Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1731: Day of negotiation


Chapter 1731 of the main text, the day of negotiations

"Do you like me?"

This is a very common sentence, perhaps everyone will hear this sentence more or less in their life. Those words sounded like a sunny afternoon, when you were still young, youthful, and you could love unscrupulously. Once we might think that we can hold each other's time, love is not old. But time reminds us more than once that it must not pass by and never return.

So you are walking on the journey of life, stopping by accident, and when you look back suddenly, you are surprised that the past scenery has been blurred and the vicissitudes of life.

Do you like me?

A very light sentence, you like it if you like it, and you don't like it if you don't like it. But no matter which answer, it means a choice. And after making a choice, there is no room for regret.

The room is very quiet.

Adele lowered her head and didn't hear any answer. She thought she knew the answer. Lips cocked slightly, smiling, ridiculously bitter. She intends to tell Alan that she is only joking with her usual nonchalant attitude. However, it is difficult to speak when it comes to the lips.

It seems that this sentence weighs a thousand catties, even comparable to a mountain.

Her hands were cold, but the corners of her eyes were slightly hot, and her emotions were on the verge of losing control. It's just her self-esteem and her pride that kept herself from crying.

Then a warm hand held her cold palm, and she raised her head to see Alan's hot eyes. The wind blew in the afternoon, and the wind opened the curtains, so the sun could fall on Alan's face, making the flying dust stop like an elf.

Allen reached out his hand, held her small face, and said a word in her ear. Then came the cry of Adele in the room, the crying louder and louder, and finally she cried like a child.

Allen said in her ear: "I like you, no matter the past, present or future."

Then Adele's fell.

At this moment, all self-esteem and pride had left her. She was crying. Only tears can wash away the long-term sadness and follow this man to the future with a more relaxed attitude.

In that future, she could not share the whole world with him. Because she knew that there were other women around her.


screw it!

At least, he owns a corner of his soul. Willing? Of course not to be reconciled, love is selfish, who doesn't want to have a loved one alone. But this cake is destined to be shared with many people, so if you are not reconciled, it will not change the ending. So what you can do is not to appear in front of him like a grudge, that will only make people annoying. A smart woman will make herself more radiant and win more attention.

And Adele is always very smart.

After crying, Adele washed her face and changed into a women's outfit. From now on, she no longer has to arm herself with menswear, because a man has promised to protect her. So she can be herself, Alan sits quietly, watching her changing clothes, putting on makeup, combing her hair, and finally standing up, looking as beautiful as a princess.

"Go, let's meet Mr. Kate together." Allen said, taking the princess's hand.

Adele's face was red, but she nodded without hesitation.

In the study, when he saw the well-dressed Adele child, the book in Kate's hand fell to the table with a snap, and then said: "What's wrong, my baby looks like a lark who can only sing."

Adele looked at Alan, wanting to say something. But Allen pulled back, and he stepped forward and said: "Mr. Kate, regarding the marriage of our two families, I want to modify the content. Before coming, I have obtained the consent of my elder brother Renner. I hope that I replaced my brother Rainer and completed the marriage of our two families with Adele."

Old Kate stood up directly and said excitedly: "Really?"

No wonder the old Kate was excited. His ideal candidate was Ellen, but Adele chose Renner instead of Ellen. Unexpectedly, after only a long time, things have changed like this, and old Kate is a little overjoyed. As wise as him, he couldn't figure out the key point. He sighed and looked at Adele and said, "Fortunately, Alan is here today, otherwise you will regret it in the future and Grandpa will be sad."

Adele shook her shoulders and lowered her head and said, "I'm sorry, Grandpa, I am wayward."

"Forget it, I can't be so headstrong in the future. Otherwise, it depends on Alan whether you want you."

"He dare!"

Suddenly, the girl returned to her fangs and claws, and Ellen and old Kate both laughed.

After leaving Mosen's house, Allen took Adele back to his home, met Horn in the study and explained the situation to him. Horn was also very satisfied with this result. Bethkod and the Morsen family had always been close, and now with the relationship between Alan and Adele, the two families will become closer.

And it was a choice made by the young people themselves, and Horn was happy for them from the heart. Called Roddy right now and asked him to announce it. In the evening, a small private banquet was held in Bethkod’s mansion, the heads of the families in the base were invited, and the marriage of the two families was announced at the banquet.

