Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1563: Uchioni

Chapter 1563

A sharp alarm suddenly sounded in the command hall of the Black Storm.

An imperial general, disregarding etiquette, yelled at Allen: "Your Majesty, the radar has detected the energy response. The level is the highest!"

Allen's pupils shrank: "Can it be avoided?"

"It's too late. According to the speed, it will be hit in ten seconds. Now we can only open the defensive barrier and prepare for the main artillery." The general said solemnly: "Just in case, please feel free to Be prepared for an emergency evacuation."

He made a gesture, and a soldier was in front of him to input instructions. Alan's right handrail opened a screen, and a red light button flashed on it. General said: "That is an emergency escape device. After pressing it, your Majesty will be ejected from the ship within three seconds."

"Look ahead!" The soldiers exclaimed in the command hall.

Allen and the general looked together, a bright red light shining out of the porthole in the front of the hall. The blood-colored light was almost all over the field of vision. Judging from this scale, it would be a terrifying torrent of energy, might be powerful enough to blast a planet! Suddenly, even Allen gasped. At this time, the storm’s main artillery blasted two beams of particles, but the beam that can usually blast through the main ship was eclipsed by this torrent of energy. If the torrent of energy is a turbulent Nu River, then the two beams of particles are at best a stream with a faster flow rate. At the same time as the shelling, the general yelled: "Go, Your Majesty!"

The palm of his hand slammed the red button on the armrest screen, and Allen sank immediately. With his reaction, he could only see the entire command hall immersed in a **** brilliance, and then his sight was a dark downhill passage. Allen landed with the seat to the bottom of the downhill tunnel. The upper hatch immediately closed, and a flashing red light was lit in this sealed space. Allen felt a violent shaking, and when he recovered, the bottom of the Black Storm could be seen outside the window of the escape ship, as well as the magnificent galaxy-like energy torrent.

The torrent of energy bounced off the main gun beam of the Storm without any suspense, and then rushed through the fleet. The Black Storm immediately disintegrated and split in a glow of red light. Numerous fireballs rose from the hull, and then they were gradually engulfed in the scarlet rainbow belt. As for the other battleships escorting, they didn’t even have time to explode. Released, it blasted the energy torrent into ashes. Although Alan had escaped from Stormwind, he had never left the scouring range of the energy torrent. In the torrent of energy of this level, even the Storm was wiped out, not to mention a small escape capsule. Allen's heart beat hard, and a domineering might immediately rose from the escape capsule, and a layer of void secret flames was covered on the surface of the escape ship. The secret flame was grazed by the blood-colored rainbow band, and the escape ship immediately flew out, like a shooting star, swiping in the opposite direction of Agareth, I don’t know how many kilometers away, the secret flame gradually dimmed When he got down, the escape capsule also stopped, floating in the universe.

Through the porthole, Alan saw that the rainbow belt had gone away, passing through space not far from Agareth, and disappearing into the depths of the universe. As for the location of the fleet, there are only the wreckage of some starships floating. The power of that torrent is surprisingly powerful. Once it hits Agareth, the planet is probably wiped out immediately.

Such a terrible space weapon!

The alarm in the escape cabin was still ringing, Allen turned on the console and started the self-check procedure of the escape cabin, and the sound of the alarm finally stopped. Alan closed his eyes. In the Yoton Star Territory, a space weapon of this level can be made. After thinking about it, only one Kidd can make it, and the direction of that torrent is also the Austrian. The location of Miscar. With that said, it is that Omisga fired at the fleet, able to cross such a long distance, and its power was undiminished, which gave Alan a new understanding of Kidd’s space weapons.

Looking at it now, the Kidd had no intention of negotiating with him, but planned to intercept halfway. Thinking of this, Allen had new questions. To know that Omisga and the fleet are far away, from such a long distance to be able to accurately attack the fleet, then the precise coordinates of the fleet are needed. Generally speaking, if it is necessary to provide precise coordinates for space weapons, the reconnaissance machine must lock the position of the fleet nearby and transmit the coordinates back. However, before the energy torrent appears, the fleet will not find any reconnaissance machines.

"So apart from the possibility of the reconnaissance machine, there is only another possibility. Someone in the empire provided the coordinates to the Kidd?"

Allen slammed a fist on the armrest, cursing "Damn". At this time, the intellectual brain's self-examination was over. Although the escape ship was not swallowed by the torrent of energy under the protection of Alan's secret flame, it was seriously damaged. In addition to the damage to the communication equipment, the thrusters are also unusable, which means that Allen is trapped in the escape capsule and cannot move. He sighed, now he can only wait for the Empire to send a search and rescue team. After returning to the magic ring city, first thoroughly investigate the inner ghost, and then settle accounts with the Kidd people.

In Magic Ring City, in the mansion once known as the Blood Nest, Lamo looked at the screen in front of him. The screen is the image of the torrent of energy engulfing the fleet. There are still a few people sitting next to Lamer, including the patriarchs of the Hongyan and Heibing families. Looking at the blood-colored rainbow band that engulfed the fleet in a flash, Bai Luo's mouth opened wide, while Gron's face was gloomy, and he looked at General Hilarious from time to time.

Ramer turned off the screen, stood up and smiled at the two patrons: "You see, everyone. I have already followed the agreement. Our Majesty Allen has turned into dust in the universe~www.wuxiaspot.com~ can never come back. ."

Gelong said: "Master Lamer, what's the matter with that kind of space weapon? Is it your secret weapon?"

Ramah laughed and flicked his claws and said, "Master Gron, you should know that some things should not be too true. I'm sorry, as it is confidential, I will not be able to disclose it to the two of you. . And more importantly now, don’t you think it’s time to act?"

"Davelin has already been transferred to the Forge City. Gan Lize said early in the morning that he was on my side. As for the other generals, they are also all over the empire. Except for the few confidants left by our Majesty, there is no peace in the imperial capital at this moment. Everyone is the power to contend. If you don’t act at this time, you’ll probably miss the throne.” Lamergan laughed: “At least, I don’t think Duobia will be so calm. What do you think, two adults? "

Gron stood up and nodded: "General Lamer is right. We shouldn't waste time on a space weapon. Then, let us create a new future together!"

Watching the two Patriarchs leave, Lamo laughed: "It is indeed a brand new future, but it is a pity that I have no plans to give you admission tickets for the door to the future."

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