Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1599:  Before the war

"Dig quickly. You must dig before sunset. Make no mistake. Anyone who doesn't do a good job has no food."

In front of the gate of Bauhinia City, a large area of ​​open space has been cleared as the battlefield at that time. There is a busy scene inside and outside the city gate. According to Edward's order, preparations for war fortifications are underway. The city gate used large equipment to carry a statue of artillery and install and strengthen the artillery. These Thor artillery were from the weapon workshop of Dawning Castle. They were superior in performance and powerful. Even though they were never used in the March War of Ark Harbor, they are now used. At Bauhinia City, it was obvious that he wanted to give the enemy who had come off a surprise. But it is not difficult to see that Edward was not optimistic about Ark Harbor from the beginning of the fight. Although he supported a lot of manpower and materials, all that was paving the way for the subsequent battle.

Stuck horse pits are being excavated in front of the city gate. These fortifications have been prepared before, and now they are almost at the stage of empty work. There are so many horse traps in front of the city gate. It can be imagined that they will cause a lot of obstacles to the enemy at times. But what makes the workers puzzled is that the width and depth of these horse traps are not in line with the previous standards, even if they are dug out. , Will also give people the suspicion of rushing to work.

In fact, it's not just a horse trap, but also a loose formation in defense. This puzzled the officers and generals in charge of leading the army. For this reason, there is a meeting in town today.

The host is naturally Edward.

A tactical sandbox has been set up in front of him, and Edward will conduct tactical deductions.

The leader of the mountain king, Broy, was protesting against Edward's shallow horse traps and loose defenses. Edward waited for him to finish before saying: "I know everyone's doubts, that's why we have today's meeting. That's right. Our trapped horse pit is not wide or deep enough, and the line of defense is full of loopholes, and other layouts are probably the same. It looks like we are going to send the Bauhinia City out. So I want to ask everyone, if you It is the leader of the enemy army, what do you think when you see such a city defense?"

"Still thinking about it." Bloy snorted: "Put it down directly."

"That's it." Edward said: "According to my observations, the enemy's coach, the man who calls himself King Pingxi, is very proud. If we see our defenses are so fragile, he is likely to personally rush into the battle. For him, after spending three months in Ark Harbor, he now needs a big battle to prove his ability. So I gave him this illusion, once he did..."

Edward reached out and picked up a model representing King Pingxi on the sand table, placed it inside the city wall, and placed several models of other colors around. He said: "At that time, he will find that we are loose on the outside and tight on the inside. I have already invited Miss Anne, the master who rescued the Orlando adults the night before, plus a few of us to go out together. The goal of this battle is Eliminate King Pingxi, their empire is known as Panlong. If the dragon has no head, it will probably become a mess. So the purpose of this battle is to kill King Pingxi, even if it loses the Bauhinia City. That's it, if the enemy forces are in chaos, we have a chance to recapture it. Not to mention..."

He blew to the back of the battlefield on the sand table, the sand scattered, revealing a model representing the army: "Our main force will be behind them. Once King Pingxi is killed, our main force will immediately rush to penetrate the enemy army. Let them become a mess. So I doubt if they can win the Bauhinia City."

"But this is always a bit risky." Orlando frowned. "Your arrangement is based on the Pingxi King's personal battle. What if he doesn't?"

"Then it will be a hard fight, but don't forget that our main force is behind the battlefield. This position is very convenient for attacking or retreating." Edward emphasized, and said: "And I thought that the lord's Personality, nine out of ten, he will rush into the battle in person. Of course, just in case, I will let Master Orlando in this position."

He clicked the direction of the city wall: "He couldn't kill Lord Orlando the night before. If I see you again at this time, I think he can't help it. People like him, even if they know there are traps, Will rush up too."

"Let me be the bait?" Orlando squinted.

Edward smiled and said: "Orlando is the best if you are willing to go. If you are worried about safety, then I have a backup plan."

He drummed the drummer.

A person walked into the conference hall. This person was similar to Orlando in terms of armor, figure, and hair color, and even his appearance was very similar, but his temperament and power were far less than Orlando. Edward walked over and said, "This is a stand-in I prepared for the adult. Let him replace the adult. I want to come at a distance, and King Pingxi can't tell the truth."

"You are thoughtful." Orlando shook his head and said, "But no, I'll do this. Since I want to pacify King Xi, I have to do it myself. A substitute, too many variables."

"You have to think about it, I can't guarantee that there is no danger."

Orlando said indifferently: "There is no security in war, that's it."

"okay then."

After discussing some details, the meeting was concluded. After everyone left, Orlando did not leave. Edward looked at him: "Something?"

"You all go out, I have something to talk to the earl." Orlando pushed the rest of the people away, reached out and picked up one of the models and said: "Earl Edward~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I have one thing that is very confused. We were confused the night before. At the time of the attack, I was certain that the signal had been released. Logically speaking, your Dark Blade should have received the signal, but until Miss Anne appeared, why did I not see any support."

Edward said blankly: "In fact, after receiving the news, I was already preparing to rescue your job, but Miss Anne moved faster. When the soldiers and horses supported by our side are ready to set off, you have already arrived at Bauhinia City."


"Does Lord Orlando think I will abandon you?"

Orlando looked at him and said, "Under the circumstances at the time, you didn't have a strong person on hand that could match King Pingxi. If you organize manpower to support you, it is likely that you will not be able to save me if you accompany the soldiers and horses. In terms of your character, it is not impossible to treat me as an abandoned son, what do you think?"

Edward smiled faintly: "But the fact is that you are safe and sound. The result is always more important than the process, isn't it."

Orlando shook his head and said, "Although you are from Allen, I honestly don't have the confidence to cooperate with you. Lord Earl, I don't mind being a castaway. I know that in war, the superiors have to measure far It’s a matter of one person, but one game. But if you want to do this, please speak frankly to me so that at least I will know that my death is worthwhile."

"If it were Ellen, I think he would do it."

Say leave.

Edward looked at the closed door, squeezed his fingers on the table, and suddenly flicked, as if venting. Then he sighed: "But I'm not him."

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