any response from."

"It seems that the Kidd are planning to go to war with us." Allen said.

The general almost jumped up and said, "Your Majesty has been worrying too much. Kidd people have always been our vassals, how dare you..."

Allen shook his head and said, "If this weren't the case, then they wouldn't go to war openly on Barbarian Star. Are they blind and haven't seen our army on Barbarian Star? Besides, we have issued a warning. But they ignored it and attacked our army directly. This is not what we are going to do for war!"

The general was speechless for a while.

Allen stood up and said decisively: "First send reinforcements to Wildstone Star, and then notify General Lamer to come back. I'm going to Omisgar in person to see what Sarver is going to do!"

"But your Majesty, your imperial ship is still under construction."

"It doesn't matter. Just prepare a general's seat for me. You send this message to the Kidd people. If they don't respond, then I don't need to go, just go to war."

Then left the military headquarters.

Soon after returning to Magic Ring City, Allen received some messages one after another. First, Lamer promised to rush back to the magic ring city today, and then the news from Omisga, the emperor of the Kidd people claimed to welcome Alan to visit ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and suspended the barbarian for this. The actions on Shi Xing, wait for Alan to come.

Soon after the news was sent to Shadow Castle, the military department contacted the army on the Barbarian Star and confirmed that the Kidd had indeed suspended their offensive, and it seemed that they were still a little bit afraid.

Dilong Fort.

When Ramo sat on the large seat in the command hall of his own ship, he received a communication request. Ramo made a gesture, and a picture appeared on the front screen. In the picture is a Kidd. Almost 70% of this male Kidd has been transformed, and both the armor color of the metal body and the clothing on his body are platinum. More importantly, the man in the picture is not only the platinum royal family, but also the emperor Sarfo of the Kidd people!

"Your Majesty Sarfo, it seems that you have received news from our emperor." Ramo said with a smile: "I'm right, that one is not His Majesty Spinak after all. Or, he is always one. Human beings, so the way of thinking is still decisively different from that of us Barren. As long as you and I cooperate, there is nothing impossible to do."

"General Lamer, I admit that your information is indeed in place. For this, I am happy to continue to cooperate with you. Then you have arranged the next thing?" The Kidd emperor's voice on the screen shows no emotion. The ups and downs are like a real machine.

Ramer flicked his paw and said: "Of course, but you have to make sure that the next action will be successful. After all, I did this, but took a great risk. So, Your Majesty Sarver, you have to Promise that our emperor will never come back after he leaves."

"That's natural, my side is ready."

Lamer said cheerfully: "Then I wish us a happy cooperation."

: I'm sorry to say to everyone here, I made a mistake when pasting the last chapter, but it has been corrected now.

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