Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1594:  Jie Hu

Heaven star.

A pair of boots embroidered with the pattern of auspicious beasts with gold thread stepped on a piece of scorched earth, the face of the man in the Chinese robe was pale, his fists were tightly twisted together. From the sight of the man, there is a ruin in front of him, once this was a bustling city. Its unique geographical advantages, coupled with the painstaking efforts of several generations, make this city a shining pearl in the southern border of the empire. Especially after the prince's fight, because the city stood in the right team, its momentum was even better. Today, however, it has become a ruin. From a glance, there are all broken tiles, smoke billowing everywhere, and there is hardly a complete building. Especially the castle where the lord lived, which was once called the White Fort, now only a large amount of waste soil and rubble remains under the artillery fire.

This city is called Ark Harbor.

After resisting the invaders for more than three months, it shed its last drop of blood and declared its demise. However, the invaders from the East didn't get anything. They paid a very heavy price for this ruin.

"The prince..." An officer knelt down beside the man in Chinese robe.

"I want to be alone." The man said.

The officer sighed, bowed his head and walked away.

King Pingxi!

Originally titled Anyang King, for the purpose of this Western Expedition, he specifically asked the Ninety-Five Supreme to change his title to Pingxi, in order to pacify Xiyi, so that the old people who looked down on them would be surprised by the ruling and the opposition. For this reason, in addition to the soldiers and horses sent by the empire, he did his best to invest in a well-equipped private army. Originally smug, he didn't expect that when he crossed the ocean, the stormy waves did not stop him, but he stayed in this harbor city for three months!

Those western barbarians did almost everything, first self-destructing the corridor to prevent his army from landing, and then using the cliff as a barrier to hold on. When he attacked this sea cliff, thinking that he could level the city with one foot, the other side deployed a lot of defenses and invested a lot of manpower and material resources. From the outskirts to the center, and finally to the white castle, a total of thirty-four lines of defense were laid out. When all the defense lines were breached, the city naturally became ruins, but his army was also severely damaged, especially the private army had been reduced by 30%. Originally in his abacus, this private army had to see the Barbarian Emperor Capital before it would lose the battle, but unexpectedly planted a big troll here.

How does this not annoy him?

How not to be angry!

What is annoyed is that the barbarian is hateful, he is stubborn and destined to change the ending, but he has to consume a lot of his troops, and ultimately ends up losing both; the angry is that another prince ignores his battle situation and should have cooperated. , But casually found an excuse to prevaricate, ran to another battlefield to kill the Quartet, it is the so-called picking soft persimmon pinch.

That one, the title is Jiwu Wang.

Has been famous for a long time, regardless of his combat power, his reputation is above him. The eight kings of the empire rank among the top three dragons and phoenixes. Although he was angry, he didn't dare to say anything. He could only break his teeth and swallow them in his stomach with blood. I didn't dare to speak, but it didn't mean I didn't dare to complain. King Pingxi's eyes were murderous, and he had greeted King Jiwu three hundred times in his stomach.

Now the army is camping in an open space outside the city and must rest for a while before pushing the ground further inland. Now that a number of scout teams have been sent to investigate the enemy's reality and reality, Pingxi Wang faintly felt that there was still a greater threat after this city. In the previous three months of fighting, the opponent was able to withstand waves of pressure. You can know that they have strong backup. So the smugness that I thought before has now turned into deep worry.

This time the Western Expedition, the eight kings of the empire dispatched three of them, in addition to him and King Jiwu, there is also a King of Great Victory. That prince was not as powerful as King Jiwu, but he was famous for his name, otherwise he would not win the title of victory, because he would win every battle. But when he arrived here, he still had no chance of defeat, and the army he led had penetrated deep into the abdomen, and was preparing to point his sword to the imperial capital. Although King Jiwu didn't expand as much as he did, he had already captured many cities, and was besieging the big city Moseol at the junction of north and south.

He was the only one who had ambitious ambitions, but he was holding back the stubborn opponents. King Pingxi, who had only built an Ark Harbor in three months, never even made a step inland. Whenever he thought of this, King Pingxi became very angry, thinking that the momentum he had finally created was like the snow in winter and winter, and it was completely clean.

The more I think about it, the more I hate these western barbarians.

So after resting for three days, the army moved out and pressed inward behind the Ark Harbor.

To his surprise, the barbarian actually gave up a dozen large and small towns along the way, allowing him to occupy these towns without any effort. On the other hand, the people in these towns have been evacuated. Not only that, but all valuable things have been shipped away, let alone food and equipment. Therefore, King Pingxi occupied more than a dozen towns in one breath, but he only got some unpalatable stones. At best, it has a bit of symbolic meaning.

