Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1721: 1 class together


Chapter 1721 of the main text gather together

"Cough cough cough cough."

A man poked his head out of the thick smoke, his hair was tied in two ridiculous braids, his forehead had a fleshy bump, and he had one missing front tooth. This look is as ridiculous as it is. It happened to be wearing a pink suit, which was nothing short of nonsense.

In front of him was an old-fashioned off-road vehicle. The vehicle had been modified and the tires were much larger than usual. The four exhaust pipes at the rear of the car were erected obliquely, and they were desperately spraying thick smoke.

"How about, Rich, can you still drive?" A man jumped out of the car, wearing a sky blue jacket, but wearing only a pair of shorts, showing two fluffy feet. He also wore two bunny ears on his head, as if going to a masquerade party.

Rich, who was missing a front tooth, said, "Boss, you can still drive, but we don't have much gasoline left."

"What's the matter?" A shrill female voice sounded in the car. It was a woman in full dress. The exaggerated clothes and crown on her head looked like a princess of which country. It's just that this woman is a bit too ugly, her face is covered with pits, not to mention, she also has a rosacea. Thick eyeshadow was applied to those dead fish eyes, and the two thick lips were also painted with bright lip color.

She hugged a man, and the man in a clown costume also said, "Yes, that's right, what does it matter? Anyway, the Beer City is coming soon. When you get there, don't you have everything?"

"It's my baby who said yes, come and kiss." The woman opened her yellow teeth and leaned toward her with a long mouth.

The clown jumped out of the car and shouted: "Don't kiss me, or I will commit suicide."

"Then you die!" the woman screamed.

The clown really took out a gun and put it on his forehead, and then shot. The gunfire was loud, but a rose popped out of the muzzle. The clown bit the rose and jumped into the driveway: "My dear, this is for you, as long as you don't kiss me, you can say anything."

"All right then." The woman took the flowers, and the bird leaned against the clown's chest like a human.

Wearing bunny ears on his head, the man and Rich looked at each other, and then yelled at the same time "insanity". Bunny Ears waved his hand and said: "Last time, the little ghost of William's family will also go to the Beer City today. Our mission this time is to kill that little ghost. As long as we kill him, we will get a generous bonus. The killer group will shine in the dark world in the future. Thank you for this civil war for reshuffling all the forces. I love this world."

Rabbit Ears laughed and jumped into the car, Richie with two braids smirked, got in the car and started, the car was spraying heavy smoke, swaying forward and falling off the car from time to time Certain parts.

The rickety car is like an old man walking **** the ground. When the moon comes out, I see the huge barrel sculpture in the Beer City.

As night fell, the town was surprisingly lively. All kinds of people can be seen everywhere in the streets and alleys, drunks hanging shoulders, prostitutes...women desperately soliciting business, vendors selling various crafts, and every bar is overcrowded.

Alan is now in one of the bars. This bar called Bai Guo is also ranked in the beer city. The bar is decorated in white, just like wandering in the bar in winter. You can see girls wearing white tube tops and shorts everywhere. They deliver wine to the guests, and if the price is right, they will also provide some special services.

The bar has three floors, with a ballroom downstairs, a casino on the second floor, and boxes on the third floor. If it was the past, Leon would definitely hold a party in the box. But tonight, he booked a deck on the first floor, so Allen, who was sitting in the deck with him, had both ears bursting with crazy music. Even talking here has to yell, Alan is a little confused, when Leon likes to live so much.

Before Adele and Jin Liancheng arrived, Leon called for a few bottles of beer and touched the thigh of the wine delivery girl. Then he said to Allen, "How do you like it here?"

Allen was noncommittal and spread his hands.

Leon laughed and said: "I didn't like it before, and I don't know if it is the reason why I have been fighting on the surface in the past few years. It seems that my taste has become vulgar. But I really like this place, Alan. Look, for these people. What kind of civil war and who is president is too far away. They only care about the happiness of tonight."

Allen looked out of the deck. Indeed, as Leon said, everyone inside had a smile on their faces. They drank heavily, laughed loudly, and no one talked about the civil war or anything. The most talked about is wine and women, and the dance floor is even crazier. Men and women shook their bodies desperately in there, as if they were using endless energy. There were even men and women who kissed and touched directly inside, causing people nearby to roar loudly.

Perhaps for these people, this is life.

