Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1586:   pressure environment

Every time the punch and the giant knife collided, a muffled sound like thunder exploded. The Kidd soldiers who had been standing around and were on guard, after Alan and Sidi fought, the encirclement retreated again and again. It is not that they have relaxed their vigilance, but the source of the collision between the two strong men is constantly spreading. For them, these energies are fatal. What's more, the muffled sound of punches and knives made their hearts beat faster. If they were involved in a battle, no one would dare to imagine that scene.

During the battle, Sidi maintained that unruly pace, his fists were always gathered in front of his chest, and then he fisted in alternating frequencies. Once you hit the opportunity, it was a series of fast breaks. The rain-like punches formed an unparalleled destructive power, but they kept hitting the opponent's giant knife, which was both a weapon and a shield. This made Sidi feel uncomfortable. I'm impatient. He suddenly took a big step back, and the fists gathered in front of his chest were also stretched out. When he closed his arms to the limit, he suddenly took a lunge and slid out several meters in an instant. The front of the fist pulled the visible energy ripple and hit hard. Alan.

This time, Allen did not raise the knife to block, and Sidi had too much space in his action. Before the striker did not hit him, he flashed away, and Sidi hit the air. At the front of the fist, there was a ring of atmospheric ripples, and a destructive energy spit out from the front of his fist, blasting through the front encircling circle, shaking the tank soldiers into powder. Sidi snorted, his short punches were as fast as a shower, full of mobility. Changquan weighs more than Wanjun, and its strength can be Shenlu. In the past, the combination of long and short punches did not go unfavorably. Unexpectedly, he ran into Allen today. The intensive offensive of the short punches was completely blocked by his giant knife. The gap of the long punches was too large for the agile Allen to avoid easily. Sidi didn't only have these two ways of fist, but it was too close to the energy conversion machine room of the destroyer. If other powerful tactics were used, even if the enemy didn't get rid of it, the machine room would be lifted first.

Sidi had scruples, but Allen didn't. After fighting his opponent for a while, he had basically grasped Sidi's strength and thoughts, and immediately inspired the Dark King's form while flashing Sidi's heavy punches. When seeing the black flame rising under Alan's feet, Sidi yelled that he was not good, and also used his own engraving weapon. After completing the form change, Allen directly used the blood to turn his skin into purple, and his power was like a volcanic eruption. In this state, Allen's vitality is strong enough to be felt by Omis and all powerhouses of the same level. He knew very well that Sarfo would definitely find himself in this way. Without further ado, Allen held the knife in both hands and swept it in the direction of the computer room.

The Hymn of Extinction drew a full arc, and the arc instantly turned into a growing crescent. Sidi yelled great, and the direction pointed by the knife-qi crescent was the energy machine room. Suddenly rushing, Xidi smashed his fists before the arc of the knife, but he never smashed the knife gas as expected. Instead, his hands bounced away, and the crescent immediately pressed against his chest. The gushing knife gas hit him with blood spurting out of his mouth, and Sidi shouted, grabbing the knife gas up and down with both hands to block it. But Allen's style of slashing the sky is the most powerful in the ten styles, and Frios also flew up, how can a Sidi be able to stop it.

As a result, Sidi was pushed back by the growing crescent moon. Everything the crescent was passing by was centered. The densely packed buildings on the fifth floor were covered like soft cheese in front of the knife. Cut into pieces. Eventually, Crescent and Sidi disappeared from Allen’s sight. After a while, the buildings in the area where the sword-qi crescent passed exploded one after another. Fire waves spewed out one by one and collided with each other, causing as many as a hundred deaths. Times.

The harsh sirens sounded again.

Sarfo opened the door of a room and walked in. There was a big screen in the room. The screen showed Himir in the operating room. There are six or seven Kidders on the left and right of the operating room. Sarve walked to the screen, picked up the intercom and asked, "How about it, have you found out where the nanobomb in that **** is?"

A Kid who should be in charge turned to the shield and replied: "I'm sorry, my lord, I haven't found it yet. But we have tested more than 90% of her body. If there is no accident, there should be no nanobomb in this woman. "

Sarfo's eyes narrowed: "Meaning, she is lying to me?"

"I'm not sure, Your Majesty."

"Then stop talking nonsense, and complete the whole body test for me. If she dares to lie to me, I will let her..." Sarver's words fell off, and suddenly felt an unparalleled fierce power. He seemed to see the whole world turned into a sea of ​​flames, and even himself burned with it. This kind of illusion came and went fast, but it made Sarvor sweat. He knew that the power was too powerful, and even overwhelmed himself, only then would he have an illusion similar to mental oppression.

Immediately after the whole room shook violently, Sarfo's feet were firmly nailed to the ground, so as not to be shaken. After the strong earthquake passed, aftershocks could still be felt, and the alarm sounded. The automatic door suddenly opened, and a golden nobleman ran in with a ruined expression: "Something has happened, Your Majesty. There was a big explosion in the fifth floor area. The source of the explosion was the energy conversion machine room that destroyed the cannon~www.wuxiaspot.com~ because There was an accident in the computer room, and explosions were happening one after another along the energy pipeline. Now 30% of the parts of the destroyer have been damaged, and the damaged area is still increasing..."

Sarfo shrank his pupils, and said angrily: "How could this happen! What about Sidi?"

"There is an intruder in the fifth floor, and Master Sidi is fighting with it, but I heard... I heard that Master Sidi was suppressed by the opponent, so..."

"Trash!" Sarver yelled, "That **** Sidi, it turned out that he left because of this. An intruder didn't report it to me, this idiot!"

As the golden nobleman said, the damage area of ​​space weapons is increasing. If you look at it from space at this time, you will see a little ignited light inside Omisgar, and soon the huge sabotage gun, fireballs on the surface of the gun body, and countless fragments in the continuous explosion. Splashing around with parts, this space gun is completely scrapped.

At this moment, a huge fleet has been assembled in space near Agareth, and the Imperial Army headed by Devlin is ready to go, everything is only waiting for Allen to send back the signal of action. Devlin was staying on her own ship. The first general was sitting on the high seat with no expression on his face. Only by tapping the armrests with her fingers could she tell that she was not a sculpture. She seemed to be able to wait indefinitely, but Ellen did not let her wait too long. Suddenly someone in the command hall exclaimed, then jumped up and reported to Devlin: "General, I have received a message from your Majesty. Signal of action."



The five fingers that were slamming the armrest were closed, Flynn shook her fingers into a fist, and lightly hammered on the armrest: "What are you waiting for, inform the whole army, act!"

On this day, the army of the Moying Nation crushed the territory.

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