Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1630: Assembly number

In the darkness, the beginning of the fluorescent light flashed first, and suddenly a group of small creatures rushed out of the darkness. This is a square-like site in the middle of the street. The group of dwarfs rushed out of several damaged buildings. They just arrived in the middle of the street. Red, cyan, and blue lights suddenly lit up in the darkness. The red lights are fireballs, the size of a fist, and of average power, but they are triumphant in large numbers, and they are poured over like a shower. The cyan light spears aimed at the strongest among the gnomes as chest stabs. The blue one is two electric whips, one left and the other crossed and swept, not letting go of a dwarf.

The fireball fell first, causing the dwarf to scream, and the fire light also illuminates these creatures that have lived deep underground for many years. Their eyes are degraded, and their eyes are as small as mung beans, which are more decorative than practical. They have short limbs, wrinkled skin like newborn babies, and they use primitive weapons. Short knives, wooden shields, slings, and blow arrows seem to be less threatening, but in fact, in the hands of these flexible guys, they can often cause no small harm to adventurers. But now, before the dwarves can play their own advantages, they have been blown out of formation in the rain of fire. Several of the strongest dwarf warriors passed light spears through their chests, and the rest was swept by the intersection of two left and right wires The whip was as black as charcoal.

After these dwarfs died, the flames lighted up, and then a team of people marched into the field. The leader was a middle-aged swordsman, and behind him there were seven or eight warriors with swords and guns, and their costumes all had a gray storm symbol. The middle-aged swordsman made a gesture, and two men went to the dwarf corpse and cut off their ears as trophies.

"Captain Lowe, this time we cleaned up this block, and we will definitely get a good reward from Elle Brother when we go back." A soldier carrying a spear laughed.

The unsmiling middle-aged swordsman Muna nodded and said: "If there is no accident, this reward is enough for the expansion of our Grey Storm Mercenary Corps."

"Maybe we can annex one or two small mercenary groups, which is more conducive to development." A big beard holding a double axe nearby suggested.

"We'll talk about everything when we go back."

Two hours later, they returned from the dark dungeon to the bright camp. This is the eleventh floor of the Tomb of the Blood King. More than a year ago, the empire opened up the exploration rights of the eleventh floor to all adventurers and established a front-line camp to serve as a place for adventurers to relax. The Fire Lion General Eligo, who is stationed in the cemetery, even marked the price of the creatures in the cemetery on the 11th floor. As long as the adventurer brings back the corresponding proof of combat achievements, he will get the reward he deserves. For more than a year, Ellie has been very trustworthy in this regard, so more mercenaries and adventurers have poured into the cemetery. Under the exploration and exploration of a large number of personnel, the cemetery on this floor was almost completely swept away. A mercenary group like Grey Storm is nothing more than a middle and lower-level group in this cemetery, but the combat exploits that can sweep a block are enough for them to exchange for the expense of expanding the mercenary group.

Back in the camp belonging to Graystorm, Lowe heard the assembly horn sounded outside as soon as he finished finishing the proof of his achievements. He frowned. He did not require many mercenary groups and all adventurers to gather like this. The last time he found a powerful monster in the cemetery, he needed to gather a large number of people to fight together. And that was half a year ago. In this year, the number of collective gatherings like this did not exceed three times.

"What's the matter?" The deputy commander looked worried: "Could it be that the terrible guy was found again?"

Lowe was also in a heavy heart. The last time a large number of mercenaries and adventurers gathered in a crusade against that monster, various groups suffered various battle losses. Grey Storm also sacrificed a small portion of its members at the time, and it was only after half a year of recruitment that it was able to recover its vitality. Unexpectedly, only half a year later, I received such a collection number.

"Go, go and see."

Lowe took his long sword and left the camp with the deputy head. On the square of the camp, a row of soldiers who died of fire lions separated the square. Only the head and deputy heads were eligible to enter the square. After Lowe showed his proof, he walked into the square with the deputy heads. A high platform was erected on the square. After all the group leaders had arrived, the horn changed again. After the exciting trumpet sounded three times, someone stepped onto the platform.

"Sir Elli?" Lowe whispered: "It seems that there is something important to announce."

The last rally number was only explained by Andy, the lieutenant of the Perishable Lions. Now that Ellie stepped onto the high platform himself, things were obviously not ordinary. As a result, the atmosphere in the square is even more solemn.

After scanning the crowd in the audience, Ellie said in a deep voice: "More than a year has passed since the opening of this cemetery. During this time, thanks to your outstanding performance, the eleventh floor of the square Seeing to be cleaned up~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Originally at this time, I should have waited for the graveyard to be completely cleaned up, and I would give you more rewards. But now, I can’t do that. Everyone, Empire We are encountering the last crisis, we need everyone’s strength."

Lowe and the deputy commander looked at each other. In fact, before that, he had heard about the reason for the invaders in the empire, and many mercenary groups had withdrawn from the graveyard of the bleeding king in the past two months and turned to Other battlefields. But Eligo never mentioned the intruder, and the mercenaries and adventurers didn't care too much. But now it is necessary for Ellie to gather the leaders of all the groups to announce this. It seems that the empire has reached a time of urgency.

Ellie gave a dry cough and said, "Don’t get me wrong, this time the crisis of the empire does not come from the eastern invaders. Although the invaders from the Panlong Empire are powerful, they are not enough to overwhelm the empire. This time, The crisis is caused by other things. Up to now, we have not found a solution, but in view of the current situation, considering that there may be a greater disaster, so I call you here."

"Just a week ago, there was a sudden rain of blood in the empire. The terrible thing is that the people who were soaked in the rain of blood developed fever the next day. This is completely different from ordinary fever and fever. Doctors across the country It was impossible to solve this disease. However, on the third day, all the sick people changed. They became monsters. Gentlemen, the number of patients suffering from fever reached about 40% of the total population of the empire. Suddenly we lost nearly 40% of the population, and there were more than a million monsters!"

"Not only we suffered heavy losses, but the same situation occurred in the Eastern Army. Now one of the princes of the Panlong Empire has defeated the king and has proposed a truce to his Majesty in the name of the Panlong Empire."

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