Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1597: Ride the boat

[Thanks to Brother Xiang, Ianlb, Doomsday Knight, Dead Boy and other brothers for their monthly rewards! In the new year, please continue to support! ]

"How is the situation of the prince?"

In the camp of the Eastern Army, a middle-aged general is walking towards the main account. Several military officers followed, one of them said humanely: "The prince's injury shouldn't matter, but the prey that came to his hand has gone away. The prince is in a very bad mood now. General Ma, I think you should go to the prince's mold at this time. Up."

"Do you think I want to do this? But there is no way. The adopted son of King Jiwu is coming soon. I have to inform the prince to be ready."

While speaking, the main account was watching, and several doctors came out of the account. One person was holding the water in the wooden barrel and turned into blood; the other person had a blood-stained scarf in his basin. It seemed that King Pingxi's wounds It's not light.

General Ma frowned and said loudly outside the tent: "Ma Yuan worships the prince."

King Pingxi said in the tent: "Come in."

The voice sounded slightly insufficient, and General Ma hurriedly revealed the account and entered the account with a smell of medicine. Sitting on the big seat, King Pingxi was holding up a small incense burner and inhaling, and asked, "What's the matter?"

General Ma knelt down and said, "I have just received an urgent report. The son of King Jiwu, Hong Lie, is bringing a team of people over, saying that we have made an attack late, so Hong Lie is sent to help our army. "

"Asshole!" Pingxi Wang took his five fingers, and the incense burner exploded in his hands. He suddenly got up and said, "The old King Jiwu can't help but want to get in with me?"

General Ma hurriedly said: "The prince calms down. That Hong Lie is the adopted son of King Ji Wu, and his fighting power is not weak. King Ji Wu has always been arrogant, and this Hong Lie has also cultivated the same temperament. Since King Ji Wu has appointed him, it is better for us to follow the boat. Let King Jiwu’s soldiers and horses play the forward for us. If you want to come with a strong temper, just a little excitement, there is no reason to shirk. Just let him fight with the masters on the barbarian side, if it is a good thing to fight and lose both sides. One piece?"

King Pingxi frowned, and he would definitely curse this Ma Yuan half to death when he replaced it on weekdays. But he fought Angeloni last night, and the other side's desperate style of play left him with lingering fears. At this time, Ma Yuan's proposal was quite in his heart. After walking a few steps back and forth to make a gesture, King Pingxi nodded and said: "Alright, I have suffered a little injury and need a few days to rest, so let King Jiwu take the lead for this king. I want to see how old Hong Lie is. Ability, I'm afraid that he won't be able to win the face for King Jiwu, and instead will make that old thing look ashamed."

Ma Yuan laughed with him at the moment: "If you really want this, you can also defeat the power of King Jiwu."

"Just do it."

The matter was so settled.

Dawn Castle.

"That's how it happened."

In the study, after hearing a report from a Dark Blade, Edward nodded and said: "Unexpectedly, this Anne has such a combat power, and she has stopped King Pingxi. If she is willing to take action, then our next battle will be It will be easier."

"Where is she now?"

"On the Bauhinia collar, Master Orlando is also there to heal his wounds."

Edward stood up and said: "Next, the bauhinia collar will become the frontline battlefield. I had to go there, but now it is just right. Go and prepare, I will go to the bauhinia collar. Anyway, I have to convince Annie. "

That being said, it is not that simple to persuade a strong man whose combat power is comparable to the Ten Saints. Even if Annie agrees, her conditions must be harsh. But at this time, it is worthwhile to win over a strong man with ten jihad powers, no matter what the conditions are.

After a while, a convoy was ready.

When Edward walked out of the City Lord's Mansion to get in the car, he was stopped. It was Ruola, she brought two maids with her. Edward waved his hand to make the person next to him retreat, and Ruola said, "Earl, I heard that something happened in Orlando?"

"Don't worry, Master Orlando just suffered some minor injuries, it doesn't matter." Edward smiled.

Ruola nodded and said, "I just received the news. I heard that a woman named Annie rescued him?"

"Yes, I am going to the Bauhinia collar now to see this Miss Anne. If we can get her help, it will be beneficial to our next war."

"No, what I care about is. Why didn't the earl send someone to rescue Orlando, but an outsider did it?" Ruola said solemnly.

Edward looked at her and said softly: "Ms. Ruola, this accusation is too severe. The Panlong Empire's pursuit and killing of Lord Orlando last night was very secret. When I received the news, Miss Anne had It was rescued. In fact, I'm still very curious about how Miss Anne learned about Lord Orlando. I went this time to solve this doubt."

These words are half-truth and half-truth, and if you pull it down, you can't find the flaw. Then he said: "Then please tell me, if there is no Miss Anne, will the earl send someone to rescue Orlando?"

Edward smiled and said, "Isn’t it obvious. Whether you are your husband or the son of the Marquis of Iron Spear, no matter which status you are, it is worth my effort to rescue the Lord Orlando. Ms. Jola, please believe me, although I can’t talk about how to be honest~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but I also know that some things must be done."

Ruola nodded: "Well, I believe you. I'm sorry to disturb you, count."

"No matter where, it is more important to be able to untie your knots."

After speaking, Edward got into the car.

The horse team is moving away, but Ruola's face is gloomy. A maid next to him said: "Madam, what's the matter with you?"

"I can't believe that man." Ruola shook his head and said, "He is not the same as Ellen. There are too many secrets in his eyes. He is a man who scares me."


"I have to send a message to the iron gun leader, use our channel."

In the carriage, Edward opened the curtain, and a Dark Blade rode up to the side. Edward said: "The people who notify us, block all the information channels, pay special attention to the news going to the iron gun collar. If they find it, stop it immediately and hand it over to me as soon as possible."

"Yes, my lord."

Putting down the curtains, Edward rubbed his eyebrows and said, "At this time, don't mess with me anymore, Ms. Ruola."

Bauhinia collar.

"I'm done, Hana, can I move a little faster? I'm sitting until I fall asleep."

In one room, Hannah was cleaning Angeloni's wounds. When the King of Peace West fought, this woman completely ignored the opponent's attack, and even suffered many wounds on her body. Even Hana, who was born as a mercenary, has been born to death many times, and she still frowned when she saw the wounds on Angeloni's body.

"If you want to hurry, don't move, Miss Anne, I want to end it soon."

Angeloni, who was holding up a wine bottle in one hand, shrugged and said, "Blame me?"

At this moment someone knocked on the door, and a gentle voice sounded outside the door: "I am Orlando, is Miss Anne there?"

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