The banquet ended in the middle of the night, but the young people made trouble until the sky. Especially Rainer, who drove back from Petertown, caught Alan to drink, but finally gave himself to drink.

When the sky was shining, Allen took Renner to his room. Reina squinted his eyes and grunted and said, "You know, Alan. I didn't like you at all because you were so beautiful. I was thinking that such a guy should be my brother. He can get it. The battlefield? Even if you go up, you will be scared."

"But then I found out that you are also a ruthless character, so it's okay to think about it, so-so and qualifies to be my brother."

"Remember that on Rin Frost, we fought the Dark Titan together?"

Allen nodded.

"When I think about it now, it's like it happened yesterday. I think at that time, I really accepted you as a brother. If you are just a softie, I will admit you, but you are fine, you are not soft Egg. Haha."

"You know? You abolished the illegitimate son of Waffle, it's more enjoyable than defeating Capro. It's still too light to start. How can it be enough to just explode his eggs? You have to beat him to death, what a thing."

"you're drunk."

Allen pushed aside the room and threw the big guy Reina onto the bed. Reina hugged the pillow and shouted: "I'm not drunk. How could I be drunk? I can still drink. If you don't believe me, you can drink another dozen with me."

"All right, can't I give up? You know how to drink, so let's sleep now."

Reina said something vaguely, then fell into a deep sleep, snoring like thunder. Allen shook his head and stepped back from the room, his heart full of warmth.

In this way, another day passed, and finally, it was the day when the Federation and Kaprow and other forces negotiated. Today's negotiations are hosted by Mobit, the federal president, and important figures such as Caprow, Vincent and Warri will all be present. In addition, more than a dozen families, large and small, including Bethkode were also invited to attend. So early in the morning, Alan dressed neatly, and today he will attend the conference with Horn and Roddy. It is foreseeable that this conference will determine the fate of the future earth, and Allen sincerely hopes that it can be held smoothly and ended successfully.

After breakfast, there is already a spaceship ready at the base port. Arriving in the harbor on the speed car, Allen followed Horn and the two towards the spaceship. Many people came to see off, including Adele. Originally, Mosen's family also received an invitation, but Adele did not intend to attend, but just came to see off.

Today she is wearing a floral dress and a hat on her head. Although she no longer wears men's clothing, the girl still feels refreshed. She walked over, took Allen to the spaceship and said: "You have to be careful, I always think Capulo and the others can't agree to it so easily."

"I will, wait at home and wait for me to come back."

Alan lightly kissed her on the cheek, and then Adele let go of him. He stepped onto the airship, sat across from Horn and old Kate, and sat with Roddy. After a while, the body shook and the spaceship set off.

Leaving Beskod’s family base, heading to the federal city where the convention is held today, Caesar!

Mammos yawned and walked in the long passage. This is the ground base of the Federal Space Defense Agency. As a member of this place, Mammus is always proud of being able to serve on the base. It would be great if the working hours of the base could be shortened.

"Hey, Mamms. Didn't you sleep again last night, let Mr. Rica see you like this, should you be scolded again?" The oncoming colleague teased.

Mamms laughed and said, "You crow's mouth, I really can't figure out how Jenny would like you."

"Because I have a flexible tongue, it not only speaks nice things, but also does things that make Jenny happy."

"My God~www.wuxiaspot.com~This is at the base, so be careful when you speak."

"Okay, see you after get off work, buddy."

Mamms works on the monitoring platform of the base. His main job is to observe whether various satellites in space are operating normally. Of course, he is not the only one responsible for this work, but he is the only one who is mainly responsible for the sword of dawn.

This is why Mammus is proud of it. It is the sword of dawn known as the patron saint of the earth. With so many people in the entire base, he is the only one who can face the star rail gun every day.

As usual, Mammos came to his workbench, first opened the management system of the star rail gun, and scanned the readings. Then he hummed a song to pour himself a cup of coffee, returned to the workbench, Mammos took a sip of coffee, and started the self-check program of the star rail gun.

This is a tedious and uninteresting process. But Mamms was so content, humming a few tones while drinking coffee, and began to imagine that after get off work, he would go to the logistics department to have a drink with some of the new and hot girls in the logistics department and enjoy the night life. Thinking of him unconsciously laughed.

Suddenly, a message popped up on the scrolling screen, making Mamms's peachy fantasy disappear!

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