But this total interest relieved the urgency of burning eyebrows, so as to add a strong sum to his military merits, so that he would not lose an inch in March.

But then it didn't feel so good.

Moving forward, King Pingxi saw a scorched land. The farmland and forest were almost completely burnt, he was stunned, and grasped the barbarian's strategy.

This is an absolute household plan!

In this way, in the previous three months of hard work, during that period of time, these Western barbarians were afraid that they had evacuated the residents of the dozen or so towns they had previously occupied, and took away everything they could take. Then burned the fields and destroyed the forests, and would rather destroy the crops that you can't take away than leave them for food. This is to cut off their food. You must know that after three months, the rations they brought have been used up. Now that there are no crops, and the burning of the forest drove the animals away, it is difficult to find food within a hundred miles. Then comes the weather. The weather has begun to cool down. A large amount of wood is needed to make a fire at night. It is an indispensable fuel for heating or cooking.

Now, the absence of crops and wood means that soldiers can only cut down on food and clothing.

"Those **** guys!" King Pingxi's anger rang from the camp.

In the tent, the two dozen officers, large and small, were all frowning, and the enemy had shown a ruthless plan. Now the only plan is to ask the other two princes for food. Otherwise, let alone continue advancing, it will be difficult to maintain the cost of an army of hundreds of thousands. It is an embarrassing situation that cannot be advanced or retreated. A general said: "Lord, how about you send a letter to Dasheng Wang. Dasheng Wang and the old Wang often talk about wine, I want to borrow money for a small favor, he will not refuse."

King Pingxi also knew that this was a step from his subordinates. If he chooses a person between King Great Victory and King Ji Wu for help, he didn't want to look at King Ji Wu's expression on the face of the old prince who was above the bottom. You can only do that."

Suddenly someone got in from outside, and he knelt on the ground and said: "It's not good, the prince, the soldiers are poisoned. We suspect that there is a problem with the water source."

"What's the matter?" King Pingxi was shocked, and then he cut off the food and grass, and the poisoning came again. It was really a wave of calm.

He stepped out and walked around the barracks, and indeed many soldiers were poisoned. After careful investigation, there was a problem with drinking water. The barracks’ water was drawn from a nearby river. Apparently someone had poisoned it upstream, which caused the soldiers to be poisoned after drinking it. Now the poisoned soldiers are all gathered and treated by the military medical team. Fortunately, it is only a condition of diarrhea. The soldiers' lives are not affected, but morale is still affected.

King Pingxi returned to his camp, but he couldn't even get angry.

After the Ark Harbor was razed, Dawn Castle became a frontline base to fight against the Eastern invaders. Materials from the lower half of the southern border were transported into the city almost every day, and then distributed to several frontline cities after uniform distribution. The three-month war in Ark Port can be said to be extremely difficult, if it weren’t for Tie Songling and Edward who kept giving away food ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ Let alone three months, I'm afraid I would not be able to hold on for even one month.

And these three months won precious time for Edward's next series of layouts. At Edward's insistence, Ark Port abandoned the next few towns, and the neighboring towns under Edward's jurisdiction were also on the list of the empty city plan. More than a dozen towns and hundreds of thousands of people were evacuated in an orderly manner, taking away food, equipment, minerals and other valuable things. Really do not leave any grass, leaving only empty cities for the enemies of the Eastern Kingdom.

The next step is to destroy the fields and burn the forests, and then poison the water sources to maximize the morale of the enemy and pave the way for the next battle.

Everything is going on according to Edward's plan.

Residents evacuated from Ark Harbor and other cities and towns are accommodated in Dawn Castle and other cities, and they are guaranteed food and clothing. But even so, after all, leaving the city where they have lived for a long time, it is still difficult for many residents to adapt. This includes Ruola. For this woman who grew up in Ark Harbor, she is now lying on the big bed in the VIP room of Dawn Castle, tossing and turning.

Orlando has gone to the front line, and I am afraid that she will not be able to return today, so she looked at the strange city outside the window with a lot of emotion.

After the prince dispute, she could settle down to be a good wife and a good mother. The Eastern Dragon, who didn't want to appear suddenly, made all this come to nothing. She had to go into battle in armor and protect their territory with her husband. In the past three months, every day, familiar faces couldn't sleep. From the initial sadness to the numbness now, if I can't tell which is better.

Now that her belly is slightly bulging, Orlando does not allow her to continue fighting, so she stays in the Castle of Dawn and becomes an ordinary woman who is cheering for her husband who is fighting on the front line.

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