Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1588: Not working

The beam gun swept across, sweeping over a group of soldiers rushing out of the palace. Alan and Tarot converged, and four or five alien mercenaries followed behind the old man. They used the starship as a cover to fight the Kidd. Allen caught Tarot and asked, "What are you doing here? Now you should go to the refuge to meet your compatriots and wait for our fleet to arrive."

"I have handed over the matter to another reliable guy. We are not available to the refuge, but the lady is waiting for me to rescue." Tarot said loudly, not forgetting to leaned out and fired a few shots.

Allen shook his head and said, "I came to the palace to save Himir. You don't have to go like this at all."

"The young lady said that it is a great blessing for our compatriots to be rescued by Your Majesty, so we have to do what we can, and trouble your Majesty with everything." The old man patted his chest and said, "Not to mention that although I am old, I am fighting. I have never been afraid of anyone."

Allen smiled, and suddenly said with a solemn expression: "Saff is here!"

A power in the palace rose to the sky, with a bit of anger in its breath, and it was quickly coming in their direction. After a while, the gate of the palace blew out, and Allen raised his hand to produce a ash flame that enveloped the few of them, and blew the flying fragments. Looking at the gate again, a figure walked out of the sky, and it was Safo who was fully armed. Holding a golden war halberd in his hand, he pointed towards Allen, and the tip of the halberd shot a beam of light, which turned out to be a weapon usable far and near. Alan swept the giant knife in his hand, bounced the beam away, and walked out from behind the starship.

Unlike Sidi, he knew his identity when he saw Alan. He nodded and said "OK" several times before saying: "I thought who could invade the fifth floor so easily and blow up my energy conversion room. It turned out to be The emperor of the Demon Shadow Kingdom is here. Your Majesty Allen, what a great meeting ceremony."

"It can't be compared to the handwriting of Your Majesty Sarver. I am a little flattered to greet me with the heart of a star." Allen said with a smile.

Sarfo was shocked, Alan knew that the energy of destroying the cannon came from the heart of the stars. If he knew this, he would not disclose it to the outside world, even Frieus did not know. Then he saw Tarot and the others behind the spaceship, and Suffer suddenly understood: "So that **** Himir has taken refuge in you?"

"Yes, so you see, I have come to pick up His Royal Highness Himir."

Safir laughed and said, "Simir is in my palace, but it is not easy for His Majesty Allen to get her back."

Allen rolled his eyes at Tarot: "Can you find Himir?"

Tarot nodded: "Before, just in case, I made some tricks on His Royal Highness so that we can track her down."

"Then you go to Himir, and I will greet your Majesty Safo."

Sarfo sneered: "Do you think I will let them go?"

Allen nodded: "You will, don't you want the other fragments of the polar secret map?" He raised his hand, and the space wrist wheel turned a faint light, and the two secret map fragments appeared in Allen's hands.

Sarfo had such sharp eyesight that the two fragments in Allen's hand were genuine, and immediately said, "How did you get it?"

"You don't need to report the specific process to you. Anyway, you just need to know that they are in my hands. If you want to chase Tarot, then I will destroy them now."

At this time, Tarot took a few mercenaries and went to other directions in the palace. Sarfo rolled his eyes and finally nodded and said: "Even if I don't chase them, those people don't expect to rescue Himir."

"If this can't save people, then I can't help it." Allen said with a smile, and put the secret map fragment back into the space wrist wheel. In this way, there is only one way Sarver wants to get the remaining fragments, and that is to kill Allen.

Or, killed by Allen.

Knowing this, Sarfo didn't keep it anymore, his Qi was fully opened, and the ground of the entire palace was shaking. But Sarfo didn't stop there. Instead, the gas engine rose and the boat rose. At this time, with Sarfur as the origin, a circle of light patterns like a circuit of electric plates spread out and continued to spread. As long as it is a metal substance, it cannot stop the spread of the light pattern, but the stones are let off by the light pattern. After a while, the light pattern has spread all over the ground and surrounding buildings, and then the places where the light pattern spreads are all rising up and down according to the pattern, separated into countless fragments, and then revolving around Sarver, like between the universe Nebula.

Alan squinted his eyes, suddenly flashed forward, and chopped out the Anthem of Shattered Clumsy. But it didn't mean anything to Safer's eyes. He only felt the giant knife slashing, as if the whole world was being pushed toward him by it. This is really the result of Allen's stab pulling the space source power, so this seemingly inconspicuous stab is surprisingly powerful, and has reached the realm of ingenuity. How dare Sarver be negligent, the golden halberd in his hand was raised, and the swirling metal fragments immediately combined into a huge thick shield and fell in front of Sarver. Allen's huge knife slashed on the thick shield, and the thick shield lit up a complex pattern, which actually absorbed the power of that knife seven or eight times. Allen was a little surprised. When the Hymn of Destruction was cut on the thick shield, it felt like it was cut on a bulging leather bag~www.wuxiaspot.com~, there was a sense of nowhere to use it. At their level, the competition is not only about combat skills, but also the force of space. Allen stabs the source of the space, and Sarve's great shield has never been so, otherwise, how can he absorb the power of Alan's sword. It's just that although the space source power of Sarf's plunder is not as good as Alan's, it can be used ingeniously, and this metal giant shield was created out of thin air, and its ability is also strange and tight.

At this time, Sarfo pointed forward, and the huge shield suddenly deformed and reorganized, quickly forming a fort. The turret has multiple barrels, and there is no need to operate Sarfu, and several cannons are fired. Looking at an ordinary self-propelled fort, it is not an energy beam but a spatial source of power that blasts out of the muzzle, so you can't wait for it. Allen looked at Sarver in surprise. Kidders are famous for their fanaticism for machinery. Unexpectedly, Sarver's ability could create this kind of mechanical unit out of thin air, which can be said to have brought that fanaticism to the extreme.

Where is this?

When Himir opened his eyes, his head slowly turned like a rusty gear. But soon the girl's eyes became clear, and she got rid of the confusion of just waking up. She remembered that she was interrogated by Sarver, and now it seemed that she should be in the Kidd’s operating cabin. Kidd’s operating cabins can perform various types of complex operations. It seems that they should have checked their bodies.

Himir couldn't help but be thankful that he was still alive, after all, nanobots were nothing but imaginary things. She was still alive, either the check hadn't been completed, or other things happened, Sarver didn't have time to pay attention to her. Himir felt that the latter was more likely. She checked her robotic arm, and everything went as usual, except that the battery was taken away. Shimir smiled and activated the backup battery of the robotic arm.

After a while, the cover of the operating cabin flew out.

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