"The women here are not the best, but there is nothing to say about their body, and the people are also enthusiastic and relaxed. How about, I will pick a few for you tonight?" Leon said half-jokingly.

As soon as he finished speaking, he knocked someone on his head. Leon got up angrily, but after seeing the person entering the deck, his anger disappeared. He changed to a grinning face and said, "Adele, your hands are strong. See you again."

It was Adele who came in from the deck, she was still dressed in men's clothes, like a tomboy. She shook her fist and said, "Allen finally came back once, so don't teach him badly."

"Speaking like how serious he is."

Adele gave him a white look: "Always more serious than you."

Then he shouted outside: "They are here!"

Alan stood up and followed Adele's line of sight. Someone squeezed out of the crowd, but it was Jin Liancheng who had not been seen in a long time. The young master of the Jin family has matured a lot now. The facial features of the oriental people are very eye-catching in this bar. Jin Liancheng is suave, and many girls are spinning around him.

He shrugged towards Ellen, and didn't know what he said to the girls around him, and the girls let go of him with a smile. One of them daringly squeezed his ass, Jin Liancheng ran away with embarrassment, but Leon almost died laughing.

Entering the deck, Allen gave him a hard hug. Jin Liancheng slapped Allen on the back and said, "I'm glad you are back, Allen."

"I am also very happy to meet everyone, Liancheng, how are you doing?"

Letting go of Young Master Jin, Allen looked him up and down. Jin Liancheng smiled and said: "The past few years have indeed been running around on the surface. It's not good, it's not bad."

Leon, who had finally finished laughing over there, pulled Alan and pointed at Jin Liancheng and said: "Don't listen to him. Our Young Master Jin is just running errands. We seduce two little girls while running. This guy is already I got married and gave birth to a son this year. The days are nourishing. I am like me. I am the one who has been struggling to fight every day, and the women who have fun are all popular."

Adele rolled her eyes: "Compared to Alan, you are already in heaven."

There was a silence in the seat, how Alan left and how he would go to Agareth, several people inside know. Adele's unintentional words evoked the heaviest concerns of several people, and the atmosphere naturally became serious.

Allen laughed first: "I am relieved to see that everyone is having a good time. Come, let us have a toast, and celebrate the four of us finally being able to get together today!"

He raised his wine glass.

When the four wine glasses collided, the atmosphere revived. The four people drank wine while talking about their lives over the years. From their conversation, Allen also heard the actions of the family behind them.

After the Civil War, the three giants in the past also became their masters. Leon's family still supports the Confederation, and the Smith family has fallen to the side of the Golden Lion. As for the aristocratic family underneath, there have been many changes.

The Mawson family had been on good terms with the Beskard family before the Civil War, and now they are even more in the same spirit, and together with the small and medium-sized family, Beskard is the head. Now Beskod has been called an invisible giant, except for its background is a little worse than that of a giant like the Smith family, its influence and army are not lost to any one at all.

As for Jin Liancheng's family, they remain neutral, which is also the attitude of many businessmen, even if they secretly prefer one of them. But on the surface, they have to maintain a neutral attitude. As for the Federation and other forces, they also acquiesce in their neutral attitude, so merchants are the least affected by the civil war.

"In fact, it will cause a civil war. In my opinion, it is not all Capulo's responsibility." Leon burped and said: "The Federation has existed extremely serious contradictions before, and now this contradiction just broke out early. It’s just coming out. The Nirm’s invasion was an opportunity, and Capulo and the others took advantage of this contradiction ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to split the Federation."

Allen nodded: "I've heard my grandfather say before, but this kind of contradiction has always existed, and it doesn't only appear in a day or two. Now there is a more serious thing to happen, the civil war must end, even if only temporarily."

Jin Liancheng glanced at Adele and said, "Adele also said on the way here, Ellen, will the so-called cosmic dusk really come?"

"It's not really coming, but it's starting." Allen sighed: "I'm back this time because of this incident."

Leon sat upright and said loudly, "Brothers, we will only drink tonight and not talk about the annoying things. Save these things for tomorrow, cheers."

Allen shook his head and said, "You guy has become an alcoholic."

When they raised their glasses, a smoky off-road vehicle stopped outside the Baiguo Bar, and a doorman stepped forward and said, "Hurry up and drive away, your broken car can't be parked here!"

Suddenly the car door opened, and Rich, who had missing front teeth, jumped down and said with a smirk: "Then where do we have to stop?"

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