Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1580: Combat meeting

In the morning, the door of a hall in Shadowcastle was pushed open. A group of soldiers swiftly carried various instruments into the hall with carts under the command of the commander. A technical supervisor of the Barr brought his own people. After busy installing and deploying these instruments, it didn't take long before this hall, which had been idle for a long time, became a strategic war room.

When all the arrangements were completed, except for the technical director and his assistants, all other personnel including soldiers exited the hall. After a while, people walked into the hall one after another. Headed by Davelin, then Twilight and Bai, followed by several generals and generals, and finally, officials and staff at all levels responsible for dispatching supplies, assembling the army, and making plans. Finally, Ellen, Himmel and others walked in, he nodded, and the door of the hall closed.

The atmosphere in the hall was solemn. After Allen sat on the seat arranged for him, he made a gesture and said, "Sit down, everyone."

Everyone was seated.

Allen looked around and said, “I’m calling you all here today to make a battle plan against Omisgar. I’m here to tell you that the battle plan is divided into two parts. The first part is to rescue the Guss. They have been enslaved by the Kidd for a long time. Princess Himir and I have reached an agreement to free her people. In return, they will provide us with specific information about Omisgar, including the details of the Kidd space weapon Information; The second part is the attack on Omisgar. Sarver used space weapons to destroy our fleet. There is no buffer room for this incident. The Kidd must pay a sufficient price for this. So to Omisgar There is no budget limit for the attack. I want you to work out a sufficiently precise and feasible plan."

"Then the meeting can begin."

After proposing your goals, the details are passed to the following people to discuss. Allen needs to know the result, not the process, so he remained silent next. If it wasn't to encourage Himir, he could even leave now, just wait for the final plan to come out and be reviewed and approved by him.

Since the first part of Allen's proposal was to rescue the Guss, there was no suspense. Apart from Devlin, other imperial generals and officers and staff began to ask Himir about the Guss. At first, Simir had some stage fright, after all, the girl had never participated in a combat meeting of this nature and such a scale.

Fortunately, Alan was sitting next to him, and he could get encouragement from his gaze from time to time. Himir gradually calmed down and began to respond like a stream.

"The rescue of the Gus will take precedence over the war, otherwise the attack on Omisga will cause a large number of deaths of the Gus."

"We need to know the distribution of the Guss in Omisgari."

"No, you should sneak into Omisgar first and inform the Guss to gather on the day of rescue so that we can transport them."

"Then it needs to interfere with Kidd's sight at the same time, otherwise the rescue plan will be difficult to unfold smoothly."

"It is also necessary to determine the person to sneak in. I think the best candidate should be taken by His Highness Himir. Only she can gain the trust of the Gus and deploy the actions of the Gus to ensure that the rescue operation can be carried out smoothly."

When everyone gave their opinions, Simir stood up and said: "Please don't forget that between the two parts of the whole plan, there is a link that cannot be ignored."

So the same ten sights fell on her at the same time.

Simir took a deep breath and said to the main technical pipeline on the side: "Please open the data provided by us, and open all the relevant content from 108 to 237."

After a while, the holographic projection temporarily installed above the hall will display sheets of drawings and data in front of everyone. Himir took the sensor from the supervisor and began to call up the information she needed and explain it.

"While rescuing my people, I hope to start the destruction of space weapons. Otherwise, if the destruction artillery is allowed to operate normally, the Demon Shadow Nation will suffer serious losses after the war begins."

"His Royal Highness, please specify the destruction of the artillery."

Himir nodded: "The concept of this space weapon was proposed by the Kidders. The engine, energy system and related positioning systems were all completed by the Kidd. However, the firing system of the destroyer and the most important body components, We Guss are all responsible. After the saboteur is saturated and charged, it can emit high-energy light waves that destroy the planet. The beam can span extremely long distances. According to the calculations of the Kidd people, all asteroids in the Yodon star field are destroying the cannon. Within the range of threat. However, in order for the destruction cannon to reach the highest damage value, the conventional energy is far from enough. Therefore, the core of the energy used by the destruction cannon is the Heart of the Stars!"

There was an uproar in the hall.

"Furthermore, a star heart can only fire one full-power shelling." Shimir stretched out a finger and said: "The Kidd had already launched a full-power shelling on His Majesty’s fleet not long ago. Then, from It takes 240 hours to cool down the gun body components to the main system ~www.wuxiaspot.com~. In other words, we must destroy space weapons during this time, otherwise, we should have a headache."

"Then we have to send the elite to sneak into Omisgar with His Highness Himir, and then we'll split up."

"Now Omisga still has four platinum royals. Among our generals, only General Devlin can win the victory, so this candidate..."

"No, if General Devlin is not in the army, I'm afraid it will arouse the suspicion of the Kidd."

At this time, Allen raised his hand and said: "Davelin is still in the army, sneaking into Omisgar, and the part of destroying space weapons is done by me."

"His Majesty?"

"How can this work? If the Kidd find out that His Majesty is not there, it is also a trouble."

"Don't worry about that." Allen looked at Bai who was almost the same in height and appearance, and smiled: "The Kidd people will not find me sneaking into their nest."

"If your majesty is with you, the chance of success will be even higher." Ximir said with joy.

"This matter is so decided, you continue to discuss."

Shimir nodded: "To sneak into Omisgar, you have to mention the huge shield that covers the entire mechanical star. Without the identification of the spaceship, even if the Kidd don’t attack, it’s difficult for us from the outside. Destroy the shield."

"What to do then, we must act secretly, even if we can destroy the shield, it will attract the attention of the Kidd people."

"Yes, but we have participated in the construction of the Kidd defense system, so we left a back door in that system." Simmel said: "The Kidd shield uses a very high frequency refresh rate. We are there. The backdoor left in the system can reduce the refresh rate of a certain location, but the time is only about five seconds, so the timing must be grasped."

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