Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1605:     unpredictable


Chapter 1605 of the main text is unpredictable

The scent of tea was in the air, and in the study room of the City Lord's Mansion, the lights illuminate Lucy's face. After the butler made tea for Edward and the distinguished guests, he exited the study. Lucy closed her eyes and took a deep breath of the fragrance of the tea, then took a sip and savored it slowly. After the scent of tea filled her mouth, she drank it. She said, "So the situation on the side of the heaven star is so bad, is it an intruder from the East? That's a mistake..."

"Yes, if it weren't for your highness to lend a helping hand in time, in fact, I'm ready to give up Bauhinia City." Edward said: "It has been more than a year since your highness left. How is your highness?"

"Although there are a lot of unsatisfactory things, but it's pretty okay. On your side, Alan is gone, right?" Lucy opened her eyes.

Edward nodded and said, "There is a lot of pressure, both internal and external. But this is where Master Ellen's foundation lies. No matter what, I will keep it for him."

"It's a pity that what I brought here this time is only a guard, and I have another mission."

Edward shook his head and said: "His Royal Highness is interested. It is enough to temporarily relieve the urgent need. If everything depends on His Highness, you will be blamed if Master Allen knows about it."

Lucy laughed: "Ellen won't blame you, I still know that. Speaking of Ellen, he should come to Paradise Star soon."

Edward shook his body slightly: "His Royal Highness has news from the young master?"

"It's a long story." Lucy put down her teacup: "You know, Alan left everyone because of what. That's right, that's his identity as the son of twilight. After returning to Idahua, I have been looking for The way to change his destiny. At last he has some eyebrows, and one of the clues points to the heaven star. I have already notified Alan, so it will not be long before he will be there."

"This is really great." Edward asked again: "Can I help Your Highness?"

"No, you just need to defend Allen's territory. As for the rest, I will find a way."

"By the way, there is probably one more thing you need to pay attention to."

Edward raised his head and Lucy said: "I need you to pay attention to a woman named Angeloni. This woman may be unfavorable to Allen. In fact, Allen and I will go to Paradise Star this time, except for looking for ways to change Allen's fate. In addition to methods, this woman is another reason why we are here."

Then Lucy roughly described Angeloni's appearance.

After hearing her description, Edward showed a shocked expression. Lucy raised her eyebrows: "Why, have you already seen her?"

"Angeloni...Anne?" Edward said solemnly: "If I'm right, a woman named Annie might be Angeloni that His Highness said."

Lucy stood up suddenly: "Where is this person?"

Edward immediately called a Darkblade and gave orders. After a while, the Dark Blade came back and said to Edward: "My lord, the woman named Annie is no longer in the city. A guard saw her leaving at dusk..."

Lucy squinted her eyes and said, "What a cunning woman, what did she do here?"

Edward frowned and said: "This is the strange place, because she saved Father Miró and Orlando, and just today, she accepted my invitation to fight the other's strong men to the death. If she is against Master Ellen, then Why does she do these things?"

"What an unpredictable woman..." Lucy was also surprised.

Also on this night, far away from the iron gun collar, the emperor team from the east had surrounded the gun city. Just outside the gun city, the farmland that originally belonged to the gun city has now become a wasteland. The army of the Panlong Empire leveled this place, and countless military tents were erected on the wasteland to establish a heavily guarded barracks. The braziers in the barracks illuminate the camp, and the guards who strictly delineated the route pierced them, making the strategy of attacking the barracks only a joke.

In the center of the camp, in a gorgeous big tent, the sound of wind music was wafting from the opened camp tent. The camp was brightly lit, and seven dancers were dancing lightly with their sleeves. Musicians from the East played the flute and played the piano. The camp was extremely sensual. There is a gorgeous couch in the camp, on which King Jiwu lies on his side. A stunning beauty with only a tulle was sitting on the ground, leaning on the couch, sending pearl-like grapes to King Jiwu's mouth. There are also two fragrant beauties, one with hammer feet and the other with shoulders, obediently serving this powerful old prince of the Dragon Empire.

At this time someone broke in, and a general pushed the two women to the ground and laughed: "Will the prince taste the taste of this barbaric woman."

King Jiwu's eyes were half-opened and half-closed, as if he was asleep, but he said, "Forget it~www.wuxiaspot.com~, they are just vulgar people. They are tasteless, so what's the use?"

"Yes, these savage girls are not as good as the beauties carefully trained by the prince, that is my interest in breaking the prince."


A soldier shouted outside the book.

King Jiwu frowned: "Yuyao, go see what's going on."

On the side of the couch, the man standing with his hands under his hands and half of his face covered in iron immediately went out silently. After a while, he came back, his eyes solemn: "Master Hong, there is an accident."

King Jiwu opened his eyes violently, and his eyes shot sharply: "What happened to my son Hong Lie?"

"I just got the battle report from King Pingxi. In today's siege, Commander Hong... Commander Hong died!"

"What?" King Ji Wu got out of control and shook his five fingers. He had put his hand on the woman who was feeding the grapes. This grip immediately squeezed the woman's hand off. The young woman screamed in pain, King Jiwu glared at her angrily, waved her hand across her face, and directly slammed her up in the air. When she fell to the ground, her neck was broken and her neck was broken.

The other two women trembled. Fortunately, King Ji Wu did not pay attention to them. The old man stood up and said coldly: "Who killed Hong Lie?"

"It was said that it was done by a strong enemy. When King Pingxi arrived, Commander Hong had already been killed."

"Come here?" King Jiwu sneered: "Since it is a siege, and the opponent has a strong man, why didn't the boy of King Pingxi come together. This is clearly to let Hong Lie die for him, okay, King Pingxi. Yours I have a lot of courage, and those who dare to use a knife to kill me. Very good, Yuyao, prepare the horse!"

The iron-faced man knelt down and said: "The prince, it is not appropriate for King Hepingxi to turn his face at this time. Moreover, there is another person who killed the leader of Hong, regardless of whether it was King Pingxi's murder. But if you trouble him because of this. , I’m afraid it will attract the interference of the Great Victory King."

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