Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1607: I am back

Chapter 1607: I'm Back

"Master Edward!"

Standing in front of the tactical sand table in the conference hall, Edward turned his head, and a dark blade knelt down, with a panic expression: "There is a new situation in the enemy camp."

Feeling an uncomfortable sensation in his heart, Edward asked in a deep voice, "What's wrong?"

"The enemy camp, the enemy camp has added an army."


"It should be." The dark blade roughly described the army.

Edward narrowed his eyes and said, "From your description, it seems that it was the blood-coated army who had suffered the Marquis Horne in Tieqiang Ridge not long ago. That was the elite of another king of the Panlong Empire, I remember If it’s right, it seems to be King Jiwu."

The Dark Blade member replied: "I'm afraid that's the case. There is a word'wu' on the battle flag of that army."

Regarding the words of the Panlong Empire, it was recently that Edward asked the Dragon Sect, who also came from the Eastern kingdom, to these Dark Blade members, so that they could recognize the enemy's banner. Hearing Dark Blade's answer, Edward's heart was extremely heavy. If it is really the King of Extreme Martial Arts, it will be troublesome.

"Call everyone in Orlando for me."

After a while, Orlando and other generals entered the conference hall one after another. Edward asked Dark Blade to report the new situation to these people, and then said: "Everyone, this is the end of the matter. It seems that we have to abandon Bauhinia City. The opponent has already done so in terms of military strength and the number of Saint-level powerhouses. Overtaking us, the balance of war has been severely unbalanced. If we reluctantly confront it, we will only lose everything."

Broy was annoyed: "Are we just giving away Bauhinia City like this?"

"Of course not. In fact, I have planted enough explosives in this city, and prepared the dead man who detonated the explosives." Now, Edward is not afraid to tell them his other backup plan: "I intend to resist for a while. , And then evacuated the city, and waited for the enemy to enter Bauhinia City, let the dead men detonate explosives everywhere, reducing the enemy's strength to the greatest extent and preparing for the next battle."

This is a tragic strategy that must not be followed, but now, everyone has no idea. In the face of absolute power, even those who are as intelligent as Edward can only achieve this level.

At the same time, in the outer space some distance from the heavenly star, suddenly light appeared. A ray of light outlines a gate-like shape, and then a colorful spot spreads from the center. When this blurred color spread all over the door, something came out of the door. A jet-black starship leaped out of the space gate like a swimming fish, and blood-red lines were scattered on the starship, and the flashes were like the breath of living creatures.

One starship after another drilled out of the space door, and behind the many starships, a huge shadow appeared at the space door. This is a seat ship, and those dense turrets illustrate its destructive power from another side. If the previous starship was a fish, then this big guy is a humpback whale.

In front of the huge porthole in the command hall, there is a vast space. A pair of eyes had a panoramic view of the space, and the spiked iron gloves were moving their fingers, tapping the handrails again and again. The man sitting on the pitch-black flower seat had a sharp contrast between the broken silver hair and the black armor. On his handsome and majestic face, with red eyes looking forward, he sighed: "I'm finally back here."

The voice of the young emperor of the Shadow Empire was full of exclamation.

Wearing a retro-style armor of the Baer, ​​Lola, with her long hair naturally hanging down, stood on the left side of the emperor, and said softly: "Yes, I don't know if Edward and the others are okay."

The black long coat was put on him, and Belmode was silent.

Allen raised his head to look at his confidant, and said lightly: "You want Kirara, right?"

When he was forced to leave the heaven star, Belmode didn't bring Kira with him. Now when he heard what Ellen said, he smiled: "She is a good girl, maybe she is married."

"Did you not let her wait for you?"

"No, I didn't think about the chance of coming back."

Allen sighed, "Yes, at that time, I never thought we would come back. We can come back!"

"But no matter what, we are back!"

This fleet arrived in the outer space of the heavenly stars, and Allen did not rush the entire fleet into the heavenly stars, but instead took another starship into the atmosphere with Belmode. After a while, the starship had already passed through the atmosphere, and the rich colors on the heavenly star suddenly hit the eye. It was different from the appearance of Agareth where there were red ground and blood sea everywhere. Heavenly stars are obviously much more beautiful, at least in terms of human aesthetics. After activating the stealth mode, the starship swept in the direction of the Balkan Empire. Alan sat on the seat with her fingers intertwined, in a mixed mood.

There is the joy of seeing Lucy, Edward and others goodbye; there are also conflicts that will eventually face Angeloni, the last voter on this **** road. Especially for the latter, Allen hasn't even figured out how to solve Angeloni's trouble. From what Ofascius said, Angeloni should have deliberately left clues to let people know that she was heading to Heavenly Star ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It is not difficult to see that she is a cautious woman from her previous careful behavior. How could a prudent person leave such obvious clues unless she did it on purpose. So the problem came, the woman seemed to be planning to have a break with him at Heaven Star.

On the other hand, the clues Lucy got from the Origin Slab also point to the Star of Heaven, and even Alan can’t tell whether this is a coincidence or an inevitable fate. Reminiscent of when he was lost in the starry sky, but unexpectedly came to the heaven star, as if there is an unexplainable force guiding all this. There are so many secrets on that planet. The natives of the planet, the relics of the Queen Rose era, are now related to the origin slab.

The secret of all this seems to have reached the time to reveal the answer.

"Huh." Laura's voice reminded Allen.

"what happened?"

"Look." Laura walked to the porthole.

Allen walked over, frowning now. The starship has arrived at the Ark Harbor, but from the porthole, the Ark Harbor has become a huge ruin. At this time, a flame rose in the distance, which seemed to be the direction of Bauhinia City. Allen made a gesture, and the pilot immediately steered the starship away. But in the blink of an eye, Allen saw that beneath the Bauhinia City had become a huge battlefield, and knights in bright red armors were constantly flocking to that city. The other side of the city resisted stubbornly, and artillery fired on the wall, continuously creating fireballs among the red army. However, the red army did not seem to be weak, even though the artillery fire from Bauhinia City was not small, it could not fundamentally stop the advancement of this army.

Laura frowned and said, "Do you want to help?"

Allen laughed: "It goes without saying that guys who don't know where they are from, dare to raise the idea of ​​my territory!"

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